I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 267: welfare!

Qi Lie was heavy and gasping, his eyes were red, and he stared at Luo Dajiang. Then he turned his face and looked at Yun Yang. He looked at it. It seems that Yun Yang’s face has turned into the face of Luo Dajiang. I sneered, and the hysterical explosion broke out again: "The fall is mine. If you don't accept it, come and fight with me, grab it with me!"

A dry Fengmingmen disciple looked at him with horror. Master, you are awesome today. I have violated Master’s orders several times in succession, not only again and again, but again and again. What do you want to do? !

Really don't want to be good? !

"The fall is mine!"

Qi Lie’s anger and anger: "What is Luo Dajiang? He is just a slave to the Nine Houses. He is a slave when he is elated. Qi is not ashamed. He must not be fooled by this kind of person. I will kill it! ”

Yun Yang’s faint road: “Luo Dajiang is the slave of the Nine Houses? Hehehe... This statement, hey; I really don’t know how you understand it. I only know that Luo Dajiang is the third person of the Nine Houses. It is the No. 3 veteran of the nine-family house, and among the top ten disciples who have played this time, two of them are from his door. One of the ancestors of our nine ancestors must have him..."

Yun Yang’s eyes are like a knife: “Dare you ask Qi Lie to be a number of characters in Fengmingmen? Can you have a person who inherits now? Are you talking at Fengmingmen? I can say here, Luo Dajiang is It’s a good thing to talk to the nine prefects!"

Qi Lie said: "I..."

Suddenly, I couldn’t speak. Obviously, Yun Yang’s words were all right. Everyone who slandered Luo Dajiang’s words was refuted and resigned, and his thoughts were more and more contrasting.

Yun Yang’s face is like ice.

"Luo Dajiang is the third person of the Nine Houses, and it is the division commander of the disciples." Yun Yang said faintly: "The nine disciples are listening to the disciples!"

"The disciples are here!"

"This person is insulting and waiting for the elders, and it is the shameful disgrace of the nine people. This section of the public case is inevitable. Today is the day when my nine nobles are happy, seeing the blood is ominous. And here, the killing can be resurrected, I don't want to bother with it. I don't want to argue with my tongue. The teacher has something to do with his disciples, but Wang Er, etc., will succeed in school in the future, as your elders, wash the snow and humiliate! Think of the disciples."

"I will keep in mind the teacher's teachings; this life and the world will be humiliated!"

Yun Xiuxin and others have a pair of fires, a pair of eyes, the knife is generally engraved on the face of Qi Lie, this person, remember it!

It is this person who insults our elders!

It’s this person who chooses to be a fortune in the days when we are overjoyed today, but today is the big day of the Nine Houses. We don’t want to let you off because of your junkness, but let us let you go; but, in this life, Never take a break with you!

it's him!

Yun Yang turned to look at Ping Yueyue, and the smile was still as moderate as before. Christine said: "Today is the day when the government is overjoyed, and you don't want to make extra-budgets. You see, the seniors have revealed this for the time being."

He smiled and said: "This matter is left to the juniors to solve on their own. This is also a good way to promote each other. Presumably, the seniors will not oppose Xiaoke's proposal."


Although in terms of current status, Yun Yang is a government official, and his position is flush with the moon. His disciples are of course Qi Ping, the disciple of Ping trace month. From this point of view, Qi Li is regarded as a junior. It is also ok!

However, Qi Lie’s cultivation is not only far from the nine prefectures, but also the top of the nine prefectures.

As for saying this, it was revealed? !

If this matter is taken seriously, it is natural to see it. Until now, her heart is still reluctant to give up Qi Lie. If there is a choice, she would rather punish Qi Li in the face of Yun Yang and eliminate each other’s knots. !

However, the so-called self-solving of the true meaning, Ping traces the moon will not know, Yun Yang is obviously intending to borrow this matter, set a short-term goal for the disciples under the same enemy.

What's more, I intend to use this matter to deeply bury a seed in the hearts of the disciples.

In the long run, its far-reaching significance has exceeded countless expectations.

But if any of your disciples have a good cultivation, they can come to the troubles of Qi Lie!

What is a good way to promote each other?

The promotion is clearly only your nine prefectures. For us, there is no promotion significance for Fengmingmen.

She looked at Qi Lie and saw that he was still in a look of indignation, not in the words of Yun Yang.

Most of the time, I will hate myself.

Ping traces a deep sigh in the heart.

You haven't figured out what you are provoking, what is it?

You haven't realized that you are now destined to follow the footsteps of the past ten days, whetstone!

The whetstone of the entire nine-disciplinary disciple, you insulted the No. 3 character of the Nine Houses today, and then only the value of the whetstone remains, until you are a sharpening stone, thoroughly grinded by the nine disciples Flat, worn, grinded that day!

Thinking of this, there is no even a heart that even blames the punishment.

What she can understand, Gan Tianyan can of course understand, including the top level of any martial art who is now congratulating, all can understand and see clearly.

Yun Yang’s words, although seemingly a joke, are directly pushing the grudges to the younger generation to deal with; seemingly magnanimous is just to encourage the disciples to progress.

In fact, everyone understands that Qi Lie can't live for a long time!

And also to bear the fate of the person who was most despised in the past before dying!

There are Yun Yang’s orders. As long as Qi Li is not dead, as long as the nine prefectures are still there, the nine disciples will become the disciples of the successes.

Qi Lie will be the first enemy of the nine disciples, and will be the target!

Imagine the shame associated with the most glorious moments of Qi Lie.

The shame of this time, the enemy does not die, absolutely never endless, never turn!

Even if it is dead, this thing will still be written into the history of the sects by the nine disciples!

Thousands of years to teach disciples!

So now you can say with certainty: Qi Lie, from now on, can declare that it will last forever, indicating the history!

At least, he will live forever in the history of the Nine Houses.

Yun Yang’s hand is not poisonous. It is true both now and in the future. It is extremely poisonous!

What's more, Fengmingmen now made up his mind to make a good deal with the nine prefectures; and Yun Yang is the commander of all the highest level in front of Fengmingmen.

And the source of the matter is still Qi Zi’s self-defeating, self-seeking dead end

At this point, no one can deny that since they have done something wrong, they are punished accordingly, and it is reasonable.

Ping trace month can't disagree today, and even more can't plead for it; today is the only time that can still turn around. Once you miss today, everything will be irreparable!

If Yun Yang is going to fight for it today, even if it is made into a disability, this is the case. Yun Yang directly dismisses it as a junior, directly crucifying this topic. There is no room for any change!

"The cloud is at the door of the door."

Ping traces a long sigh.

He Shansong, the head of the Daluo faction on the other side, also looked at Yun Yang deeply.

The head of the Nine House is light, but the means is very old. It is a decisive act, a hit.

The top cadres of other sects also showed their thoughtful expressions.

The mind of the head of the nine prefectures is really dexterous.

The fierce provocation of Qi Lie can be said to be the most glorious and glorious time of the Nine Houses. It has added a lot of brilliance, which makes this infinitely brilliant and magnificent performance more than a few times. This is extremely embarrassing. Things, even if the nine princes are now attacking and attacking, they will smash the corpse, and it will not help.

What's more, when everyone is competing for congratulations, once they get angry, they will inevitably hurt their worth.

However, Yun Yang has made a small incident between the understatement, and he has reduced the incident to a small event, and has nothing to do with it. Even after this, Qi Lie’s anger and provocation today will have Fengmingmen’s The manpower will be sanctioned as soon as possible.

In the long run, I would like to encourage the nine disciples to know how many generations!

Once Yun Yang’s nine disciples are aligned with the revenge, the nine prefectures will still record them in the history of the event, always inspiring future generations!

Such a means is almost a stone into gold, turning into a magic, a wonder, a sigh...

The other sects of the sects ask themselves, if they are Yun Yang, in the same situation, they may not be able to do so perfectly.

“Tiandaolou congratulates the Nine Houses and congratulates Yun’s head.”

“Rose Swords Court congratulates the Nine Houses and congratulates Yun’s head.”

"Black Mountain Congratulations..."

Yun Yang has a smile, a thank you, and the heads of the various sects are very happy, at least on the scene is full of harmony.

Feng Mingmen Qi Lie still wants to say something, but he was immediately sealed by the eye of Gan Tianyan and quickly thrown it to the rear.

Don't give us offended people.

On the one hand, Ping traces the heart of the moon, and watching Qi Lie’s eyes are also somewhat wrong.

She has already come to a conclusion: this disciple is considered to be abolished!

Look, I need to reconsider the core disciples of Fengmingmen?

Of course, if he can succumb in the revenge of the Nine Houses, all the way to suppress, never die in the middle of the road, and finally break through this fan cage to stand out, but more powerful candidates; but if it is...

There is... this emotion is too extreme; the measurement is small and unbearable...

Infatuation is a good thing, but it is too infatuated, and even impulsive, but it is possible to bring the martial art into the abyss at any time...

The heads of the eight great Tianyun flags all came to the cold; Yun Yang responded one by one, smiled warmly, courteous and polite, and the whole process was not humble and graceful.

The end is a modest gentleman, warm as a jade; turbid son, unparalleled in the world.

Such a super son, seeing that the big Luo sent to the teacher's eyes bright, the more people look more like, can not help but pinch the leg.

After a while, I finally stepped forward and said softly: "Can the cloud head be married?"

Yun Yang coughed, Da Luo sent a black line on his head, his lips moved, but did not say anything.

The reason why Da Shanpai’s head He Shansong did not come out immediately, on the one hand, he is also his own baby sister. Secondly, if he is succeeded by his sister, not only will the teachers and sisters have a lifelong support, but the Daluo can also get help from them. Do not let Fengmingmen be more beautiful than before, even better!

Yun Yang smiled and said: "Dare to ask the seniors to be..."

Yu Shimei interrupted: "Oh, what is the predecessor? You call me to my sister."

Yun Yang’s help also looked like a big Luo Pai He Shansong, but he saw that the palm of his hand twitched and turned his face.

"The younger brother... has been married." Yun Yang responded dryly.

"With it, it doesn't matter, how many of you?" Yu Shimei asked a question that was unexpected.

"Two..." Yun Yang coughed.

"Two?" Yu Shimei said: "Since you can marry two, then it is no big deal to have more than one person... um... how do you see me?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the room was stunned and coughed up in an instant.

This, this situation is really the first time I saw it. This is too strange. I dare to say it? !

Gossip about this, Yun Yang can not help but stunned.

day! Oh my god!

"Cough, this is not appropriate..." Yun Yang sighed and said: "My two daughter-in-laws are my master... daughter, oh... my master... if I find another one, I am afraid The younger brother is looking for it today, and he will die tomorrow..."

Yu Shimei said: "Your master? Even if you are a master, what can you do with your master? It is so overbearing!"

Yun Yang coughed and said: "My master... cough, this..."

I heard the **** of the sister again and asked, and everyone was bright.

The head of the cloud is mysterious and the identity is a mystery. This stunned Master obviously has a great benefit in indirectly understanding him.

Just do not know what kind of earth-shattering existence, can you adjust such an outstanding apprentice?

In the end, it is a famous and famous person, or a high-ranking person?

Everyone is very interested in the name that comes to mind.

Yun Yang whispered: "My Master's kindness to me is so high; in just four years, I have achieved today's achievements. How can I live up to his two daughters?"

Everyone heard this sentence, without exception, all of them suddenly shocked and looked blank!

Just four years!

All the people have heard these four words, the most critical words in this sentence!

In just four years, can you adjust the enchanting like Yun Yang?

Although the people are not limited to the influence of Wuzhong Mountain, they can't see the true level of Yun Yang's cultivation. However, since he can defeat the Qixingmen Wu Yu, how can he really have the level of the holy king!

Look at these disciples of the Nine Houses, one by one, all of them are tender and one pack of water; the estimated maximum age is very limited; but that one is repaired, at least there must be a sacred rank?

Even this is not surprising. It’s not too surprising to know that the nine ancestors were created in the near future. It seems that it’s less than a year’s time. It’s not that these disciples have been trained for less than a year. This... Too sensational? !

Just looking at these superficial phenomena, and thus, it is not difficult to imagine that the master of Yun Yang must be a man-made existence.

"Dare to ask the nine prefectures, but is it hosted by the respected teacher?" He Shansong asked very cautiously.

In addition to hard work, the care of the repairer is also a crucial part. It is not an exaggeration to make a high evaluation of the unknown. It is why He Shansong has subconsciously put himself in this moment. The identity has been reduced a lot, deliberately put on the level of the small generation!

"The top of the nine prefectures only ends with me and everyone. The top of the division is only occasionally coming out. His old man is lazy and does not like the common things. He is the only one who is alone in the forest. Sometimes he can sprout from a flower. At the beginning, I always saw the moment of flowering..."

Yun Yang smiled and said: "My master, is a very tempered person?!"

With the description of Yun Yang, everyone seems to have a clear hermit in the eyes of the world. They don’t care about anything, don’t care about anything, laugh at flowers and thank you, and watch Yunyun Yunshu...

He Shansong cautiously said: "Yun Yunmen, dare to ask the name of the teacher?"

Yun Yang said: "My master, surname Ji; but for his past, his old family has rarely mentioned... Say, my pro-disciplinary disciple does not know too much."

The faces of everyone suddenly became dignified.

Such an earth-shattering power; will it be a generation without a name?

The more I don't want to explain, the more I am afraid of it, the more extraordinary the power of sanctification.

"Everyone should know that someone in the cloud is flying from another plane, but most of them don't know that my time is actually very temporary. I have only practiced for three years in my position, that is, Master taught him by the elderly. In those three years, I was qualified to board the Xuanhuangjie... As soon as I arrived at the Xuanhuangjie, after I established the martial art, Master also drove to..." Yunyang continued to be confused, how big it is to blow: "In fact... I don’t know much about the master..."

After that, I sighed again.

"This is all the opportunity of the cloud head, the end of the world." He Shansong nodded, and glanced at his sister.

Don't do anything!

In case Yun Yang is really seduce by you, what we have to face is a super-powerful anger, but it is a giant energy that can cross the plane at will. You want to die, but it involves the door. ,Can not be done……

Yu Shimei was somewhat reluctant and muttered: "If it is not in the main room, when you can be a small person, I don't mind..."

Yun Yang squinted to see this hot figure in the sister, coughing, and laughing, directly dare not answer.

This girl... Take yourself as a pistachio?

You don't mind, I can mind, and the two of my family are definitely very, very concerned about it. Well, there is the big name of the surname. I have tried my best to tout his old man, but I know that it is limited. My visionary experience and experience, it is estimated that he did not describe it for him, I can tell the truth!

I have to say that the recognition of Yun Yang is still very, very correct. His description really does not tell that the surname of the surname can be justified. I don’t know if this should be beaten or the cat is dead. The mouse is gone!

On the other side of the distant Xinghe, someone suddenly made a series of sneezes, and wondered what happened to him. Was it because of some bad elements, and it was terrible, no, I have to run quickly, or else Being encircled!

In addition to this paragraph, the nine prefectures are mixed with all the sects.

"When the nine prefectures are in the world, I will wait for the congratulations!"

The heads of all the sects also give such a promise.

This made Yun Yang know... After I went to the Chinese product, I still had to hold a ceremony to hold a banquet.

Feng Mingmen’s head was said to be in a timely manner: “Yun Yang, this time...you may not go back right away. I will wait for the Ganshimei to go over to you in the Nine Houses.”

Yun Yang stunned: "Well? What does this mean for the seniors? Please predecessors!"

Ping traced a faint smile: "At this time, it is probably the most dangerous moment for your nine houses... I think, in order to cope with this promotion, I think the main people of the entire nine houses are here. It’s rare to go back as soon as possible. Then your headquarters, the place where the mountain gate is located, should be the weakest and the most vulnerable to destruction..."

She smiled meaningfully and said: "You have defeated so many sects, and you have to think a lot about the enemy... There are some that have to be guarded. The land of the mountain gate is crucial for any one door. ""

Yun Yang hesitated: "That, thank you."

Yun Yang originally wanted to say that there is sufficient defense power in the martial art, even if it is only for Dong Qitian, it is enough to defeat the main force here, but think about it... If Gan Tianyan helps, Dong Qitian can hide this card. The more cards you have at home, the more you hide, the better. The true strength of your own is how you know it. Why do you know that everyone knows it, and even more taboos? The nine prefectures have already produced too much limelight. It’s too late...

When the heads came, they were very busy, but when they left, they were silent.

In particular, several of them actually gave Yun Yang two very embarrassing eyes. Even if they were wise and intelligent, they still could not feel the mind.

"Cloud head, take advantage of the opportunity."

When she went to the moon, she said such a sentence, and made Yun Yang feel more aggressive.

Grasping the opportunity?

What opportunities do you grasp?

However, when she was leaving, she looked at the eyes of her own disciple, but let Yun Yang sigh.

Qi Lie... This Luo Dajiang's rival, in the status of Fengmingmen, will not be very optimistic from today!

But what opportunity is this opportunity mentioned in the mouth of the moon?

I was thinking, I heard the voice of Park Deshuang on the high platform.

"Cloud head, congratulations on the successful promotion. Also please lead the disciple disciples to the high platform here."

All the heads of the factions who are still on the way are all showing an envious and sly look.

A few people still sighed deeply, this opportunity, we have never encountered...

I just heard it in the legend, I didn’t think that there are people today who have achieved such an achievement...

"The miracle, finally appeared. But we don't know, what is the welfare..."

"Yeah... Jiu Zunfu, it seems that it is destined to fly into the sky."

"If you copy it now..."


"Stupid, copying the gates of the Nine Houses is only a moment to vent their anger; Yun Yang and other people are still there, the Tianyun flag will not disappear! Do things, you must use your brain!"

"That is, the nine noble houses are innocent and innocent, what do we do to trouble this trouble?"

"If you really do not care about copying the home of Jiufufu, wait until Yunyang this group of people because of this opportunity to repair the leaps and bounds... What are the people who are doing it... This place should be the gathering of all the elites of the nine prefectures, What is the use of destroying the home of the Nine Houses?!"

"It’s also true, let’s wait and see.”

"You don't have to worry about it. This work, you have to go to the Seven Stars to do it, they are not with the Nine Houses..."

"Oh oh..."


Yun Yang came to Gaotai with his disciple.

The feeling of Park Deshuang is very complicated, it is a kind of complexity that is complicated to the extreme!

From the situation alone, he would like to make good friends with Yun Yang. The meaning of closeness is beyond words; after all, this kind of promising development of Zongmen is worthy of being handed over by anyone, especially without any hatred or any conflict of interest.

But when Park Deshuang wants to do this every time, he always feels like he is bleeding.

It’s because of them... I lost... four thousand best spirits!

A full four thousand!

Oh my god……

My heart hurts me.

Yun Yang was surprised at the attitude of the simple deacon.

This Park deacon looked at my eyes, how can I feel the painful feeling...

Well, it’s not just Park Deacon, the other two deacons, watching themselves are the same, and the grief is inexplicable...

Is this from that point? !

It’s hard to be that the Seven Stars Gate has a deep relationship with these three people! ?

"Cloud head. This time into the Chinese product, the future is promising, the old husband here to congratulate." Park Deshuang first guest.

Yun Yang has been busy and modest.

He knows very well that the high-ranking martial artists must have thousands of years of age. Don’t look at the middle-aged people who are 28-year-old and 30-year-old, but in fact, any one of them tells the truth. Age, will be exclaimed by ordinary people: God? monster! ?

Just like a popular saying in the Tian Xuan mainland: a century-old dynasty, a millennial family.

And the age of these people is even more horrible than that of the millennial family!

They call themselves the old man, it is too normal: but thousands of years old tens of thousands of years can not claim to be an old man?

“Since I have a Tianyun flag, there has always been a welfare.”

Park Deshuang smiled and said: "However, this welfare has not reached this standard for nearly 30,000 years, so no one has received this welfare."


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