I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 238: Head to the top!


After a moment of silence, the cheering of the sky was heard from the stands on the side of the Nine Houses. The sound of the waves spread throughout the audience, and it was full of joy and joy!

After a while, the dust of the sky was exhausted, and the figure of Yun Yang was also reproduced. The reappearing Yun Yang was still holding a small white thing, it was a big white.

Dabaibai paid a great price in the process of self-exposure. The four legs were directly blown up, and the eyes and ears were also blown up by half.

If it is not in this five heavens venue can be infinitely restored, it is estimated that Yun Yang can feel badly dead!

Even knowing that the venue's abilities will take effect immediately, and returning to the original state, Yun Yang looks at the painful look of the big white, and the heart is still a burst of convulsions.

The big white and white injuries are heavy, and the state of Yun Yang is not too good. The purple clothes that have always been smashed are now invaded by blood. Many injuries on the body are still overflowing with blood, and one arm is directly unfair. And flying, there is a leg, also went to the half, the bones of the forest are exposed.

Originally, with the ability of Yun Yang, to respond to the blast of the past, the fascinating words of the past, can only be incarnate in that moment, to eliminate the power, nothing will happen. However, all the supernatural powers are his biggest cards, but they are never seen before, and they are not known. Since they have no life, and there is infinite recovery later, there is no more meaning to expose the magical powers. The disadvantages are greater than the benefits, all are not desirable!

Moreover, I am now miserable and can receive other effects...

At least, the people in Jindingmen can feel more comfortable... Naturally, Yunyang is simply thinking about the opponent and confusing the opponent. Yun Yang does not consider it. cough.

From the moment when Yunyang’s quiet voice was moving, Wei Ding’s head, Wei Tao, sat down on his ass, and his whole heart was lost, frustrated and decadent, and there was only one thing left in his mind: the top of the nine villages The chief of the product, Tianyunqi, will continue to challenge, and will it be able to beat the original Zhongpin Tianyun flag?

If you can hit it, you can challenge yourself with Jin Dingmen, and you will be able to keep the position of the flagship Tianyunqi.

But if it can't... Jin Dingmen's so-called chief honor of so many years, suddenly became the second, that can be... really is to lose the individual!

I can't be stunned now, I have to think about it, plan it, how should I deal with the martial art that was beaten down...

You can continue to challenge the Nine Houses, and you must make one of the above-mentioned Zhongpin Tianyunqimen!

I am optimistic about you. Really! ......

Otherwise, you have to press on my head to make me the second child, I, I, I, I... I can't afford that person... God!

"Nine statues win!"

Huo Yunfeng has no idea how much he sighs.

Witnessing the birth of the legend, this is a happy thing, especially this legend was born under his own presiding, but in Huo Yunfeng, if you do not lose so many elite jade, you will be more happy, more No regrets...

The light flashed, and Yun Yang and Dabaibai completely recovered their state.

The screaming of the white and white, feeling uncomfortable in his own body in an instant, feeling amazed, sticking out his tongue and screaming around, confirming the truth.


The figure of Qu Xiaofeng stood still and looked at Yun Yang. He said that he was lost. "Yun, you are okay?"

Yun Yang smiled: "Fortunately, I haven't been taken away by your blows. But I just left a sigh of relief. This is almost a major trauma since I entered the road."

Qu Xiaofeng’s uncomfortable words: “There is still a breath...that is, your nine clubs have won.”

Yun Yang’s body: “Condition.”

"You gain strength, there is no inheritance." Qu Xiaofeng sighed: "Congratulations."

"Thank you."

On the high platform.

Wei Tao raised his big belly, his slick head flashed, his eyes narrowed and he said: "We Jindingmen, give up the rest of the battle..."

I heard Wei Tao’s words of admitting defeat, and it’s clear that the group’s decision on Jin Dingmen’s decision was unbelievable. After all, yesterday’s second-ranked Dadi Court was defeated in five rounds, and it’s said that Jin Dingmen’s desire to go further After a while, I gave up the rest of the contest, which is naturally a big surprise.

But everyone thought about it carefully, but they felt that Jin Dingmen’s idea was taken for granted.

The Dadi Pavilion is known for its defense. Every battle is guarded by the defenders. It is defended and defended. It refuses to give up and fights against the nine prefects. On the one hand, it wants to fight for a fluke, on the other hand, it is also confirming its own strength. In actual combat, It is understandable to test your own shortcomings. I believe that after the First World War, the strength of the Dadi Court will surely go further.

Although the conscious power has already smashed the current Jin Dingmen, although it only played a round, it has already sent out its strongest strength, and it is a hit!

However, the nine mysterious beasts of the Nine Houses are the big killers, and they are supplemented by them. Qu Xiaofeng desperately exposes himself to sigh, and others naturally have no play. Directly admit defeat is also a best practice in desperation.

“The nine prefectures are the top sellers of Tianyunqi!”

When Huo Yunfeng said this sentence, he added a kind of taste that he didn’t know. He felt sour and bitter and mixed.

I am stupid, really!

Among the nine sects present, in addition to the nine princes, the other eight sects, this will be completely silent, and no one has spoken.

However, the number of sun scenes, the nine deities, this small grass-making small door, actually turned into a leader of the next day Tianyun flag?

Although everyone's Tianyun flag is the same, whether it is the first or the ninth, in essence, there is no difference, but this ranking goes up, it represents the extraordinary strength, the top three and the middle and the last three The status of the place is very different!

The chief of the product Tianyunqi is also the closest location to the Zhongpin Tianyun Banner and has further qualifications.

This original Jindingmen self-confidence has been able to climb the position of the Zhongpin Tianyun flag, and it has been occupied by the latecomers of the Nine Houses!

"Cloud head." Huo Yunfeng smiled and said: "I don't know what plans are there for the cloud head?"

This sentence is very obvious.

Everyone has ears straight.

Especially Jin Dingmen, almost everyone's ears are straight and straight, and the head of Wei Tao's ears is instantly enlarged.

The small eyes slid round and looked at Yun Yang’s mouth.

Uncle Yun, Yun Grandpa, you can't stop saying that.

Be sure to go forward!

I must rush... I will give you a **** in my heart...

Genius website address:. m.

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