I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 438: I want to go to heaven!

The gaze of the dragon guards is not good, but there is no more to the inside of the demon. The one who has the emperor is in the body. This is already a definite thing. Any intervention, no matter whether it is malicious or not, even if it is out of The responsibility of oneself may be provoked by a person who is coming to the devil's ear. Only his brother is not. Only one voice is unspeakable.

Come to the Japanese party, the gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late, and the mountains and rivers have a meeting, in the future when they have their own liquidation!

Yun Yang, the cat swallowed the three sisters, the two ancestors of the fox family, walked side by side, and completely ignored the all the dragons.

At this moment, the Black Dragon suddenly remembered that Wang Ding, who had just arrived, certainly felt the pure imperial atmosphere, but in fact did not carefully test it. After all these years, Wang Ling has only been a few times?

What's more, then the pure imperial atmosphere, how can it not be fake!

Intentionally or unintentionally raised his hand and picked up Wang Ling, he glanced at it casually and sighed: "Hurry up, even if there is a king, it is only a moment, you are not allowed..."

Without a word, the abrupt end, Black Dragon's eyes suddenly slammed, almost squinting out: "Fox Emperor?!"

Lying in the trough!

How could this be a fox emperor?

Although the Emperor's Order is also an imperial order, but the meaning and value are different, what is needed to enter the Heavenly Prison is the contemporary demon, that is, the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor!

No, this is not right!

The black dragon looked up and his eyes were full of doubts: "You..."

It is also at this moment that Yun Yang and others have been standing close to Twelve Dragons. The fox family elders took the lead in moving, and both hands lifted up in a lightning-fast manner. They slammed into two dragon guards when they were not allowed to be launched. On the head!

The cat swallowed, the cat ate, the cat sat full, and the three women immediately shot, splitting up, Yun Yang was not idle, and he was even more awkward, the blade of heaven was silently put into a black vest , before and after, there is no block!


In a blink of an eye, everything came so abruptly, then the elbows were turned, and all six brains exploded in succession, while the elders of the fox family and elders slammed into the other hands. The black robes that reacted to it rushed over.

Cats are not willing to show weakness, follow up, and kill together!

The cat eats and the cat is full but does not continue to charge, but each of them shines a long sword that is completely dark and inked, and begins to further target those dragons who have already suffered heavy blood and blood.

The twelve black dragons in this place have the cultivation of the holy kings. The cats and swallows of the dinosaurs and grand elders are even more on them, although they are also cheaper to attack, even the head. They have all been smashed, and the bones on the body have been broken. However, with the revision of the sacred monarchs, such injuries are still not fat enough. As long as they give them a certain amount of time, they can recover quickly.

In fact, the cat swallowed and the other three demon strikes, continue to attack, in order to expand the results of the war, a sly monster suddenly rises up, shrouded the black wounded in the body, the black dragon Wei body, these black dragons and dragons are also a generation of warriors, suddenly attacked, but not even screaming, now the situation is critical, what is the time of screaming? Let me recover first!

However, the cats are full of cats and eat together, specifically for the dragons in the hands of the injured, the black ink sword in the hands, instantly in the six seriously injured Long Wei body has been continuously in and out more than a thousand times !

And every time the ink sword and the dragon body contact, there are countless demon spurts and evaporates.

"That is... Soul Eater Sword!"

The black robes of the dragon guards tried their best to fight back. Unfortunately, the strength of each other was very different, but the face was already smashed by the other side, and they exclaimed, and they stared at the cat's fullness, suddenly yelling: "You are nine lives." The cat family’s demon cats are stunned, and the cats are swallowing!”

Swallowing cats, although it is the scorpion of the nine-life cat ancestor, it is still the first war **** of the cat family. Although it has been silent for many years, its prestige has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the older practitioners, and it’s time to show up, why not be surprised fear!

The cat is full of cats and eats, and the thousands of swords are connected. In a short period of time, the six black dragon guards who have been hit hard will be further weakened, but they will not continue to kill. They will fly and follow their sister’s footsteps and join the other side. The tough battle group.

The cat is full of cats and eats, although the body is exhausted, but the six endangered Heilongwei did not get a chance to breathe, because Yun Yang is still there, the blade of God has turned into thunder and lightning, and rushed to the already weak six. Bit Long Wei!

Life and death are open, eighteen hell!

Mixed with the power of death in hell, the sword of God is already more than three thousand knives in the blink of an eye, arrogant.

The body of the black dragon, Wei Wei, is already overwhelmed, on the verge of collapse, and can not support the chain of the blade of God, but can not support it, but the support for a moment will turn into countless debris!

The only remaining soul energy of the dragons is to be separated from the body. They want to escape from the birth of the sky. They don’t want the green light to flash. In the prison, there is a vine with a green lotus leaf. The vine is full of furry tips. The thorns; the gap between the white enamel, the electric light and the flint, quickly circled around the six souls, and then the stalks on the vines pierced into the soul of the dragon.

The six dragon guards also made a terrible cry at the same time: "What is this...this..."

Among the voices and voices, it is full of despair and fear!

The sacred sacred body of the eternal soul, in the face of this vine, did not have the slightest resilience, the first moment of being tied, it fell to the full downwind, the essence of the soul was continuously drawn, converted into The vine's nourishment, the strength of the strong, the more rapid turn down...

After a while, the vines flashed again and disappeared.

On the ground, it was a sizzling sound, and there were six more black dragon corpses that had already been riddled with holes.

As soon as the giant dragon corpse appeared, it was about to back up this space. Yun Yang’s eyes flashed, and the six black dragon bodies were all collected up in the first time!

This is the black dragon of the holy king level!

Even if the essence of Yuanling has been swallowed by green and green whales, the rest is still treasure!

Don't talk about the flesh and bones, even if the blood is still draining, it is also a good spirit!

This can be no waste or not wasted!

Not to mention the Longdan, Nedan, Dragon Ball, which have not been taken out of the corpse...

With the cats eating and eating together, the strength of the two sides became more and more rapid, and the remaining six dragon guards followed the footsteps of the former, and they were all beaten into a soul state.

The situation of the war is so one-sided, it is not because there is no cause. The most important reason is that this sneak attack is really too vicious, too abrupt, too unexpected, and it’s already close, it’s not found yet, that’s still Can you have a good time? !

Secondly, the true cultivation of the two elders of the cat swallowing foxes is higher than that of the twelve dragons. It is even more unintentional. If it is not a trick, it will be a strange thing. That means that Heilongjiang’s combined attack has no room for display!

The three, Yunyang and his party have already planned for this trip. The cats and the two ancestors of the fox family attacked the sneak attack, but the main thing that constitutes the lore is that the cat is full of cats and eats. Twelve Dragons is always a sacred monk, and it is hard to break, or it is not difficult, but when it comes to killing, it is easy, and the cat is full of cats and eats sisters to use the Soul Eater as the attacking medium. In the blink of an eye, the dragon body that has been devastated will be weakened to the lowest point, and then Yun Yang will use the final killing, but before and after the ten-digit time, the six sages will be killed. The killing of the gods is gone, and the eternal annihilation!

Even the other half of the survivors were not intact, all of them were injured, and they were all pressed and pressed, and there was no gap in the alarm.

The leader of the Black Dragon has withstood the most direct and direct offensive of the cat, and all of them are in a state of fragmentation, and they are scattered and scattered at all times. The sorrow and anger are: "Shameless! Shameless! Shameless!"

The cat swallowed from beginning to end without saying a word, but it was a fierce attack, strong suppression of the black dragon leader and another repaired higher dragon, and with the cat full of eating and eating, with the Fox The two elders quickly turned the four dragons into a state of remnant.

Then naturally it is still handed over to Yunyang to finish the end; it is still a roll of vines, all of which are fixed.

After that, it was simpler and more rude. One of the five super-sacred monarchs had to deal with the two dragons that had been hit hard. The result was completely suspenseful, and it was directly crushed!


In the end, even the chance of self-destruction was not left to the two dragon guards, and the soul and body of the last two dragon guards were all taken up by Yun Yang. The whole process was added up, but it was only a short time!

Yes, it’s only time!

None of the twelve Black Dragons are weak!

Each one has the tyrannical strength that easily kills Yunyang!

However, in this lightning and thunder general assault, it is a dry and crunchy group!

At the end of the war, the overall situation was determined. As the absolute main force of this campaign, the cat swallowed and finally couldn’t help but spit out a golden blood. The two elders of the Fox family also had a good fortune.

This campaign is really lucky!

Everything in the current operation is basically expected by everyone, and the most unpredictable, and most likely to be accidental, in the entire plan is the soul power of the Saint’s body after being broken, which is difficult to cope with.

In terms of the methods known to the Yaozu, such a level of the Holy Spirit must have the royal repression of the Emperor, and then one of them will be defeated, and it will be able to be killed.

However, there is obviously no such ability in the presence of the demon.

And this powerful soul of the sacred monarchy, even if it is physically destroyed, only needs to be able to escape, and find another body to win the body, can form a very high combat power in a very short time; The reason why Jun is said to be immortal is the root cause.

Originally, the cat family has planned countless years for the cat king. There is no strategy at all for this point. It is the soul-soul sword!

The Soul Eater Sword is a very special weapon. This sword is aimed at the body but the soul. The strong under the sage, the end is rubbing and dying, and when it touches, it dies. Still the soul is annihilated, the dead can not die anymore!

However, even if it is a sorcerer's sword, the damage to the sacred hero is relatively limited. Of course, this is not the soul-soul sword is not strong, but the spirit of the sage Strong, beyond the power of the Soul Eater!

As far as this war is concerned, if there is no soul-killing sword that continues to weaken the spirit of the black dragon guard, the green and green may not be so smooth.

According to the established plan arranged by the cat, the most smooth situation is that a series of surprises have been successfully carried out. Twelve dragons have died, and even the cat ancestors have been rescued. The cats are swallowed and left with the cat ancestors. The sword's cat is full but can't go. She has to stay here and use the Soul Eater sword to continue to weaken the soul.

In the end, because of the dragon guardian soul that can not be truly eliminated, the cat after the break is full and incapable of surviving!

However, Yun Yang has proposed two revision plans: First, a magic sword may not be able to cope with the situation. I forge a bite to make a perfect decision. Secondly, the two swords will jointly attack and weaken the soul of the pole. Give it to me. deal with!

If Yun Yang is forged the next day, another Soul Eater sword has already measured the eyes of the demon, and now... Yun Yang actually completes this impossible task so perfect!

It's not just the soul, but the body is treated clean!

However, the marvels are amazed, and there is still the feeling of meticulous level of fear. Yun Yang’s current cultivation is only a sacred figure. There is such a means. You say that he wants to reach the rank of the holy king. Invincible, turn your hands over the holy king? !

But this time is too late to sum up, too late to marvel, or to think carefully, there are still many big things to be busy!

"Crash in!"

The cat swallowed and flew in.

In the Tianzi prison of this meeting, among the cells, there is a prisoner who quietly pays attention to the shocking changes at the door.

There is segregation between these prisoners, that is to say, even the prisoner does not know who is going to be opposite or who is next door.

The cat swallowed the horror and rushed into it, and then it was a little dumbfounded.

The interior of the Heavenly Prison is the area they have never been involved in. They simply don’t know which cell is the cat ancestor!

And these cells, each with the function of isolation, it is useless to ask questions or sensory!

Yun Yang took the initiative and shouted: "All released!"

The voice has not fallen, the blade of God has already burst into a strong brilliance, and it has slammed into the door of a recent cell. In Yun Yang’s thought, it’s not only the sacred, but the destruction of the blade of God’s will. The force may not be weaker than the strong man of the Holy King, and he will attack the door, and there is no unbreakable truth!

However, a group of light emerged with it, and with a slap in the face, it just shook a bit, and did not open it!

A sacred mind is even more flamboyant.

Broken, this should be due to the strong force of the external force to imprison the cell, trigger the cell defense instinct, and begin to pass the signal out!

Yun Yang’s thoughts turned and he threw his own blade of God’s will to the FD family elders: “The elders are coming!”

The elders don't hesitate to take the knife in their hands, and they will pay attention to the blade of God's will, and they will fall down!

The protection of the cells is reappearing, but it is a pity that in the face of the big elders, the protective light can no longer be loaded and slammed.

The elders who have succeeded in one stroke did not stop, but flew forward in general, and left one knife to the right. Wherever they passed, whether it was an empty cell or an inside, there was no exception, and all of them were opened!

How can the sacred strongman's movements be able to move quickly, but before and after the blink of an eye, it has passed through the entire cell.

Surprise sounds such as cats are constantly coming: "Find your knees..."

"There are seven brothers."

"Five brothers are here..."

"Nine brothers..."

Yun Yang followed the cat and swallowed the three women, regardless of the ones in the cell along the way, each one was stuffed with a life-filled medicinal herb, plus a replenishing aphrodisiac.

“Is there any prohibition on the body?” Yun Yang shouted and asked.

The prohibition of cell protection has already been triggered, and the outside world will certainly respond in a short period of time. In addition to leaving as soon as possible, there is also the strength to strengthen one's own strength. Both of these have the same enemy, that is, the prisoner cannot have cockroaches. Prohibited!

At this time, the demon who was imprisoned in this day's prison was standing at the door. Every one of them was imprisoned for many years, but each of them didn't look too much, and one by one. .

Just in the eyes, there is still a bit of excitement, and the feeling of seeing the sky.

In the deepest part of the cell, a reluctant voice: "I am sleeping well..."

Cats eat cats full and two women are full of black lines.

Ok, okay, you are sleeping well, it’s really a shame to disturb your sleep, it’s our fault...

If you go to sleep, do we escape us? !

"Everyone, this time to see the price of the sky, is the eternal escape. The eyes of the demon, the world is the enemy; although I am not a cat, but I still have a little root in my own question; I have been with each other for many years here; I only I ask you all: I want to go to heaven, can you help me?"

The image of the nine-life cat ancestors is quite different from Yun Yang’s delusion. It’s not handsome and handsome, it’s not tough, strong or smart, but a chubby middle-aged person; it’s not very tall, but it’s a look It feels very reliable, but it is deep in the heart and makes people feel good.

As a family of emperors, he quickly figured out the current situation; then he threw out such words.

Yun Yang has to admit that any of the emperors is not a leisurely generation, whether it is a Fox Emperor who has already dealt with a few times, or a Fenghuang who has never been masked, and the cat emperor who has just met, is as good as !

All the strong people who had just escaped from prison were heard, and Qi Qi suddenly looked up and paid attention to the nine-life cat.

It’s easy to get out of trouble, why not rush to go to the demon?

Isn't that waiting for this?

What is the use of oneself only? I am afraid that it will take too long to be caught again.

The cultivation of the Holy Jun ranks is of great strength. Although it is not bad, it has already reached the peak of this world, but the demon is alone, and it is difficult to become a climate. But if there is a strong person to dominate, everyone will report the group to warm up, then the situation can be completely different. !


I have to change my computer tomorrow... The computer has crashed many times today. Before this, I have already re-doed several systems. People said: You bought this computer too early. The earliest one-piece machine has this problem.

Ok, I changed it directly, but it won't work!

I don't buy an all-in-one, it won't work! >

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