I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 343: Very sad!

On the battle against the powerful enemy of the rivers and lakes, the amount of money is naturally not as good as that of Luo Dajiang, but if it is about how to manage the martial art and the necessary facilities for building the martial art, it is a lot of money, such as a few treasures.

Looking at the present nine prefectures, watching the Tianyun flag show the legendary changes in the Tianhang Universe, the money is more exciting than eating a few hundred pounds of the drug.

"There is a specialization in the industry. I am responsible for all this. You only need to assist me or provide staff. Remember to listen to me."


By the next morning, the money that had not been asleep for a night had gone down the mountain with great spirits. When I came back, I had brought back the craftsmen of the brigade. The spirit was still embarrassing, and I was more excited than playing chicken blood.

"This side, this piece of land is drawn out for me, not too much, about three acres or so; there is also about three acres, here, oh, right! This side must be ... 50 acres! Here, Cover a small building; here, cover a pavilion; here, dig a pool; yes, this side also covers a building covering ten acres of land..."

"This is the focus, expand our mountain and expand the area of ​​3,000 acres of land..."

When the money is too busy to be handed over, I will always be happy, and I will not be too happy.

"Jiufeng disciples' dresses must be neatly arranged; from now on, individual generations need to be strictly divided; founders, wearing purple robes, like the boss; first generation disciples, yellow clothes; second generation, black clothes , third generation, blue, fourth generation, red, fifth generation, green clothes... so analogous..."

"The general manager of Qian Da, if there are more than a dozen generations of disciples in the future, what should you do now? You have already exhausted all seven colors, what should you do after that?"

"The seven colors I set are the main colors; the next ones, just match the cuffs and neckline of different colors with different colors of clothes, these are easy to handle, at a glance, there will be no mistakes."

There is a lot of money in the chest, and there are words that are plausible and eloquent.

In fact, he had long wanted to do this, but Yun Yang was too troublesome, and he was afraid that his disciples would give birth to their differences and delay their personal progress.

But now, these are directly on the table. For the amount of money that has been planned for a long time, it is just a matter of putting the plan into action.

For example, the tailors who are found are thousands of one-time, but they can do everything, and they are miscellaneous and indiscriminate.

“How big is it?”

"After tailoring the body, after the body is measured, one person will do six sets from the inside to the outside; two sets of summer and autumn, two sets of winter and spring; and two sets of exercise clothes specially used to cultivate and polish the body... Note that the style is different, don't give I am confused."

"Only six sets, will it be a little less? These are enough to wear for a year!"

"It’s just let them wear it for a year; this little guy is now growing up. After a year, I don’t know how much the body shape will change. This number is just right...”

"In addition to the larger ones, the body is almost shaped, all of them do."

"it is good."

"There are shoes as well."


The little fat man jumped up and down, and every day he could scream that his voice was dumb, but he was still happy and sipping.

For a lot of money, I created a martial art and watched the sects grow from nothing to grow up... Especially from beginning to end, the infrastructure of the door is his plan, the overall situation, and even the blueprint, laying everything... ...

For him, this is already the happiness of this world!

Although it is only the founder of the Nine Prefecture, it is not the founder; it is not the head, it is not the main fighting force, but even if it is the creation of this martial art, when the nine prefectures develop into today’s situation, then A kind of happiness and satisfaction is not as strong as a little fat man!

It is still far from being as good as it is ten times behind!

Because... This is the biggest obsession of this little fat man in this life, and it will last forever.

All the learning in the first half of his life, all the pursuits in the latter half of his life, all the efforts in his life, all entangled here!

Beyond this, there is nothing else!

For a lot of money, Xuan Gong is the first, the world is invincible, and the immortality is not old... These don’t matter. What he wants is to create the brilliance of a martial art!

It’s best to be the first sect in the world...that is, Sansei III has no desires...

This is the way of a lot of money, the business with the business alliance, the history of the clean kendo, are the branches of the Tao, each line is, the end is like one!

A lot of money is busy.

Luo Dajiang and others are also busy, they are busy practicing.

Yun Yang’s ultra-large breakthrough has given them unprecedented stimulation and impact.

In the morning, the money left a lot, and the nine people could not be scattered; instead, they continued to open a small meeting.

"The boss has entered the realm of sacredness! At the same time, the retreat is still going on, and the sword is getting more and more sturdy. Although it has not yet come out, the sword that overflowed him has already affected the entire nine houses. Come out, there will be substantial progress that is foreseeable!"

"Reviewing a few of us, it’s too weak, and it’s far behind!”

"It is necessary to catch up. Now the aura of the Nine Houses is so rich, it is a good time for cultivation. I think that our previous special training will not only continue, but also add a bit of difficulty. In addition to cultivation, the battle between each other must continue!"

Luo Dajiang Road: "If we only maintain the current progress of the practice, we are afraid that we will catch up with us when we are going to improve. It is really a shame when we are not as good as the teacher. Big!"

Luo Dajiang’s words made it very ugly to see the people in the scene.

"We have also noticed this." Tie Qing Cang's face is dignified: "In the recent period, it was too comfortable."

The next time, Luo Dajiang and others are really fighting for cultivation!

The intensity of cultivation is simply the extreme that you can't wait to practice yourself.

Every time you practice, you are squeezing yourself with all your strength. First, the ultimate big move is issued. Within a quarter of an hour, you have already exhausted your own mysterious internal energy and physical energy. After that, it relies on perseverance and support. Support!

Supported to recover, and then in the shortest possible time, then hollow out yourself, and then continue to struggle!

The rest time is not completely absent, but their rest time is used to answer questions for the disciples.

Seeing that the masters practiced in such extreme and so extreme ways, the true disciples of the Nine Houses have a lot of ups and downs, and each one has sharpened themselves farther than before. The younger brothers and sisters of the next, naturally Feel the crisis.

The cultivation of the brothers and sisters began to leap again, and we are getting farther and farther. What should we do?


Hard training!

Desperately practice!

From top to bottom, the nine prefectures have all launched this most extreme and extreme practice mode.

It doesn't matter if you don't use this kind of practice. If you wait for you, you will only be eliminated. If you don't want to be eliminated, you will only work hard. There is only limit, only extreme!

Even when eating, some people are chanting their mouths and taking the rice bowl to find the brothers and sisters to ask questions they don't understand. Even when you squat, there are disciples who are constantly considering their own direction of practice. How to solve the difficulties?

All of this directly led to the shock of Yun Yang when he came back.

Of course, this is a postscript, after a long time...


the other side.

Yun Yang reappears in the wind and clouds, and intends to enter the demon world directly from high altitude.

The incarnation of the incarnation, and the invisible and invisible without a trace.

But the thing that makes Yun Yang’s time is...

In my own avatar, I went to the highest point, and when I saw that I was about to leap to the **** mountain, I suddenly felt the endless pressure from the sky!

It is a kind of specific pressure similar to the sky.

It seems to be warning: no one is allowed to pass through the sky!

Since ancient times, no one has ever been able to fly over the top of the Blood Soul.

However, Yun Yang can be heart-wrenching, and his own situation has never come to the forefront. Even if it is a great force, it is still a natural genus, and I don’t believe that I can get my own situation!

Yun Yang chose to carry the huge pressure and continue to float up.

Fengyunhuaxiang Shentong really has its own unique features, and the hard-rooted strength of the heavens continues to rise. However, for every few feet, the pressure will be even greater. This is the fact that Yunyang has undergone a major breakthrough in the past, and it has also been alive and well. It is the sixth most important thing. Not only has it been repaired as a surge in combat power, but the ability to resist the load of the flesh is far more than before. If it is only before the small body, the current power of the sky is incompetent.

"The distance from the top of the mountain is about five hundred feet high." Yun Yang looked at himself for more than a long time to guard the mouth of the Blood Soul Mountain. He witnessed the end of the sky and his heart was full. Full, the odds are in hand.

If it is under pressure, it will fly two hundred feet upwards, and this height is almost 20,000 feet above the ground. Even if it is nowhere in the sky, it is enough to produce a torn high-level repairer. The power of cutting.

Yun Yang judged that even this high-speed casual hurricane went to the bottom, and it was enough to uproot a small piece of forest.

However, even if it is so stressed, Yun Yang is still affordable, and even more spare!

However, at this time, a sudden flash of lightning appeared in the sky.

This kind of lightning, the visual measurement is only the thickness of the fingernails, curved and curved, it seems to have no strength. For Yun Yang, who has experienced the baptism of heaven and earth, it is not worth a trip, dismissive, Even the intention of a little dodge is not owed.

However, the next moment, only a slight touch of the moment of lightning, Yun Yang screamed, and revealed his body shape from the sky, and drifted back and forth in the hurricane, with his current cultivation, Under the shock of the power of lightning, the situation has not stopped, and even unable to control his body, falling freely.

At this moment, Yun Yang, really does not want to move, but incompetent movements, he is now paralyzed, and even the small fingers can not move.

The only sensory that is still easy to use is only the sense of smell, because in the lightning strikes the upper body, the body is full of an indescribable barbecue flavor, the end of the smell is fragrant; not to mention others, Yun Yang himself smells wanting to lick The last two.

However, this seems to be my own flesh...

Between the thoughts of Yun Yang’s thoughts, he quickly judged that when a small lightning strike hit himself, he was all over the body, and only 80% of them were burned and baked, otherwise it would not be so.

It seems that in addition to the head is not cooked, the other parts... from the neck down, sprinkle a little material, any part can have a good wine.

The beauty between the two legs, Yun Yang did not dare to think directly, maybe the chicken flying eggs hit at this moment, become real? !

If Yun Yang is on the verge of sanctuary, he has the ability to reshape the body and rebuild the golden body. It is just a chicken and egg fight. Yun Yang can be ruined to the point of suicide...

"The old man is now almost empty, but the head is still not finished, and his head is still intact..."


On the Blood Soul Hill, at a height of about nine thousand feet, there is an obvious curved mountain pass, and both sides are high-rise towers, only slightly lower here.

At this height, there is a white man standing with his hands on his face, his face full of sly smiles, watching the squirting body falling from the sky.

"I really want to leap into the sky... no matter who it is, the old man feels very admired... It’s been a long time since I haven’t eaten fresh meat... except the last singular eagle was baked from above. The old man has forgotten what the taste of meat has been in these years. During this time, luck is really good. It’s less than a year apart, and the good luck...”

At this time, another white man appeared out of thin air, hehe smiled: "You may be able to eat the big eagle again this time, to shape the shape is the most appropriate ... gratifying."

The white man’s eyes were half-shouldered and cold and cold: “It seems that the last lesson you still haven’t remembered! If you really provoke the old man to get angry, the old man will cook you and eat it. Your old man dares to Don't dare, can't you?!"

Later, the white man laughed: "Brother, after so many years, I really don't know how many times I have to bake me... but unfortunately, the old man has never seen you practice it, this mouth is not enough to play. what!"

"You want to try?" The white man's eyes changed abruptly, it was Sen Han.

At this moment, the air suddenly screamed sharply.

Yun Yang’s body has already fallen into the Baizhang.

"This kid's luck is also good, actually fell directly to the blood soul mouth." Previously, the white man did not say a word, one hand swayed, a long breeze rose suddenly, but it was almost high-altitude falling body Sparks come to the head of the cloud and gently hold it in the air.

Obviously the breeze, there is no fluctuation at all, but the body shape of Yun Yang is stable and steady.


A few pieces of meat scented from Yun Yang and squatted on the ground, and even a more concentrated scent spread.


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The 333th chapter is extremely sad! (page 1/1)

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