I am Succubus!
85 – I Changed my Childhood Friend into a Girl?!
Updates every week on Monday PST!
"I never wanted this. Why is this happening…?" Kana groaned, head buried in his hands.
Meanwhile, Mio and I were trying to figure out exactly how this happened.
"The blade's practically an extension of your deepest desires, so I'm not surprised this happened if you were hoping for it," she said.
"Me? Hoping for Kana to lose his dick? I can't think of anything I desire more though," I countered.
However, it was hard to deny that at that moment, fueled by my succubus nature-induced lust, I likely wished for it to happen. Maybe my malice and sadistic tendencies were coming through, but seeing Kana agonize over becoming the other gender was really turning me on.
Mio held the sword between us and sniffed it. "It's totally out of juice, emptier than a sack of balls after a whole night of sex."
"Why do you have to describe it like that…?" I snatched the blade from her to inspect it myself. "So, if I want to transform Kana back, then I'll need to have sex with a whole lot of people?"
"That's right. Probably several month's worth. You sure fucked a lot of people since then, so it might take a while. Want me to start forming a line?" she asked.
"For what? Of people to have sex with? No! I'm not some amusement park ride to be ridden all day!" I protested.
Although the idea did sound enticing, I couldn't just turn my house into a one-succubus brothel. Hatsumi was home for most of the evening, I had school during the weekday, and Selene's scowl might scare most people away anyway.
As bad as I felt for Kana…
I put a hand on his shoulder. "I think you're just going to have to put up with it until I recharge the blade."
"Y-You can't be serious… Won't everyone in school question this? It's way too sudden of a change. If it's sexual energy you need, just keep taking mine!" he pleaded.
"You've already run dry after Mio and I wrung you all night and morning. Besides, anymore and you'll become a husk," I said.
"It ain't all bad. Now you can experience what Saeko felt when she first became a girl. A good helping of cock." Mio put a hand on his other shoulder and brandished a monstrously large, black dildo.
Kana turned white as a ghost and choked. I slapped the dildo out of her hand, just in time as Selene entered the room and was smacked in the face.
"Ah— Sorry," Mio and I said at once.
Selene crushed the sex toy in her grip. Kana jolted like he felt that pain, but that only served to remind him of his missing manhood.
We explained to Selene what happened, hoping she might be able to help since she was also a greater succubus.
"There's no fixing this. Your friend is stuck this way until you recharge the blade, " she confirmed, then turned to Kana as though he were a specimen to be studied. "Consider yourself lucky you weren't transformed into a succubus. It would be much harder to turn you back."
Kana gulped.
"Today's Sunday! I have to go to school tomorrow. You guys are telling me I have to attend class like this?" he asked, grabbing his own breasts. The stimulation made him wince and retract his hands. He was quickly learning how much more sensitive his body had become just like when I first changed.
"Well… it might take some time, so you could be stuck as a girl for months," I answered.
Lucky for Kana, he didn't grow the biggest pair of tits like I did. He might be able to get away with a sports bra or sarashi. The hair was another matter. We could trim or tie it up, but people would definitely think something was up.
We could use magic to create an illusion…
But if we accidentally slipped up and dropped it at any point during school, the jig was up.
"My life is over…" Kana sank to the ground and curled up in the fetal position.
This was definitely looking like a play by play of what I went through. While I empathize with Kana, the fact of the matter was I'd need to screw a bunch of people in order to change him back. It would take way too long.
"Lucky for you, the school's got a penchant for celebrating someone becoming a girl. Exhibit number one—" Mio pointed at me.
"But Kana isn't a succubus. He won't have an aura that attracts people and makes them more susceptible to just accepting it," I said.
The three of us thought for a moment while Kana was weeping into his hands.
"There's five succubus at school. Most people's mental state should be malleable enough to find little out of place," Selene offered.
That much was true. It would be like constantly suggesting something to someone until they believe it as fact.
"Alright, Kana. You have two choices— attend school dressed as a girl while we use our auras to make everyone believe you've always been one, or continue going to school dressed as and pretending to be a boy. Which sounds like the better option for you?" I asked.
"Neither! And what's with the second option? I am a boy." Kana looked like he was about ready to rip out his hair.
"Time's ticking, kiddo. Make your choice, or we'll make it for you!" Mio exclaimed, wiping the drool from her lips and making it abundantly clear which choice she wanted.
The three of us surrounded him, waiting to hear his decision. All the while, Kana trembled and anguished over his bad luck.
"Hatsumi! I'm heading to school now!" I yelled as Mio and I put on shoes at the door.
"Wait!" My sister entered from the living room with two bento boxes in hand.
"Oooh! Hatsumi's glorious handmade lunches. Hell yeah!" Mio pumped a fist into the air and took the bento in her eager hands.
They were three-layer bento boxes. I thought it was weird that the kitchen smelled like a feast, but we only ate a simple breakfast. She must have been cooking earlier in the morning to prepare these for us.
"What's in them?" I asked her.
"That's a surprise. Don't open them until lunch. If there's too much, you can share with your friends!" she said, though I could see she was holding back from confessing. "Also, Mio. I put a saucer cup of your favorite hot sauce in there. Don't cause too much of a havoc at school."
"Wait— why would you do that?!" I stared at them in horror.
"Kahaha! I think I know what it is. You can't possibly tell me not to when you're handing me the fuse." Mio grinned.
Hatsumi saw us off from the door. As Mio and I left, we noticed someone waiting for us at the corner of the sidewalk, just out of sight and hidden behind a utility pole.
We were lucky that Selene had access to the faculty offices and was able to fetch a spare female school uniform for Kana. She was even nice enough to bend any teacher's mind she came across to make them remember Kana was a girl. Dressed in the same white uniform as Mio and myself, curly dark-brown hair tied to a ponytail and tugging on his skirt, was none other than Kana.
"H-How do I look?" my genderbent childhood friend asked, eyes cast to the ground and blushing.
"Yep. This calls for a commemorative photo," Mio said, fishing for her smartphone.
"Don't you dare." Kana groaned. "Why the hell are these skirts so short? It's so breezy…"
"Does this mean you're also wearing panty and bra, too?" I asked, trying not to giggle out loud in front of him.
"I'm going home," he said, stomping off.
"Wait!" I grabbed his waist from behind, causing him to jerk.
"S-Saeko, your breasts are pressing against my back. I'll get an erec— Wait. I can't anymore…" Kana started moping again.
"Kahaha! There's the silver lining, huh?" Mio teased.
We made our way to school with Kana hiding right behind our backs and keeping his head low. No one really paid us any mind. If anything, acting weird made him stick out like a sore thumb than anything else.
Hitomi and Rika were standing by the school gate, greeting students as they passed. The president saw me and Mio, nodded and returned to her duties, then did a double take at none other than Kana.
"She… She definitely knows, right?" Kana said, peering over our shoulders.
"There's no way. Hitomi's probably wondering why you're hiding behind us like you're trying to avoid bullies," I assured him.
As we got to the gates, the student council president greeted us.
Then to Kana she said, "Crossdressing is prohibited, Kana."
"She knew right away!" Kana yelled.
Mio and I were baffled.
"How did you know it was Kana?" I asked.
"What are you talking about? This was clear from the start," she said.
"Is Hiichan scaring a student again? I thought I told you to be kinder," Rika scolded her girlfriend.
"I…No, that's not what I'm doing at all." Hitomi looked hurt.
My class rep who, more than even the student council president, should have recognized Kana, turned to him and bowed. "I'm so sorry for the student council president. You must be a transfer student, right? I'm sure you will enjoy Tsukiji, even though you're transferring so late into the school year."
Rika finished her introduction and welcome, then took stock of the confusion in our faces and became confused herself.
"Did I say something weird?" she asked.
Mio and I explained what happened to Kana, and it was only then that everything clicked into place for both Rika and Hitomi.
"I had no idea! I was convinced Kana was just a new student. It didn't even register in my mind that he was dressed as a girl, let alone transformed into one," Rika said.
"Somehow, Prez knew right off the bat. How'd you do that?" Mio asked Hitomi.
She shrugged. "As if I know. Instincts?"
The only conclusion that I could come to was…
"I think the greater succubus powers you and my sister was infused with still lingers inside you two," I said.
It only made sense. My sister was strong, but she shouldn't be strong enough to bear hug me in a vise. The student council president was also physically strong before becoming a succubus, but there was no other explanation to her overpowering Hana on multiple occasions as a normal human. When I explained this to them, they were incredulous at first but inclined to believe me nonetheless.
"I suppose that's true. It never crossed my mind that I shouldn't be able to beat Hana to a pulp. I kind of just did it," Hitomi said.
"No, no… You shouldn't be beating students up to begin with…" I fired back.
"Kana being a girl is another problem. Will your magic really keep people from finding out?" Rika asked us.
"Worked on you, didn't it? As long as we don't explain it to anyone, he's in the clear," Mio said.
With this in mind, we entered the school building. Kana's eyes darted around, fearing for his life as though assassins were after him. I had to give him credit though. When it had happened to me, I wanted to preserve myself and continue attending school as a boy. I was so afraid of what others would think and say about me. If I accepted what I'd become sooner, my school life might have been much less of a headache.
Kana faced the issue head-on. I guess that's part of the reason why I liked him so much.
"Just try to act natural. Like your usual self. Nothing's going to make you stand out more than acting like something's up," I said.
"Gee. It's like something is up. Maybe I should have taken my chances coming dressed as a boy…" Kana held his schoolbag against his chest and sighed.
"Speaking of up. How's it feel not waking up to morning wood anymore?" Mio smirked.
He missed the teasing tone of her voice and answered genuinely, "You know, it was kind of liberating. I used to wait like half an hour in bed before it went down, or just jerk it off if it wouldn't. I was able to jump right out of bed and go about my day."
We got up to the second floor when a commotion was going on.
"Kameshiro! How many times do I have to tell you, no running in the halls!"
"Just this once— I left something in my shoe locker!"
Kana was too distracted to see who was racing down the hall. They slammed into each other. Kana fell onto his back with Kameshiro on top of him.
"Sorry, Kana…" Kameshiro rubbed his forehead and gasped upon seeing who he bumped into. Mio and I held our breath, knowing full well that a student from our class had the biggest chance of recognizing Kana's change. "Wait a minute. I just bumped into a cute girl while running down the hall. Is this my first flag?"
"As if! Get off me, you idiot!" Kana drove a knee into Kameshiro's groin and rolled away from him, leaving our classmate writhing on the ground clutching his gnads.
"My future children… curses you…" he squeaked.
Aside from the morning incident, class resumed as usual despite Kana being a worrywart. He wasn't talkative or particularly popular to begin with, and his friends were in other classes. That no one approached him about his change like they did me was a good sign our auras were doing work.
We put our tables together at lunch. Kana usually never joined, and hung out with fellow cram school students during this time. At the very least, we were able to keep an eye on him while he's close by.
As I opened the bento boxes, eager to munch into the food Hatsumi so dearly cooked for us, an overwhelmly sweet smell wafted up to my nose. It made my heart race and crotch itch with excitement. Mio caught the scent of it and was drawn to my box.
"Your sister made you karaage?" Kana's eyes glistened as much as the golden shine of crispy fried chicken. They looked beyond good, but just as enticing was the array of sauces Hatsumi prepared.
"What is that mouthwatering smell you got there?" Mio asked.
Both of our eyes were drawn to one of the sauce trays. It was dark brown like regular barbecue sauce, but that's not what my succubus senses were telling me.
"I don't know, but it doesn't smell like any sauce I know. For some reason, it's familiar though," I said.
"Duh, you should know what it is. That's oozing with concentrated lust. I wanna just lather it all over my body and flick the bean with it," she said.
Oozing with… lust? This came from Hatsumi, and it smelled familiar. Was Mio telling me what I think she was telling me…?
It seemed there was a special sauce for each of us. I had the Hatsumi-lust sauce, and Mio was given the naga viper sauce. But she stared at mine like a succubus starved of sex.
"If you want to try it, be my guest…" I said, pushing it over to her.
Kana looked at it, too. "What's wrong? Can I try it?"
"For the sake of your sanity, maybe not." I shook my head.
Mio dunked a piece of fried chicken into the sauce, popped it into her mouth, and squealed with delight.
"This is so good. Mmm— oh, my god. It's like cunnilingus in my mouth!" she exclaimed.
Kana and I were embarrassed to be sitting next to her, the lewd exclamation and noises she made were attracting the attention of other students around us.
"Is it really that good…?" I asked, gulping.
"I dunno how your sister made this, but it's like I'm eating out her pussy— mmmhmm!" Mio even went as far as dipping her finger in and seductively licking her tongue.
Temptation almost got the better of me when Kana tugged at my shirt. His legs were squeezed together and ears took on a shade of red, unable to meet my eyes.
"I… I need to pee…" he said.
"I'll come with—" As I got up, Mio yanked me to her and stuffed a sauce-dripping fried chicken into my mouth. An explosion of flavor spread across my tongue. Memories of when I had sex with Hatsumi flashed across my mind, and I suddenly had an urge of my own.
"Saeko, I need to go or it'll leak!" Kana pleaded.
I cleared my throat and said, "C-Coming…"
Updates every week on Monday PST!
Updates every week on Monday PST!
"I never wanted this. Why is this happening…?" Kana groaned, head buried in his hands.
Meanwhile, Mio and I were trying to figure out exactly how this happened.
"The blade's practically an extension of your deepest desires, so I'm not surprised this happened if you were hoping for it," she said.
"Me? Hoping for Kana to lose his dick? I can't think of anything I desire more though," I countered.
However, it was hard to deny that at that moment, fueled by my succubus nature-induced lust, I likely wished for it to happen. Maybe my malice and sadistic tendencies were coming through, but seeing Kana agonize over becoming the other gender was really turning me on.
Mio held the sword between us and sniffed it. "It's totally out of juice, emptier than a sack of balls after a whole night of sex."
"Why do you have to describe it like that…?" I snatched the blade from her to inspect it myself. "So, if I want to transform Kana back, then I'll need to have sex with a whole lot of people?"
"That's right. Probably several month's worth. You sure fucked a lot of people since then, so it might take a while. Want me to start forming a line?" she asked.
"For what? Of people to have sex with? No! I'm not some amusement park ride to be ridden all day!" I protested.
Although the idea did sound enticing, I couldn't just turn my house into a one-succubus brothel. Hatsumi was home for most of the evening, I had school during the weekday, and Selene's scowl might scare most people away anyway.
As bad as I felt for Kana…
I put a hand on his shoulder. "I think you're just going to have to put up with it until I recharge the blade."
"Y-You can't be serious… Won't everyone in school question this? It's way too sudden of a change. If it's sexual energy you need, just keep taking mine!" he pleaded.
"You've already run dry after Mio and I wrung you all night and morning. Besides, anymore and you'll become a husk," I said.
"It ain't all bad. Now you can experience what Saeko felt when she first became a girl. A good helping of cock." Mio put a hand on his other shoulder and brandished a monstrously large, black dildo.
Kana turned white as a ghost and choked. I slapped the dildo out of her hand, just in time as Selene entered the room and was smacked in the face.
"Ah— Sorry," Mio and I said at once.
Selene crushed the sex toy in her grip. Kana jolted like he felt that pain, but that only served to remind him of his missing manhood.
We explained to Selene what happened, hoping she might be able to help since she was also a greater succubus.
"There's no fixing this. Your friend is stuck this way until you recharge the blade, " she confirmed, then turned to Kana as though he were a specimen to be studied. "Consider yourself lucky you weren't transformed into a succubus. It would be much harder to turn you back."
Kana gulped.
"Today's Sunday! I have to go to school tomorrow. You guys are telling me I have to attend class like this?" he asked, grabbing his own breasts. The stimulation made him wince and retract his hands. He was quickly learning how much more sensitive his body had become just like when I first changed.
"Well… it might take some time, so you could be stuck as a girl for months," I answered.
Lucky for Kana, he didn't grow the biggest pair of tits like I did. He might be able to get away with a sports bra or sarashi. The hair was another matter. We could trim or tie it up, but people would definitely think something was up.
We could use magic to create an illusion…
But if we accidentally slipped up and dropped it at any point during school, the jig was up.
"My life is over…" Kana sank to the ground and curled up in the fetal position.
This was definitely looking like a play by play of what I went through. While I empathize with Kana, the fact of the matter was I'd need to screw a bunch of people in order to change him back. It would take way too long.
"Lucky for you, the school's got a penchant for celebrating someone becoming a girl. Exhibit number one—" Mio pointed at me.
"But Kana isn't a succubus. He won't have an aura that attracts people and makes them more susceptible to just accepting it," I said.
The three of us thought for a moment while Kana was weeping into his hands.
"There's five succubus at school. Most people's mental state should be malleable enough to find little out of place," Selene offered.
That much was true. It would be like constantly suggesting something to someone until they believe it as fact.
"Alright, Kana. You have two choices— attend school dressed as a girl while we use our auras to make everyone believe you've always been one, or continue going to school dressed as and pretending to be a boy. Which sounds like the better option for you?" I asked.
"Neither! And what's with the second option? I am a boy." Kana looked like he was about ready to rip out his hair.
"Time's ticking, kiddo. Make your choice, or we'll make it for you!" Mio exclaimed, wiping the drool from her lips and making it abundantly clear which choice she wanted.
The three of us surrounded him, waiting to hear his decision. All the while, Kana trembled and anguished over his bad luck.
"Hatsumi! I'm heading to school now!" I yelled as Mio and I put on shoes at the door.
"Wait!" My sister entered from the living room with two bento boxes in hand.
"Oooh! Hatsumi's glorious handmade lunches. Hell yeah!" Mio pumped a fist into the air and took the bento in her eager hands.
They were three-layer bento boxes. I thought it was weird that the kitchen smelled like a feast, but we only ate a simple breakfast. She must have been cooking earlier in the morning to prepare these for us.
"What's in them?" I asked her.
"That's a surprise. Don't open them until lunch. If there's too much, you can share with your friends!" she said, though I could see she was holding back from confessing. "Also, Mio. I put a saucer cup of your favorite hot sauce in there. Don't cause too much of a havoc at school."
"Wait— why would you do that?!" I stared at them in horror.
"Kahaha! I think I know what it is. You can't possibly tell me not to when you're handing me the fuse." Mio grinned.
Hatsumi saw us off from the door. As Mio and I left, we noticed someone waiting for us at the corner of the sidewalk, just out of sight and hidden behind a utility pole.
We were lucky that Selene had access to the faculty offices and was able to fetch a spare female school uniform for Kana. She was even nice enough to bend any teacher's mind she came across to make them remember Kana was a girl. Dressed in the same white uniform as Mio and myself, curly dark-brown hair tied to a ponytail and tugging on his skirt, was none other than Kana.
"H-How do I look?" my genderbent childhood friend asked, eyes cast to the ground and blushing.
"Yep. This calls for a commemorative photo," Mio said, fishing for her smartphone.
"Don't you dare." Kana groaned. "Why the hell are these skirts so short? It's so breezy…"
"Does this mean you're also wearing panty and bra, too?" I asked, trying not to giggle out loud in front of him.
"I'm going home," he said, stomping off.
"Wait!" I grabbed his waist from behind, causing him to jerk.
"S-Saeko, your breasts are pressing against my back. I'll get an erec— Wait. I can't anymore…" Kana started moping again.
"Kahaha! There's the silver lining, huh?" Mio teased.
We made our way to school with Kana hiding right behind our backs and keeping his head low. No one really paid us any mind. If anything, acting weird made him stick out like a sore thumb than anything else.
Hitomi and Rika were standing by the school gate, greeting students as they passed. The president saw me and Mio, nodded and returned to her duties, then did a double take at none other than Kana.
"She… She definitely knows, right?" Kana said, peering over our shoulders.
"There's no way. Hitomi's probably wondering why you're hiding behind us like you're trying to avoid bullies," I assured him.
As we got to the gates, the student council president greeted us.
Then to Kana she said, "Crossdressing is prohibited, Kana."
"She knew right away!" Kana yelled.
Mio and I were baffled.
"How did you know it was Kana?" I asked.
"What are you talking about? This was clear from the start," she said.
"Is Hiichan scaring a student again? I thought I told you to be kinder," Rika scolded her girlfriend.
"I…No, that's not what I'm doing at all." Hitomi looked hurt.
My class rep who, more than even the student council president, should have recognized Kana, turned to him and bowed. "I'm so sorry for the student council president. You must be a transfer student, right? I'm sure you will enjoy Tsukiji, even though you're transferring so late into the school year."
Rika finished her introduction and welcome, then took stock of the confusion in our faces and became confused herself.
"Did I say something weird?" she asked.
Mio and I explained what happened to Kana, and it was only then that everything clicked into place for both Rika and Hitomi.
"I had no idea! I was convinced Kana was just a new student. It didn't even register in my mind that he was dressed as a girl, let alone transformed into one," Rika said.
"Somehow, Prez knew right off the bat. How'd you do that?" Mio asked Hitomi.
She shrugged. "As if I know. Instincts?"
The only conclusion that I could come to was…
"I think the greater succubus powers you and my sister was infused with still lingers inside you two," I said.
It only made sense. My sister was strong, but she shouldn't be strong enough to bear hug me in a vise. The student council president was also physically strong before becoming a succubus, but there was no other explanation to her overpowering Hana on multiple occasions as a normal human. When I explained this to them, they were incredulous at first but inclined to believe me nonetheless.
"I suppose that's true. It never crossed my mind that I shouldn't be able to beat Hana to a pulp. I kind of just did it," Hitomi said.
"No, no… You shouldn't be beating students up to begin with…" I fired back.
"Kana being a girl is another problem. Will your magic really keep people from finding out?" Rika asked us.
"Worked on you, didn't it? As long as we don't explain it to anyone, he's in the clear," Mio said.
With this in mind, we entered the school building. Kana's eyes darted around, fearing for his life as though assassins were after him. I had to give him credit though. When it had happened to me, I wanted to preserve myself and continue attending school as a boy. I was so afraid of what others would think and say about me. If I accepted what I'd become sooner, my school life might have been much less of a headache.
Kana faced the issue head-on. I guess that's part of the reason why I liked him so much.
"Just try to act natural. Like your usual self. Nothing's going to make you stand out more than acting like something's up," I said.
"Gee. It's like something is up. Maybe I should have taken my chances coming dressed as a boy…" Kana held his schoolbag against his chest and sighed.
"Speaking of up. How's it feel not waking up to morning wood anymore?" Mio smirked.
He missed the teasing tone of her voice and answered genuinely, "You know, it was kind of liberating. I used to wait like half an hour in bed before it went down, or just jerk it off if it wouldn't. I was able to jump right out of bed and go about my day."
We got up to the second floor when a commotion was going on.
"Kameshiro! How many times do I have to tell you, no running in the halls!"
"Just this once— I left something in my shoe locker!"
Kana was too distracted to see who was racing down the hall. They slammed into each other. Kana fell onto his back with Kameshiro on top of him.
"Sorry, Kana…" Kameshiro rubbed his forehead and gasped upon seeing who he bumped into. Mio and I held our breath, knowing full well that a student from our class had the biggest chance of recognizing Kana's change. "Wait a minute. I just bumped into a cute girl while running down the hall. Is this my first flag?"
"As if! Get off me, you idiot!" Kana drove a knee into Kameshiro's groin and rolled away from him, leaving our classmate writhing on the ground clutching his gnads.
"My future children… curses you…" he squeaked.
Aside from the morning incident, class resumed as usual despite Kana being a worrywart. He wasn't talkative or particularly popular to begin with, and his friends were in other classes. That no one approached him about his change like they did me was a good sign our auras were doing work.
We put our tables together at lunch. Kana usually never joined, and hung out with fellow cram school students during this time. At the very least, we were able to keep an eye on him while he's close by.
As I opened the bento boxes, eager to munch into the food Hatsumi so dearly cooked for us, an overwhelmly sweet smell wafted up to my nose. It made my heart race and crotch itch with excitement. Mio caught the scent of it and was drawn to my box.
"Your sister made you karaage?" Kana's eyes glistened as much as the golden shine of crispy fried chicken. They looked beyond good, but just as enticing was the array of sauces Hatsumi prepared.
"What is that mouthwatering smell you got there?" Mio asked.
Both of our eyes were drawn to one of the sauce trays. It was dark brown like regular barbecue sauce, but that's not what my succubus senses were telling me.
"I don't know, but it doesn't smell like any sauce I know. For some reason, it's familiar though," I said.
"Duh, you should know what it is. That's oozing with concentrated lust. I wanna just lather it all over my body and flick the bean with it," she said.
Oozing with… lust? This came from Hatsumi, and it smelled familiar. Was Mio telling me what I think she was telling me…?
It seemed there was a special sauce for each of us. I had the Hatsumi-lust sauce, and Mio was given the naga viper sauce. But she stared at mine like a succubus starved of sex.
"If you want to try it, be my guest…" I said, pushing it over to her.
Kana looked at it, too. "What's wrong? Can I try it?"
"For the sake of your sanity, maybe not." I shook my head.
Mio dunked a piece of fried chicken into the sauce, popped it into her mouth, and squealed with delight.
"This is so good. Mmm— oh, my god. It's like cunnilingus in my mouth!" she exclaimed.
Kana and I were embarrassed to be sitting next to her, the lewd exclamation and noises she made were attracting the attention of other students around us.
"Is it really that good…?" I asked, gulping.
"I dunno how your sister made this, but it's like I'm eating out her pussy— mmmhmm!" Mio even went as far as dipping her finger in and seductively licking her tongue.
Temptation almost got the better of me when Kana tugged at my shirt. His legs were squeezed together and ears took on a shade of red, unable to meet my eyes.
"I… I need to pee…" he said.
"I'll come with—" As I got up, Mio yanked me to her and stuffed a sauce-dripping fried chicken into my mouth. An explosion of flavor spread across my tongue. Memories of when I had sex with Hatsumi flashed across my mind, and I suddenly had an urge of my own.
"Saeko, I need to go or it'll leak!" Kana pleaded.
I cleared my throat and said, "C-Coming…"
Updates every week on Monday PST!
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What’s the point of cultivating immortality if you don’t have money?
Chapter 223 13 hours ago -
Pokemon: How Are You Cultivating Immortality in the Pokemon World?
Chapter 241 19 hours ago -
My Doomsday Battleship RV
Chapter 197 20 hours ago -
Naruto: If I ask you to be Naruto, you will become a yellow-haired person?
Chapter 124 1 days ago -
The Secret Way of Immortality
Chapter 659 1 days ago -
Lord of All People: Who the hell let the Zerg in?
Chapter 1290 1 days ago -
Slime simulator
Chapter 1099 1 days ago -
One Piece: Start as a mythical beast, practice to become stronger
Chapter 708 1 days ago