I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 374: Killing the crane city

Through the conversation just now, everyone has already known the origin of Yun Yang’s identity and the purpose of this trip.

"take care!"

Everyone greeted them with their hands and their voices were sincere.

Yun Yang haha ​​smiled: "Please relax your heart, maybe it won't take long, you can return to the Terran region. At that time, I will let all the people in the Xuanhuang world send people to take the wind, and the people will not be willing." Destroy, the soul of the soul is immortal, and the nine are dead!"

“Thank you, we are all looking forward to that day!”

Mao Laoxiao smiled bitterly.

That day... will it really come?

Really fascinating...

In the eyes of the public, Yun Yang’s body gradually diminished, or turned into a style, or turned into a cloud. In short, it was turned into nothing, and it was melted into the spar door and never seen again.

"Go back." Mao Lao looked at the place where Yun Yang disappeared. After watching it for a long time, he said with a deep voice: "Everyone will go back. From today, all must be firmly remembered, the three words of a thousand years!"

"Reassured! In any case, we will not lose face for the two words of humanity! It is really the time to come to the last moment. Only you need to make a decree, let’s go on the road together, go to Jiuquan, no Lonely!"

Everyone is unanimous.

"But this time, the head of the cloud came, but the old man's heart ignited hope! We humans have such a strange person, why can't you destroy the demon?"

Mao Laozhan smiled and said: "You, let us wait patiently."

"The matter of the cloud head, no one is allowed to reveal a half sentence. Just according to the cloud head, the unified calibre. Once came in a fox demon, but inexplicably disappeared..."



He Wang dreamed of it, and in his view it was impregnable, even the underground base that could not enter and exit because of the illusory ghost, it was totally useless for the violet that he wanted to imprison!

Incarnate as gold, slowly infiltrate; incarnate as soil, slowly outward; incarnate as water, slowly flowing, incarnate as a cloud, turning into zero in and out...

Yun Yang will use the magical powers alternately. It is only an hour before and after, and it has already returned to the ground without knowing it.

However, at the moment when Yun Yang confirmed that he had seen the day again, he still took a big breath.

This special prison of the Yaozu has a soul monitoring everywhere, even if it is the mysterious magic of Yunyang's various magical powers, it is a great effort to avoid it!

In fact, it is more than him, this return journey, tired of green and green is enough!

If only relying on Yun Yang’s own strength, all the magical powers can come out, but it is impossible to evade all the knowledge of the gods. In order to avoid all the knowledge of the gods, the green and green have made great efforts. If you didn’t make a big splash in the Soul Eater tree before, it’s really not worth loading!

This time, I spent only five or six days in the underground, but let Yun Yang give birth to a feeling like a world.

At this moment, the Tianguan City, no longer prosperous and peaceful, is full of arrogance.

Countless Hezu warriors flew up the sky to patrol the streets; the number of patrols on the street was much more; there were a lot of strong people coming and going, and they were rushing, seemingly searching for something.

"What happened?" Yun Yang turned into the face of the old fox family, grabbed a roadside demon, and handed a holy dollar in the past.

The demon who was caught was waiting to be angry, and suddenly received a large amount of Shengyuan, suddenly turned into a joy, and hurried into his arms: "Nothing is wrong, that is, several bears suddenly go crazy, a few days ago In the city, there was a lot of fire and turmoil, leaving the words to let the masters of the city put their masters in the clouds..."

"Now the bears don't know where to hide. The city owners are furious and ordered the city to hunt down..."

After the Yaozu finished, see Yunyang did not react, he hurried away, and changed a lot of wealth for a few words without reason, at least enough for a month, Shutan!

But Yun Yang is in the same place, already stunned.

He never imagined that Bai Xiongbai and several other bear demons would actually do such a big thing for themselves!

For a time, I can’t help but have some heartbeats, one after another!


Tianguan City covers a large area. It is only an inner city. It has a population of hundreds of thousands. If you add a foreign city and a slum outside, the place for Tibetans will be even more!

Yun Yang has no hidden meaning at this time, and the high-speed moving figure is like the phantom; it constantly appears in every corner of Tianguan City.

I walked in the West City the day before, and I went to the East City for the next moment.

This moment is still wandering in the center of the city. In a blink of an eye, I have already gone to the slums to search.

It really seems to be a illusory virtual shadow, constantly moving, constantly appearing in various places.

Yun Yang will have no intention of hiding his own figure.

Of course, his current image is still the one before, the so-called "Fox Master Violet"!

This fox demon, which has been known as "heavy treasure", reappears this time, and it is an uncharacteristic tyranny. Once it encounters a strong Hezu master, it will be a strong shot, killing each other as soon as possible, and then continue to wander around, like a man. No purpose, but it seems to be targeted.

Yun Yang will indeed be aimless. He doesn’t know the whereabouts of the bear demon. He can only try his luck in the air, but if he is completely chaotic, he will not kill him. He will kill the Hezu master from time to time. It is to pay attention to the news of the Hezu people. After all, they are the local snakes in this place. Once there is news, they must first learn that they can face them from time to time, and they can increase the chances of finding those bears.

It’s just that, where are the few bears hiding? It’s unreasonable to rely on their IQs to hide so well!

However, no matter what, first kill a few cranes and demon!

Yun Yang’s eyes are cold.

For some of the more than 80,000 humans below, ask for some interest.

With the chaos of Yun Yang, the situation of Tianguan City became more and more chaotic.


"What? What do you say? You said that the old fox of the Violet reappeared in the city again!" He Wang suddenly stood up, his eyes widened and the bells were big, unbelievable.

"Yes, it really happened again. And his strength is extremely strong, and I don't know whether it was hidden in the past, or how... Anyway, the three masters of the Holy Family have fallen, and there are more than 20 holy kings. The three or four products are also completely destroyed."

"Call the master of Xian Helin and go immediately."

"Well, this king also went to see it in person."


Over Tianguan City, suddenly the strong people flew, inspections in all directions, the unprecedented strength of the spirit filled the city, shocked the entire Tianguan City! Under such a strong spiritual spirit, the vast city of the city should not have a dead end.

It’s a pity that such a big battle is still in vain.

Yes, the huge mental power has indeed monitored the whole process, leaving no dead ends, and clearly monitoring the violet figure, but when they arrived at the location of Violet, their demon had disappeared and the scene was only full. The corpse is dead, and it is still a corpse that is incomplete!

All the property of the deceased, whether it is the space ring or the accessories of the weapons, all searched out, even the demon in the body of the deceased did not let go, it is three feet higher than the sky, the swallows must be clean!

Even the original corpse of several great emperors of the Holy Emperor was taken away.

Just, it’s a bit too much to do this!

Fighting between the Yaozu, even if it is a life-and-death battle, the victor will rarely dig out the demon of the deceased; the practice of the Fox Violet can be said to have violated the Yaozu taboo!

All the demons who witnessed this scene were all furious and filled with indignation.


"There is such a heartbreaking madness, it will kill more than the demon, but actually have to do physical insufficiency, so that the dead can not return to the embrace of the demon ancestors!"

"Violet **** it!"

There are more and more masters in the city government.

And the other question that followed has also haunted the hearts of many high-ranking demons: How did the city master offend such a terrible master? Let it go to this extreme?

Now, at these moments, why should you recruit such a strong person for the Hezu, and still be the enemy of death and hatred?

What is Wang thinking about?

There are a lot of thoughts and enthusiasm, and it is faintly concluded that this fox master is so hot, there must be a reason!

After all, if the people of the Yaozu are forced to a certain degree, it is not that the hatred has reached the point where it is not arrogant and mad, and it will rarely be done to kill and take Dan.

So what did the king do?

Among the Tianguan City, Yun Yang’s figure is hidden when it is present. If it is true, every time it appears, it will take away the lives of several or more than a crane strongman!

The **** taste in the city, not only did not escape because of the passage of time, but gradually became more and more intense.

When the Hezu masters were killed, they all revealed the original shape. The huge body of the big crane, one after another, fell in many places in Tianguan City, and it was shocking...

At this moment, the king of the crane has been almost crazy, and he can’t wait to swallow the wicked old fox.


He screamed in the sky: "This king is here, there is something, come out and fight with me!"

"There is a debt to the Lord, and this king will accompany you to death, you come out!"

The voice spread far and wide, but there was no positive response.

There is only one more screaming, constantly coming from all directions, one after another, one after another!


Everything has been removed, and the house will be demolished the next day... The work of the wife is also done; no way, it is to invest in stocks and cut meat... I want to open. I will start to work hard next week... Hey. >

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