I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 293: Thousands of voices have eavesdropping!

White girl and other eight people pursued all the way, seeing that Yun Yang suffered more and more trauma, but more and more desperate, that is, refused to give up; even if the blood is constantly ejected, still can escape Escape, for a long time, lasted for half an hour, and then came to an end with the clouds and the sudden into a dense forest.

The demons only heard the sound of Sosso's voice brushing all the way, even if they didn't smell a little.

The demon naturally will not give up on this, Qi Qi and his shots, with the bang of a loud bang, the countless knives of the swords and the claws of the wind instantly enveloped half of the jungle, all the countless trees within the attack range were shattered; It is a pity that in addition to some small animals flying in the woods, there are no other breaths.

Yun Yang seems to be in the moment of drilling into the woods, and it has already disappeared into the air.


The white girl's face is blue and green, and her face is cold, and her eyes are fierce. "Yun Yang is already seriously injured and dying. Although he has to breathe, he still can't escape! Somewhere in this forest, even today is even Dig the ground three feet, but also dig him out!"



The next two hours, a total of eight demon masters, the whole piece of wood will be smashed, every inch of the underground, but also turned over a space of at least a dozen feet, but it is not able to find a half of Yun Yang shadow.

Even a little blood was not found.

The white girl stared at the scene and turned upside down. It could no longer be called the remnant of the woods. The exquisite face even overflowed with the color of admiration: "No wonder you can escape the golden chasing of the Golden Eagle King... This means of escape It’s really different!”

"Just...because you know that you are in this area, then even if you turn into dust... After all, you still have to die!"

In the evening, Bai girl and others stayed here directly; they continued to search in eight directions, and the search was a bit of an inch, and did not let go of any suspicious places.

During this period, even if it was a cat call, it would immediately cause some great efforts. It is obviously intended to cut off all the vitality of Yunyang.

However, the whole day and night passed, and Yun Yang still has no traces, as if this person is no longer in this world!

White girl and other eight people are tired and straight out their tongues, looking at the jungle in front... No, it’s already a jungle, it’s been smashed into deserts, even Also expanded to nearly double the range of areas, full of barren land!

However, these people are all incredible.

How did this guy live in such a search or even hide it so well?

This means of hiding is simply... simply...

"Before...he was seriously injured?"

"Yes... I was seriously injured by us...?"


The tone of several people is full of uncertainty,

In the face of the current puzzling reality, they all began to doubt themselves: Did they not hit him at the time?

Is he not hurt at all? Or he also hides the secret of the mysterious speed, and escapes this land early!

Otherwise, the current situation is too strange.

White girl's face became more and more gloomy.

As the person who has had the most direct contact with Yun Yang, she can be determined by 10,000 yuan. Before Yun Yang, she was absolutely seriously injured. There is no flower holiday; but why can't I find it?

"The weirdness is here."

One day and one night; I have received two questions.

On the other side of the peak, it can be described as anger and anger, and successive accountability.

"Is the murderer killed by the thunder?"

"... is killing."


"Have you killed?"

"...is trying to kill...has not confirmed..."

The shackled day is dimly dark!

"White Bing! You want him to die?! You have to force Laozi to say swearing, don't want to live and say it directly!"

The white girl naturally does not want to die at all, so she wants to catch Yun Yang and let Yun Yang die.

However, the reality now is that she can't see a little shadow of Yun Yang.

It has been tossing into the early morning, Bai Bingbai Bingyan, with her seven subordinates, gathered in the tent with physical and mental exhaustion, brainstorming, brainstorming and consultation.

"This Yun Yang, where did you hide?"

Eight people can't figure it out.

It’s clear that a smothering oil can be used to hide there.

How can there be such a strange thing under the sun?

Extremely confusing, incredible, incredible, difficult to understand!


When they couldn't figure it out... In the tent they had temporarily tied up, a hint of gloom was already hidden there.

Does Yun Yang deliberately avoid the search of the demons?

Absolutely no!

Yun Yang was incarnate in the first time when he sneaked into the jungle. When he searched for himself, all the way behind the white girl, including the two accountability, were all clearly heard. drop.

He clearly saw that the white ice scorpion took out a black singular fusiform crystal; after continuously inputting a sneak peek for a while, the tip of the shuttle gradually glowed; then Bai Bingyu began to report the current situation against the shuttle.

After the report is finished, let go, wait for the shuttle to flash without any warning, then enter the mysterious spirit, and then pass out the voice of the angry reprimand over there: "Is it found now?"

"Have you killed that kid?"

"A bunch of waste!"

"You said you can do something!"

And Bai Bingyu was standing in the face of the sorrowful grief of the shuttle face, accepting criticism; after the criticism is completed, put it down again, then input the mystery after cooling, give out the light, and then either defend, or report the new situation...

"This thing seems to be a good thing..." Yun Yang looked at the strange light: "It is actually a million-mile voice, not a one-time consumption of props..."


However, after a day of eavesdropping, I did not get any valuable information.

At least the sound coming from the other side of the fusiform horn is not the voice of the elders of the thunder, but a strange, gloomy, hoarse voice.

Every time this sound comes out, there will be a faint demon, a bit of pervasiveness, showing the fact that the other party is a demon.

Bai Bingyan eight people once again expanded the scope of the search, expanding the area to a range of two thousand miles, and after five days and nights of sleepless hunting, they had to be confessed.

Once again, the party has been in vain and can’t catch it completely!

Yun Yang, ninety-nine is already leaving already...

Bai Bingzhen really can't hope that Yun Yang will die because of the injury. Because the chances are too small, there is no chance of one in ten thousand. Even if you can die silently, there must always be a body, blood, and clues. correct!

But how frustrating is useless, or report the latest news on your own.

"There is no way to hunt down Yun Yang... The other party may have escaped, or it may have died in a place that could not be found."

This time, the reprimanded from the opposite side was unprecedentedly fierce.


"You have no other use than to show off the coquettish!"

"Yun Yang may be dead? Are you fooling me or fooling yourself?!"

"You eight people teamed up, the overall strength is much higher than the other side, and even the people have been seriously injured... Actually, they can still chase people... You really created the first river of the demon family for hundreds of thousands of years! Bai Bingzhen, Although you are a mother, you are very kind!"


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