I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 453: 怼一波

One day after half a month, in a sudden heavy snow, Yun Yang was smashed out by the East.

What he faced here was a large piece, filled with people from the entire venue.

Everyone in the meeting, like visiting a zoo, looks up and down at Yun Yang, and it is full of fun.

There were hundreds of sacred sages and dozens of sacred monarchs. There were several strong men who had been in the forefront of the sacred ranks, and stared at the fox head... people!

Yun Yang's face is full of tears, so take me out to meet people, clearly seen by people, being surrounded by people? !

"This is our mysterious Huang Yunzun; the predecessor of the Nine Houses is the Yunyun Yunyun! Our young heroes!"

The East Haoran said solemnly: "You, don't think that the fox face of Yunzhangmen is the original face, and don't think that the head of the cloud is the real estate of the Yaozu." It is really the head of the cloud. After the success of Fengyun, it was targeted by Fenghuang, the first wise man of the Yaozu, which led to the present honor, the crime of non-war, the crime of non-war..."

The following old guys are all looking at each other, and they are sighing and sighing one by one: "Oh, it’s a pity, it’s a pity. The animals of the Yaozu are too sinister to make such a move." ......"

The black line of Yun Yang’s brain is more and more difficult to feel at home.

Who are the old guys who don't know their specific situation? Now I have to put myself out of the exhibition hard, this is clearly aimed at me, set up a calculation, and the animal, Laozi is now with a fox head, is it also a livestock? !

"The main purpose of convening everyone here is to let everyone know about our young heroes in the Xuanhuang world, but also to please you. When you are in the rivers and lakes, don't kill the cloud head as a demon!"

The East Haoran said seriously: "The cloud head is the hero of our Xuanhuang world. It is the model of the whole human being. You must not commit such a great crime that harms others!"

The following old guy smells the string song and knows the elegance, the chaotic smile looks like: "No, no! Don't say the fox head of the cloud head, even if you see the ordinary fox, we are in order to cloud the door. Face, will also be merciful to one or two!"

Yun Yang is now only looking at the sky with his eyes open.

He has been prepared in the heart, so that it may be necessary for everyone to know themselves, but now it is definitely a variation of bad taste and mischief!

The obvious thing about this group of old people is to play with them by this head!

I figured this out, and Yun Yang gradually let go.

These old people are just a bunch of boring guys who are old and have nothing to do...

"You old people..." Yun Yang spoke.

I have to say that wearing a fox head, in the Yaozu or not, but in the human world, especially before standing in front of the public, a serious speech, but it is very funny.

He opened his mouth, and there were already a few old guys screaming.

"Every seniors are really prizes. Compared with their predecessors, Yunmou is just a child. It’s a moment of anger and a moment of luck. It’s really not to be praised."

The Oriental Hao Ran brows a little.

Well, what this kid wants to say, this seems to be something in the words!

"This time I went to the Yaozu, the original intention was to be a part of the human race. Although it succeeded in stirring the situation, it also killed some of the Yaozu, but finally fled back, and it was awkward, and it was even more dead. Land, if not saved by the predecessors, how can it survive?

Speaking of it, only the second word. ”

Yun Yang’s face is ashamed and invincible: “As the saying goes, the iron has to be **** its own; to get to the bottom, the root of Yun Yang’s tired and tired self is still too low...”

Listening to Yun Yang said that the following is the smallest of the old guys who have thousands of years old, everyone has stunned, the scene has become a cold phase.

It’s faint to feel that this guy is talking about Piri Yangqiu’s hidden peak, but he still can’t hear anything when he hears it.

I only heard the voice of Yun Yang's voice more and more regrettable: "I want to be Yun Yang, three years old enlightenment to practice, five years old practicing small knife; growing in the lower bound, I do not know the world, the truth is like the bottom of the frog; lucky for 19 years old On the upper side, I was able to break the void and come to the upper bound of Xuanhuang. I was shocked to see that the heavens and the earth were vast, and I felt sincere and fearful. I always be cautious and cautious. I dare not have a slight negligence."

"After a half-load, I broke through the level of the Holy One, and I feel very good about myself. I don’t know that it is much worse than my peers in Shangpin Zongmen. Until 21, I broke through the Holy King and built the Nine Houses. It’s still just a lingering struggle, and it’s hard to survive...”

"Now I am twenty-three years old. In order to fulfill my life as a human race, I have to go to the Yaozu for the sake of my predecessors. Although I have made great achievements, I have made myself a long-term struggle, and I have only broken through until now. At the peak level of the four saints, if the non-technical ends here, walking in the Yaozu, how to step by step, step by step, life and death... Facing the demon high-level establishment, the army is unable to fight back, can only passively bear, sighs... ”

Yun Yang Yang Tian long sighed: " Among the predecessors, there are saints who are comparable to Yun Yang, but also have higher order power, but I have been working hard for so many years, only this level, knowing low Very shallow, at least compared to your predecessors, whether it is experience or achievement, it is all too far, not enough..."

"In the future, Yun Yang must learn from everyone's seniors every day... If I can have the general cultivation of your predecessors, then the demon will never disguise and dress up, just sweeping the past all the way, who is the leader... ”

"I am now twenty-three! I have been lurking for a few months in the demon family, and I have been staying in the East Pole for more than two months. I have to look at it for twenty-four years! Actually, I only have to rehabilitate the four sacred peaks..."

Yun Yang sighs in the sky: "In the end, I am too weak, and now I have to put on such a fox head, smirk and generous... oh."

"Compared with your predecessors, the younger generations are full of slogans. The predecessors have holy sacred, holy sages, half sacred, or sage strongmen come... Yun Yang’s envy is extremely, with my progress. I really don't know when I can go further. I don't know if I can do it next year, but how can I go further in the next year..."

Everyone below looks at each other.

A sacred three-powered strong man licked his lips, black face to say something, but closed his lips with his lips closed!

Not only is he alone, but there are people in the place, all of them look wonderful and colorful.

Yes, you are weak!

You are too weak!

You keep saying, the twenty-three-year-old holy four products, do not forget to add the word peak!

But if you want to be like this, let us do it!

Laozi is 7,000 years old this year, but it’s just a holy one. Isn’t it worthwhile? !

When Laozi was more than nine thousand years old, he was the third peak of the Holy Spirit. Was it not to die? !

I have been in the early 10,000 years, but the same order as you, should be born early and die early, so as not to be ashamed of people? !

Well, Laozi has lived for 20,000 years. The four saints are the four saints, but they are not at the top... If you say so, Laozi’s two thousand years of life have all gone to the dog. ?

When you are twenty-three years old, you will arrive at the peak of the four saints. You are so good, it’s really good!

Are you here?

Are you clearly showing off, okay?

Including the well-known characters of the so-called "young generation rookie genius" of the East Pole Palace, the generous remarks of listening to Yun Yang are also a look of a face.

We are called genius, talent, rising star, Xuan Huang new hope... Dongji Tiangong successor...

But the youngest of us is also seven or eight hundred years old...

I still feel smug before, but I feel that I am unique in the world, and I have never been able to do it... But now, compared with the twenty-three-year-olds of the people, the feeling is that the dog is good! .

I have always been proud of it...not worth mentioning in front of others!

The face of the East Haoran is also not good-looking. This kid’s argument is clearly revenge on me. What is the part of the human race, the repair is so stagnant, and the predecessors of the present are repaired, straight all the way. Sweeping the past, who can beat his front? !

This word and sentence, the sound is clearly out of the string, who is the beat? !

However, no one can blame Yun Yang for being wrong in the face. It’s because of someone’s words, and they are very sympathetic. They are also dependent on small sales, all the way to sell, and then export, only more humiliating. Share...

"The head of the cloud is a peerless person, this world is awkward..." The East Haoran and the awkward smile, want to make a haha ​​to skip this matter.

"Where is the place, the younger generation really can't afford the praise of the Oriental Palace Lord... Compared with the Oriental Palace Lord, Yun Yang is even more devoid of land, only looking up, the mountain is up, the high house is built... compared to the Oriental Palace Lord When Yun Yang was so old, the repair was definitely far better than the younger generation, and it was impossible to say the same thing!" Yun Yang said more humbly.


The Eastern Haoran’s stomach was on his lips, and all of them were all stunned.

A handsome and handsome face, slowly purple rose. His eyes looked at Yun Yang and his breathing was heavy.

I really want to shoot him!

Bunny scorpion, actually dare to face the palace!

When Laozi was as old as this kid, it was indeed a slogan to cultivate a high school. It was not the same thing, but it was the fact that it was reversed. This is what he is, and it’s a trick...

I have to say that Yun Yang said this, the following masters suddenly filled out the original indignation, and the anger suddenly became calm and bleak... because everyone has a feeling of difference: look at our palace owner The look of the black line of the beggar is really a big heart!

The little bit of depression in the previous point is simply not worth mentioning.

There is never a shortage of genius in this world!

People are geniuses, and they enter the world with great speed. Only then can there be great achievements. What are these mortals and people?

Reluctantly compare is simply looking for yourself uncomfortable!

Retreat 10,000 steps, the palace owner, you do not pull people out to do exhibitions, or how can people counterattack you like this?

You are self-defeating and self-sufficient. In fact, we are all people who are tired of you...

Now that it’s good, people are starting to swear by the Lord; we have such bad qualifications, and it’s slow to enter the country. It’s good to watch the show directly.

The East Haoran said with a black face: "While the head of the cloud is wearing a fox face, it is still a hero of Xuan Huang, a model of the Terran; everyone must be taken as an example in the future and will follow suit."

"Dismissal." Dongfang Haoran blackened his face and threw a sentence, then said: "Cloud head, come with me, this seat and you said well."

The voice did not fall, and there was a burst of laughter coming out.

The beginning and end of this incident is very simple and rude. It is the East Haoran who looks at the old guys for a long time, practice every day, practice every day, almost even the fun of life is almost gone, there is nothing else, this is the cloud Yang’s change, I want to let everyone have a good time. After all, I’ve seen the experience of these top-level cultivators, and it’s too little to shake their hearts! .

The way the palace owner said at the time: "It's a good thing to have fun, but everyone pays attention to play, joking, but don't overdo it... Young people are tender and too old."

When I thought of pulling it out, the Lord’s talk was too much to say, and everyone naturally started from it...

But the end result is that the whole person has been countered by others, and you can't say anything about the counterattack!

People are such a genius!

It’s the time of the age of twenty-three!

At the age of twenty-three, I made such achievements that the entire mainland people would admire!

How can you?

What can you do? !

This is a thing... it’s really hahaha... Anyway, it’s not a big deal with me...

The singer of the palace was so brilliant that he was in the middle of his grasp. Everything was in the middle of his mastery. He was somewhat strange and strange, and he was thinking about squatting others when he was in a high position.

Over the years, everyone has not known how many times they have been smashed by the palace. After tens of thousands of years, no one has ever been ruined by the palace. The deeper the grievances, the more people hope to see the palace owner eat; And this time I really saw it, the end of the big people!

"Good boy!"

"It's so sweet!"

"But what kind of martial art does he come from? Nine Houses? You must go over and see..."

All the old guys are wonderful, and they all have a subtle feeling of "not worthwhile."

Well, I finally saw a century-old drama. It’s just worth the price. It’s just worth the money. I really want to see a few more. This kind of good show and big drama, every day I look at the top ten outs, that’s not It’s too much!

The main thing is that the big guy’s evaluation of Yun Yang’s guy is so high.

We must know that the main palaces of our palaces are almost the same, or they are whole-minded, but they will never tidy up outsiders or enemies; in other words: they can be ruined by the palace, and you must be quite qualified!

In the way of the palace's swaying, it seems to be excessive, but in fact, it has raised the status of Yunyang to a very high degree, almost the same level.

This attitude is very worth pondering, and it is even more fearful!

"This little guy, but at the age of twenty-three, he has reached the peak of the four saints... not only a enchanting figure, but the luck is even more amazing... the future achievements may not be weaker than the palace owner..."

"Look at the palace owner to personally create momentum for him, the big name has been broadcast in the world, and personally prayed to heaven, the promotion of the nine noble houses into the superior sects, its potential has become, and it is difficult to suppress!"

"After the achievement... It is hard to estimate, it is a conclusion, just look at which step he can go."

"If you can't do this with one blow, you can only make a good deal with it!"



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Chapter 453—One Wave (page 1/1)

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