
Even Meng Fei couldn't believe his ears.

He stood up, but the scene that came into his eyes made him believe what they said.

Under the weak moonlight, a pile of mud gathered into a big ball and gathered upwards, and then two long mud arms stretched out on both sides.

The head of the mud man had two holes in a line and another hole below it. If nothing unexpected happened, it should be his two eyeballs and a mouth.

"What the hell is this?"

Meng Fei said with his eyes wide open.

Then, Gu Liu turned his body and asked him, "Is there something wrong with your road?"

Meng Fei shook his head, indicating that his judgment should be correct.

"Since a fox stepped over me last time, I swore silently that if anyone wants to step over me again, I will kill him!"

Who knew that the mud monster actually spoke aggressively there.

Meng Fei twisted his wrist and tilted his neck. Hearing what the slime monster said, it seemed that a fierce battle was inevitable.

However, Meng Fei looked enthusiastic, as if his hands were itching.

"Why are you so excited?" Gu Liu glanced at him helplessly.

"Needless to say, I'm so frustrated to be messed around by this fox!"

Then, Meng Fei took a step forward and hit the slime monster with his fist as big as a sandbag.

The power of that punch was so great that the big yellow dog watching on the side retreated repeatedly. It was very sure that if that punch landed on it, it would probably have become a dead dog.

You know, the big yellow dog is still a big monster!

Although this slime monster is also a strong one among the big monsters, it is estimated that it can't resist Meng Fei's punch.


The next second, everyone was stunned like an ice sculpture.

Meng Fei's fist, which was full of violent force, formed a big hole after hitting the body of the slime monster.

However, this did not cause any harm to the slime monster.

The slime monster took this opportunity to stick Meng Fei's whole hand directly, and then the mud on it dried up, as if it wanted to trap Meng Fei in place.

Then its two hands turned into two huge stone walls, and Meng Fei's body was sandwiched in the middle like a meat bun.

"Meng Fei!"

Although he knew that this guy didn't need to worry, he still called out subconsciously, after all, Meng Fei's situation was not very optimistic.

But then, Meng Fei's body burst out with power, and the stone wall that squeezed him was shattered, and then the trapped hand suddenly pulled away, and finally the slime monster couldn't bear it, so he had to let go of Meng Fei's hand and let it escape.

"This guy is harder to deal with than I thought!"

Recalling everything just now, Meng Fei couldn't help but said with a headache.

"Come again!"

However, the slime monster had no ability to do anything to Meng Fei.

So the man and the monster got entangled directly.

Meng Fei made his hand into a knife shape, and chopped it horizontally from the slime monster's neck.

However, as soon as his knife passed, it was like touching a sponge, and his strength was instantly absorbed, and even bounced his hand back a little.

Meng Fei was a little surprised and repositioned himself, and kicked the slime monster's lower body again.

After this kick, the slime monster fell directly to the ground, as if it really worked.

But Meng Fei clearly understood that things were not as simple as they seemed.

I saw the slime monster that had just fallen in front of me merged into the ground under his feet.

At this moment, there was no sound.

"What's going on?"

Meng Fei said with some disdain.

At this time, Meng Fei, who had just spoken for a while, suddenly felt a fluctuation under his feet, and then the fluctuation under his feet became extremely violent in an instant.

He lowered his head and looked, and at this time, the ground under his feet actually bulged out a large piece!

And it bulged upwards at a very crazy speed and size. Fortunately, Meng Fei reacted and fell from the huge bulge with a backflip.

Meng Fei realized that the area around was all bare mud, which was simply the natural battlefield of the slime monster.

Standing in such a place to fight it can be said to be quite favorable to this guy.

At this time, the body of the slime monster also became huge. Meng Fei looked up and could only see the tall figure of the guy. Even the moon hanging in the sky was directly blocked by it. Meng Fei's sight could not reach the moon because of it.

However, what is more ironic is that Meng Fei's previous attack can be said to have no effect on it.

The slime monster itself understands this truth even more, so it looks down at Meng Fei with a high attitude and says sarcastically: "Whether it is a weapon or a fist, no matter how sharp it is, no matter how powerful it is, it is useless to me! Useless, useless, useless, useless!"

"That's enough."

After Meng Fei said coldly, he took out a dagger.

It was nothing else but the demon-slaying sword!

"I don't believe this thing can't cure you!"

If the sword that specifically suppresses the regeneration ability of monsters doesn't work, then Meng Fei really has no other way.

After all, this thing seems to be a bit of a counter to him.

Fists are like non-existent to it, and Meng Fei is helpless.

So he had to take out the sword to fight it.

The sword flashed, and with a crisp sound of sword, Meng Fei slashed dozens of swords in the blink of an eye, and the huge mud monster in front of him turned into a pile of mud and fell to the ground.


Gu Liu celebrated with a little disbelief.

However, things are not over yet.

The sword to kill the demon is useless!

The guy actually reassembled again, and forced a hideous and ugly smile, which looked very weird.

But they all understood that his smile was really mocking them.

Meng Fei took back the sword to kill the demon, shook his head helplessly and said: "The sword to kill the demon can suppress the regeneration ability of the monster, but this guy's regeneration and reorganization ability is its essence, not its ability..."

For a while, he was a little helpless.

This roadblock was on their way, which was really a tricky problem.

"Get out of the way! Let me meet it!"

The words fell, and it was the voice of the big yellow dog.

It jumped to Meng Fei's side and confronted him.

Meng Fei saw that it was so aggressive, and he had no other options, so he simply let it go. After all, it was a powerful demon, so there was no danger.

"Look at my Heavenly Dog!"

It was that familiar move again!

The big yellow dog once again used a trick that almost made Meng Fei lose face in Wugong City!

The big yellow dog's mouth was now exposed, and the big mouth swallowed everything in front of it like a black hole.

The big yellow dog actually sucked away a lot of mud on the body of the slime monster, and the body became smaller little by little.

"Big yellow dog!"

This scene made Meng Fei, who was standing next to him, excited.

It seemed to work!

However, the slime monster was naturally not a fool. After feeling the terrifying power of the Heavenly Dog, it directly merged its entire body into the extremely deep ground.

"Damn it! Don't run!"

Meng Fei shouted at the empty space, and a confident smile rose on the face of the big yellow dog.

"Okay, dog, it's already gone, take the dog away, and we'll go straight through!" Seeing the slime monster run away, Meng Fei asked the big yellow dog to take back his magic power.

So, the big yellow dog took back his magic power, and just when they were about to pass through here.

That guy suddenly appeared again and blocked the group of people.

"Is it over yet?!"

Meng Fei's face was full of speechlessness.

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