I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 332: Ants that violate the sky

On the other side of the Yaozu, the low-order monsters gradually disappeared, and the monsters of the Holy Emperor level began to appear frequently; in just a quarter of an hour, there were three heads of the Holy Emperor and the monsters, and then the wounds were scarred. Go back.

Here, more than a dozen Beastmasters have been so tired that they squirm their tongues and gasp, including the crane king who pays the most attention to his image, and the most active and active Monkey King, all sitting on the ground and fighting for Every time buffer time!

The army of millions of mysterious beasts has also been almost disabled.

The eagle, the king, the king, the peacock king, and other flying mysterious kings, the angry sky and the big drink; in the day of the penalty forest, nine or more flying mysterious beasts, once again fully gathered!

The drink of the king of the mysterious beasts has begun to be mixed with indescribable sadness!

These mysterious beasts that are now gathered are the follow-up forces of the Holy Land. After hundreds of years, they will take over the positions of these mysterious beasts that are now fighting, resisting the invasion of the monsters, and guarding the gates of the demon.

But now, the fierce battle of this sudden arrival has already caused them to lose the opportunity to grow up; with their current level of cultivation, they can’t be used in frontal battles, they can only be used for one team and one team. The rushing from the explosion can form an effective attack effect!

Yunyang stood up and said: "The Beastmaster who did not participate in the battle, all come over, I will once again instill in the life of the gas, do not let those who are under-repaired to participate in the war, not worth the loss, does not help."

Xiong Wang was shocked: "The head of the cloud can't be made. This is the secret of the anti-sky secret. I have accepted it once and it is already a great feeling. You have already used it once and it has been weak. Use it again, I am afraid..."

The Beastmasters know that in this situation, I am afraid that only the magical means that the Cloud Head has used once will allow everyone to support it for a while.

However, it is really embarrassing to speak.

When people have been home for a while, they are already half-dead, and they have to wait for more facials and extravagance. In particular, people still support the body, help people to repair weapons, and others are forgotten, and people are tired and tired. Ok, let's take a step back and say, what is going on here is still the matter of our mysterious beasts, pulling people in. If this is the case, why do you want to endure?

Yun Yang’s heart suddenly stunned, and said: “The beastmasters are still able to forget their lives in order to protect this continent. I’m still ignoring this life’s anger, it’s okay!”

One can't refuse to say: "Come on, I have already started the secret law. If no one accepts it, it is a waste, I am not kidding!"

"So, thank you!"

He Wang deeply shook his hand, then turned his head and angered: "I and the eagle king are here to rotate, you are going faster, reply to the state as soon as possible!"

The Eight Great Beasts squatted over and sat down on the ground with a slap, and the blood on the ground became a small river.

This day, the demon portal is like this..." Monkey King looked helpless.

If you say that all the high-order mysterious beasts participating in the battle have a life-stricken atmosphere, even if you have Yun Yang and green and green, you can't do it.

However, every beastmaster has a life-stricken atmosphere. Although Yun Yang still feels that his body has been hollowed out, the green and green yells can't be eaten, but it is still within the load range and will not be able to cope.

More than a dozen traits of the Beastmaster who once again responded to the vitality and vitality to take turns to take turns, under the support of the double supply of the wounded weapons, which is not worth the cost, the Xuan Beast army finally no longer needs to adopt the most extreme blasting offensive. It was the battle that was withdrawn for a while, and the other ethnic group went up, and it was repeated and ordered.

Compared with before, although the battle situation is still fierce, even before, but the casualties are much less than before, and sometimes even a little rest time.

Xiong Wang, who has also supported a round of extreme output, came to the thrill of the Golden Retriever. Many wounds that were covered by Xuanqi had blood spilling at the same time, and they flowed a big beach, but he got a chance to breathe. Point injury is nothing, as long as the luck is quickly adjusted, the strong body will naturally repair itself very quickly, but seeing his **** sitting on the ground, sighing: "This is really awkward, this time The Battle of the Demon Gate came unexpectedly, and there was no sign, especially the range of the demon gates that were more than the past... If we were wary, as long as the gold ants were sent, it’s not how much to die!”

Crane King smiles: "I can think of it? Gold ants will not die? Really a war of consumption, gold ants are invincible, no fight, but the other side will be stupid to stay with you, once put Come out, don't need to come and go like a wind, blink of an eye, as long as the speed is a little faster, you can let the golden armor ants can't catch up? People run a little faster, the special ants can't see it! ”

Xiong Wang laughed: "The speed of the ants of the golden armor ants is still ok!"

"The number is too small, how can it be used?!" The Monkey King is simple and straightforward.

Several other kings nodded.

During the speech, it was time to change the defense. The King of the King and the Monkey King led the group to the top.

“Golden armor ant?” Yun Yang remembered the ant colony he had seen, but the ants seemed to be silver, and the individual strength was relatively limited. Did the other Beastmasters just say what else?

"Golden armor ants are a very powerful group in our sacred land; although the highest order ant king is only seventh order; but if it develops to a certain number, it is enough to kill any strong person in this world, which is another sense. The world is invincible!"

The one who spoke is the carved king who has never spoken. The carved king is black and looks like a mighty domineering, but it is silent and silent. If he does not say a word at a moment, the phrase that pops up at this moment is full of embarrassment.

"Ah? Invincible in the world? Can you kill any strong person in this world?!"

Yun Yang suddenly asked, obviously there is great doubt about this statement.

However, the King of Vultures sighed two sentences, but did not go down.

The lion coughed and smiled: "The golden armor ant family, when born, is only a sacred beast; with the growth, the individual strength will gradually climb the five-character beast, and then it is relatively rare to improve, but the ant is known as the number of people. About one thousand ants will always have one mutated into a phase of a flying ant."

"Flying ants, regardless of strength or combat instinct, are much more powerful than other gold armor ants, and at least have the power of six products."

"However, the flying ants have far greater strength than Tongji, but they will also lose the fertility power of inheriting the blood. Therefore, they want to produce flying ants, and they cannot pass the normal training. They can only take chances..."

"But this process of accumulating individual flying ants is undoubtedly quite long. It is a hundred years of poverty. Now the army of ants of the golden armor is only over 100,000. It is simply too big to be used."

Speaking of this, the Lion King is not awkward: "It should have been the most powerful ethnic group in the Holy Land, but... because it violated the heavens, it was punished like this... Now the golden armor ants are almost fallen into the whole day. Punish the most vulnerable group of the Holy Land."

Yun Yang: "I have violated the weather? What is the solution?"



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