Trunks dodged and arrived in front of No. 17. No. 17 smiled contemptuously and punched Trunks in the face.

Then he laughed and said,"Trunks, you are so weak, and you dare to say that you want to kill us."

Trunks said coldly,"Really?"

Without waiting for No. 17 to reply, he punched No. 17 in the abdomen.

No. 17 vomited the overnight meal instantly. Just as No. 17 was about to speak, Trunks sent No. 17 to the west with an energy bomb.

Sun Wukong thought to himself,"This Trunks is really the most unruly Saiyan. He is ruthless and doesn't talk much. If it were Vegeta, he would have to mock him before killing the android."

No. 18 saw this and shouted,"Impossible, Trunks, how can your strength reach such a level?"

Trunks dodged and kicked No. 18 away with one foot. Then he crossed his palms, raised them to his forehead, and shouted"Magic Flash". A thick energy wave directly hit No. 18.

Eighteen was blasted into slag before he could make a sound.

Trunks cried with joy and murmured,"Father, Brother Gohan, Uncle Goku, Uncle Piccolo, everyone, I finally avenged you."

Then he lifted the Super Saiyan transformation, came to Son Goku, and said,"Uncle Goku, the androids have been dealt with, let's go back."

Son Goku said,"Don't worry, there is a little bug next to it."

Then he turned his head and shouted to a hidden place next to him,"Come out, little bug, I see you."

The first generation Cell, who was hiding in the dark, heard this and walked out of the shadows.

It was about two meters tall, ugly, green, and there were many black spots on it.

Trunks saw this and shouted at it,"Spotted monster, who are you, why are you peeking at my fight with the androids?"

Cell heard this and said,"Trunks didn't expect that after not seeing you for a few days, your strength has reached such a level that you easily killed two androids."

Trunks said,"How do you know me? What's your name? What do you want to do?"

Sun Wukong said to Trunks,"It's called Cell, the ultimate android created by Dr. Gero. It's just its primary form now. As long as it absorbs two androids, it will become a complete body, and its strength will increase greatly."

After hearing this, Cell was shocked and said,"Son Wukong, how do you know my background? I remember you died of a heart attack, didn't you?"

Sun Wukong didn't reply, and said to Trunks,"It's in your hands."

When Trunks heard that it was the ultimate android created by Dr. Gero, he wanted to kill it. When he heard what Sun Wukong said, he turned on the Super Saiyan and came to Cell in a flash. He punched Cell and made Cell spit blood.

Seeing that Trunks was going to do it, Cell hurriedly shouted,"Wait, Trunks, I'm not an evil android, I haven't killed anyone."

Trunks was unmoved. Over the years, androids have become Trunks' nightmare. Trunks doesn't care whether you are a good or bad android, as long as you are an android, you must die.

A flash of magic flash passed by, and Cell was directly beaten into slag and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong said:"Trunks did a good job. Your decisive character is good. I like it very much."

Hearing this, Trunks lifted the Super Saiyan transformation and came to Sun Wukong and said:"Uncle Wukong, thank you for the compliment. I just don't want any accidents."

Sun Wukong nodded, and then said to Trunks:"Let's go and find Vegeta and the others!"

Trunks was surprised to hear this:"Are father and the others still alive?"

Sun Wukong shook his head and said:"They are dead, but their condition is very strange. You will know if you go with me."

Hearing this, Trunks nodded, and then put his hand on Sun Wukong's shoulder.

Sun Wukong performed instant movement, and in the blink of an eye, he arrived at King Kai's planet.

Everyone looked at Sun Wukong and Trunks and said,"It's been a long time since we last met, Trunks and the Goku from another world."

Trunks looked at everyone and said excitedly,"Uncle Goku, father, Uncle Piccolo, Big Brother Gohan, Uncle Krillin, Uncle Tien Shinhan, Uncle Jiaozi, Grandpa Kame, you are all here!"

Sun Wukong from this world smiled and said,"Thank you for your hard work over the years, Trunks, you did a good job."

Vegeta snorted and said,"Boy, you did a good job and didn't embarrass me."

Sun Wukong was puzzled and said,"Vegeta, shouldn't you be in hell? Why are you also on King Kai?"

Vegeta was furious when he heard this and said,"Kakarot, no matter which world you are in, you are so annoying."

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

Sun Wukong from this world explained,"Vegeta was originally in hell. I saw that everyone was on King Kai, so I begged King Kai to pull Vegeta out of hell."

Sun Wukong said,"I see, that's what I said."

The Sun Wukong of this world looked at Sun Wukong and said,"I can feel that you are very powerful. Why don't we have a fight?"

Sun Wukong shook his head and said,"No need, you can just have a fight with Trunks. Trunks is stronger than any of you now."

Vegeta snorted coldly when he heard this,"Kakarot from another world, don't look down on others. We have not been idle these years. Although Trunks is very strong, he is not necessarily stronger than me and Kakarot."

Sun Wukong smiled and said,"Do you think what you saw is the true strength of Trunks?"

Vegeta heard this and said,"Kakarot, what do you mean, didn't Trunks use all his strength when he killed the human androids?"

Sun Wukong said,"Of course, they are just androids. I don't know how powerful Trunks is now."

Vegeta heard this and wanted to say something else.

Sun Wukong waved his hand and said,"Seeing is believing. You will know if you feel Trunks' strength up close."

Then he said to Trunks:"Trunks, show us your strength".

Trunks nodded and said:"Okay Uncle Goku".

Then he shouted and transformed into a Super Saiyan.

Vegeta felt Trunks' strength and was quite shocked, but still said:"If Trunks only has this much strength, then it can only be said to be not bad".

Upon hearing this, Trunks went straight to the point and transformed into a Super Saiyan 2 at full power.

Everyone's eyes widened, and Vegeta was even more unbelievable and said:"Impossible, absolutely impossible, even if Trunks entered the Spirit Time Chamber to practice, he would only practice for two years at most. How could he catch up with or even surpass the more than ten years of practice of Kakarot and I".

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