After dinner, Sun Wukong led Trunks to fly directly to the Temple of Heaven.

Trunks didn't understand, and Sun Wukong didn't say much.

After the two arrived at the Temple of Heaven, Sun Wukong called Mr. Popo a few times, and a black man dressed as San Ge walked out of the temple. When

Popo saw Sun Wukong, he said,"Wukong, didn't you die of a heart attack?"

Sun Wukong said,"Mr. Popo, you are still alive."

Trunks heard the conversation between the two and his mouth twitched.

Sun Wukong said,"Mr. Popo, I am not the Sun Wukong of your world. I traveled from another time and space."

After saying that, he pulled Trunks in front of him and said to Popo,"It was Trunks who brought me to this time and space."

Trunks saw this and hurriedly greeted Popo.

Popo said,"It turned out to be you. I know you. You are Vegeta's son. Thanks to you for stopping the androids all these years, otherwise the humans on Earth would have been killed by those two androids."

Trunks asked in confusion:"Mr. Popo, how do you know me?"

Popo said:"When the gods were alive, I saw it next to them. The gods can see everything that happens in the world."

Trunks said:"I see."

Sun Wukong said to Popo:"Mr. Popo, I plan to borrow the Spirit Time Chamber to train Trunks and let him kill the androids himself."

Popo nodded and said:"No problem, Goku."

Trunks asked in confusion:"What is the Spirit Time Chamber?"

Sun Wukong explained:"The Spirit Time Chamber is a training place in the Temple of the Gods. One day outside is one year inside, and the gravity inside is ten times that of the earth."

""I see, there is such a great place for cultivation in the world, how come I didn't know about it?" Trunks said.

Sun Wukong said:"I have only been to this place once in this world. He didn't tell anyone and died of a heart attack, so naturally no one knew about it."

Trunks said:"I see, by the way, Uncle Goku, I have a special medicine for treating heart disease at home, don't forget to take it when you come back."

Sun Wukong said:"I made a wish through the Namekian Dragon a long time ago to remove the heart disease toxins in my body, you don't have to worry"

"Uncle Goku, you are really far-sighted," Trunks said

"It's nothing, let's go into the Spirit Time Chamber quickly," Sun Wukong said.

So under the leadership of Popo, the two entered the Spirit Time Chamber. After

Trunks entered the Spirit Time Chamber, he felt his body sink.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong said to Trunks:"Trunks, I'll give you half an hour to adapt to gravity. After half an hour, we will start training."

"" Okay, Uncle Goku," Trunks said.

After that, Trunks began to adapt to ten times the gravity.

Sun Wukong took out the Senzu beans in his pocket and counted them. There were still fifty, not more, not less, enough.

Half an hour later, Trunks came to Sun Wukong and said,"Uncle Goku, I have adapted to ten times the gravity."

""Well, very good." After saying that, he used the Black Tiger Heart-Digger move directly, which seriously injured Trunks and nearly killed him.

Trunks opened his eyes and said in disbelief:"Uncle Goku, why did you kill me?"

Sun Wukong said:"To help you improve your strength."

Hearing this, Trunks was furious and gradually lost consciousness.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong hurriedly took out a magic bean and fed it to Trunks.

In the blink of an eye, Trunks recovered as before, and then stood up all of a sudden, shouting:"Uncle Goku, since you want to kill me, why do you save me?"

Sun Wukong smiled and said:"I don't want to kill you, but to improve your strength. If you don't believe me, feel your own strength."

Trunks heard this and felt his own strength. It really improved a lot, so he shouted and transformed into a Super Saiyan. After feeling it carefully, he found that his strength had increased by at least 50%.

He immediately said to Sun Wukong:"I'm sorry, Uncle Goku, I wronged you."

Sun Wukong said:"It doesn't matter, you don't know this It makes sense, it's understandable".

Trunks said:"Uncle Goku, what's going on".

Sun Wukong said:"We Saiyans have the characteristic of improving our combat effectiveness after recovering from near-death. Just now I beat you to a near-death state, and then used Senzu Beans to restore you, which stimulated the characteristics of Saiyans, so your combat effectiveness has greatly improved".

Trunks said:"I see, then Uncle Goku, let's continue".

Sun Wukong shook his head and said:"This method of improving strength cannot be used all the time. If you want to rely on this method to improve your strength, you must have a certain amount of accumulation. Just now, I estimate that you have released all your accumulation of more than ten years. In a short period of time, using this method will not improve much".

Trunks suddenly realized:"I see, what should we do?"

Sun Wukong said:"Now your way to improve your strength is to control the Super Saiyan and practice in the direction of surpassing the Super Saiyan".

Trunks said:"What does it mean to surpass the Super Saiyan?"

Sun Wukong said:"It's Super Saiyan 2"

""What do you mean, Uncle Goku, I still don't quite understand" Trunks said.

Sun Wukong said:"I'll let you watch it once and you'll know."

Then he shouted and directly transformed into a Super Saiyan.

After Trunks felt Sun Wukong's breath, he was stunned and shocked.

He trembled and said:"Uncle Goku, your Super-Super-Saiyan transformation, why is the aura so huge? The strength of my Super Saiyan transformation is in front of you, like the difference between a firefly and the bright moon, it is simply incomparable."

Sun Wukong said:"That's because my basic combat power is stronger than your combat power after the Super Saiyan transformation. This is only the transformation of Super Saiyan 1. Next, you have to watch carefully, the next is the next transformation of Super Saiyan."

Trunks nodded, opened his eyes wide, and stared at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong shouted, and his muscles bulged rapidly. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a muscular man.

Sun Wukong said to Trunks:"This is called Super"This is the second stage transformation of Super Saiyan One. In this state, the power increases greatly, but the speed does not increase, and even decreases."

After that, Sun Wukong transformed again, and his body shape returned to its previous form. His aura was restrained, giving people a very calm feeling.

Sun Wukong said to Trunks:"This form, I call it Super Saiyan Full Power, it is the limit of Super Saiyan One, there will be no waste of energy, and it can all be used to fight the enemy."

Then Sun Wukong shouted, his aura was gushing, his long golden hair stood up, a strand of golden hair hung in front of his forehead, and lightning surrounded his body.

Trunks was shocked beyond words.

Sun Wukong said:"This transformation is beyond the Super Saiyan. I call it Super Saiyan Two. The combat power it increases is twice that of Super Saiyan One and one hundred times the basic combat power."

Trunks nodded numbly at first, and then said ecstatically:"Uncle Goku, can I also transform into Super Saiyan Two?"

Sun Wukong said:"Yes, that's fine too. The next training will be for this purpose."

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