I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 356: A lot of old and predecessors!

The white bear cried.

Um, I am greedy, eat your Amethyst honey, the so-called murder pays off debts, eats people's things, and pays equal compensation. Although the market price of Amethyst honey is outrageous, I bite. I recognized my teeth!

But what about the one million dollar sacred gift? !

That is a million yuan! ! !

Is it a shallow whip to make us aware of the wealth of high-level practitioners? !

Our holy yuan here is not the same thing as Lingyuan Stone in the Xuanhuangjie!

Although the spiritual power of the Lingyuan stone in the Xuanhuangjie can be used as a general equivalent, it can also assist in cultivation. It is practical and cost-effective, and it is indeed better than the Shengyuan of the Yaozu!

But the holy yuan of our Yaozu, the value of the currency is big!

One of our holy coins, one can let an ordinary family of ten eat the whole two months of life and fruit share!

Three hundred, you can buy a house that is not too big or too small in the place where Tianguan City is so expensive!

If there are more than 10,000 Shengyuan coins in hand, then it can be regarded as a small and wealthy!

I have worked so hard for so many years, but I have only earned a few dollars?

If you have a mouthful of one million, it’s not enough to smash our bones!

"What's wrong?" The fox's face is obviously not good. "I think I have a big open mouth?!"

Well, the ancient beast here refers to some ancient giant monster, the lion Zhang Dakou, in this name is really not true, it is difficult to name!

The white bear squats up: "Adults are upright! Seven of our brothers have worked hard for more than two hundred years, and have not saved a few dollars.

Fox Demon Cup: "What do you mean? You have no money in this mouth. Is it a bachelor who does not intend to compensate me? It doesn't matter if there is no money. This seat gives you a lot of ulcers. Let's go together and take a seat." If you don't die, you will do whatever you want. If you can't take it, you can't take it!"

The seven people heard that the souls of the dead are all in front of them. The demon king is the strongest of the top of the Holy Emperor. Even if the seven people are fully committed, it is impossible to resist the self-defense, and after a stroke, it is the cause. People are all dead, how can they not do it? !

But seven people are aware of this festival, and they are not willing to finish this game. They all smashed together: "I don’t want to compensate adults, I really can’t take it out."

Seven people are all a snot of tears: "We are a few small characters who are hard-working. The savings are limited, and the money is too hard to earn."

The fox screamed, and the murder suddenly appeared: "No money, that's damn!"

The seven people saw it badly, and they were scared and started to squat together.

I took all the things in my own space ring and piled up a bunch of miscellaneous: "Predecessors, this is already our property. You see if you can see your eyes, we have nothing to say."

Fox demon: ""

A demon looks at it, and there are only a few demon dans, but all of them are low-order; there are also some demon skins, all of which are lacking, and some low-level drugs are simply unsightly.

Then, it is close to 300,000 sacred coins that emit faint white light.

"Just all? Your whole body?" The fox demon looked at the seven monsters in front of him.

"Just these, really these," said the white bear crying.

The fox demon face is getting worse and worse. "You really don't know what is in the middle of it? You have to be a little bit of this. You are clearly humiliating me. You can have a considerable savings when you can practice at the level of the Holy King. Only to give such a point, it is clearly fooling me!"

The white bear wants to cry without tears: "The adults can wait for me to wait for the birth of the cold door, from the urinary home without constant production, repairing the road is difficult, we can cultivate this, really only rely on the accumulation of bit by bit to present the current Realm, the wealth in front of us, or because we have not found a wife, we have left this home."

Speaking and talking, it’s uncomfortable to say nothing.

In fact, we are already very diligent. This finance is already the richest level in Tianguan City.

We have earned a lot, but there is less money spent in the cultivation process.

"It's no wonder that you want to rob me, and it's still the thief who shouted that the thief turned out to be seven poor, and there was no plan for fair trade in his heart." The fox demon screamed: "Go one step forward!"

The seven demons were unclear and stepped forward, but they were shocked that the fox demon was actually grabbing the white bear and other seven gods to start searching.

The seven demon naturally did not dare to resist, let the fox demon go up and down his hands, inside and outside, but it is inevitable that the heart will spit out: "This big demon is high and high, but the pattern is not high, the demon strong is respected, we are Before the super powerful demon, where dare to hide and squat, why bother to go up and down, vainly worth the price!"

The fox demon completely ignores the strange eyes of the demon, and the corners are not willing to let go of it.

"What is hanging on your neck?" The fox demon pointed at a white bear.

It was the least that this guy had just taken out. There were no more than a thousand holy coins in total.

"I am, I am prepared." The white bear with a white flower stutters: "I am a fiance stone I am going to give to my fiancée, ready to propose."

Between the words, he clumsily fell from his neck and put his hands on him: "If you like adults, please take them."

"Fiancée?" The fox's eyes suddenly noticed the Lingyuan stone, and his eyes were different.

What Lingyuan Stone?

Isn't this the spiritual jade of the Xuanhuangjie?

Moreover, it is just a piece of Zhongpin Lingyu. In the Xuanhuangjie area, even if you only have the most common Tiandi treasure, Linggen Lingmiao can change the mid-range trading currency!

Is it true that Ling Yu is so valuable in the demon world?

This self-deprecating fox demon oh no, the old black and white eyes, Yan plucked the clouds, the big head can not bear to look at the accumulation of the top-quality Lingyu in the space of his own knowledge, there are also a lot of best Lingyu

How much is this worth?

"Forget it, you keep looking for a wife." Yun Yang sighed: "It seems that it is not easy for you to live too much. If so, then I will not be for myself, and be good with others."

Under the volume of the sleeves, it is about 10,000 pieces of Shengyuan coins. This is another way: "Because of the fruits, there are beginnings and ends. If you have a hard time, you can’t be the reason for your fault. I only Ru is quite a drink of my bowl of amethyst honey. As for other compensation, you have to do something for me, in exchange."

"Adults please."

Seven people now dare not say: A bowl of Amethyst honey is not worth so much money? Although it is really a good thing, there is no market price, you can let the banshee beauty, you can also let the practitioners nourish the meridians, but after you have passed the market, the market price is only one thousand two thousand holy yuan, but you Take away 10,000

But where is the voice of this person who dares to say?

This adult does not want his own life, not all of them have been taken away from these hundreds of thousands, and that clearly is already a good way!

If you want to collide with other adults, try?

Don't say anything, it's super good to give you a annihilation!

"Well, this seat has come to the left, because there will be an old rival because of the fate, I can't help but do one." Yun Yang sighed: "Although there is no loss, it is a coincidence that the space ring is broken."

"The water active tree has roots. If there is no such accident, most of them will not be out of your business." Yun Yang turned his eyes: "This seat is holding up so many amethyst honey, then you are stupid." The bear is coming to trouble."

The white bear heard the words, and he couldn’t help but cry.

How unlucky I have to be, so that I can encounter such wonders without a book!

A demon 问 Qiao asked: "Dare to ask the seniors to let the younger generations work, but there are instructions, the younger generations are not at all, no words!"

"There is nothing else, just ask you to help me transport these things into Tianguan City." Yun Yang is very generous: "As long as you do this well, I will not pursue you."

Bai Xiong and others heard that they were too busy to agree: "Okay, thank you very much for your generosity and generosity!"

The enchanting words are full of mouths, but they are from the bottom of my heart. The adult in front of me is really a kind-hearted person. They are all so slammed, so that we can only do so new, clearly to give ourselves a set, but also to give We have a way of life, this heart is really nothing to say!

As for the one thousand yuan, it’s absolutely the embarrassment, and not to mention the amethyst honey that people drink, just to let everyone feel the pressure of the strongest of the Holy Emperor, it’s not the 10,000 yuan. The money can go down!

But after another turn, the seven goblins have a face that has been brushed.

The requirements of the demon king are not difficult, not even a problem, but the question is how to transport it?

The cart has been filled with its own goods, and the space rings of his own waiting for it can not hold so much amethyst honey. If the space of the white bear is large enough, he is already in the first place. Time is full of brains, and there will be only part of it, while others are not as good as white bears.

Then the demon came to a conclusion, the broken space ring of the adult in front of him is really so much that can be loaded.

It is worthy of being strong!

"Please wait for a moment," said the white bear and said: "I let the brothers go to get a few big cars back. Amethyst honey is a good commodity with no price. It can't be touched, a little bit. The loss is not what it is."

Yun Yang is very impatient and turned his eyes: "Know it, go ahead and do it."

"Bear three!" The white bear stood up and screamed: "Come, go find some cars for adults!"

The bear three is the white bear, and the bear’s face is tangled, scratching his head: “Where to go?”

"Globe!" The white bear does not hit a place: "Where to get it, go where to get 9 not to go, delay the adult's business, heart your bear head!"

After the danger of life, the domineering of the big brother finally showed up again.

The white bear promised, and hurriedly turned and ran.

"Hey, the white bear, what is your name?" It seems that I can't walk for a while, chat.

"Return to the adults, spin white bear white." The white bear bowed his head.

"White bear white" Yun Yang mouth twitching, white bear white, special, white bear white bear, black? : "What about them? What are the names?"

"This is my brother, white bear black, white bear blue." The white bear pointed at the other two white bears that were not loud.

"Cough and cough good name"

Yun Yang coughed for a while, visually clear that it is all white, okay? How come out of black and blue?

"This is my brother, a group of people, this is the black bear big, this is the black bear two, this is the bear 7; the one to go is called the bear three"

The white bear is also a shy head: "Spin also knows that his own name is not good, but it is really a rumor that there is no culture, and these few people are arrogant. They are even less literate, and our brothers are still awkward. Color, they are directly one or two"

At the end of the day, it turned out that there was a lot of self-satisfaction and glory.

Yun Yang was stunned.

I don’t understand where your sense of superiority comes from, okay?

"In fact, our bear family is already much happier than those of the rat family." The white bear superiority is even more bursting: "I know a sacred king of the Rats. His name is the Rat Three Thousand Seven. One hundred forty eight"

Bai Xiongbai actually showed a smile that couldn't help himself: "His aunt has culture, and it is difficult to give thousands of children a name. There are snakes, wow hahaha, snakes, snakes, eggs. Hundreds, a flower class, a few hundred ordinary things, hahahahahahaha"

As I said, Bai Xiongbai seems to be talking about something ridiculous: "But it is still not as good as the big fish, hahahahahahaha"

Under the gaze of Yun Yang's face, Bai Xiongbai sat down on the ground, and the huge bear's paw patted the ground and opened his mouth to laugh and die. It was only a little less than the so-called laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha"

His five brothers were on one side, staring at him with a black line.

Looking at this guy who has caused a big disaster, the big trouble is still in front of you. Why are you laughing so happy?

I want to ask you, you have a god, let the brothers linger on the edge of life and death, you are so happy! ?

"Those who have a few thousand tens of thousands of tens of thousands of people are really rare to take a name." Yun Yang sighed.

Is it a mistake for a team like me to enter Tianguan City?

"No, there are not many thousands of tens of thousands of people who have survived, and more than 99% of them are going to die." Bai Xiongbai squinted with big eyes: "There is just just thinking that if they are one by one." Take the name hahahahahaha"

Bai Xiongbai laughed again and again, and it lasted for a long time.

This time, even the hunters who drove the car actually couldn’t help it.

For a whole team, every demon is looking at the off-line bear with a black line.

This bear is not sick!

It must be!

Accurate, did not run!

Lt; the demon family trip began. Use is the last big story of the book; after the demon, it is over. Gt;

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