I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 317: No need to train

"What's the matter! Say the top ten must be all done, how can you run one! Why do you eat one by one! After all the training is tripled, let you long remember. Know know Okay!"

"And you, look at it, that is to say you, don't think that if you take the first time, you will be a cow. It will be great. If you are beaten by someone next time, I will see where your face is! Brilliance never means eternal, do you know?"

"You, the second one, do you know that you are only one step away from the first, can you no longer use your strength? If you can't get the first time, see if I won't kill you!"

"Who is there, you don't feel good about yourself before the test, don't you boast about who I am? Why do you only get a sixth? Look at you later, dare not believe it, blow the snail!"

"There are you, you, and you... They are naturally lacking, but they have won their opponents and won the rankings, but you, a group of people who have not made any progress, have been compared by others! That is not for us. The teachers of the Nine Houses are in the apprenticeship. Why do you lose, why are you losing? It’s not because you are not working hard enough on weekdays. You know that your defeat is the face of the Nine Houses. Let's lose the name of our masters!"

"After the countdown, hundreds of people, all deducted the monthly benefits! Deducted monthly supply for the month!"

"If the ranking of next month can't be increased, then it will be deducted for half a year! For three consecutive times, one year, there is no growth in five consecutive times. Sorry, you don't have to count on resources in this life. Resources, never provide waste without perseverance and no progress!"

The murderous reward and punishment system was announced by Yun Xiuxin. The following time is silent, the needle can be heard!

"From now on, follow this law!"

"When the competition is over three months, it will be implemented, and then new rewards will be formulated!"

Let's not say how the words of Yun Xiu Xin's master sister are like this, but the punishment is seemingly too high, right? ! And the coverage of anger is too much, and it seems that there is no such reward. !

At the right time, there is a daring boy shouting: "Master sister, you only said how to punish behind, not enough effort, not really aggressive, it is okay, but you don't even say how to win the prize." Ah! How do you win such a big progress? From 10,000 to 10,000, is there any rumor? There is another 10 advances and 100 advances. It should not be treated equally. If nothing goes any further. This is also a bad idea?"

Yun Xiu's face was a glimpse of the time. Because of the fact that the two factions were not as good as expected, they were filled with anger, and they were furious. They had many punishments and regulations, but they did not think about rewards. At this moment, they were asked, and they could not help but be poor. A scream of red face: "These are all natural sayings. When we look back, we will come up with a specific plan and announce it immediately!"

I heard Yun Xiuxin say this, everyone is in a crowded situation; there are rewards and penalties, you are so severely penalized, then the relative rewards must be very heavy, if not, it is not reasonable, it does not matter!

Seeing that the situation has gone too far, Yun Xiuxin and other ten disciples have gone back to the meeting, and they have been in the middle of the night. In the end, Sun Mingxiu used the one night to write a specific reward and punishment charter.

Every time you are bigger than the first person, you will be rewarded.

Every time the Big Ten ranks in the top ten, there are also prizes, but also big prizes, just a little lower than the first place.

After that, the ratio of the big ratio changes, depending on the specific situation. For example, if you slip from the first place to the top three, there is no reward and punishment in this case; but if it falls too much, for example, it will fall out of the top three, then there will be Relative punishment; and so on.

Um... The set of words that Yun Xiuxin said before is simply a way of thinking out without thinking about the brain. There is no reference value, and it is directly invalidated. If it is the second, it can only progress to the first, the first is not allowed to regress, everyone only Can you not go back, is it necessary to kill everyone?

Underneath, as originally in the top ten, as long as one is advanced, the original reward is doubled; however, the first ten of the drop, the original supply is halved, and the self-resource is spent as a punishment.

This rule, and so on, applies to all the disciples in the top 100.

Then there are the top three hundred; the top five, the first one; the first three thousand, the first five thousand, the rewards and punishments are downgraded in order to implement...

After the next five thousand, it is not a penalty, to maintain the status quo;

As for the last four thousand disciples in the rankings, all of them have improved by the previous big than the rankings, and they are not penalized. However, if they are not enough to go backwards or even regress, they will be punished with specific punishment!

After the ranking of two thousand, the penalty.

The last five hundred, heavy punishment!

The last one hundred, who is still in the last hundred consecutive times for three consecutive months, automatically fills the comrades.

Be regarded as the last elimination mechanism!

Lin Lin always down, actually listed more than 20 pages of paper, and this is only a preliminary plan, far from perfection!

"Is this not the rhythm of writing a book..."

Sun Mingxiu smiled for it.

This work, of course, landed on Sun Mingxiu, Yu Chenghang, Bai Yexing and other people; as for Yun Xiuxin, Hu Xiaofan, Lu Changman, Cheng Yiyi and other main peak disciples, all of them were picking up.

Yun Xiuxin’s cultivation is the title of the disciples in the disciples, but when it comes to internal affairs, it should be managed by the martial art. Besides the mouth of the mouth, um, or can still get beaten, but there is no other thing. The water is great!

"Able people should do more work."

Yun Yang and Luo Dajiang and others have only stopped watching this situation, and no one has said anything.

On the contrary, Kong Yueyue went down to privately to find Yun Yang and talked once: "What do you think of the boss? You are a disciple of this head, have you not seen your training? Yun Xiuxin is recognized as a successor among the disciples. The man of the cloak, you don’t carefully adjust, how can she lead the government at that time?!”

Yun Yang smiled blankly: "Why should I train specifically?"

"..." The hole is in the words of the moon.

Why should we cultivate? ! Is it not clear enough that I just said?

You are the head of the Nine Houses. It is the Fuzun. Do you not train your robes to be the next head! ?

Is this a logical extension? !

"Looking at the moon, I think you have a misunderstanding of my thoughts, or a blind spot. My disciples may not necessarily be the next family members of the Nine Houses! Let the children recommend the people they trust, Let them also find their own position in the martial art! This is the long-term development of a martial art!"

Yun Yang said: "The disciples of the head may not necessarily be the heads! It is best to do their most suitable and most suitable job."

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