I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 269: The life of man is destined!


Nine Houses.

Since Yun Yang and others left, everything has been done step by step, and no abnormal conditions have appeared.

However, the disciples in the valley have worked harder and harder.

Dong Qitian stood at the highest point every day, feeling the resilience and reciprocating. In response to this, he secretly designated a hundred disciples to observe the specific changes in his constitution.

After this period of observation and inspection, Dong Qitian finally determined one thing: cultivation in the nine prefectures, with the depth of time, it will really change the innate endowment of the individual, and it is the total optimization direction change!

This discovery made Dong Qitian shocked!

Because he knows: Even if it is the top grade Tianyun flag, or even the gold goods Tianyun flag, there is no such a counter-effect!

Then how do these nine houses... how do they do it?

And just on this day...

"It’s almost twenty days..."

Dong Qitian muttered to himself: "The battle of Tianyunqi is almost the same? Do you know what their results are?"


Dong Qitian was looking up in the sky, suddenly feeling the heart, what kind of repairer he was, and immediately judged that the nine palaces would change. After a while, I felt a slight vibration from the nine villages under my feet. It was a slight vibration. .

This kind of tremor is not too large, and at best it can make a pool of clear water slightly smashed.

This kind of feeling is difficult for ordinary people and even general practitioners to distinguish, but with Dong Qitian's cultivation, it is naturally easy to judge, but it is impossible to confirm the source of fluctuations. This phenomenon makes Dong Qitian interested in the time.

With the continuation of such tremors, Dong Qitian suddenly discovered that the aura of all directions suddenly concentrated on the side of the Nine Houses with an unimaginable frequency of madness!

The agility of this aura collection speed, even though Dong Qitian has survived for countless years, he has never seen it, or even a miracle that he has never heard of!

Between Dong Qitian’s thoughts and the electric turn, it seems that he thought of something. He was eager to get out of his body. He immediately went to the height of a thousand feet, and looked at it with great gaze, but he saw the aura of the aura, boundless, and so high. I can't see the side at a glance.

Dong Qitian's figure once again pulled up two thousand feet, and the condescending view overlooking the four fields, this really sees the scope of the current range of coffin fluctuations, but the truth is because it is clear, Dong Qitian instinctively took a breath.

At a glance, it is probably within a radius of six thousand miles. All the auras are concentrated on the side of the nine houses! One wave and another wave, like the real blue aura, there is no end to all.

Standing on the high ground, the Nine Houses have gathered together a sea of ​​complete aura, which is starting from the wind.

In this world, the first wave of aura has entered the nine prefectures; there are countless waves in the follow-up... endless endless endless...

Dong Qitian’s thoughts turned, but he turned his attention to the surrounding conditions of the Nine Houses, but saw dozens of hills within a thousand miles; actually began to show signs of gradually yellowing!

I don’t know what it’s like, but Dong Qitian is very clear. This sign shows that at least all the vitality in the current category is being taken away by the time until the complete life is gone and the vitality is gone.

So with a lot of aura, the momentum is getting more and more seeing, and it’s fascinating!

The nine prefectures located at the junction of the Quartet Aura are transformed into an endless black hole. The whales swallow the sea and contain the aura from all directions. It seems that there is never a time to be satisfied!

"This is... Is this already the Tianyun flag?" Dong Qitian has some stays: "But even if you get the Tianyun flag, you can't make such a big move."

"Even if the original aura of the Nine Houses is far more than the general product of the Tianyun flag, and now the next day's flag, and the aura will be quadrupled on the original basis, the scale is particularly unexpected. ...but with such a large scale, it’s so extraordinary that it’s so amazing..."

Whirring whirring……

The fluctuations of the Aura tide are as bright as ever, and continue to increase. Gradually, they violently whistling and squeaking. Seeing this is becoming more and more fierce. The aura at the beginning is only quietly entering. Now, it is like Tianhe. The pouring down, the sound is shocking, shocking!

At this time, there is another flash in the air!


A blue sky flag, flying from the distant sky, crashed into the highest place of the nine residences.

Then I will not move, let the Pei Ran Aura storm, go back and forth, the blue sky flag will not move, only the flag that is full of a few feet will be in the wind, and it will be loud.

With the fall of the blue sky, the speed of the aura was actually on the upper floor. It was already very fast. Now we have to add another word, such as a long blue dragon, and constantly fly into the nine houses.

The aura that is now pouring in is no longer as pure as it is, but directly is pure substance!

Seeing the change, Dong Qitian was completely sluggish and stunned!

"No, this is clearly the gas phase that can be caused by the Zhongpin Tianyun flag. Can their goal not be the next day's flag? How can it become a Chinese product? This makes no sense!"

"Is it true that these gangs have been soaring to the Chinese products in the past? But... how is this possible?! Whether it is the strength of Yun Yang’s history, or the strength of his disciples, he can be promoted. The basics of the Tianyun flag are already the limit. At most, when you go to the middle of the product, you will have no chance to enter the top. Even the top three products are all delusional, and it is even more impossible to attack the Chinese product!"

Dong Qitian is still very confident in this judgment.

In his view, the nine prefectures have made this move, and it is stable to get the next product.

And the order of the next product Tianyun flag will not be the last of the last one!

According to his prediction, the Nine Houses can rush to the middle section of the lower Tianyun Banner. About four or five positions, it should be the limit. There is absolutely no possibility of getting the top three. After all, the Tianyun flag is promoted, and the requirements are five battles. The victory is only qualified to continue to challenge. Although the current foundation of the Nine Houses is quite impressive, it is really the limit to reach this point. The top three products of the Tianyun Banner are all the real strength of the door. On the one hand, the government is not enough to check and balance!

Not to mention the chief product of the product, and even the impact of the Chinese flag on the sky, knocking out the end of the Zhongpinzong door, is completely unrealistic!

However, the facts of the present, but this is absolutely impossible, knocking and drumming, sentimentally sent to the front!

Looking at Pei Ran Reiki is still pouring in like the Yangtze River and the rivers, and Dong Qitian only has to pay a bitter smile.

But with a smile, the bottom of my heart has followed up with a deep excitement and an indescribable excitement!

Dong Qitian knows one thing deeply: himself, actually witnessed the miracle!

The original aura concentration of Jiufufu was far more than the price of the next Tianyun flag by Yunyang. If we say that the concentration of reiki possessed by the Tianyun Qimen School is calculated by quadrupling on the basis of the ordinary land boundary,

Then, the atmosphere of the nine auras originally created is at least six times higher.

Now, the Nine Houses are directly upgraded to the Zhongpin Tianyunqimen School. The density of the Aura can be increased on the basis of the original, adding four times the increase of the Zhongpin Tianyun Banner and twice the increase in the basic gas transportation; That is to add extra six times the atmosphere!

This kind of increase... The degree of spirituality of the Nine Houses is comparable to the Aura density possessed by the top-class Tianyun Qimen School!

A small martial art group that has just entered the ranks of Zhongpin Tianyun Qimen School has the same benefits as the Shangpin Tianyun Qimen School. What does this mean?

Moreover, at least in Dong Qitian's view, what the nine prefectures have is far more than just visual inspection!

There are strange forces in the nine palaces!

This special power is different from the ordinary spirit; it has the magical effect that the spirit can't reach: it can change the qualification of a person subtly!

This is beyond the performance of conventional cognition, even the Sacred Heart Temple does not have!

Even the East Pole Palace, which is above the Sacred Heart Temple, does not have it!

This is the super power that has never been seen before!

In other words, Jiu Zun has one, a single super card under the sky!

Such a martial art, although only in the middle, but the future prospects have been brilliant, can be seen. As long as it does not fall, the next step in the future will be even the height that Dong Qitian can't imagine!

Sacred Heart Hall?

East Pole Temple?

At least Dong Qitian can now assert that... Shangpin Tianyun Qizongmen, Shangpin Chief Yunyun, will not be the end of Jiu Zun!

Was the old man imprisoned for four thousand years, and now released, is it necessary for the old man to witness the birth of this legend?

The so-called legend, the history of the history, but so!

Dong Qitian muttered to himself.

But... the next moment.

Looking at the blue-and-white dragon, the heaven and earth aura is still rushing into the nine prefectures. Dong Qitian suddenly remembered what he had neglected and could not help but change his face.


In addition to Dong Qitian's meditation, his body shape is blurred, as if he is crossing the void, and he is rushing into the nine prefectures.

Don't say anything else, Dong Qitian's hand is enough to scare all the Chinese goods in the Tianyun flag to send people in the door. This hand is too clever, and it is a moment of emptiness!

It’s just that Dong Qitian is not in the show. It’s just because the situation is urgent. It’s a rush to return to the Nine Houses. The situation is as true as Dong Qitian’s judgment. But within the Nine Houses, there are more than a quarter of them. Everyone is a painful and painful face, all of them are flushed and full of bloated.

Of course, there are still many martial arts roads that have already laid the foundation. It is quietly sitting on the road to absorb the aura.

Seeing such a situation, even with Dong Qitian’s insightful insights and calm minds, I felt at a loss when I was at a loss. I don’t know what to do.

“Predecessors, how can this be good?”

Ping Xiaoyi and Guo Wenyang flew in, and their faces were anxious: "Dong's predecessors, this... what is going on?"

Dong Qitian sighed a long sigh: "This is... Yun Yang and his party succeeded in capturing the Tianyun flag, and what they have achieved is not only the established product of the Tianyun flag, but the higher level of the Chinese goods. Flag, in other words, now Jiu Zun has become a Chinese martial art. This is the sign of such a large-scale aura madness. This is the welfare of Tianyunqijiamen, and is changing the aura environment for the nine ancestors..."

Ping Xiaoyi and Guo Yangyang were both unexpected in their hearts, but they were still surprised: "But the magnitude of this aura is too fierce. In our martial art, there are too many people who can’t bear it. Live in such aura instilled."

Dong Qitian said with a bitter smile: "Speaking of this festival, it is probably the mistakes of the old man, but I can’t think of Yun Yang. They even got the Chinese flag of Tianyun, and they made a big change. But now this situation, even the old man I have to sigh again..."

Ping Xiaoyi's face changed greatly: "Isn't even the predecessors can do anything, and it's not a bad idea to try it out."

Dong Qitian’s face is stunned: “Hey, if there are only a few people, even a dozen people, I can try my best to help them to guide the flow of the spirit. But now, the people who are affected by the spirit are so popular, who can’t save who can’t save is no solution. In other words, let them accept it and self-discipline... If they can finally survive this crisis, they will greatly benefit their minds. This opportunity is faced by them themselves. It is the best!"

Ping Xiaoyi and Guo Yangyang are both stunned.

Self-cope, persistence? !

This is clearly to let the people who bear the aura of gambling gamble, according to the current situation, is it not to die a lot of people? !

Dong Qitian said: "The root cause of the current situation is that the density of the aura is too strong. The natural purification of the fines, the reinvention of the bones, and the way to push the boat into the practice, these people are interested people... these people, no matter how they practice later Whatever you do, you will get twice the result with half the effort and become the best."

"But those who can't afford such a huge aura..."

Dong Qitian frowned and thought about it.

"What caused it?" the two asked anxiously.

"...and caused... the meridian rupture, Dantian burned, it was the road to repair the road, and returned to the dust..." Dong Qitian face heavy road

"Return to the dust, the meaning of the predecessors is that they will not be able to continue to practice, can only be ordinary people?" Guo Wenyang asked

"If it is only to return to redress, to become an ordinary person is still good, those who can not withstand the aura of the body, a great opportunity will be on the spot to smash the flesh, after all, with the current aura to wash the strength ..."

"And this ending is already a foregone conclusion. Any external force is hard to change, but it is nothing but vain."

Dong Qitian said; "There is too much to bear now. There are only three of us who can care for it. What we should worry about now is the aura that is poured into the nine prefectures. To what extent, these auras It will be the foundation of the future of Jiu Zunfu's future generations, and it must not open the guardian squad to let it go..."

Ping Xiaoyi shines in front of him: "The meaning of the predecessors, if you open the big array, you can greatly slow down the concentration of aura in the nine palaces, so that the situation of the disciples is relieved?!"

Guo Wenyang also said: "Yes, as long as people are still there, they are better than nothing. I also agree to open the guardian mountain to release excessive aura..."

Dong Qitian heard a bitter smile again: "You think it's simple. Now even if you open the guardian big array, the aura will not disperse!"

Because the reason why Aura gathers here, the main reason is the Tianyun flag that appears at the highest point of the Nine Houses. As long as the Tianyun flag is still there, it can't be pulled out, it can't be destroyed, and it will open the guardian big array, even drinking and quenching thirst. Not really, but in vain. ”

Dong Qitian closed his eyes and said faintly: "Now I can only see everyone's own blessings."

"If you get past the past, you will get this chance. After that, you will be reborn, and you will not be able to survive. It will be a smog. Of course, it may be a way out of the martial arts. This is no longer a manpower to reverse the change."

Ping Xiaoyi Guo warmyang's face is even worse, Guo Wenyang whispered: "Predecessors are not saying that they can help save more than a dozen people. Plus, we should be able to save more talents. what……"

Dong Qitian said calmly: "Since ancient times, there is a saying that is good: people, there is no sin that can't stand it; only the blessings that can't be enjoyed. And the initial source of this sentence is probably the case."

"The situation is harder and more painful. Just bite your teeth, don't give up, you can always pass, and you can breathe a sigh of relief when you are not good. However, once the chances are too high, there will be many people who will die because they can't bear it."

"This is life."

Dong Qitian said faintly: "The life of man is destined!"


Today is the birthday of the Lord of the Wind, and wish her a happy birthday. Yesterday was the birthday of Kay's ally, and a happy birthday.

The two brothers are fast-lived, and there are today, years old and present.

The infusion is very uncomfortable. After losing the fluid, there is a cold symptom... Special, dizziness, weakness, nasal congestion...

Today is still two in one. Rest and rest these days, after that, let's explode again. >

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