I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 415: Your face doesn't work!

The seven saints are in the heart.

This Qinglong is very unusual today.

Once I came here, I said that I had to say it directly before I finished the two sentences. And this shot was so clever, it was so inch, and directly killed the Royal Crown Prince of the Fox family!

At the moment, but inside the Fox Palace!

Even if the Fox Emperor has a major suspicion, after all, there is no conviction, you directly kill the son of the family to calculate what! ?

Even if you are the head of the law enforcement team, you have a high weight, but you do not have this authority!

It’s so strange that there is a strain in it!

Is there really such a clever thing?

From the outbreak of the demon fox incident, the lazy Qinglong has always been pleased, and all the way to the road, has been here, by the next killer ... everywhere is unusual.

It seems that the fear of the Fox family is not anti-general!

The strange light in the eyes of the elders of Qinglong flashed, and the sky screamed: "After the fox! Are you going to drag the whole foxes into the land of annihilation? This is the life of the demon! Do you dare to resist?"

The face of Huo Houjuu’s face is full of sorrow and anger: "How is the life of the demon king? Even though my fox family is really rebellious, the evidence is conclusive, and the ironclad is like a mountain, and it must be judged by all ethnic groups. You are free to kill, Qinglong, you will directly kill the killer when you come, but what is the intention?"

Qinglong elders said: "You fox family rebellion, bad my demon family hundreds of thousands of years of planning, long-term evidence is conclusive, sin is not awkward, the family should be embarrassed!"

After the fox sneered, he just said: "You have already proved the evidence? What else can you say, kill them, one does not stay! Revenge for my emperor!"

The voice has not fallen, but I personally shot it and forced it to fly!

The blood and tears in the eyes, the glamorous face, a white and crazy; but as she swept, nine days above suddenly thunder, and then a group of shining, crazy intensive fall.

After the fox is also a strong man of the Holy King, although only the first step of the Holy King, but there are fox secret tactics, the strength must be above the ordinary two sacred princes, was previously trapped by the dragon and phoenix ban, one is because it is indeed It is a member of the Royal Law Enforcement Team. There is no flower holiday. Naturally, there has never been a watchful heart. Later, everything has changed too much, and it has become more unprepared. Moreover, because of the strength of the elders of Qinglong, the Fengfeng ban is the dragon and the phoenix. The secret tricks that have been meticulously crafted, the power can not be ruthless, after the fox, this is a one-shot system, and now the emperor is degraded, the imprisonment does not exist, the two sides have even seen the face, the fox will let the murderer killing his own baby, naturally it is also painful. The next killer, slammed back!

The fox emperor is not there. After the fox, it is the highest decision-maker of the fox family. There is also a prince who is in the front, and the fox family who is the voice of the elders of the Qinglong, the ancestors of the ancestors, the heart of the enemy and the enemy, the natural group is strong and killing!

For a time, the war became more and more fierce; the foxes were all crazy, and their red eyes rushed up. Every fox master was fighting for his life, and the first sound of death was already Shocked the demon of the Royal Law Enforcement Team.

However, the offensive of the Fox family has not stopped. Under the high-altitude battle group, the large array of the Fox Royal Legion has been rapidly formed. On the ground, the neat team has formed a huge arrow.

Endless demon, quickly brewing in the air, gathering!

The heads of the major military forces immediately issued an attack command: "Joint!"

At the bottom of the promise, the sea is shaking.


With the export of this word "attack", the Legion has worked together to launch an offensive. Numerous powers have formed a huge spear with thousands of feet long, flowing through the brilliance of the brilliance, whistling, and the speed is almost at its peak. It was just formed, and it has already gone under the huge dragon body of the Qinglong elder!

The elders of Qinglong saw the spears and looked at them. They did not dare to be light and scornful. A dragon claw borrowed from the side to force a reversal. I didn’t care that the giant spear could be different. He did not move the whole force, and he slammed it. At the time, the mouth is squirting blood and suffering from trauma!

This is the combined force of more than 100,000 soldiers of the entire legion. Even though the elders of Qinglong are repaired by the deep, they have already smashed the peaks of the two kings. However, with one's own strength, they have to bear the hard work of more than 100,000 legions. Injured on the spot!

And this blow is just the beginning. With a hit, the commands to launch the attack are one after another.



A **** spear, quickly formed, like a **** rainbow, spurting in the air!

The fox family and the whole family, including the foxes, contained a total of fifteen sacred monarchs in the air, which attracted most of the attention of the other party’s royal law enforcement team, and was supplemented by many sages in the periphery. Ready to go, even if the Royal Law Enforcement team is more powerful, it is still firmly held in the sky.

The combination of the Fox Army Corps underneath has produced an unusually stunning performance, which has caused the Qingjun elders and other saints to be injured soon, and they are still suffering from injuries, and the situation gradually turns into a disadvantage for the Royal Law Enforcement Team. And it is getting worse and worse!

Qinglong elders Yang Tianchang said: "The fox family rebellion is a foregone conclusion, I have to wait to kill, tell the demon king this matter!"

The voice has not fallen, and the body is full of golden light. The dragon body, which has been thousands of feet long, has tripled again: "stop me from dying!"

A loud bang, the two foxes in front of the sacred princes flew, claws and claws, shaking their heads and tails, a dragon scream: "rush out!"

The elder of Qinglong was the head of the Royal Law Enforcement Team. He was also the crown of the demon. He suddenly showed the dragon's secret trick. As a result, the power was soaring. For a time, no demon could smash his front, and he was broken by a gap in his life!

Seeing that the Royal Law Enforcement Team headed by Elder Long Qing was going to escape, a cold voice stunned: "Chongjie? Go there?"

A white jade is also like a big hand, the more empty, suddenly appeared in the air, getting bigger and bigger, just like the top of the mountain, it fell down!

In the face of the giants' ups and downs, the first and foremost Qinglong elders screamed, and the sky was sprayed with blood and rain, and the huge body fell directly from the air.

The golden light in the air re-emerged, but the figure of the fox emperor appeared in the air, and shouted: "All give the emperor to stop!"

It is also at this moment that the space reappears in the rift. The saint who went to report before will also appear behind the fox emperor, and his eyes will be eye-catching.

The singer of the fox emperor, shocked the audience, and left the drink, so that the battle has been stopped.

Looking at the Fox Palace, which has become ruined, the fox king’s eyes flashed in flames, and then turned around and looked at the sage who was still fighting in the field. The voice of the fox emperor was full of chill: “What happened?”

The four words are like the cold wind blown down on the northern snow-capped mountains.

The figure flashed, and the figure behind the fox appeared in front of the fox emperor, tears under the rain, holding the body of a seven-tailed white fox, trembling; "Save the jade! Save the jade!"

Suddenly a cherry lip, a wow of blood spurted out.

Although the cultivation of the fox is not weak, it is inferior to the demon of the Royal Law Enforcement Team. It is because the child is degraded, the heart is stirring, and the support is strong. The leader, the tyrannical elders, and other demons have long been injured. Seeing the return of the Fox King, I can't support it anymore.

When the fox emperor saw it, he suddenly trembled and watched his son's already stiff body. Suddenly, Venus was in the air, and his body was in the air, and he actually shook a few times.

He is a powerful man between heaven and earth. He can't see it. His own emperor has already lost his mind and gone back to heaven!

"Who did it?"


The fox emperor turned his head and screamed: "Qinglong!!!"

This sound bursts, the sound cracks in the sky, and several snow-capped mountains outside the mile are crashing!

Behind the Fox Emperor, there is also a golden flame burning in the sky, but seeing his body shape flashing, Zoran appeared in front of the green dragon, killing the machine in the eyes, grabbing the huge body of Qinglong, the next moment, he took the body of the Qinglong elder, Go back to the air.

He looked down and looked at the eyes of the elders of Qinglong. He said in a word: "Why?"

At this moment, the fox emperor's body is violently violent, and the stars in the eyes are also bursting out one by one, killing the machine.

The Qinglong elders are deep-skilled and can already be among the strongest in the world today. However, under the empire of the fox, they can’t even struggle. He tried his best to open his eyes and open his mouth. He said: “The traitor, all the demon Family, altogether!"

The sorrowful scream of the fox emperor, the voice is calm and scary, said: "I only ask you, is the devil's decree?"

The elders of Qinglong said: "If you have a command, if the Fox Emperor is not satisfied, you can kill it on the ground!"

A law enforcement sage next to him was screaming and shouting: "Not like this, it is not like this! Under the sire of the Emperor, this thing, there is a misunderstanding! Your Majesty is still waiting for you..."

The rest of the Royal Law Enforcement Team can't help but not dare to speak out. If they are in a state of prosperity, the ten people can definitely fight with the Fox Emperor, or even win the battle, but they bear the entire Fox family. High-end combat power siege, the combat power sharply destroyed more than 30%, of which the highest-ranking Qinglong elders have fallen into the hands of the fox emperor, once the fox emperor moved to kill, they can not run, all fall here!

The fox emperor took a deep breath and said faintly: "misunderstanding!..."

Suddenly, I reached out and grabbed the body of the Qinglong elders. I buckled a dragon rib. Even if I put a knot on my hand, I muttered: "Misunder..."

While exerting strength on one hand, pump the dragon ribs out of the body of the Qinglong elders!

The elders of Qinglong’s screams screamed and resounded through the sky. No matter how powerful the strong, when they were sealed out of their strength, they couldn’t bear the pain.

At this time, the sky flashed, a wave of hot air suddenly hit, a figure in Tsing Yi, and suddenly appeared half empty.

The winner is the Fenghuang.

When Fenghuang appeared, he saw the horrible state of the foxes, saw the collapsed palace, saw the raging fox emperor, the sorrowful fox, and all the fox masters who had already reached the extreme, and assembled underneath. Fox army

The heart was in a state of weakness.

Staying slow, it’s still a late step!


As far as it seems, there are not many deaths and injuries, most of them are just injuries. As for the collapse of the palace, it is even more trivial.

As long as the Fox Emperor is fine, the Fox is fine, then it is basically okay...

There is still room for recovery, and you should try your best to recover it. You must never let the Yaozu fold again!

"The fox is angry!"

Fenghuang stood opposite the Fox Emperor, separated by a few dozen feet, and did not move. After the hand was behind, he showed that he had no intention of shooting, and Yan Yue said: "Fuck brother, and listen to me."

The fox emperor’s eyes were cold, his face was murderous, and his death was not relieved because of the arrival of the Phoenix Emperor. He didn’t even look over the eyelids. He didn’t even look at the Phoenix Emperor, faintly said: “It seems that it is under the demon. Dege killing, now even the Fenghuang came to catch the traitor?"

On one side, the hand did not relax at all, and the dragon's dragon ribs were still being pulled out of the body by him, pumping one inch and one inch.

The screams of the elders of Qinglong screamed, and they were shocking and thrilling!

"The demon family has no traitors! The fox brother is not a traitor." Fenghuang He said: "Fuck brother, everyone is an old brother of hundreds of thousands of years. Can you let the brothers have a chance to speak?"

The fox emperor smiled and grabbed the body of the prince in front of him and threw it away. He said: "Feng brother, everyone is an old brother of hundreds of thousands of years. Can you let your nephew have a chance to live?"


Fenghuang looked at the body of the white fox that was thrown over, especially the bright yellow robe that was draped in the eye. He only felt that his head was suddenly blown up!

This is... the prince of the Fox family?

Fenghuang is clearly understandable, the fox emperor... Although there are many sons, the only one who is favored by him is the prince who was born by the fox emperor and the fox queen. There is only one child!

The name is justified, the demon prince from the palace!

There is only one prince jade!

The fox emperor regards it as a treasure, and the fox's rear view is even more life-like; and the fox prince, who does not bear the love of his parents, is wise and wise, and is regarded by the fox as the rising star of the whole ethnic group. .

After the Fox Emperor, the fox family can still threaten the demon world for 100,000 years, which is the genius crown prince from the Fox family!

but now……

There are few foxes in this campaign, but why did the death have the crown prince?

Is this unfortunate, or is it too clever? !

In an instant, Fenghuang’s head was directly two times larger; the forehead blue veins suddenly bulged out.

Huo Ran turned to look at the elders of the Qinglong, the murder in the eyes is no secret, not inferior to the fox king!

"Is this a dry dragon?"

Fenghuang has been mad at this moment.

Although it is a question, it is a positive tone.

Except for Qinglong, there will be no second one!

The fox emperor is still slowly picking up the dragon ribs, and smiles sadly: "Feng brother, change something else, I will give you face. But today... your face, no matter what!"

He laughed loudly, shouting, shouting, and said a word: "No matter what the reason, today, Hugh said that your face of the phoenix does not work, it is the demon and the demon, they The face doesn't work!"

He finally looked up and looked at the Fenghuang: "You can understand?!"

The Fenghuang sighed in the sky and was speechless.


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Chapter 415 Your face doesn't work! (page 1/1)

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