I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 441: Do you give this face?

In the silence, I only heard the big laugh of the cat king: "I don't think I just came out, I have to face such a big squad, it's not bad, it's really good!!"

He laughed in the sky: "My nine life cats have been through a hundred battles. Before I have not lost my freedom and life, the brothers around me have never died, and see if there will be exceptions today!"

This sentence, like a thunder, the world is stunned!

In the ears of more than 20 St. Jun in the camp, there was a roar in the ears, and I couldn’t help but suddenly rushed.

Yes, the nine-life cat king has always been the myth of the Yaozu.

In the history of the long history of the demon races, there is only one such emperor, all by hard-line battle to the end!

No matter which battle, that battle has never escaped!

When his brothers are not safe, he will not stop fighting!

From the beginning of the weak strength of the war, to the emperor of the nine-life cat family, he used his life's battle to carry out this sentence.

There are many shortcomings in the personality of the Nine-Life Cat King. He is lazy and very embarrassed. He can sit still and never sit still. He can sit for the sake of his appetite. Abandon the treasures of heaven and earth, high-quality resources.

But it is such a wonderful thing... but it is also recognized by the Yaozu, the most reliable brother demon in the past million years!

Yun Yang listened to the whispering talks of the saints around him. For a time, the blood in his heart was inexplicable, and he shouted: "I hope to fight with the cat king!"

The sound is turbulent.

More than 20 Shengjun strongmen shouted at the same time: "I hope to fight with the cat king!"

"Decisive battle!"

At this moment, the war on the cat king's side suddenly rises, and there is a world of ignorance, ignoring the trend of life and death!

All the nine-family cats who followed behind also felt the rush of blood: "My Emperor is mighty!"

"Today can fight with my emperor, and I will be the best, no regrets in this life!"

Fenghuang’s eyes are extremely complex, and they can be described by non-verbal inks, but suddenly they are ordered: “War!”

The ninety-nine sacred monarchs who were waiting to be ordered were moved by the order, and the Qiqi crashed down. The power was also shocking and shocking.

The nine-life cat emperor stepped out and screamed: "The ninety-nine sacred monarchs came out together, and the end was a big lineup. But Elle and others have already lost 30% of the combat power to fight against me? I can guarantee that even if my nine-life cat is destined to be buried here today, there will be many of you, and I will be taken away by me. I don’t believe it?!"

"Come on!"

The voice has not fallen, the cat emperor has been standing up, suddenly pulling out a row of shadows in the air!

In the eyes of the public, the sky figure is not dissipated, but gradually solidified. Between the two, the sky has a total of eight cats and the shadows of the demon, standing side by side with the original cat emperor, each one laughing in the sky. The state of mind is rampant, showing the true character of Haoxiong!

At a glance, every body of the nine-life cat emperor exudes a strong sense of war, and the imposing majesty of the emperor is as powerful and powerful as it is!

Fenghuang's face changed, and he saw the strange light: "Cat brother, congratulations and congratulations; Congratulations, you finally have the most powerful talent of the nine-life cat family!"

The cat king faintly said; "This is even more thankful to Long Yutian. If it weren't for him, I would like to take the opportunity to repair the long time, but also thank Feng Xiong, let me play this trick, come out early!"

Fenghuangchang took a deep breath and drankly said: "Cat brother, you and my brother are tens of thousands of years. If there is a choice, I don't want to do it with you. But now, you have already built a nine-day life... I If you don't shoot, they can't stop you by breaking them!"

The cat king does not care about indifference: "I know that Feng brother, you come here today, and everyone has a clear stand and nothing to say! Come on, let me see how Nirvana is so long!"

The Fenghuang took a deep breath and stepped out. He was suddenly swayed by raging fire, like a vulcan.

"This is Fenghuang?"

"The Emperor of the Phoenix?"

"But why is his appearance the same as Mr. Year?"

Yun Yang thinks in his heart.

But now, this problem is trivial, at least not the immediate focus!

The most urgent thing now is... how to get out of here,

In the face of such heavy encirclement, it was blocked by that inexplicable battle. The sinister part of it was even above the battle of Tianxuan Mountain in the past... What should be done in order to get out of it?

Looking to the cat king to defeat the phoenix?

This point Yun Yang thought of the first time, can bet on a demon who just met, it is not the habit of Yun Yang!

In the heart of Yun Yang’s heart, he constantly thinks about it and thinks about it. He feels his hopes and hopes; if his own plan is not going well...

His hand has quietly penetrated into the space of the gods, gently grasping the long-lost purple jade.

If it is impossible to do something, then you have to use this bodyguard magic weapon... Just look at the game that you are risking to arrange, can you have the variables you want to appear.

At this moment, a voice broke and said: "Stop!"

That is... the voice of the fox emperor? !

The heavens and the earth are banned from each other, and somewhere space is broken like a mirror.

The fox emperor stepped out, his face was full of anxiety, Shen Sheng said: "Feng brother, the emperor asked for a cat brother."

Fenghuang faintly said: "Fuck brother, you should be more worried now, but the three foxes... or, you can tell the emperor, what is it!"

Fenghuang tongue is as sharp as a knife, pointing directly to Guan Yu, his eyes are like a sword, paying attention to the Emperor.

Although it is only a glimpse, Fenghuang not only determines that one of the three foxes is Yunyang, but also can be sure that the other two foxes are true and true, and they are still sacred. Super master of the series.

Although I can't see the breath, Fenghuang firmly believes that he will never guess wrong.

Nowadays, it should never come to the fox emperor in the near world, the appearance of the big thorns, which further indicates that he has problems, but he also wants to express his feelings for the cat king. It is really...

The fox emperor’s eyes stood up and said: “Feng brother, what do you mean?”

Fenghuang angered: "What do I mean, you don't know yourself?!"

Fox King suddenly turned his face: "Feng brother, you have to say this amount to measure! There are three foxes on the scene is good, but these three foxes are the three foxes that have been finalized after you started the big day!" You bully me, I don’t know what this big day is like, what will it look like to maintain it?!"

"This is a mystery, not only you know, I know more! As for why it is like a fox demon, this point, the emperor does not care, does not matter. It is not a Feng brother, you say: they are three foxes Then, are they all foxes? Can I think that they are all Feng nationality people, and deliberately disguised in order to promote this current situation??"

The fox emperor’s words are both out, and the anger is even more: “You are so arrogant that the deer is turning the horse upside down in black and white. Is it going to sin me? Feng brother, you are so arrogant, swaying, too! ?"

The Fenghuang, who was swayed by the fox emperor, was furious and angered: "How can I make a mistake? Where is the wave, how to make it?"

The fox emperor laughed and laughed: "Feng Xiong is more intelligent than the demon, the demon is known to the world, and my heart is thinking about it. With my shallow knowledge, how can I see it? But the phoenix brothers sincerely promised that my emperor was saved, let me Holding a lot of hope, so I let go of a few guys in the law enforcement team... Then I followed the Fengxiong to the demon city, and the bamboo baskets were not empty. The royal family was treated by Fengxiong. I don’t even have the last hope. I am a father, and I have to be grateful to the demon..."

The fox emperor looked sad and angry: "...now, today, I am in the demon city, I can't do anything, even if I think about it, I don't dare... Hahaha... Here is the brother of Feng and the demon. Site, a foreign emperor in my district, can you afford a few winds and waves? Don't dare to anger, don't dare to say, everything goes to the bottom of your heart... Fengxiong, good calculation, good means, not the first demon of the demon, I am nine The tail is not as good as it is, and I will never dare to fight with my brother Zhidao again!"

Fenghuang was so angry that he couldn’t speak, and angered: "You...what are you talking about, you know what you are talking about?!"

The fox sighed with sorrow and sigh: "In fact, at this time, my brothers have already been utterly disillusioned... this sulking, not wanting to swallow, can only swallow it hard..."

"My queen decided to go... my fox family has no one to follow, but I am full of sadness... This is the last few days of the demon city, or the last few days of this place in this life... tomorrow morning The emperor is leaving, leaving forever."

"Before I left this sad place, I have to see the cat brother to see the sky again. I am happy with the nine-hearted heart. I thought it was a pity that made me have a few comforts from the old brother. It is because this old brother just got out of trouble. Then, I fell into the trap of enthusiasm, rushed out and asked for a love... Please Fengxiong looked at the tens of thousands of years old brothers, raised their hands, put a cat brother, just nothing, but unexpected..."

The Fox Emperor is full of disappointment and staring at the Phoenix Emperor: "Feng Xiong, I remember that you said it eloquently, the demon fox of the evil demon is a human phase... although this thing I am not able to blame, but... At this time, you are so immersed in me, but I have to say that the three foxes in the face are what I am instructing, not to tell what is right or wrong, not to do it..."

The Emperor’s sorrowful anger is staring at the Phoenix Emperor: "Feng Xiong, you are so painstaking and painstaking, do you have to plan for it, do you want to put me to death?"

The words of the Fox Emperor are sensible, affectionate, desperate, sad, kind of sorrowful, powerless and helpless... It’s just the smell of the tears!

Many saints did not know the relevant details of the fox prince. At this moment, listening to the fox emperor said that looking at the phoenix's eyes is somewhat inexplicable.

Is it true that this is true?

Listening to the words of the Fox Emperor... The son of the family is seriously injured. If you want the enemy to let the family let go, you promise to save the son of the family as a condition. Then people let go, you came to the Emperor City with the people of Wanli, and it was not until the rescue...

This is a process like this. Is it correct to understand this?

And you Fenghuang adults actually do not give up, I feel that I can't help others, I want to find another one or two, and I have a more embarrassing move.

The nine-life cat ran out, you don't read the old feelings, set up the next game, and the big-fashioned target is nothing, but the foxes of the family care about the brothers, and come forward to ask for a love, you directly deducted a big scorpion: say The spies are sent by the Fox Emperor!

Where is this going to be, is it really worth it?

This...we can't listen to it, and we can't stand it anymore!

If the Fox Emperor does not come out? Then who are you going to plant?

Especially especially... The culprit of the previous chaos was a human being. This conclusion is the conclusion that your Fenghuang family made, we all heard it really, and I have heard you say it more than once.

Then the fox emperor came out to plead, and you directly decided to become the fox emperor's pot?

This... is this too boring?

This is really a fiddling of right and wrong, painstaking efforts, minds, but a little bit simple, I really may not be able to understand, I think it is light!

Well, this seems to involve the battle of the first wise man of the Yaozu, the fox king defeated, so it is implicated in the fall of his son?

The Fox Emperor really can't open it. The Fenghuang Emperor is the first wise man recognized by the Yaozu people. You play with your heart, and you can live with your wife, and you will be killed. You are looking for it!

Fenghuang, before, can not provoke, now it is even more difficult to provoke, provoke him, just wait for his wife and ion, the family is broken!

The Emperor’s Yin Jian is not far away!

Fox family, I am afraid to follow the footsteps of the cat family, the demon family has been removed!

Um, you said that in the past, it’s just that the demon king wants to target the cat family. Will there be a blend of Fenghuang? !

Wow, isn't that just behind the scenes of the two races? !

Feeling the skeptical gaze around the circle, Fenghuang almost blew the lungs!

The Emperor’s reversal of black and white, but he has pitted himself, the three views are completely destroyed, the festivals are broken, and even the reputation is ruined, which is even more than the ones pointed out by the thousands of people!

"Nine-tailed white! Do you know what you are doing? You know what I am doing, but what are you doing?!" Fenghuang's face was blue.

The fox emperor said indifferently: "I am at a glance what you are doing. I just want to ask you a sentence now. Today, you can't let the cat brothers leave?"

He said in one word: "Two old brothers of tens of thousands of years, I want you a face, this face, you give it?"

Fenghuang’s mouthful of gasping, this countless years, it’s not so bad!

Are we discussing this issue?

Is this the problem? !

All the demons in the field are a little bit forced, Fenghuang adults today is what is wrong, the Fox Emperor broke his mind, not coming to Taiwan? ! We all understand that the Emperor Fox is to ask his brother for a love, isn't that something? !

This thing, although it is not good to say it is not good, but it is really a brotherhood, more than a demon with a demon is really too much too much, if we are replaced by the Fenghuang adults, long ago ... Oh, may not agree, But how can it be directly explained that it will not take three to four, or even detain the crime, this face, there are still, still need!

"The cat brother can go, I haven't meant to leave the cat brother from the beginning!" Fenghuang gritted his teeth: "But the three foxes must be left!"

The fox emperor is furious: "The strong demon is difficult, the demon is too strong, do you dare to go a little more?! You know that the cat brother can not throw down the life-saving demon, you say so, and directly ordered the cat brother to have What is the difference? You are so strong, so you don’t want to continue to find the handle of the emperor, but also to provoke the cat brother here? Do you think that the personality of the cat brother may be appropriate?"


Lt; I have to go to a meeting tomorrow, hehe; the activities in the field have all been pushed, but the province is afraid to push it... gt;

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