"Use his obsession to lure him out?"

Meng Fei said dubiously.

"That's right!" Gu Liu said, clapping his hands.

"But her obsession is to see her daughter. Where can we find her daughter?"

Lao Zhang on the side listened and expressed his own opinions.

Meng Fei patted Lao Zhang on the shoulder, then smiled and said: "It shouldn't be so troublesome, just like that kid who died, just find a painter!"

"So can you help us find a good painter? Lao Zhang?" Gu Liu bulged his eyes and looked at Lao Zhang with expectant eyes.

"Painter?" Lao Zhang had a look of embarrassment on his face and said straightly: "It's not hard to find this thing, but there is a problem. How should I tell them?"

Lao Zhang’s issue is worth noting.

When he went to find a painter, he couldn't tell them that he needed help catching ghosts, right?

After everything was done, the painter asked what he could do for me. You can just say something to someone to lure the ghost out, but then they won't be able to kick you away?

It's so easy to lure ghosts out, but who would have the guts to do it?

Not to mention being brave, there is no need for people to take this risk.

Gu Liu basically said before that ordinary people almost disappear in front of ghosts, so this thing is not that easy to do.

"I'll go down and fish her out!"

Meng Fei rolled up his sleeves, as if he really wanted to get into the water.

"No." However, this move was rejected by Gu Liu, so under Meng Fei's puzzled eyes, he explained: "This kind of ghost without self-awareness is difficult to catch, because there is no obsession, and the usual They are just a mass of intangible obsessions that even psychic beings cannot catch."

"That means we can only find painters?" Meng Fei was somewhat unconvinced.

Gu Liu sighed and said: "There is no other way, this is the only way."

Therefore, Meng Fei could only turn his eyes to the two people who belonged to Hucheng.

The middle-aged man shook his head. He didn't have the ability to do these things.

As for Lao Zhang, after some careful consideration, he finally made up his mind to go find those painters and see if he could bring one over.

"Okay, Lao Zhang, we'll be waiting for you here."

Meng Fei patted his shoulder, his eyes full of expectation.

They waited right where they were, preparing themselves for any unexpected events that would happen next.

And Lao Zhang's efficiency was surprisingly high. Unexpectedly, not long after, he actually brought someone over, who looked like a painter.

Seeing that Lao Zhang really brought people, even Meng Fei couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

"That's awesome!" Meng Fei praised.

However, Lao Zhang looked ugly, and it seemed that the journey was not so smooth.

"Don't talk about it. This journey was fast mainly because I was almost kicked out before I could finish my words. I found this person in some special markets..."

Lao Zhang said, then turned slightly to Meng Fei and said in a very low voice: "He is a forger of paintings, so he will come as soon as the money is available... But I think it is enough if he is someone who can paint!"

Not only that, the main reason why Lao Zhang looks ugly is not actually because he was kicked out, but because he spent a lot of money to find someone who can draw...

Meng Fei also understood what he meant, and then replied in a low voice: "It's okay, Lao Zhang. When the work is done, you can send us back later. Your benefits will be indispensable!"

"With your words, I feel relieved!" With Lao Zhang's eyesight, he had already seen Meng Fei's background, so as soon as Meng Fei said these words, he suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

"May I have your name?"

Then, Meng Fei turned his attention to the artist who made the fake painting.

"My lord, Lu Xiao, may I ask your Excellency?"

The man who called himself Lu Xiao seemed quite polite, and indeed looked like a money-lover.

"Meng Fei." Meng Fei introduced briefly.

Later, Meng Fei told him everything Lu Xiao was about to do.

However, this time it was unexpected. Lu Xiao's face changed immediately and he shouted: "How can this be done?! This old Zhangtou said he wanted me to come over and copy a masterpiece, how come it turned into such an evil job?! "

At this time, several pairs of eyes fell on Lao Zhang with doubts.

"Don't look at me. If I didn't say this, he wouldn't come!" Lao Zhangtou explained quickly.

It's hard for Meng Fei and the others to say anything. If Lao Zhangtou doesn't do this, they really can't do anything.

"Okay, how much can you earn from selling a fake painting?" After thinking about it, Meng Fei had no choice but to ask him.

Lu Xiao was not a fool, and answered straightforwardly: "Generally speaking, it is difficult to sell, but as long as you can sell it once, you won't have to worry about it for almost half a year!"

"Well, if you finish this matter, I'll guarantee that you won't have to worry about your life for three years!" Meng Fei said very grandly.

His heroic appearance made people around him unable to believe it.

As for Lu Xiao, he was silent for a while, and then said: "I am a bit suspicious, so I pay one part first..."

Meng Fei understood what he meant, and then he searched all over his body, and finally took out some things from the back. They were all gadgets that Jiang Rufeng had given him before, but what was certain was that they were not cheap.

So, he handed the gadget to Lu Xiao. The guy's eyes immediately shone, and he seemed to have forgotten a lot of important things. Then he listened to Meng Fei's words and ignored them, and just nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's act as soon as it gets dark!"

Everything was almost planned, just waiting for the night to come.

After all, according to Gu Liu, ghosts of this level are afraid of light, so they must act at night.


It was night soon.

Tonight is a full moon.

The moonlight is bright.

Lu Xiaozheng was alone in the broken house.

The moonlight cast into the house, and the portraits of Bodhisattvas and immortals in the house were faintly illuminated. The faces in the portraits seemed to have uncertain expressions, which made people feel terrified.

At this time, Lu Xiaozheng was kneeling in the hall, with a piece of white paper in front of him. He then picked up the paintbrush and moved slowly on the white paper.

Relying on the memory of painting fake paintings, he also had the experience of painting little girls, so he followed the memory of that time to paint the portrait of the little girl.

At the same time, his mouth was still trembling, and he kept repeating the words "stay awake, stay awake" in a low voice.

These were naturally arranged by Meng Fei and others.

Because Gu Liu and the others said that what he would face was first being visited by a ghost in a dream and then encountering a ghost. When he was visited by a ghost in a dream, he must not answer randomly and must stay awake. Asking him to draw a little girl was also intentional, the purpose was only to stimulate the boiling ghost.


Suddenly, the brush fell.

Lu Xiao felt his head sink and fainted on the ground.

At this time, when he opened his eyes again, he found a pair of bulging round eyes in front of him staring at him.

Lu Xiao was frightened and took several steps back. Then his legs were shaking, and then he trembled and said, "What are you doing? Don't kill me!"

The boiling ghost kept floating around him and asked in a pleading tone: "I want you to draw a portrait of my daughter, but I can't remember what she looks like. Can you help me draw it?"

"Can't remember what she looks like? Then how can I..." Lu Xiao's words were instantly stuck in his throat. At that moment, he regained his sanity and saw that when he uttered half of his words, the boiling ghost's eyes immediately changed.

So, Lu Xiao adjusted his mentality and said to Feigui slowly: "Don't worry, I can draw it, so let me wake up now!"

"Can I?! Hehe..."

The Feigui suddenly yelled at him loudly, and his voice was extremely weird.

Lu Xiao swallowed a ball of saliva, and then nodded firmly.


At this time, Lu Xiao felt a flash in front of his eyes, and his eyes opened instantly.

He finally returned to reality!

Lu Xiao sat up, picked up the paintbrush nervously, and moved slowly on a piece of white paper.

Meng Fei and the others specifically told him that the movements must be slow and must make her appear.

So, he made every stroke very slowly.

At this time, a cold hand instantly grabbed Lu Xiao's hand holding the paintbrush.

He felt a chill on his back, and he knew who the owner of the hand was without looking.

"Hurry up!" The Feigui seemed to see the deliberateness of his actions, so he shouted angrily.

The hands grabbed him tightly, as if they were going to drag him away.

Lu Xiao was so exhausted that his hands began to tremble.


The boiling ghost went crazy and began to use his hands to drag Lu Xiao into the water!

"Meng Fei!"

Lu Xiao collapsed and shouted.

At this moment, a figure appeared at the door of the broken house under the moonlight. It was Meng Fei!

The boiling ghost turned around and saw him, and his ferocious face roared at him crazily.

However, Meng Fei was unmoved. He just took out the yellow paper and moved his mouth slightly.

The boiling ghost was fixed in place and did not move.

Seeing this, Lu Xiao quickly ran to Meng Fei's side, his legs shaking constantly.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid." Meng Fei was also free to comfort his injured heart.

Then, it was finally Gu Liu's turn to appear. He threw out a few yellow talismans, and then recited the formula in his mouth to help the boiling ghost to transcend.

As Gu Liu did this, the body of the boiling ghost disappeared little by little.

"I suffered so much in my life, and I will not rest in peace after my death. So be it. I hope I can be reborn into a good person in my next life..."

Looking at the gradually disappearing body, Meng Fei said with deep emotion.

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