I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 435: Wait until you can be the master of the day!

No matter how crazy the heart of Yun Yang spit, but now this elder, he is set. This second uncle, he also agreed to it.

"Hey..." Yun Yang still has a kind of funny in his heart.

This fox prince, Jiuwei jade... is old, and thousands of years old?

At this age, in the human world, it is almost an ancestor. Now, call your uncle?

This... I feel a little wonderful.

"Oh..." When Yun Yang said this word, there was some toothache; the fox prince Jiuwei jade was also a convulsion in the corner of his mouth.

"This... is the meeting ceremony for the second uncle." Yun Yang is also helpless. I am a 20-year-old boy who has become the second uncle of a thousand-year-old monster, but... this is not a must.

A wave of hands, directly with a purple breath, fell to the Jiuwei Yutou.

"Second brother!" The fox emperor was shocked: "Do not make it impossible!"

"Nothing." Yun Yang laughed and said: "It's all children."

The fox emperor looked at the Jiuwei jade seriously: "Give you a second uncle!"

The fox is on the side and is also happy.

Both of them are well-informed, and they can’t see it. Yun Yang’s sent out is actually a singularity!

Yun Yang smiled and helped the fox prince of Shantou, and said: "There is this purple gas body protection, no matter how dangerous it is... can protect the baby from dying!"

After the fox, the eyes were all grateful. After the son suffered this crisis, the most worrying thing about the fox was this. Now, Yun Yang’s gift just completely dispels her concern.

"Ha ha ha..." Fox Emperor boldly laughed: "Second brother, I have nothing to give you there, and all the money you paid before, I have nothing to offer you, wait for us to return to the family, I am sending you all the treasures of my entire palace!"

Yun Yang was overjoyed and said: "I am not welcome."

How big is the treasure house of the Fox Emperor Palace? How many good things are there? These Yun Yang do not know all; but he only knows that it is far more than a thousand times more valuable than what he has taken out!

The gas of life is reincarnation, etc.... It’s just green and green, and Yunyang doesn’t feel anything. However, the treasure house of the Fox Emperor is enough to support the green and green to produce such a gas... Ten thousand should have Right?

Yun Yang feels happy and crazy.

Where to dare to set up, in case a guest set is gone, is it not to cry?


A dry Fox family is also wonderful, and Qi Qi said: "I have seen the second master."

"You are welcome." Yun Yang's mouth is twitching.

Although it suddenly became the second lord of the fox family, for Yun Yang, it can be said that there is no harm but no harm; but... done in the current way, so that Yun Yang feels bad and accepts it well? ......

There is also the name of the second lord, how can he be awkward!

But now I have forgotten what I said, and there is nothing wrong with it. There is no possibility of unexpected things. It is the most unlikely thing to have an unexpected fox. There is no sign, and suddenly the chain is broken.

The self-proclaimed Fox Emperor spit out his blood and damaged his life. The same method of self-proclaimed Yun Yang did not fall to all good, and got the title of the fox family.

Throughout the foxes in the world, a group of fox sages can follow the fox emperor and fox later, even if it is the martial arts, such as the martial arts, there is no movement, the nature is all the most confidant Under the reliable department, this group of demons is full of resentment against the new Jin Erye and the Terran Kid.

However, they are looking at the princes of the foxes in the eyes of Yun Yang, and they are undoubtedly given the rare glory of the temperament of the revival of the avenue of life, which is equivalent to the fact that the fox prince originally planted the fox In the future, the identity of the demon family will be increased by several times. Naturally, it is a resentment, only thanks to Dade!

After the fox, Yun Yang’s senses are only grateful. Yun Yang first made three bureaucratic sagas, and laid the bureau to save Jiuwei jade. When he appeared in a big accident, he responded quickly and assisted. Both the Fox Emperor and the Son are safe, and the Fox Emperor is seriously injured and vomiting blood. Yun Yang’s purple gas that has entered the Fox Emperor’s body has stabilized the Emperor’s injury. Otherwise, the Emperor’s injury will never stop. The yuan is slightly damaged, just need to cultivate for a while!

What's more, Yun Yang actually sent his son a red and purple.

For the Fox, this can give Yun Yang anything, not to mention a palace treasure house, even if the entire palace is given to Yun Yang, the fox feels less given...

The fox prince Jiuwei jade is even more sincere to the second uncle, even in the prince Ding Zong, Yun Yang's status is no less inferior to the fox emperor.

The only thing that is not embarrassing is the fox emperor. It seems that he seems to be reluctant to recognize Yunyang’s brother-in-law. He only wants to be forced by the situation, but the smile that comes out of his eyes is not hard to see. The result of the whole thing is still very satisfactory.

And very satisfied.

In the evening, the fox emperor set a table for dinner.

"This is a top secret for the Fox family!"

The words of the Fox Emperor decided that this matter should not be circulated.


"Second brother, what kind of breath did you give me in?" asked the fox emperor.

"It's just an ordinary life." Yun Yang smiled: "I can also ensure that my big brother will not leave behind, and it will not be of much use."

Yun Yang’s words are very polite, but when the acquaintance hears, most of them will think of violent smashing. The fox emperor’s trauma today is because of the anti-phagosis formed by the failure of the construction of the reincarnation channel. It is almost a heavenly sanction, and it is a leisurely The strangeness of the hidden dangers is dispelled, and it is unusual, and there is no such thing as a big word. Anyone will be dissatisfied!

"Ha ha ha ha..."

As the direct party of the Fox Emperor, it is a laugh,

After the fox and the prince, this will already go to rest, leaving the space to the brothers who are so sympathetic and strange.

"You know, why should I worship with you?" The Fox King laughed and laughed.

Yun Yang said in a light way: "Big brother is a family of emperors, thinking about their own patterns, and making decisions about human worship at this time, there are certain reasons, but I have no guessing mind, it has become a fact, more Thinking about it?!"

He smiled faintly: "Not only the big brother has considerations, but the reason why the younger brother promised, naturally, is also thoughtful."

Fox King laughed: "Xiandi is open-minded, but the root cause of my worship with you is that you...self!"

Yun Yang sweated a bit: "I? I myself? Can the big brother see me too much?"

The fox emperor waved his hand and sealed the space that was once again sealed with the gods. This is what he said: "The cloud brothers, I always have a feeling, that is, the Yaozu has always been on the wrong path. Profound, more and more biased."

“Wrong way? Going astray?”

"Yes. In the long battle with the Terran, the Yaozu seems to be strong and takes the initiative in strategy, but... the Yaozu has never been out of the starry sky, but the overall strength of mankind is weaker than the Yaozu. However, many of the known star-studded powerhouses are all born in the human race."

"This festival itself has proved from the reality that the Yaozu and the Terran have advantages and disadvantages. Although the Yaozu has a natural advantage, it has a fast cultivation and a strong strength, but when it comes to being the master of all things, this world is the bell of the world. ... is actually human."

"So, the road of the Yaozu must be wrong!"

The look of the fox emperor is very dignified.

Yun Yang’s eyebrows meditated and did not answer.

"My argument is actually not rare in the Yaozu, just to say a little..." The Fox Emperor smiled faintly: "Why do you want to change your shape?"


"Yes, it's the shape!" Fox King said: "The demon family is shaped, not all of them are to be transformed into humanoid bodies. Why do you say this?"

Yun Yang never thought about the cause of this problem, and could not help but ask: "Why?"

"Because there is no him, only the human form is the most suitable body for cultivation."

"The demonization of the demon is still to be transformed into a human form. There is a natural spit on the existence of one's own body. There is no cultural inheritance of oneself. Everything must be imitated to human beings. Learning... For the Yaozu, not only is it very Sadly, it is a terrible thing."

"The Fox Emperor seems to be biased. The Yaozu has its own special talent instinct. Each race has unique ethnic characteristics, such as the dragon's breath, the Phoenix's Nirvana, the cat's life counts nine turns, the nobility's If you don’t survive, it’s not all of the characteristics of the ethnic group that the Terran does not have...” Yun Yang retorted.

"What you said is a fact, but it is one-sided, the root of the demon family. If it is built on the unique talent inheritance of the family, it will only go the most way forward, and want to really take the road, the most crucial It’s just that... it’s going to fade away and turn it into a human being! It’s possible!”

"But the current Yaozu, but there is no direction in this regard!"

The Emperor gently sighed: "This is also one of the root causes of the Yaozu, the intention to enter the Xuanhuang."

"We need a way like this."

"But such a road, even if we really took down Xuanhuang, really above the Terran, and want to come out, it is also difficult to achieve."

The Fox Emperor said faintly: "We have captured Xuanhuang, and humans may be used as slaves and food for the Yaozu, which can greatly improve the living conditions of the Yaozu; but it is not beneficial to enter the upper level of practice. Even with the large area of ​​the territory. Expansion, the food is unprecedentedly empty, the opponent's continuous reduction, will soon flood, and in the end, it will only destroy the entire Xuanhuang continent!"

Yun Yang coughed and said: "The big brother said something too much. The Yaozu is not without knowledge. You will not see this prospect. How can you make a statement in the future?"

"It is not an exaggeration. If human beings can maintain the upper hand and strictly guard the two circles of the demon, the demon will be self-restraint and recuperate, and there will be room for maneuver; but if the demon is successful, the demon will be born from the beginning. It will not be possible to let go of humans."

"Why do you say that the Emperor will go all the way to the Blood Soul Hill? Why can I talk to him? Fan Yunbang and others have some communication. Is it true that the Emperor really can’t help them? No, as long as this The Emperor carefully arranged, planned the squad, and paid a little price. There were a lot of opportunities to destroy them. What is the price of the Emperor’s specific talent?

"The reason why the emperor does not act is because the blood soul mountain Guanyu once there is a shortage, in addition to the starting point of the human race, it will also be the starting point for the demon annihilation!"

"At least in the view of the emperor, once there is a final result, no matter what, the demon will be defeated. Only the two families maintain a delicate balance, which is the long-term cure. Even this balance is extremely horrible and extremely dangerous. !"

The Fox Emperor said faintly: "Before the rise of the Phoenix Emperor, before being recognized as the first wise man of the Yaozu, the Yao wise men have always come from the Fox family; and in thinking about the future, there will be no Yaozu, can compare We fox people think more. Only... The speculations that are unfavorable to the Yaozu are all limited to the secret rumors of the fox community, and there will be no traces of it."

"Once these messages are transmitted, the entire Yaozu will be in chaos, and the devil will float."

"If the demon king, although he will consider the truth of this statement, he may even agree with this, but for the demon family as a whole, it will still insist on launching a war against the Terran. Only by using the war as a medium, the current crisis of the Yaozu will be passed on to The Terran can make the Yaozu stable for a while. After all, the demon race will eventually be destroyed. It will take time to prove it, and it will only be fulfilled in the future. The current situation of the Yaozu is already very unresolved!

"The above, of course, there are many discoveries of predecessors, but more... including the most pessimistic... speculation, it is my own opinion."

The Fox Emperor sighed gently, meaning profoundly: "The original, our demon people are united in one heart, no matter whether they win or lose in the end, everyone has no regrets... Even the last sighs are no problem... but now, it is very different."

"The first few demon kings of the Yaozu are united to the demon, and they have made great efforts, but... until now, the generation of the dragon, the emperors of the demon have begun to centrifuge, especially the demon of the nine-deviled cats. The family is extinct, this is the demon family that has been falling for hundreds of millions of years, and there has never been a thing, but... in our generation, this kind of sign has begun to appear constantly..."

"Even if the people of the nine-lived cats are dying, there are still seven other ethnic groups that have permanently disappeared into the history of the demon!"

Fox King said: "In those days, my nine-tailed Fox ancestors had prophecies... If the latter is a reversal of the emperor...the demon family is coming."

Yun Yang said: "So..."

The fox emperor said frankly: "I have a phase of the emperor, and there are more denominations of the demon family. This is one. Second, the brothers come to you, so that when the demon is messed up, it is also a demon. The family left a little opportunity."

"With today's cooperation, your relationship with me and my children, I believe that your relationship with my Fox family will be more and more close... In the future, our contacts will only become more and more close, which will benefit you. It is beneficial to our Fox people, and even... is beneficial to the future of the entire Yaozu."

Yun Yang frowns and contemplates, his face is full of thoughtful thoughts, and... unbelievable!

The Fox Emperor looked at Yun Yang for a long while, and then he asked: "I don't know what brothers are you thinking about my Yaozu?"

The words of the Fox Emperor have really given the impact of Yun Yang.

With his wisdom, it is natural to know that the Fox Emperor’s questioning is not his own current view, but the ultimate strategic goal.

"First, I am not the person who is the master now. Secondly... The timing is not yet. It is difficult for me to make a judgment at present. When it comes to the view, it is inevitable that there will be bias. Once it is partial, it is very likely that it is self-righteous. It is difficult to have a consensus."

Yun Yang honestly said: "In the end, this is the difference between the two people's lives and deaths. I need time to consider and consider, and even need to take a step and step by step... In the end, how can it be difficult? Fall in the real place."

This is the truth, if Yun Yang is really talkative, even taking a chest to pack the ticket, saying that the extravagant fox family is integrated into the human race, even if the demon is over, the fox will not have anything to do, the fox may directly slap In the past, I took Yun Yang into a patties!

"The day I will wait for you to be the master!"

The fox emperor laughed and directly passed the question.

But he himself knows that his own words must have left a deep impression on Yun Yang’s heart.

Only need a suitable opportunity, just wait for the opportunity to arrive, it is the beginning of the new situation of the Yaozu!

"Wait until the future, I hope you and my brothers and two, can still sit together to discuss the future." Fox emperor's face is full of sorrow, hehe smiled: "Only one section, you call your two uncle, It’s from the heart, you can’t care about your nephew, so you bring it back to the world.”

Yun Yang sighed and sighed and nodded.

In any case, the contact with the Fox family during this time is getting deeper and deeper. Even if it is really necessary to destroy the Yaozu in the end, Yunyang will try his best to mediate and try to leave a line of blood for the Fox Emperor. At least, Fox Prince Yunyang will try his best to save it!

This is something to say.

The Fox Emperor now said, just a joke.

This point, the Fox Emperor knows that Yun Yang also knows.


"What are you going to do next? Can you have a specific plan?"

Asked the fox emperor.

The two sides are related to the current situation. Basically, it can be said that there is nothing to talk about; Yun Yang does not evade, and he said: "Since now, I have more help from my older brother... I thought, I will act in two days to rescue the cat ancestor. After that, I will leave the demon world immediately."

The Fox Emperor frowned and pondered the feasibility of the matter.

"There is a saying, I have to say it in my head." The word "Fox Emperor" said: "Do not have any concerns about saving the nine lives. Once things can't be done... you should stop thinking about the bereaved families. Even if you don't use the sacred prince of the Rex family... take your own safety as your priority and get away as the top priority as soon as possible."

Yun Yang said: "Yes."

He paused and said: "But the big brother, you are now in the Emperor City, you need to evacuate as soon as possible. I am afraid that you will inevitably be caught in the pool."

The fox emperor said: "This is nature. As soon as tomorrow morning, your nephew will take you with your nephew, leaving with eight holy princes; waiting for me to join me at 50,000 miles away."

"how about you?"

The fox emperor smiled and said: "The bright face is with the other fourteen holy princes, out of the city with your nephew, but in reality it will be 20,000 miles away from the demon city, waiting for the meeting."

"I will accompany the city first, then come back to join the rescue of the nine lives. But I will not directly shoot."

The demon looked at Yun Yang, and there was some warmth in his eyes: "Not for anything else. If you are in a dead end, I will take you away. Your safety is the first priority now, and it is not about talking."

Yun Yang’s heart was hot, saying: “Big brothers don’t have to worry about this drowning, which is not good for your Fox family.”

"Nothing." The fox emperor sighed deeply: "Jade has recovered, at most, it can only be concealed for a while, and it is difficult to conceal for too long. It is inevitable that the news will come out. Perhaps the Jiuwei fox family will It will be the next nine-life cat family. If there are too many concerns, is it necessary?!"

“In short, take care!”


Yun Yang has been away from the Fox Emperor Hall. The eyes of the Fox Emperor are still condensed to the extreme. They can't help but think in their hearts: They have always believed that human beings will not fail. But in this case, where is the future of the Yaozu?

There is a huge territory that is not inferior to the Xuanhuangjie, and it is totally unsuitable for human beings to live and live. The hundreds of billions of demon people who live here, although they belong to different ethnic groups, are always living creatures.

Is it... Do you really want to kill these hundreds of billions of creatures?

After this day, I was deeply rooted in the bottom of my heart, and I was almost ingrained to loosen the idea of ​​the demon!


For the next three consecutive days, the wise multi-star wolf and the demon fox did not have any movements, so that the savage civilians who had become accustomed to making big news and doing things were born with uncomfortable feelings!

However, the Emperor City is full of miles, but it is still boiling, even if the demon high-level three-five and five-devils are not allowed to kill each other, the offenders severely punish the loan... But who knows if this guy around me is true?

What if the foxes become?

The opportunity to climb this day is not always there!

Although the authorities have tried their best to stop it, the public opinion has risen in these days. Based on the fact that I may be the protagonist of the air and the law of the law, the dead demon has once again surpassed the millions.


After Fenghuang’s affair with the Emperor, he never returned to the demon palace; including the masters of the sages who gathered him to arrange the squadrons, all disappeared and disappeared into a mystery.


In the early morning of another day, the demon fox reappears.

This time he appeared in the position of eight thousand miles from the demon city, and it was not seen by the demon people, but suddenly appeared, and began to shoot, killing the killer and killing more than a dozen demon kings, three Four masters!

Then with a scar, fly south.

Many demon masters are naturally reluctant to retreat from their bodies, and began to chase and intercept... It’s a pity that after killing for a little half a day, nothing has been gained, and the demon fox is still successfully fleeing.

According to past practice, after the fox escaped successfully, it will disappear immediately, but this time, after only half an hour, it was discovered that it fled to a mountain forest.

However, the three sacred monarchs who heard the news completely shattered the entire forest, but still did not find the whereabouts of the fox.

At noon, the fox was found again. Although the visual inspection was full of wolverines, his skills were still very flexible. After a little contact with the battle, he immediately disappeared between the nearby mountains.

Next, the demon fox appeared in a town a little farther away.

This time, the innocent demon who was implicated in the shackles was multiplied; and the fox was once again escaped...

Even so, through this several consecutive battles, the scope of action of the fox has basically been locked...

Just in this area!

Didn't run!

Between the seven thousand miles to the miles of the Emperor City, and then ran out, and could not run out. As for the rushing into the inside, it is even harder to go to heaven!

In view of this, the masters of the Monarch City have rushed over...

Countless demon people are stunned, it seems that the demon fox is planted this time!


Let's go...>

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