I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 451: Xuanhuang giant change, holy road Tianyin!

In the past six months, the Xuanhuangjie can be said to be surging.

Before, why didn’t you talk about Shi Qing’s shirt and other people’s information about Yun Yang’s message, but after all, they were in the battlefield of Blood Soul Hill, and the news was inevitably blocked, and they were interested in this time and only had relevant Yun Yang and Jiu Zun. The relevant information has also got the status quo of the Nine Houses, and the ninth house has risen up. The rest of the cloud, little known.

The old Tianyun flag is quietly accumulating strength, while the new martial art is determined to make progress and go forward.

The Xuanhuangjie Rivers and Lakes can be described as a sudden excitement.

Many young disciples of the Shangpin School have experienced, treasured, entered the jungle, went to the snowy mountains, went to the abyss, went to the ruins... to show the diversity of the rivers and lakes, and then stand out from the crowd, and the emerging newcomers are even more dizzying.

Therefore, there is a special and not special, cookied but unconventional thing, which is born with a ranking! Ranking list!

And there is more than one ranking, what is the "Xuanhuangren list", the top ten, the top twenty, the top thirty...

Xuanhuangdi list... Xuanhuangtian list... Xuanhuanghuangbang...

Top ten beautiful women!

Xuanhuang Top Ten Rookie!

The top ten swords of Xuanhuang!

Xuanhuang Top Ten Swordsmen!

Top ten killers of Xuanhuang!

Xuanhuang Top Ten...

All of the above, there is no lack of behind-the-scenes push-pull to help, but the starting point of the wind and the wind, starting from the North Devil's Palace, and then gradually spread to the Western Heavenly Palace; and then ... and then in the East Pole Palace, and in all, in short All four are involved, nowhere!

This piece of anecdotes is said to be on the other side of the Northern Wilderness Palace. There is a superb figure like a fairy. It is the ninth provincial military sergeant who is famous for its new reputation. This person’s name is especially very good. It is called Tianwen. !

Mingtian asked, the number asked.

"What's wrong with the day? Come and ask me!"

Domineering is not domineering!

And this day, the truth is not a wave of fame, really do everything omniscient omniscience; for the world's hero information, the details of the footsteps, can be described as a handful of people to come to the house; as the basis, in addition to the rivers and lakes ranking In addition, Tian asked to create a "Xuanhuang Peak Fighting Power List."

Among them, it refers directly to the ranking of the peaks of the Xuanhuangjie, not only the Dongji Temple, but also the Lord of the Northern Palace, and the Xitian Palace. All of them are hidden in the three major palaces. Repairing and offering, also carried out a ranking!

A total of 100 people ranked first and foremost.

It is also said that... After reading this list, the owner of the East Pole Palace smiled and did not put a word; while other St. Kings had seen it, they were silent, such as the default. .

This attitude... at least not verbally opposed this ranking, or even a default!

Except for some masters who are yelling: "Who can be better than who and who? Why is the ranking higher than him?"

In addition to these movements, there is no one voice from the relevant parties!

This result has taken shock of the whole world!

The follow-up action of Tianwen has not yet been terminated, and immediately followed by a list of even more shocking, even enough to make the entire Xuanhuang world shocked!

There are only ten names in this list!

However, these ten names are each one that is enough to shake the world and turbulent people!

Ranked first is: the world is invincible, Yu Tianlong Emperor; group demon bow, the world's first!

Ranked second: Nirvana Skyfire, Fengzu Supreme; Fengyun in the palm, Qiankun in the heart!

This is the world's most recognized two strongest, all belong to the Yaozu, the demon emperor dragon, and the Fenghuang!

No one had thought that Tian asked the top ten masters of the world's most peaks, and the dragon and the emperor directly ousted the first two!

Is this too dare to write?

It’s too much to be too aggressive, to ruin your own spirit, right? !

However, the fact is that this is what the Xuan Huang able has already confirmed, and I don’t think it is criticized!

And the next third, finally ranked to the Terran strong.

Tianjian Danshu, the owner of the East Pole; between the laughter, Yunlong Fenghu. It is the Lord of the East Pole Palace.


This ranking of the mythical demon, so that the entire Xuan Huangjie repairers, are feeling heavy.

The tall and the phoenixes of the two dragons and phoenixes are like two mountains that cannot be shaken; people can't help but think of it: If it is really going to war, who are the two demons?

But worrying about worrying, it is still a long-term worry, and even if there is a day, it is not the next person to swear, it is the most common practitioners to talk about the most, or the rest of the list, the top ten swordsmen, the top ten swordsman; List! Celestial! Emperor! These light senses feel the ranking on the tall!

If you want to enter the list, there is no luxury in the history of the saints, and the age is not more than 100 years old, but any label that exceeds this age limit and has poor qualifications and no future is inevitable!

Even if the battle is higher than the list, the battle will win, but if you are not qualified, you will not be qualified. If you don't have any points, you can't enter the list.

Of course, the more important ones are still. The overwhelming majority of the saints who have passed the centennial battle with the young saints have little chance of gaining the upper hand. There is almost no such thing as it is, but it is self-explanatory. ugly.

The list of the land, the Holy King.

Celestial list, above the Holy Emperor.

Emperor list, above the holy.

And then it is the peak power list and the mysterious monster list, these lists can basically reflect the comprehensive strength of the Xuanhuang world in the past 100 years, and even hope to develop!

However, although the power list is sought after, but it has received the most attention, the most popular, but it is still the top ten beauty list!

I don’t know if the military officer of the ninth house has selfishness, but the list he has sent out does not know what kind of psychology. The people of the ninth house are not only famous, but also the position is quite high. .

The top ten beautiful women ranked first: the country is full of love, the beauty of the world; the Qiankun is running, the heart is clear. The ninth head of the government, count the soul!

The top ten beautiful women ranked second: 铿锵 roses, 帼 帼 ;; 千 娆 娆, I am the Shangguan. The ninth government head, Shangguan Lingxiu.

The top ten beauty is ranked third; the West is beautiful, the Holy Palace is the best; the heavens are beautiful, the underground is unparalleled; the West Heavenly Palace, even Fangfei.

After that, it was the famous Belle of other sects; and in this regard, the whole Xuanhuangjie was full of doubtful voices, but Tian asked this attitude tough and abnormal, saying that he was so arranging, loves the land!

Well, by the way, among the top ten beautiful people, there are a few beautiful girls who are the first ones. The first one is the second generation of the nine generations of the government, Yun Xiuxin, and the rank of Xiaotoutou is not low, ranking seventh. .

Under Yun Xiuxin, there is Lin Xiaorou, who is ranked eighth, and Cheng Jiajia, who will break into the top ten!

This ranking is causing dissatisfaction among countless people. They have been vomiting to ask this guy not to be a luoli control. Yunxiu Xinlin Xiaorou Cheng Jiajia are all under the age of 28, so what is the top ten, and So high praise

Ice muscle jade bones, cloud 缥缈 缥缈; Fang Rong peerless, exquisite show heart, Qiong Xiu Xianzi, Yun Xiu heart.

The deep valley of the orchids, the aromatic scent, the chivalrous intestines, the soft and the soft, the fairy orchid, Lin Xiaorou.

There is also Cheng Jiajia, a sect of three sects, is it not a shady? ! Have you seen the female disciples of other sects?

Um, the question is not a shady list. It’s a matter of opinion, but the second generation of disciples of the Nine Houses have settled in the white nights, long roads, Hu Xiaofan, etc... All of them have broken into the list, and many of the other disciples are also swaying in the list;

These can all be done with real combat power. Few people question this, but this thing can't be faked!

In addition to the beauty list, the list of the power of the list, the rest of the list of the various names also lead the way

The second master of the Nine Houses has a history of three swordsmen, ranking third in the list of the top ten new swordsmen. It is said that after the two months of customs clearance, the sword has been smashed and emptyed for three thousand miles. For the straight line to rise to the level of the Holy Spirit, one step is not enough to describe its progress, it is simply to go to heaven; now, is the veritable first guardian of the nine prefectures!

Among the top ten swordsmen, Luo Dajiang is famous on the list.

Among the top ten rookies, the nine disciples are sitting on seven seats!

This share of share can be a bit high, it is simply shocking the world!

The nine prefectures that came out of the sky, and the ninth house that followed, what is the situation of these two sects?

Silence for a long time, like a pool of stagnant water, like the Xuanhuangjie rivers and lakes, in order to make these list of the world, the time is turbulent and turbulent. Various challenges, like springing up, are coming.

The gauntlet is flying all over the sky!

If one word is used to describe it, it is... the whole river suddenly becomes "live"!

Just four months ago, Yu Chenghang, a disciple of the third master of the Nine-House, was killed by Feng Mingmen and named Feng Lie’s chief disciple Qi Lie. This is no one to be optimistic about his invitation. In the war, there were only three knives in total, and they would kill Qi Li, and the cleanliness of the end was simple and convenient.

And the whole Fengmingmen, after the event, no one how to do anything, only one sigh.

Qi Lie’s current result is originally the cause of his own planting. For the case of Luo Dajiang’s disciple to seek revenge, Feng Mingmen had a long-standing consensus and expressed understanding: If you change yourself, you must also be arrogant for your own master. Come out to invite!

But no one has thought that this invitation will come so early, and the end will be so fast, Qi Lie will be so miserable!

Speaking of the two sects, the relationship between the two sects is not too shallow, but there is also a relationship of in-laws, but for the endless vengeance, there will never be any arrogance, and the Fengmingmen high-level, this event will only be the next time: This hatefulness is Qi Lie and Luo Dajiang and the private enemies under his door. Yu Fengming has no involvement in itself. Of course, if there is self-identification and good friendship, or the descendants of Fengmingmen want to be Qi If you avenge your enemies, you can also go to Yucheng Airlines. Nine Houses will also not intervene and will not damage the two factions.

Strictly speaking, this norm is formulated very rigorously. If it is used by people with a heart, it is very likely to evolve into a catastrophe rooted in the battle of endless revenge; but unfortunately... Fengmingmen from top to bottom, whether it is sent At the top of the gate, there are still a few junior disciples, and no one has any plans for it.

Qi Lie-ping is a self-important person. He is used to the future of Fengmingmen. This is already very unpleasant. In addition, he regards Jiang as a thing of imprisonment, and is even rejected by all. None of the Naruto fans like him; revenge? What kind of hate?

Killed by the disciples of the enemy, how shameful...

The resources of the Nine Houses are so good, I also want to find opportunities to rotate to the nine villages to practice for a few days...

The sisters and sisters of the Nine Houses are all beautiful and graceful, and I like them very much. I don’t like them too much.

For Qi Lie, this rotten man is offended by the nine deities, when we are stupid? !

Moreover, even if one hundred miles pick one thousand pick one, there are two ones who think that the nine disciples of the three disciples are killing Qi Lie too much to give Feng Ming the face, but also to measure their own energy, can you afford it? Hey, it’s got a hate!

It should be noted that before Yun Yang went to the demon world, the nine disciples had begun to send disciples to walk outside and experience. Today, they can increase their experienced disciples independently and independently, and they are about to break through thousands!

The Eight Great Peaks of the Nine Houses also have two great deacons. The original Tianzhuang Ten Show, repaired into a group of leaps and bounds, soaring; three of the ten people have broken through to the Holy Order; even the remaining seven It is also the peak of the four emperors of the Holy Emperor, no one is less!

This comprehensive strength has been far more than the chief martial art Fengmingmen of Zhongpin Tianyunqi!

This reality makes Pingguan Yue Gan Tianyan and other Fengmingmen high-level are all jaw-dropping!

In the battle of the previous Tianyun Banner, they defeated the Yuding School, which was defeated by the Tianshang Commercial League at the end of the Shangpin Tianyun Banner. Now it has established diplomatic relations with Jiu Zun, and has obtained a large number of outstanding disciples. The battle of the flag is bound to go any further, and there is no insult to the top grade Tianyun flag!

However, the nine homes of the people, but in a short period of time, the comprehensive strength has soared to such a level, it is really unimaginable!

Nine-brothers, like a giant, quickly grow in a **** way!

And this trend, no inhibition, no way to stop!

These progresses are only the existing staff who are now in the Nine Houses, floating on the surface; don't forget that the Nine Houses have one of the most unpredictable and the most mysterious Nine Houses, Yun Yang.

The first adult has not appeared for half a year, and when the other nine high-level officials are making great strides, I believe that he will not slack off, and his own strength will only be refined to a higher level.

Everyone still remembers that when he had just left the Nine Houses, the Nine Fortunes caused by him had changed dramatically!

That is the only vision that can occur when the Holy Spirit is strong!

That is to say... This cloud head has been a holy man for half a year ago, but now, it’s one thing to see the dragon without seeing the tail, but even without any news from him, no one will be kidding this. A bit of cloud lord, after all, no one knows what it is supposed to be now!

Of course, the outside world is more curious about the head of the Nine Houses; and the people of the Nine Houses are very concerned about it.

So suddenly the disappearance disappeared, no one knows where to go...

Among them, the most memorable ones are the disciples of the nine predecessors who want to wear them.

White nights are in a challenge, because someone said: The nine villages are quite prosperous. Unfortunately, the head of the house is missing. Perhaps it is already dead. The nine palaces will be trapped in a group of dragons. It is rare to be long-term...

And because of this sentence, the night is full of anger, and desperate to kill!

The entire summit of the incident was almost red.

It is also because of this campaign that many people know that the strength of these nine disciples is still hidden or even hidden.

As time passed, Yun Yang still had no news. On the side of the Nine Houses, it was inevitable that some people would start to feel heartfelt.

What happened in the end, how did it disappear for so long?

Not even younger disciples even sneaked a lot of back.

As time goes by, the atmosphere of the Nine Houses is becoming more and more oppressive. The most direct form is obviously the direct force when walking in the rivers and lakes. It is actually too violent and too much in the past; even the most character is The faint Lin Xiaorou, for the sake of others, said that Yun Yang might have died, but it was also a red eye to kill.

This kind of depression has been continuing, and it has not been soothed and intensified.

From the third month of Yun Yang’s departure, it has continued to the present.

On this day, the Xuanhuangjie is now snowing!

Snowfall is not a rare thing. What is really rare is that the heavy snow of this day, this heavy snow, is the whole of the Xuanhuang world. And then, everyone found that this snow is really bigger than any snow in previous years, and it must be fierce!

This time, it lasted all day and night!

The entire Xuanhuangjie, thousands of miles of territory, snow full of land. Silver-packed, mountain dance silver snake, original Chi wax.

It is also on this day, suddenly the entire Xuanhuangjie, regardless of the geographical boundaries, all resounded the bell!

The bells are swaying, and it doesn't seem like a high sorghum, but it is this voice, all the people in the whole Xuanhuang world, all the creatures have heard!

This bell seems to be from the heart of my heart, full of peace and harmony!

"This is... holy voice!"

Countless old guys who are qualified to know this kind of bells are all shocked!

The Taoist Tianyin, in the history of the Xuanhuangjie, has only appeared twice.

Only the great man who made great contributions to the whole Xuanhuang world will be able to get the propaganda of the heavenly voice and preach the first black!

Some time, the blood soul mouth did not know why suddenly the thunder fell, and several Xuan Huang masters stationed at the mountain pass were on the spot.

The mouth of the mountain suddenly opened, and countless demons rushed in; and at that critical juncture, the sacred Huangfeng Peak Saint, who was sitting in the foothills of the mountain, had to be alone.

Regardless of his life, he robbery against Lei Haowei in the heavens and the earth, regardless of the burning of his own soul, and tried his best to fight for three days and three nights. Countless demon people, all blocked the gap outside the blood soul mouth, has been insisted until the arrival of the reinforcements.

With the arrival of the Terran reinforcements, the Holy Ghost can no longer support it, and the body will die and die.

This holy monarch has long been unable to hold on, but with a sigh of relief, the life is strong and strong; at the moment of the arrival of the reinforcements, he did not even say a word, it turned into a fly ash to dissipate!

The so-called no trace of life, refers to the existence of all traces of survival do not exist, it must be known that the St. Jun strong not only the body is almost immortal, the soul is even more powerful to the unimaginable level of the ordinary repairers, if not so can easily be won Others, as long as they are repaired as sacred to the sacred monarchy, in addition to the soul of the soul, there is still a little spirit that can not be destroyed, even if more powerful opponents annihilate the flesh, dissipate the soul, as long as a little spirit Still surviving, there are still opportunities to come back!

Just like the previous replies of the fox grandfather to the phoenix emperor, the fox grandfather is not the opponent of the phoenix emperor. If there is no fox emperor, it will inevitably fall, but even if the spirit is gone, a little spirit But it does not necessarily exist, it is a little life!

Another example is that before the cat swallowed three women and the two foxes, the two elders sneaked into the twelve dragon guards, that is, they could not completely kill the twelve dragon guards, but the cat swallowed and the two elders sneaked, and the face was extinguished. The body of the six dragon guards, and then the cats are full of cats to eat the sisters sword, the dragon soul's soul is annihilated to the limit, and finally by Yun Yang finishing, this is the true destruction of the twelve dragons, but also the vitality does not exist Degree!

Therefore, it is almost impossible to let a St. Junker go to a place where life is not in the normal battle, unless the party insists that he will not withdraw.

The holy man who died in the war and died is called Zhou Chenlei.

On that day, the three heavenly palaces simultaneously issued a sacred voice for him; the yin and yang were inscribed, and the Xuanhuangjie morning thunder exploded; toward the whole world, his heroic deeds were passed down!

Another story of the sacred voice of the Tao, the Xuanhuangjie was destroyed by the plague; countless people appeared strange dark spots, once this dark spot appeared, it could not be contained, and continued to rot on the body until it rotted and died.

The plague spread widely; the area that covered the area almost affected most of the sacred yellow, and it continued to spread until the release of the antidote.

What's more, this kind of plague is not able to resist even the deep practitioners. In that plague, there are more than one hundred masters of the Emperor's ranks or more. The situation is fierce and can be seen!

At the right time, a master of pharmacy did not hesitate to take the lead, and tasted the poison; finally found out the symptomatic antidote against this plague; also on the day of confirming the prescription of the antidote, the holy voice of the heavenly voice spreads to the world, telling the world How do people detoxify?

The pharmacist named Kong Ji Shi himself was cultivated as a general, but the rank of the Sayādaw was always admired by the worship of the people of the world.

Kong Ji Shi, therefore, became the ancestor of the Xuan Huang Pharmacist.

In the case of the sacred voice of the Holy Way, only these two times, even the Sacred Heart of the Sacred Heart, the great elders of the Congregation, gathered the eight masters, and together they destroyed the sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorcerer’s sorrow. Not responding at all.

Far behind!

It is only the salvation merit that can provoke this ring!

This time, the holy voice of Tiansheng actually sounded again!

Why is this?

Who is it because of it? !

Everyone is holding their breath and waiting quietly below.

Since the sound of the Holy Way sounds, it will not stop, and it will explain the beginning and end of this sound.

A low, but peaceful voice slowly sounded from everyone's heart.

"The nine heads of the government, Yun Yang, regardless of their own safety, generously went to the danger, singularly entered the Yaozu, and seized the plot of the Yaozu plot to attack the Xuanhuangjie conspiracy, and gave great damage; more wise and demon tens of thousands of people; The demon chaos... such as the achievements of the Sega, it is a model of the human race, deliberately telling the world..."

Holy voice.

Nine-placed house Yunyang!

The above is not only a word for Yun Yang's achievements; it is not elaborated; but only one of them, "Thousands of Zhiquan Yaozu", has made everyone shocked!

A mass of thousands of people? !

The main event is still behind.

"... In recognition of the achievements of the cloud masters, the three great heavens total, launching the Holy Spirit to pray for heaven, and promote the nine prefects to the top of the Tianyun Banner!"

"...The title of the book is the sacred Huang Yunzun, and the world respects it."

Three in one ah >

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