I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 244: Solve one thing first

This is really the heart of Gan Tianyan. In fact, she really thinks so. However, she does not have the ability to organize language as Yun Yang, and it is so smooth and thought-provoking.

Therefore, I heard Yun Yang say this. I directly feel that Yun Yang is my own life confidant. It is simply that every word is said to be in my heart.

"So all kinds of disapproval and even block before the predecessors, the starting point is for their own apprentices. This is no place for anyone to set aside. Even if I stand in the position of a friend, I am very dissatisfied with my predecessors, but still have no say to my predecessors. Qualifications are even more of us who are first-time teachers. In the future, we must consider and even face the problems. People with this heart and the same mind, everything is the same, we must understand, but also understand thoroughly!"

Yun Yang said in a positive color.

Gan Tianyan sighed deeply and looked at the river in a loving way. He smiled bitterly: "This girl is too idiotic. What she sees is only in front of her eyes. It is a sentimentality to say good things, but it is not a way of doing things, but no matter what. How, I would rather she blame me for a while, and I don’t want to see her working hard for the rest of her life."

Yun Yang smiled and said: "I will reiterate this once again. I fully understand the thoughts and practices of my predecessors. Even if my apprentices have similar situations, they will probably follow the example of the predecessors... but now the situation is It’s different from the past. Today, Luo Dajiang is already the number three of my nine-family house, and we are about to become the Chinese-style Tianyun flag sect. All these obstacles have ceased to exist, after all, in terms of Zongmen’s identity, instead It’s Luoluo, can you say yes?!”

"Luo Dajiang is the leader of the Zhongpin martial art, but it is only a disciple of the Zhongpin martial art, right?"

"The key point of your biggest worry is that the future achievements of Luo Dajiang are no longer there, because his future is equally bright."

"So, the obstacles that hindered them from being together in the past are really not at all!"

Yun Yang smiled and said: "I believe that the seniors should feel very gratified. After all, it is good for others."

Gan Tianyan sighed and said: "Yunfu Zun said that it makes sense. Since the nine prefectures have already achieved such achievements... the old body will not be a villain."

"But..." She sighed and said: "I still have a condition, and only this condition is true. The obstacles between them are really not there!"

Yun Yangdao: "Predecessors are kind enough to speak clearly."

Gan Tianyan said: "Yunfu Zun has just been the capital of China, and it is about to become a Chinese product." That is, it has not been taken seriously. If you can successfully promote the Chinese product this time, I will not have any doubts about this matter. But if you are not good enough, you can't do anything... It needs to be considered for a long time!"

Yun Yang nodded again and again: "Thank you for the predecessors to understand the righteousness! This is the agreement. I agreed for them. If the government is finally unable to promote the Chinese products, what should the government do, and mention marriage!"

Yun Yang did not know, Gan Tianyan now has no intention of disagreement, but it is a face, need a step down. These words are exactly the steps she has found for herself.

Gan Tianyan smiled and said: "There are Yunfu Zun guarantees, and the old man is suspicious, but... I have to go back with me first. The battle for this martial art promotion, this door is not very sure in the last battle, it falls. It’s time."

Jiang looked down and looked at Gan Tianyan, saying: "Master, you won't..."

You can't talk without saying anything. This sentence was swallowed down by the river.

Gan Tianyan smiled and said: "Stupid girl! It is serious to hurry with me."

Yun Yang also said: "The younger brother and sister are assured that respecting the teacher is a person who is upright. If you really have a heart and a nap, you can directly pull you away. How can you... Oh, then I will always be a big river. As soon as you pass the door, this number of ceremonies is not abolished!"

The river fell and turned around, and grabbed Luo Dajiang, saying: "Dajiang, you can listen, this battle can not be defeated! If you lose, delay me into a bride... I will directly Die you!"

Everyone is on the rise.

Gan Tianyan grabbed the river and fell into the darkness, saying a farewell, and flew away.

I have just changed my attitude before and after, but my attitude is not as good as my apprentice’s words. I have to make myself more self-sufficient. I have taught an apprentice, as if I was afraid that I would not be able to marry. Even the threat of force is used, as for...

The man has already left, and Luo Dajiang’s face is sullen, and he says, “I won’t lose... people?”

Yun Yang stunned his face.

Iron Qing Cang history, no dust, light madness, Lan Ruojun Kong Yueyue and others have put their thumbs under the nose of Yun Yang: "The eloquence of the boss... hard to get!"

"Thanks to the boss, the tongue is like a spring. If the boss is able to cultivate and be eloquent, look at the whole Xuanhuangjie, it is rare!"

"Isn't it, if it is not the boss, the wife of Dajiang is afraid to have to toss for a few more years..."

"Yes, yes, boss, this is a good job!"

Yun Yang looked at the black line: "All of them shut up to Laozi! Hurry and get ready! Waiting for someone to give Laozi a flaw, seeing Laozi not kill him!"

Everyone laughed.

At this point, Luo Dajiang finally put down a big stone in his heart, and the feeling of relief was born.


Fengmingmen over there.

On the high platform, Park Deshuang, who is the person in charge, is learning about the situation of the Nine Houses. On the other stand, Feng Mingmen’s head is also familiar with the situation of the Nine Houses, but it is only known to either Park Deshuang or Ping’s Moon. not much.

Park Deshuang is still better. After all, there is a Huo Yunfeng around him. During the handover process, he learned about the part of the nine prefectures and the current positional qualifications. After all, he has the chief of the Tianyun flag and can challenge the end of the Tianyun Tianyun flag. A qualification is already very valuable, it is a problem!

"How?" Ping trace month is very direct to ask Gan Tianyan.

To tell the truth, this is a bit scary after the month of the month. Gan Tianyan was just angry and full of fire, and it would be inevitable to make a big hit if he didn’t agree.

With the repair of Gan Tianyan as a strength, although there is no need to worry about her safety, but since the nine people in the Fuzhong are eligible to come to the third floor of the Wuzhong Mountain, the place where the Zhongpin Tianyun flag is gathered, there must be some origins, trade and trade. It’s definitely not appropriate to shoot. In the meantime, see Gan Tianyan’s return to the river and return to the river. Even the cold air has certainly disappeared.

"There is another variable in this matter. Waiting for me to explain it to you slowly, rest assured, it is a good thing, not a bad thing." Gan Tianyan's face looks a bit complicated.

It is probably the state of her mind that turned into a bit squatting.

I... How can I be convinced so easily?

I have never been the kind of person with a soft heart!

Genius website address:. m.

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