"Zhengyi, are you sure you heard correctly?"

Meng Fei still couldn't believe it.

Xu Zhengyi nodded, very sure of everything he heard.

"How could it be?" Gu Liu couldn't believe it.

After all, how could something like a rune bamboo stick look so cheap? It was not an ordinary thing. How could all the soldiers and generals have such a thing?

"Let's see. If the lantern monster comes to visit us again, and if it really has a rune bamboo stick, then our future goals may have to change. This rune bamboo stick may also have a secret that we don't know."

Regarding everything that happened, Meng Fei could only say this, which may be a better way to deal with it.

If the lantern monsters after that really have rune bamboo sticks, this means that the yellow paper and the rune bamboo sticks may be very different.

Based on what they have experienced and learned before, it is certain that at least yellow paper will not appear on ordinary ghosts.

As for the rune bamboo stick, what they encountered was in the hands of less powerful monsters.

"If there really are lantern monsters, then it only means that the rune bamboo sticks are not controlled by strong monsters, but exist in a form of wandering in the world, so some less powerful monsters can get them. The situation of rune bamboo sticks has appeared, and since it has appeared, we can just collect another one. In the future, we can also focus on rune bamboo sticks, after all, it may be simpler. "

Meng Fei said to everyone with a serious face.

In order to verify this, they also chose to wait for the arrival of the Lantern Monster.

This is naturally very convenient for both parties. Meng Fei and the others quietly waited for the arrival of what should be the last lantern monster.

Some time passed.

About a whole day has passed, and it has been another extremely peaceful night.

Just when a few people looked up at the night sky, and even began to think that no more Lantern Monsters would come, a "star" finally appeared in the sky rushing towards them again.


Meng Fei stood up excitedly.

It was clear that he was about to be hit by the "star", but his eyes were full of excitement.

"You were the one who killed my good children!"

"I want you to pay with your life!"

A lantern monster that was bigger than all the previous lantern monsters appeared in front of them, also with flames on its body.

At this time, it was shouting at Meng Fei to destroy him, but Meng Fei still didn't take it seriously.

And he walked up to him arrogantly and admonished him: "Bring the bamboo stick, I will spare your life!"

"Bamboo stick?! How do you know...Forget it, it's useless to know, you're going to die anyway!"

The huge lantern monster was a little surprised when Meng Fei talked about bamboo sticks, but it didn't care. After all, it didn't think it would lose to Meng Fei with bamboo sticks.

And Meng Fei can also feel that the mother of this little demon lantern monster is indeed stronger, infinitely close to the strength of the big demon, but she is still like a bubble in front of Meng Fei.

As a result, Meng Fei's momentum exploded, causing the lantern monster in front of him to suddenly freeze.

Meng Fei's terrifying aura at that moment was brought about by that huge strength. It felt a great sense of oppression at that moment, and was even frightened to the point of retreating continuously.

Forced by this feeling, it had no choice but to directly take out the rune bamboo stick and aim it at Meng Fei.

"What's the use of being powerful? With it in hand, there's no one I can't kill!"

Seeing Meng Fei approaching, the lantern monster panicked.

"You can come and try it!"

Meng Fei was not afraid at all and kept approaching it.

As for giving it a chance, Meng Fei had given it a long time ago, and even deliberately exploded his momentum to make it surrender.

But Meng Fei didn't expect that not only would it not surrender, but it would actually dare to fight back.

Although Meng Fei had become numb to killing the lantern monster and no longer wanted to do it, this guy just didn't listen.

You could only see the lantern monster constantly moving the rune bamboo sticks, but strangely, Meng Fei was not affected in any way.

This made him a little dumbfounded, and he actually started to observe whether he had picked up the rune bamboo stick by mistake or something, but after careful inspection, he found that there was nothing wrong.

"Are you a ghost? Why are you out of control?!"

The lantern monster became more and more panicked. Although revenge was important, its own life was more precious.

In this regard, its children have done much better. At least they are not afraid and just bite the bullet.

"You see clearly, I am a human being, a living human being!"

Meng Fei arrived, snatched the rune bamboo stick away from him, and then punched him to kill him.

However, the punch did not land on the Lantern Monster, but stopped there the moment it approached.

"Did it work?" The lantern monster opened its fearful eyes and said in disbelief.

"What are you thinking about? I have all the things in my hands. Let me ask you one last question, how did you get this thing?"

As Meng Fei spoke, he waved the rune bamboo stick in his hand twice.

"I told you, can you spare my life?" the lantern monster said tentatively.

Meng Fei's eyes rolled, and then he said to him: "Maybe."

It was a little scared, these four words were not enough for it to say.

So, Meng Fei had no choice but to compromise: "Okay, I promise you, just say it."

"Okay! Let me tell you, it was my children who found it when they were wandering around the world. I don't know where it is. I only know that they brought this thing back and said it was a sacred object. I have been bringing it with me. It’s on…”



Just say it.

Meng Fei nodded with some satisfaction, which reflected his previous thoughts.

In other words, the yellow paper is possessed by the absolute strongest among ghosts, and is at least at the level of Tianyaksha, but the rune bamboo sticks are completely different. They are scattered between the sky and the earth. The lantern monsters can get the rune bamboo sticks because they themselves are Those wandering around the world have the same characteristics as the rune bamboo sticks, so the chance of encountering them is indeed higher.

Now it makes sense.


Just when the lantern monster was about to escape, Meng Fei immobilized it with a rune bamboo stick.

"You regretted it?"

Gu Liu stepped forward and said jokingly.

Meng Fei shook his head and said: "Just to confirm the authenticity. Since the probability of the lantern monster finding the rune bamboo stick is high, it is better to let them work for us. In other words, the original plan remains unchanged, we still look for the yellow paper first! "

Then, he withdrew the rune bamboo stick, and the lantern monster was also out of control, and then continued to fly away into the distance.

"Is it really okay to just let it go?"

Gu Liu said a little worried.

"It's okay. The moment it ran away, I brainwashed it with the Rune Bamboo Stick. After it goes back, if nothing happens, it will help us let other lantern monsters find the Rune Bamboo Stick, and it will be there again in the future. Future generations will help us do this.”

Meng Fei put his hands on his chest and said confidently.

"You're such a scary guy."

After hearing what he said, Gu Liu shook his head, and then looked into the distance silently.

And that direction was where they originally wanted to go, but after all the twists and turns, it still hasn't changed.

The nearest city ahead is called Lake City.

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