I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 456: Exquisite gold bone! Hammer him!

The impermanence of the world is originally a thing that Yun Yang has made in his own mouth. He is not aware of the facts, but he is also a clever source of other sources. He can also buckle this giant pot to the initiator. I don’t know if it’s a beating, or a heavenly truth. The report is not good!

Yun Yang returned to the place where he lived, and the green and green still did not wake up. When he was left and left, he began to concentrate on practicing. After experiencing the Yaozu mainland and reaching the East Pole Palace, Yunyang Committee felt that this is the number of sacraments. The repair is... still weak, and it needs to be improved.

The Holy Respect is weak...

If this sentence is said in the Xuanhuangjie, Yun Yang will not be killed by the group, and it will always be inevitable to be drowned by the saliva!

The sage, this high in the ranks of the clouds, is recognized by the world as the top of the world's top; Yun Yang actually said that it is weak...

But Yun Yang is now having such feelings!

It is very weak!

If you cultivate, you need to cultivate resources!

Yun Yang can truly feel the aura of the East Pole Palace. For normal humans, this kind of cultivation atmosphere is irreplaceable and unique, but it does not apply to the current Yun Yang, because he is here. Being self-accepted, it has been sealed as an aura insulator!

He can feel that it is one thing, but it is the most helpless reality.

If the green is still there, the indirect transformation can be given by green and green. Under the current super-optimal cultivation atmosphere, the progress of cultivation will be faster than before, but now, as in Baoshan, there is no way to apply!

Do you want to use my personal possession to help practice?

This is the cultivation plan given by the cat emperor, but... Yun Yang, this is the person who has been plucking the hair, how to do such a discount? !

Yun Yang pouted out of the door, some very embarrassed: "I am now a seal, the cultivation mode is very different, and I need to use foreign objects to cultivate. But before I went to the Yaozu, all the materials are consumed." Do it, can you..."

This request was quickly communicated.

The East Haoran has a big hand; "The best quality jade, all kinds of heaven and earth treasures, a good delivery of a batch of past! The number is not limited, more and more good; directly the kid will fill his room! Lest we say that the East Pole Palace is stingy."

"Do you really give so much?" The sage master next to him was shocked.

"Not only that, but the Lord also wants to protect the law for him personally, so that he can not hesitate to practice."

"..." The people who saw this scene were all shocked.

Although you are the owner of the palace, although no one can control you, although you have never been very tempered, you are used to slashing the sword... Although you never manage things, you can't be so busy?

Sending more supplies will also give up, after all, the identity of the other Terran heroes is there, but you are one of the four dominant hegemons of the East Pole Palace, such a noble status, personally go for a holy boy. Protection law?

For a time, the sky was rolling.

"You guys..." The East is full of hatred and iron, not one of the steel, one by one: "How can you not think of a place in the middle of each other? Really put all your thoughts on the practice?" ”

"Yun Yang is a genius, and he is unique. He is superman, but he can cultivate the Sanzong Sanpin at the age of twenty-three. It is still a very bizarre and incredible thing. You are welcome to say that since you have Xuanhuang In the world, this kind of thing has never happened. So, why is this?"

The East Haoran snorted: "When Yun Yang wants to cultivate, how is this seat protecting him? If he has a unique method, he can improve quickly; even if we can't steal people, we can't make people like it... but if Can you comprehend a little more, and you are not good at yourself, and you will not be good for future generations?"

"Again, it is possible to explore the wonders of the world, touch the avenues of the road, how many people do we have in the East Pole Palace? In addition to this seat, is it not possible for the old guys to give the kid a way to protect the law? Top, where are the people who really learn? If they really go, can they only rely on the old and the old?"

Dongfang Haoran Shi Ran stood up and said: "I don't go to **** who goes to hell. I don't want to protect the law to protect the law? This is the case."

Next to it, the six people who are sitting on the side are all white, and they are all out of the dust. The old men of the celestial bones tremble, their lips are shaking, and they look like they are sifting.

When you are talking... Have you ever thought about the few old men in your mouth who are leaning against the old and selling old people... just in front of you?

Besides,...when do we rely on old sellers? When are we narrow-minded? When do we look down on it?

You... what are you talking about? ?

"Afterwards, please ask the elders to handle the matter to be handled as appropriate. The main editor of the palace is on the table, please..."

The sound of the East Haoran is coming from outside the door.

Several elders have no exceptions, and their faces are distorted.

This guy clearly wants to be lazy, what to see how people practice... Does this need to go in person, but what is it that is not clear?

Besides, ... who practiced the practice is not his own top secret, the secret of the other party's exercises, it is the rhythm of the intention to wear different days!

"Having encountered such a palace owner is really a big misfortune in life..." An old man sighed.

"But you can't beat him. It's always true!" Another old man snorted: "Come on, let me know, it's still good now. If he comes back for a few hundred years, how do you say... ”

A few old people took a nap: "It is also true that it is serious to work hard, we are all serious people."


Yun Yang did not think of it, but he did not have a high expectation. There was almost no gap in the Dongji Temple, and there were so many cultivation materials, and everything was fine, and the quantity was quite high.

This... it’s just plain!

Is the East Pole Palace really so proud?

The best quality jade is a whole two thousand! All kinds of heaven and earth treasures, a thousand copies, each of which is the best goods for the growth of the great benefits, most of which are good things that are almost invisible to the outside world!

There are even more than a dozen bottles of medicinal herbs that have been improved, and the high level of Dan's drug ranks, almost beyond the recognition of Yun Yang!

Don't think that Yun Yang's cognition of medicinal herbs is very scarce. Don't forget that there are one medicinal herbs in the nine villages. Everyone is sitting in the town. Dong Qitian is not only unpredictable, but also an expert in medicinal herbs. The medicinal herbs that have been cultivated for many years have been seen.

And Yun Yang’s understanding of this industry’s ability to grow up as a drug is from this public. Many of the medicinal herbs that I have seen so far are what Dong Qitian once mentioned, but because there is no corresponding medicine, there is no refining remedy. The medicinal herbs given by the East Pole Palace are each one of the best, and the progress is very good, and the dan scorpion is the best!

Under the hunter heart, Yun Yang saw, according to his own knowledge, five or six kinds of sighs in one breath, and Yun Yang’s cultivation as the realm of today’s realm is not afraid of such plural drugs, especially the current inability to absorb aura. Only with the help of spiritual medicine and spiritual aid!

Yun Yang sighed a lot of medicines in one breath, and the body's vitality burst into a venting moment. He was waiting for the cultivation of the meditation to the extreme, but he saw the East Haoran Shi Shiran personally came over. Yun Yang directly stupid, this situation, is it the four big? One of the masters, I have to protect my law for a sage! ?

Do you think that my mind is not awake or is your own brain getting into the water?

No, this is definitely another purpose.

But what do you really care about this master?

Even the demeanor is reduced, and the pleadings are all here. !

Is it only that you have surpassed the cultivation speed of any person in the Xuanhuangjie? !

"You can cultivate with peace of mind, you don't have to worry about being disturbed. This seat is in the opposite house."

"it is good."

Yun Yang does not care about the outsiders, you have to look at it, let me see, I let you see the cultivation mode that is extremely shocking but can not be imitated!

Originally, Yun Yang has already smashed several kinds of elixir, which is enough for the current practice in the past few days. However, with the arrival of the East Haoran, Yunyang decided to make more moves, and he took out the ninety-nine pieces of the best spirits. The small Naling array, the sleeves turned over, and the thousand medicine boxes were all opened.

Yun Yang and his knees are sitting in the middle of the battle, and they are concentrating on the vitality of their lives. After a week of work, when the two hands are on one stroke, the other two bottles of medicinal herbs are all in the entrance; the more ninety-nine best spirits The aura brought together was pulled in the same way as the needles and needles, and they came out one by one, and all the elixir passed by, and the medicine of the elixir was quickly guided out, and the spiritual power of Lingyu was converged in the air.

Then, the convergence of the spiritual force through the **** of Yun Yang, a steady stream into the meridians!

The delicate and long-filling spirit is constantly produced, constantly growing, such as endlessly integrated into the meridians from his fingers, pouring into Dantian, and then rounding around for a week, turning into the most pure spiritual power. Become Yunyan's own psionic power.

In the opposite room, I was really paying attention to Yun Yang’s every move to the East Haoran’s “sleeping trough” and stood up straight, his eyes were round and round, and the so-called Xuanhuang Terran’s top winds were gone.

What is this cultivation method!

Is this a cultivation method?

How can there be such a barbaric cultivation method under the sun? Is it better to do this than to swallow the heavens and the earth?

This is clearly a whale swallowing the sea, lest you can't eat the money, who will grab you? !

Also, what kind of person can the meridians be able to withstand such a method?

I would like to ask myself to change my position, dare to continue to devour this way...

It is natural that you can absorb such a large amount of spiritual power in one breath, but you must first refine it, integrate it into your own, and use it to your own use, and then continue, and then re-start, forming a cycle; but also can not do as Yunyang This way, one side absorbs and refines, and it is still such a huge amount...

It’s better to be more like yourself, and to be someone else, isn’t it even worse? !

However, Yun Yang is now only the peak of the four saints. If he is a sacred monarch, will it be even more amazing? !

The East Haoran squinted, and the gods observed that Yun Yang’s uninterrupted intake of aura, his eyes had reached the limit, and he was replaced by a mouth.

Although the Eastern Haoran had long been prejudging the practice of Yun Yang, unlike ordinary people, he did not expect that it would be so shocking and shocking. If you don’t see it, it’s incredible and unimaginable.

This is obviously a violation of the public's perception of cultivation, subverting the understanding of the Xuanhuang people's practice of the practice!

Not only the East Haoran, at this moment, almost all the high-level members of the East Pole Palace are paying attention to this side, and after witnessing this scene, everyone is open-mouthed, wide-eyed, and full of face.

"What is this practice? What kind of cultivation method is it? How amazing?!"

A series of three questions, filled with the minds of all people, is hard to wipe out...

This incredible practice process lasted for an hour, and in this hour, everyone is almost mad!

The reason is that an hour, not Yun Yang itself is overwhelmed, and others who are unsustainable!

First, the medicinal herbs that were cultivated for more than a dozen bottles were first smashed by Yun Yang, and then ninety-nine pieces of the best spiritual jade, the inner and the sacred spirits were exhausted, and they were all turned into fly ash. The spirit array method is naturally unsustainable, causing the cultivation to be interrupted!

There are also thousands of boxes of the best medicines, each of which has lost almost a third of its potency. The original style is no longer faint.

In such a short period of time, the strong people in the huts of the East Pole Palace are suffering. The most intuitive feeling is that they have experienced a catastrophe, a mind-oriented, cognition-oriented catastrophe!

As Yun Yang received his work, Yun Yang’s body suddenly bloomed with golden light, illuminating the entire room. This strange golden light can clearly illuminate the bones, muscles, meridians that appear in Yun Yang’s body...

And everyone has noticed a key point. This golden light is clearly derived from Yun Yang’s skeleton meridians...

He is sitting there now, shining like a little golden man!

The East Haoran finally couldn’t help but screamed out: "Linglong gold bone! Congenital body!"

Speaking these eight words, but I was shocked by my own shock, my mind was as fast as a thunder, and it lasted for a long time!

Is there such a special physique in this world? !

All the cultivators who pay attention to this matter in the East Pole Palace, whether it is the St. Jun strong, the semi-sacred strong, and even the few sage strong, everyone is stunned and stunned.

Even if they have experienced their insights, they have never thought of it. This kind of physique, which exists only in the legendary delusion, actually exists, and it is presented in front of everyone, in front of everyone!

Previously, everyone has secretly checked the physique of this cloud head. It does not deny that it has the qualification of top genius. It is the person of the person, the dragon in the dragon, but it is no different.

After all, with the age of these old guys, I have experienced too many, very rare things, super genius is not a minority, slightly amazed, there is no more attention!

But who can think of it, but it is a big eye!

Exquisite gold bones, congenital body.

This kind of physique is the legendary straight-through physique!

The repairer who possesses this kind of physique is not only smooth in repairing the road, but basically there is no bottleneck in the road ahead, and it is good to pass!

The most striking feature of this physique is that it can be super-loaded with spiritual power during cultivation, and no matter how many auras, he can swallow it and be able to afford it.

Of course, this is not limited by the number, and it can't be beyond the upper limit of the Aura.

And this situation is already terrible.

Imagine a cultivator with such qualifications. When he is a sage, a cultivation can devour so much aura as the power of a sage. As long as the current field of cultivation can provide so much strength in a short time, then This theory is established!

And so on.

In normal times, or in most land boundaries, there can be so many auras for him to swallow; so that this body is also called hunger. Because he is always in a state of hunger that is lacking in aura.

In any environment, it is rare to provide him with ample aura, so that he can maximize his progress.

However, in the East Pole Palace, the grandeur of the East Haoran this time has created such a miracle!

Ninety-nine pieces of the best spiritual jade, a thousand heavens and earth treasures, there are more than a dozen bottles, the average cultivator eats at least after thousands of years of cultivation of the best medicine!

This layer of addition makes this body saturated once!

So it was only seen by everyone, the original... Yun Yang actually has such a superb body!

Speaking of this exquisite gold bone congenital body, it may not be how rare, the real main reason for its rare rumor is that if you have this kind of traitor, if you can not give him sufficient resources, excellent practice atmosphere, let His meridians reach saturation in a cultivation, and they can't see it. Therefore, most of the similar qualification owners annihilate the red dust, which is unknown!

And Yun Yang can reach the peak of the four sacred products in the age of more than 20 years old. It must be the greatest feature of this special trait at all times, which can improve the speed and create a legend that is not in the past!

At this moment, the eyes of the East Haoran have long been straight, and all the sage-level strong eyes are also straight!

This Yun Yang... Whose disciple is it?

This is destined to be a name for the history of the Qing Dynasty.

If the old man can have such a disciple, even if he passes the practice and immediately dies, it is also a smile.

The sensation of the lord of the palace sounded in the consciousness of all people: "This ban, this matter is listed as the first secret of Xuanhuang! No one can disclose it to anyone in any way!"

All the strong are the solemn promises!

These geniuses have the current rumors, and if the news is revealed, they are ambushed and killed...

That is definitely a great loss for the entire Xuanhuang world!

There is such a child, only to wait for further two steps, the fear of the Yaozu, it is God bless my people!

Dongfang Haoran looked at Yunyang and stood up. Some looked at the elixir in the room and the best spirit jade. He murmured: "There are enough Lingyu, but the elixir and the remedy are not enough to practice again... ... my recent practice is really too slow..."

Listening to this sentence, the East Haoran almost vomited blood.

Your cultivation this time, only at one hour of cultivation, is enough to consume the resources that the ordinary four-product peaks can not consume in one year!

You are still too slow, you said, how fast do you want to be?

You say it, I promise not to kill you!


The East Hao Ran looked at Yun Yang, frowning and meditating, and immediately made a decision.

As soon as he got out of the way, he entered the room of Yun Yang; Shen Sheng: "Yun Yang, go! I will take you to another place to practice!"

"Ah? Where?" Yun Yang stunned, and the current developments are obviously somewhat unexpected.

In Yun Yang’s view, even if the East Pole Palace is rich, how can the East Haoran be so big, then the rich resources will be consumed by nearly half of it, and it will certainly be distressed. How can it give you a good face? And bring yourself to other places to practice!

"Through your punishment, it is only a matter of time to practice in the usual way. You will follow me to the treasure house of the East Pole Palace!"

The East Hao Hao said wickedly.

When I said this, the East Haoran actually had a painful, painful pain in the bones!

Yun Yang’s cultivation consumes everyone’s attention, and it’s fast and quick, and the results are better, but the resource consumption is also horrible, and the leisurely family can’t bear the cost of his cultivation...

However, if it is able to improve the strength of Yunyang in a very short period of time; at least in the eyes of the East Haoran, even if the East Pole Palace is completely drained, it is worth it!

Under Yun Yang’s words, it’s time to move.

He looked up and looked at the Lord of the East Pole in front of him.

Since I have been here, the owner of the East Pole Palace has always felt a little bit uncomfortable. I always feel that this guy is going to hang himself, at least it is a little slippery.

But at this moment, I clearly feel that the other party can make rapid progress for himself, the determination to pay any price!

This cognition certainly makes Yun Yang move.

It turns out that the other party does not have the kind of maliciousness in his own imagination. What is done is nothing but a character?

"No need."

I have figured this out, but Yun Yang feels that the other side has been maintaining his own nature for so many years, and maintaining his own heart is exceptionally valuable.


"My cultivation can grow rapidly with the help of external forces, but every time I add a force, I need the same fighting and tempering. This festival is absolutely impossible to fall." Yun Yang said earnestly: "I know the palace owner. This is a purely good intention, but it is really unnecessary. After the cultivation that I just did, what I need now is the experience of the battle, so that every inch of my muscles is over-adapted to the new aura. It is a top priority that cannot be ignored!"

"It turned out to be..."

The East Haoran’s thoughts were thoughtful, and there was a clear understanding, but then he said: “This is easier. I will find a few Saints to temper you and help you speed up the current stage of combat.”


Yun Yang still has something to say in the future. The East Haoran has disappeared. When it reappears, it is followed by ten high and low Tiangong masters.

"You two groups, assisting Yun Yang to practice, except that you can't beat him, you can't kill him, even if you let go!"

The Eastern Haoran ordered: "Have you understood, you are a blacksmith now, your fist is a sledgehammer, and this guy is an unbeaten embryo... All give me the heart and hammer him out! ”

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