I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 221: Fierce!

Although the imperial priests did not know the mystery, they always felt that it was not a bad thing.

The other party was injured when he came up, and he lost his weapon when he came up. Is it still a bad thing for yourself? I am only more confident.

Anxiously picking up Xuanqi, and then killing, but just that moment, he first attacked the enemy in Zhonggong, and then turned into a defensive, and tried his best to fight the white nights, but somehow directly flew the white night. The long sword of the line, and the moment when he turned to the mysterious moment, he was shocked to sneak up the mysteriousness, especially when he was fully guarded, but the power was actually untargeted and slightly disordered.

Originally this disorder, at most only need half-interest time can be adjusted, but this is the difference between the half interest, the counterattack is in the ascendant, the white night line has been like crazy going all the way, with the other side I used both hands to cover the other's neck.

This... This is no longer a category of martial arts moves, it is directly a pure mantle smashing method!

Fully close to the battle.

This is not only unexpected, but also a change of elbow, the other master of the sorcerer is so awkwardly hugged, it is difficult to move on the road, it is more difficult to break.

The other side's strain is also rapid. The next moment, the sword is pierced into the body of the white night. The hands are already elbowed. The long sword is not the key. The white night does not hide. It still tries to keep the enemy's neck. At the same time, the long sword that was just taken by Gefei also turned back.

How can the long sword of the white night fly without reason?

This is the killer he prepared!

The long sword flew back from behind the person, and the meteor usually fell silently.

The man didn't know, but the audience was exclaimed in unison!

This is too dangerous!

Then... White nights fully control the other party to stay still, so that the two bodies brush together, the long sword that was recalled is pierced!

Just in the battlefield of Tianyunqiqiqi, under the eyes of all, the long sword that was called back from top to bottom, passed through the chest of the other person, and then pierced into the belly of the white night; the other party screamed; two eyes Awkward boss.

The white nights are expressionless, and they are still indifferent when they first appeared.

The eyes are calm and calm.

It seems that there are no injuries.

He still does not take a break, and he does not hesitate to twist his body. He does not hesitate to use his own body as a medium to insert the other's long sword into his body and his own long sword inserted into his body.

With your own bones, keep the two swords!

That scene, the light is extremely fierce, shocking is not enough to describe, it is simply a restriction!

At this moment, the man shouted fiercely, struggling desperately, and separated from the white nights, squatting backwards; watching the eyes of the white nights is like a ghost!

In this world, there are still people who fight like this!

Don't take him as a person at all.

However, the more astounding is still behind, but seeing the support of the white night, actually smiled slightly toward himself.

This kind of smile is more heart-rending than gnashing your teeth.

The man could not help but tremble, and the white night line had already rushed over.

The man madly picked up half of the sword and slashed it. He cut the white nights and flesh and blood, and the bones were flying.

But the white nights were unmoved, and even his face did not change. With a brush, the white night stretched out his hand and pulled out two broken swords from his body, and turned into the enemy's heart.

The other party made another horrible horror, and wanted to counterattack, but saw a white night and a mouth, and the body rushed forward, Bai Sensen's teeth bite the other's throat.

The other side is still holding his own half-cut sword, and he slashes in the white night line, intending to push the white night, but the white nights are not afraid of death, and the death is not willing to let go, and the man’s neck is always born. Bite off.

The man's throat was rushing out of his throat, his eyes were full of fear and watching the white night, and finally his body fell softly.

And all of this, all happening between the electric and the flint, there are a total of ten places in front and back.


The extreme tactics of the same.

Put off the sword, and add a cyclone force to it.

Calling the enemy's mysterious air, the gap is smashed, and the body is slammed on the road. The enemy is not moved by the number of martial arts roads, and the body is injured one after another; persist until the long sword flies back, and the enemy penetrates with himself; The bones are broken and long swords, and the enemy is assassinated.

The ultimate killing trick is to bite the enemy's throat and keep biting.

This series of changes, all the elbows, is beyond the expectations of everyone, it is full of blood, full of extremes!

Until then, the mysterious beast that had inexplicably flew out came back, and it was only a matter of ten years before it left.

And this short time, the master has been paralyzed.

Although the imperial priests are embarrassed, but the situation of the white night is not much better, not only is the blood in the body, but also an arm is gone, it is the result of the last sword of the imperial sect, the only remaining right hand, However, he took a sword from the space ring and held it in his hand. He rushed to the mysterious beast.

White nights, I don’t know if I’m hurt, I’m embarrassed to fight again, but I’m so extreme. I’m going to fight as soon as possible, and then I’m going to fight the beasts, and then I’m going to fight the mysterious beasts, avoiding the situation where I’m being attacked by both sides. Let's spare more effort and win hard!

The beast of the mysterious beast immediately saw the annihilation of the lord, and the horror was stunned. On one side of the body, he had already escaped the long sword, and he took a bite of the half-night body of the white night line; but the move was deliberately sent by the white night. Go up.

White nights have their own assessment of their current situation, knowing that they can't keep up with the mysterious beasts for a long time. They must be arrogant, and let their bodies be bitten by the mysterious beast. When they are greedy, they don’t know how to lose. However, moving, already a sword has cut off the two legs of the mysterious beast; more stagnant into the chest of the mysterious beast.

Xuan beasts want to escape, but the two legs are broken, the action is not as good as usual, the white night is hard to get together, the long sword is cut again and again, the mysterious beast is erupting, and the counterattack is carried out, and the right hand bite of the white night is bitten. Broken; but the blade also smashed the mysterious beast and another front paw.

Originally, here, the night and night, the two arms are folded, and it should be no longer possible. But when the mysterious beast bites the white night, the white night still does not give up, and then the method is applied, and it is turned and bitten. The throat of the mysterious beast, while the two legs are madly smashing on the wounds of the mysterious beast, constantly licking, kicking, kneeping...

The mysterious beast that was originally provoked by the fierceness was shocked by the madness of the white nights, and it was utterly convincing. Although Philip broke away from the restraint of the white night line, it only jumped with only one leg left. I left the white night line, no longer dare to look forward, but the eyes are full of fear.

I have never seen such a ferocious human being, it is too horrible, how can it be so terrible.

Who is the mysterious beast? !

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