After Piccolo left, Sun Wukong murmured,"It's time to break through Super Saiyan 4".

Then he teleported to the Temple of the Gods.

Popo and the Gods saw Sun Wukong coming, and they came forward to greet him,"Long time no see, Goku".

Sun Wukong said,"Mr. Popo, God, long time no see, I came here this time to borrow the Spirit Time Chamber".

The God said,"Wukong, haven't you been in the Spirit Time Chamber before? If you go in again now, you can't get out".

Sun Wukong smiled and said,"God, don't worry, with my current strength, I can break through the dimension and get out".

The God said,"I see, well, Goku, I just happen to have something to discuss with you. I plan to merge with Piccolo, and I hope you can let Piccolo come". Sun

Wukong said,"God, why are you doing this? The current defense force of the earth is strong enough, and there is no need for you to do this".

The god said,"I am old, and Piccolo is young, strong and gifted. Instead of living in disgrace, it is better to merge with Piccolo and help him go further on the road of cultivation."

Sun Wukong said,"Okay, god, I respect your choice. When I come out of the Spirit Time Room, I will go to find Piccolo."

The god nodded.

Bobo was very sad when he heard the conversation between the two.

Seeing this, the god comforted him,"Bobo, you don't have to be sad. Piccolo's father and I are one. It is natural for me to merge with Piccolo now. When you see Piccolo in the future, it is equivalent to seeing me."

Bobo burst into tears and said to the god,"Lord God, I respect your decision."

The god nodded, and then said to Bobo,"Bobo, take Wukong to the Spirit Time Room."

Hearing this, Bobo could only nod, and then led Sun Wukong to the Spirit Time Room. After the two arrived at the Spirit Time Room, Bobo retreated.

After Sun Wukong entered the Spirit Time House, he began to create an artificial moon.

After a while, a bright moon hung high above the Spirit Time House.

Sun Wukong looked at the artificial moon, and his mind made a dong, dong, dong sound, and his body immediately grew larger.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a black giant ape more than ten meters tall.

Sun Wukong looked at his body, then shouted loudly and transformed into a golden giant ape.

Feeling the tremendous power in his body, Sun Wukong roared a few times, and then began to try to compress the energy in his body.


Along with a deafening roar, the physical energy was constantly compressed, and the Monkey King's body gradually became smaller.

A moment later, a Monkey King with muscular body, upper body covered with red fluff, bare chest, and leather pants on the lower body appeared in the Spiritual Time House.

With thick black hair, red eye sockets, and emerald green pupils, he was not only handsome, but also domineering.

Monkey King used his magical power, and a mirror appeared out of thin air in front of him. Looking at himself in the mirror, Monkey King exclaimed:"Super Saiyan Four is really handsome and domineering."

Then Monkey King felt his own strength, and it was indeed four thousand times the basic combat power.

Although the increase is not large, the strength of the body is incomparable.

Monkey King said to himself:"With my own strength"With my current strength, I will have nothing to worry about before Beerus comes to Earth."

But Sun Wukong still dared not slack off. Future enemies will be stronger than each other. Only by constantly practicing hard can he defeat these enemies.

After that, Sun Wukong began to practice in the state of Super Saiyan 4.

At the beginning, the state of Super Saiyan 4 could only last for two hours.

Three months later, it could last for a day.

After a year, it could last for a week.

Two years later, Sun Wukong's state of Super Saiyan 4 could last for a month.

Sun Wukong used a Qigong wave to create a hole as high as a person in the Spirit Time House, and then walked out of it.

The gods and Popo were shocked to see the appearance of Sun Wukong in Super Saiyan 4.

The gods tried to ask,"Are you Wukong?"

Sun Wukong smiled and said,"It's only been two days since we last met. How come the gods don't recognize me?"

The gods heard this and said,"Wukong, it's really you, how did you become like this?"

Sun Wukong said:"This is just a transformation form of the Saiyans, the gods and Popo are not surprised."

Hearing this, the gods said:"I see, so Goku, you entered the Spirit Time Chamber to practice this time, just to cultivate into this form?"

Sun Wukong said:"Yes, I spent two years in it, and finally mastered this form proficiently."

Hearing this, the gods nodded and said:"Then congratulations, Goku."

Sun Wukong waved his hand, and then said:"God, I'm going back, I will tell Piccolo your decision."

Hearing this, the gods nodded and said:"Go, Goku, I'm ready."

Sun Wukong heard this, nodded, and then moved back home in an instant.

In the yard, Bulma looked at the sudden appearance of Sun Wukong, with a confused face, and asked tentatively:"Are you Goku?"

Sun Wukong smiled and said:"Why, you don't recognize your husband after not seeing you for a few days?"

Hearing this, Bulma's eyes lit up and she said,"It's really you, Goku. How come you've become so handsome and domineering?"

Sun Wukong said,"This is another transformation of mine. I call it Super Saiyan 4."

Bulma was overjoyed when she heard this and said,"I see. I'm going to try tonight to see how strong you are in this form."

Sun Wukong smiled and said,"No problem. Tonight, call Chi-Chi and the three of us will fight until dawn."

Bulma drooled and said,"It's a deal, Goku."

Sun Wukong smiled and nodded, then asked,"Where are the others?"

Bulma said,"They are all in the gravity room. Piccolo is not in the gravity room. He has been looking for you these two days."

"Oh, it just so happens that I have something to talk to him about. Where is he now?"Sun Wukong said.

Bulma smiled and said,"He is looking after Goten, Kus and Bra".

Sun Wukong smiled and said,"You really treat Piccolo as a babysitter".

Bulma smiled and said,"Such a useful babysitter, why not use it".

Sun Wukong smiled and said,"You make sense. Then I will go find Piccolo".

Bulma nodded and said,"Go ahead".

Sun Wukong moved instantly and came to Piccolo.

At this time, Piccolo was coaxing Bra. Seeing Sun Wukong appear, he said awkwardly,"Sun Jun, you are finally back. I was looking for you."

Sun Wukong said,"I was looking for you too. Besides, how did you recognize me? My current form is very different from before."

Piccolo said,"We have been friends for many years. How could I not know you? Just look at your teleportation. Who else among the crowd can do it except you?"

Sun Wukong smiled and said,"I can hide it from anyone, but not from you, Piccolo".

Piccolo said,"Is this your new transformation? It looks pretty good".

Sun Wukong said:"More than pretty good, I call this transformation Super Saiyan 4, and it has four thousand times the basic combat power".

Piccolo's eyes popped out when he heard this, and he said:"You Saiyans are really a perverted race. How did Frieza bully your people before?"

Sun Wukong said:"You Namekians are not bad either. You can create dragon balls that fulfill wishes."

Piccolo nodded when he heard this.

Sun Wukong said:"I came back from the Temple of Heaven, and the Heavenly God is looking for you. He is ready to merge with you".

Piccolo said:"Have you figured it out, old man?"

Sun Wukong nodded. Seeing this, Piccolo said:"Okay, I get it. I'll go to the Temple of Heaven now, and I hope to improve."

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