"Flowers that block evil spirits?"

Meng Fei was a little confused.

Since there are evil things, why does this kind of thing that blocks evil spirits exist?

So, Meng Fei turned his attention to the other people in the hot spring.

He moved to a plump fat man and saw that his eyes were slightly closed, so he should be awake, so he asked: "Excuse me, do you come here often?"

The fat man turned his head slightly and saw Meng Fei, and then answered lazily: "Yes, you don't know, I used to have a back disease, and the pain was really life-threatening, but since I came here to soak in the hot spring, my back disease has eased a lot, so until now, I have come here almost every few days."

After saying that, he showed an extremely enjoyable expression again, and his body sank further into the water, closed his eyes, and seemed to no longer want to answer Meng Fei's questions.

Meng Fei did not continue to ask him anything, after all, the fat man's words to him almost had the information he wanted.

Then, he observed the fat man's whole body and found that he was not infected by the evil spirit, and his body was getting better in such an environment.

"This is really strange..."

Meng Fei muttered to himself, and then returned to Gu Liu and the others.

"How is it? Do you have any clues?" Gu Liu asked.

Meng Fei nodded first and then shook his head, saying: "The information we got is all about the good things here, as if there is nothing else here except the beauty. It feels a bit nonsense to say some evil words here."

"So comfortable..."

At this time, Xu Zhengyi also sank his body into the water comfortably. Compared with them, this is really a paradise for him who has suffered since childhood.

At this time, Meng Fei also found something wrong. Seeing the twitching skin on Xu Zhengyi's face, he was surprised and said: "Zhengyi, you just had a comfortable expression on your face!"

You know, Xu Zhengyi has facial paralysis due to the previous injury. Except for his eyes, his face has no ability to express emotions.

However, just now, Meng Fei suddenly found that Xu Zhengyi's face actually showed an expression of great enjoyment. Although it was still a little stiff, it was a huge change compared to his usual expressionless face.

"It's true! The frozen-faced boy actually showed an expression just now!"

The big yellow dog not far from Xu Zhengyi also said in astonishment.

After hearing their exclamation, Xu Zhengyi also floated out of the water with an incredible look on his face, staring at his face reflected on the water.

And Gu Liu also observed the water again, and he used his palm to carefully feel the impact of the hot spring on him.

The hot spring water sent waves of comfortable warm currents to his palms, which immediately made him feel that his body and mind were greatly comforted.

"This hot spring water is not an ordinary thing? But does this miraculous effect come from the magic of this water or from somewhere else?" Gu Liu kept guessing in his head.

"Hey, damn, since there is no harm, let's just ignore it and have a good rest!"

Meng Fei also sank into the water and put all the bad things behind him.

Seeing him like this, the others naturally didn't care and devoted themselves to enjoying it.

Immersed in the enjoyment of the hot spring, time passed quietly without noticing.

Soon, night fell.

Somehow, the moonlight in the Peach Blossom Valley was so round and even bright.

The white moonlight sprinkled on the Peach Blossom Valley full of peach blossoms, embellishing a different kind of beauty.

"It's over, it's over. I've been delayed here for too long. I'm afraid I'll miss the cocktail party!"

At this time, Meng Fei and the others who were still enjoying themselves didn't know what was going to happen.

The strangers who were soaking in the hot spring came out of the water in a hurry, and then hurriedly put on their clothes.

This movement also attracted the attention of Meng Fei and others.

Meng Fei tilted his head, then observed the surroundings, and found that there were no other people around them, only one person was still putting on clothes in a very anxious manner.

"Hey, please? Why are you so anxious?" Meng Fei asked puzzledly.

The man glanced at Meng Fei with an unbelievable look, and then said in a similar tone: "Of course it's because of the moonlit party! If you go too late, you won't be able to catch it!"

"Cocktail party?"

Meng Fei shook his head in confusion.

Then he saw the man hurriedly put on his clothes, and then rushed out.

"Wait a minute, can you tell us where the cocktail party is held?!" Meng Fei asked hurriedly.

Fortunately, the man finally heard it, so he turned his head slightly and shouted to them: "Three forks in the road, go to the end of the middle one!"


After learning where the cocktail party was, Meng Fei also got up quickly, and then said to several people: "Let's get ready and see what's going on!"

"Okay! I agree a hundred times!"

Who knew that Gu Liu was very excited after hearing about the cocktail party. He probably had thought about breaking the taboo of alcohol a long time ago.

So, several people set off together and quickly packed up.

Then they all headed towards the direction of the cocktail party that the man had told them before.

Walking through the middle path of the three-way fork, there are peach trees nearby, and the fallen peach leaves on the ground are also very beautiful.

And the people who greeted them before, such as the two scantily clad women, are gone. It is estimated that they should have gone to the so-called cocktail party.

So they also quickened their pace, fearing that they would miss the opportunity.

A house that looked like an inn appeared in front of them, so they stopped for a while.

But after looking at the empty inside, they knew that this was definitely not the place for the cocktail party.

So Meng Fei and his friends found a small path on the side, with some shallow footprints on the path, and they followed the footprints directly.

At the end of the path, there was an extremely empty place, with peach petals floating on the ground like a carpet, and the moonlight was also sprinkled directly on it, and the scenery was very pleasant.

And on this open space, there were different figures one after another.

These figures even had different shapes and sizes!

Meng Fei and his friends were shocked.

Because what was in front of them was a picture they had never thought of.

That was a group of people and a group of monsters, actually smiling and drinking together in harmony!

Rather than drinking, it was better to say that they were tasting wine, because each of them, or each monster, had their own different fine wine in front of them.

They exchanged the fine wine in their glasses with each other, as if they were appreciating each other's fine wine.

"What on earth is going on?"

Meng Fei and the others were confused.

Just then, someone discovered them.

No, it shouldn't be a human. He has a demonic aura on him. He is obviously a monster, but he has changed into a human. He looks like a young master.

He came to Meng Fei and the others and asked politely, "Did you bring wine?"

Meng Fei and the others shook their heads honestly.

The young master monster was not angry, but continued to ask gently, "Can you drink it?"

"Anyone except him is fine." Meng Fei pointed at Xu Zhengyi's head.

"Haha, then please take a seat."

The young master monster was very polite, and his gentle attitude made it difficult for people to associate him with a monster.

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