A mere ghost can't detect anything.

In this case, he had to let Meng Fei lead him by the nose.

So he thought it was okay, so he agreed to Meng Fei's request.

Although he knew there was a ghost array in it, Meng Fei now completely ignored these controls, so he didn't have any concerns at all.

Of course, there was no need to have these concerns.

"Please come in." The old man in the form of a ghost still pretended to invite Meng Fei.

For him, it didn't matter whether he went in early or late, because sooner or later these people would all fall here without exception.

Little did he know that his confidence was extremely blind.

If it were normal, it would be normal to think so, but today was different from usual, but he thought it was normal.

Meng Fei walked into the house swaggeringly. What was different from before was that he used to be very careful and even habitually kept a hand. Now he seemed to have no idea what being cautious meant.

He stepped into the house in two steps, and under the blessing of the Dharma Eye, even the entire ghost array was visible.

Fenggui Village, which used to be a headache, now appears in front of Meng Fei like a piece of cake.

This inevitably makes him feel a little emotional. After all, it has not been long since then. Meng Fei has been a little late to realize his rapid growth and leap in strength.

Ding Dong...

A huge strange sound rang around him, and at the same time pulled him back from his memories.

Meng Fei then noticed that he was in the center of the clearly visible ghost array, and the owner of the ghost array was also looking at him in front of him.

However, what the ghost master did not expect was that the person in front of him was also looking at him.

And after just one glance, Meng Fei knew that he was facing just a slightly more powerful Yaksha.

"Forget it, don't waste time."

Meng Fei looked at the ghost master with a helpless look, and then shook his shoulders, ready to take action immediately.

The ghost master was a little surprised by his appearance. After all, there should be a lot of confusing illusions in the ghost array, but the person in front of him didn't seem to be affected.

He stepped forward tentatively. Logically, this person should not be able to discover him before being attacked by him.

However, after he moved a few times, he found that Meng Fei's eyes had never left him. He was shocked and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Who are you?! You are not controlled by the ghost array?!" The ghost master was incredulous.

For such a question, Meng Fei could only shake his head helplessly and said, "You don't need to know this question."

Then, Meng Fei came in front of the ghost master in an instant, and at that moment he burst out with an extremely sharp momentum.

Fortunately, the ghost master had already noticed Meng Fei before, so this fatal blow was successfully escaped by him using the ghost array.

The ghost array of Fenggui Village is almost the work of this kind of Yaksha ghost, so its function must be more than just a simple matter of deceiving people, and it also has the characteristics of the ghost.

Therefore, the ghost master barely survived in front of Meng Fei.

But how could Meng Fei let him be so relaxed, so he suddenly stepped on the ground under his feet, and the whole ghost cave shook after this kick.

"Is it a spiritual body?!" Seeing that the whole ghost cave was shaken by his kick, the ghost master showed an incredible expression on his face.

Those who can touch the bodies of ghosts like them are not necessarily spiritual bodies, but those who can touch almost everything of ghosts with pure flesh must be something that can only be done by spiritual bodies.

"It's too dangerous for people like you to live!"

For this situation, the ghost master sighed, and at the same time, one of his hands moved secretly, and I don't know what he was doing.

Meng Fei didn't notice what he was doing, but just saw that his whole body movement slowed down, so he didn't say much nonsense when he seized the opportunity.

He flashed directly in front of the ghost master.

The ghost master stared at Meng Fei with his eyes wide open, full of fear. The moment Meng Fei approached, he actually had an illusion that he was dead.

"The last message must be delivered!"

Who would have thought that the ghost master did not dodge when facing Meng Fei this time, but closed his eyes tightly and muttered strange words.


The terrifying fist wind directly made the ghost master's white messy hair fly around, and Meng Fei's fist stopped there and did not move forward.

"What did you do?!" Meng Fei questioned.

The ghost master tried to open his closed eyes, and when he saw Meng Fei's fist stopped, he couldn't help but gasp, and there was a moment of fear in his eyes.

Facing Meng Fei's questioning, he was a little confused, but then he raised a confident smile at the corner of his mouth and said: "I passed your breath to that adult, he is much stronger than me, I let him know your existence, he will definitely come to kill you forever!"

"Is that it? Then I can't wait for him to come!"

As a result, after all the fuss, it turned out to be another one who likes to shake people, and compared with the previous Fenggui Village, it seems to be no different.

Thinking of this, Meng Fei couldn't help but feel a little impatient, and then his fist shot out like a bullet. After the ghost master had just finished speaking, he was finally beaten by Meng Fei and disappeared directly.

After cleaning up, the ghost formation began to disintegrate little by little.

Meng Fei left here in a flash and joined Gu Liu and the others.

And Gu Liu and his men were not the kind of people who would sit back and wait for success. They understood Meng Fei's intention and had dealt with the little ghost long ago without any effort.

"Ah, the village disappeared."

Xu Zhengyi still had the curiosity of a child, looking at the village that disappeared in front of him with a question mark on his face. Now there was only a wilderness in front of him.

"Let's go."

Meng Fei gently patted Xu Zhengyi on the back of his head, and Xu Zhengyi came back to his senses and followed their pace.

This was not a place to stay, so they naturally chose to continue on their way.

On the way, Meng Fei also remembered what the ghost master had said to him before.

After listening to this, Gu Liu analyzed: "In fact, it is still worth noting. After all, that ghost is already a relatively strong Yaksha. If it is much stronger than him, I suspect that it is very likely to be a ground Yaksha!"

"Ground Yaksha?!"

This name is not unfamiliar, but it is not familiar either.

After all, the strongest they had encountered so far was only the peak of the Yaksha. As for those above them, it is estimated that the only one who has reached that level or can even go a little higher is Gu Liu's fourth brother Long Fu.

But I have never seen a ground Yaksha before.

"Well... you should pay attention, but there is no need to be afraid."

For Meng Fei, he has such confidence.

And the group seemed to have great trust in Meng Fei, and even didn't pay much attention to this matter, and devoted themselves to moving forward.

Besides, there is a very interesting place ahead.

According to Gu Liu's understanding of the world, the place pointed by Wan Ling Si Nan in front.

"Red Mountain."

He said so, and his face was full of curiosity and excitement.

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