"What about me in your world? What does he do?" said Super 5 Vegeta.

Sun Wukong laughed and said,"You in my world are busy practicing. Since I conquered Broly, his position as the second in command has been in jeopardy, so he has been practicing hard."

""Tsk, how strong is he?" Vegeta asked

"His strength is not bad. I guess even if you practice to Super Saiyan 6, you still won't be his opponent." Sun Wukong said

"Damn, the people in your world are all monsters." Vegeta said.

Super Five Goku said:"Scumbag Rotor, if I heard correctly, you said you subdued that lunatic Broly."?

"That's right, what's wrong? Before I came, Broly married another legendary female Super Saiyan and had a child. Their son is extremely talented and has a combat power of 50,000 at birth," said Sun Wukong.

""Shit, this, this, this is too abnormal," said Super Saiyan 5 Son Goku.

When Super Saiyan 5 Vegeta heard Broly, he thought of Bedrock and Broly’s words"Kakarot, the blood sacrifice starts with you", and he was suddenly shocked.

He said to Son Goku:"How strong is Broly now?"

Son Goku said:"A little weaker than my Super Saiyan 6.""

"Hey, Kakarot, are there no normal people in your universe?" Vegeta said

"Now that you mention it, it seems like there really isn't one, hahaha." Sun Wukong laughed.

"He was born with a combat power of 50,000. I really don’t know how terrifying his strength would be if he cultivated to our age." Super 5 Sun Wukong said.

Sun Wukong said:"Instead of sighing at their extraordinary strength, you might as well work hard to cultivate. After all, your talents are not bad, but you just haven’t found the right way to cultivate.""

""Yes, Kakarot is right. We are all Vegeta. The Vegeta in his universe doesn't have one more head than me. If he can practice to this level, so can I." Vegeta said.

Super Saiyan 5 Goku said,"Vegeta, you are right. From now on, we should practice harder. Not only that, we should also let Gohan, Goten, and Trunks start practicing. After all, the earth can't always rely on us to save it." Clap, clap

, clap, Goku clapped his hands and said,"Kakarot is right. In my universe, Cell and Bojack were killed by Gozen, Evil Thoughts was killed by Goten and Kuss, and the original Broly was also defeated by Gozen, so they have the strength they have today."

Vegeta said,"I agree with this proposal. Those three guys are too useless now. They must be trained more."

Goku nodded and said,"Since you have all successfully transformed into Super Saiyan 5, let's go out."

The two nodded, and after canceling the Super Saiyan 5, the three of them left the Spirit Time Chamber. After dinner, Goku asked the two to rest for half a day and start again the next day.

Two people nodded in the training of the two, and they also had to persuade Bolma and Qiqi to agree with Sun Wuhan, Sun Wutian, and Trank. In the evening, the persuasion of Vegeta was smooth. After all, after the last super -star dragon incident, Bolma also knew that after the earth had a crisis, he could not always rely on Vegeta and Sun Wukong.

As soon as Vegeta said, Bulma agreed.

Live. Early the next morning, Begigita took Trunks and entered the gravity room to cultivate early. After Sun Wukong arrived, he watched Trunks:"Tranks, what level of strength can you reach now."


""Hmph" Vegeta snorted.

Sun Wukong said:"Transform into Super Saiyan 2 and let me see".

Trunks said:"No problem, Uncle Goku".

Then he shouted and transformed into Super Saiyan 2, with golden aura gushing out of his body and lightning surrounding him.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong shook his head and said:"Weak, too weak".

Vegeta said:"That's right, before I practiced, I could teach this Super Saiyan 2 brat a lesson in normal state".

Sun Wukong touched his chin, then pointed at Trunks, and Trunks had an extra training suit on his body.

Sun Wukong said:"Trunks, the training suit you are wearing is a gravity suit that can adjust gravity. The maximum gravity can reach 100,000 times the gravity of the earth.

In the following training, you have to adapt to the one hundred thousand times gravity in a normal state. You will go to the Spirit Time Chamber and stay there for a day. After one day, I want to see you adapt to the one hundred thousand times gravity. Is that a problem?"

Trunks said,"No problem, Uncle Goku, I will do my best."

Sun Wukong nodded, and while he was talking, Da Wukong also arrived at the gravity room.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong said,"Kakarot, you didn't convince Chi-Chi, did you?"

Da Wukong said dejectedly,"No, Chi-Chi refused to let Gohan and Goten practice, and I had no choice."

Sun Wukong said,"This matter is handed over. Give it to me".

Then he said to Vegeta:"You supervise Trunks' training first, I'll go help Kakarot deal with Chi-Chi".

Vegeta nodded.

Sun Wukong took Da Wukong out of the gravity room, and then moved instantly to a diamond planet.

Da Wukong asked in confusion:"Kakarot, why did you bring me here?"

Sun Wukong looked at a crystal clear hill in the distance and did not answer Da Wukong.

Instead, he moved his mind and eight energy swords appeared around him.

Sun Wukong shouted"Go", and then the energy swords shot towards the hill.

Boom, boom.

The hill responded.���It broke apart and decomposed into dozens of pieces, each of which was several hundred feet in size.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong cut it up again, cutting it into tens of thousands of pieces the size of a person.

Then Da Wukong said,"What are you standing there for? Move it back!""

""Oh, oh oh," said Monkey King.

Then he performed instant movement, grabbed two"stones" and moved to Baozi Mountain, the open space outside his home.

Monkey King used his magical power and performed instant movement to move hundreds of"stones" to Monkey King’s side.

Then he said to Monkey King,"Go call Chi-Chi over."

Monkey King nodded and said,"Okay."

After a while, Monkey King brought Chi-Chi to the"stones."

When Chi-Chi saw the"stones," her eyes lit up.

Monkey King said,"Chi-Chi, what do you think about Kakarot letting Gohan and Goten practice?"

Chi-Chi said,"Gohan and Goten are my own sons.""

"I understand," Sun Wukong said with a smile.

He disappeared in a flash, and reappeared a moment later, along with hundreds of"stones""

"How is it?" said Sun Wukong.

Seeing this, Chi-Chi said to Da Wukong:"Gohan and Goten are left to you, just remember to come back for dinner."

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