I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 462: What is the reason for the fine?

Yun Yang’s heart was slightly inductive, and he was shocked. The killing of these four people, the causality produced by him was equivalent to killing tens of thousands of Yaozu!

The raging cause and effect of the gas almost made Yun Yang dumbfounded.

"How come so much!"

Since this time, the cause and effect have been pouring in a steady stream of ways... Today, the space of knowledge is almost saturated.

The causal temperament from the Yaozu is still coming and going...

That is showing up, Yun Yang's plan is still in force, or ... the cat king has begun to retaliate, and the cat emperor was rescued by Yun Yang, no Yun Yang, the cat king may not have the opportunity to come out again.

Therefore, the causal temperament formed by the cat king is also counted on Yun Yang, but it is directly and indirect.

"Today has got a big vote of causality, from the seventh floor overflowing, there are up to 10,000 of the causal gas!" Yun Yang sighed with relief: "fast."

At the moment, Yun Yang is really not in a hurry.

To know that the seventh layer of life and vitality is needed is a million causal. And in such a short period of time, rushing to the point of saturation, Yun Yang is very satisfied.

And what he needs to worry about is the eighth layer.

What should I do on the eighth floor of the higher level?

The first layer only needs ten, the second layer is one hundred, the third layer is one thousand, the fourth layer is ten thousand, the fifth layer is ten thousand, the sixth layer is one million, the seventh layer is ten million... ...

If you count on this, the eighth layer, at least you need a billion cause and effect!

That is really a hundred million!

And the ninth layer of the last highest level... at least at least one billion cause and effect!

One thought of this, Yun Yang can not help but think full of heart.

This seems too difficult...


He quickly put away the space ring on the ground, looked at the messy ground, and turned away without leaving his mouth.

As for why these four holy monarchs are going to kill him.

Yun Yang has no mood to guess. More disdain to ask.

The coming, always come.

He only knows that these four people are definitely not assigned by the East! As for who is threatening yourself? Why is it threatening that person... Yun Yang has no interest at all.

The soldiers will stop and the water will come to the bandits.

If you want to kill me, come on!

I am lacking in causality!

The former convenience is a punishment for the Holy Land.

Yun Yang did not change his original intention, and he flew in.

Soon after, Yun Yang took another step to punish the Holy Land. The second time he was supposed to be a light-hearted road, but Yun Yang was within the scope of the punishment of the Holy Land, and he felt that the heavenly sanctuary was completely different from the previous atmosphere. .

The biggest source of different feelings is that it is not long before Yun Yang enters and feels the strong atmosphere shrouded in the sky above the holy land. As Yun Yang’s insistence goes deep into the process of punishment for the holy land, it seems to be overwhelming. It is getting heavier and heavier than the current load limit that Yunyang can withstand...

This reality can be a bit horrible. It must be known that Yun Yang’s cultivation is similar to the general, and the simple combat power is more than the Shengjun two products. It is almost the same as the top-ranking force of the three kings. The strong man who punishes the holy land can actually suppress Yun Yang with all his breath, and even he is unsustainable. It is unbelievable and shocking!

"Own people!"

Yun Yang gradually feels powerless, and between the minds, he hurriedly shouted: "I am Yun Yang, not a Yao!"

Said, could not help but touched his fox head.

This head is really a curse.

Yun Yang’s two words were exported, and the pressure of the Pang Ran’s behemoth suddenly dropped, and disappeared without a trace.

A moment later, a loud laugh came: "It turned out to be the head of the cloud, and it really was his own!"

Followed by a long shouting shocking the sky, the entire heavenly punishment of the holy land suddenly fell into a quiet atmosphere of silence; but Yun Yang is still faintly audible with a large number of mysterious animals moving at speed, but the action is extremely subtle and meticulous.

Yun Yang waited patiently and waited for it to change. After a while, there was a smooth road ahead of Yun Yang!

On both sides of the road, a large number of innumerable mysterious beasts are arranged in a neat arrangement, and the Yunyang is moved to the depths of the Holy Land.

The sacred beasts, from the outermost low-order sacred beasts, to the deeper middle-order sacred beasts, and then to the high-order sacred beasts... where Yun Yang passed, all of them are quietly standing by the mysterious beasts. Serious and solemn!

Many of the mysterious beasts that were too late to rush to the front line were quietly arranged in front of the front row of mysterious beasts. They were layer by layer, row by row, as the front of the mysterious beast was generally focused on Yun Yang, the same gaze.

It’s just that Yun Yang’s way has passed, and the mysterious beasts who come to wait in line are not worth a million!

Yun Yang still doesn't know, this is the highest ritual of treating the foreigner with the punishment of the heavens: the beasts welcome!

If it is a long while, Yun Yang finally walks to the hinterland of the Holy Land under the welcome of the beasts of the beasts. On the other hand, he sees the beastmasters who have been fighting side by side with the Xiongwanghe Wangwangwang, and they stand neatly in a row, full of eager eyes. Watching Yun Yang.

"Cloud Brothers!" Xiong Wang’s voice was the biggest: "Where are you coming, how are you still covering your face? Come to us, what are you doing? Face it and take it off."

Yun Yang smiled and said: "This can't be taken off..."

"What's wrong? Is your face hurt? Well... He Wang said that your person is very outstanding in the Terran, don't want you to be the same as he is beautiful and beautiful?"

The Monkey King was surprised: "It's okay, let's think about it. The guy from Hewang has studied the secret method."

Said, suddenly removed the mask of Yun Yang.

This down suddenly, Yun Yang did not think of the change between the elbows, the Monkey King will come to such a hand, and the action is still so fast, plus he has no longer prepared for the Beastmasters, the mask is taken for granted drop.

When the hood fell, all the beasts in the field were all struck by lightning. He looked at Yunyang’s fox head in a foolish manner. He was all stunned and stunned. He was speechless and speechless for a long time.

Then, after a moment of silence, what followed was a burst of laughter, and a burst of laughter!

"Wow, hahahahaha..." Xiong Wang hugged his stomach, and his tears laughed out: "This... hahaha... Cloud brother, your new look is too chic..."

The other beasts in the field also smiled and disappeared. They had developed a tendency to have a stomachache and a heavy load.

The Terran beasts, the three of them are still the most obsessive. After confirming the personal atmosphere of Yun Yang, they will not have any doubts about the identity of Yun Yang. Therefore, it is only shocking and stealing at this moment. Hi, but no one will question the identity of Yun Yang.

Even if Yun Yang now seems to be in the light of the wind, the humanity's small white face looks like two people!

I knew that this would happen. Yun Yang blackened a fox face and looked at the gangsters who were equally unscrupulous and full of gloating. They were helpless in their eyes.

"It's a pity that the little white face, that is the excellent side that the crane king has been hanging on his lips and sighing!" A beastmaster is still a false sigh of the fake horse, and then another burst of more powerful hilarious.

"Don't be fooled! I don't want to ask Yunmen to come in." At this moment, there was a gentle voice inside.

Ten old people, who appeared in the other side of the brush, and they looked at Yun Yang’s eyes, all of them were warm and utterly revealing indescribable gratitude.

"These are sure to be the faces of several predecessors of the Holy Land; Yun Yang is polite." Yun Yang bowed and bowed.

Yun Yang’s rules and regulations are no problem at all, at least in the middle of the rules, people can’t pick any faults, but that is... he’s acting with the fox head, how to see how awkward, how The funny, the beasts of the beasts have just been trying to suppress the smiles, and once again flooded, and then laughed again.

The eyes of several old people are getting more and more gentle. When the first person laughed, "The boss will wait in the room for the head of the cloud. We have been hoping to see the young hero who saved the heavenly punishment." Seeing today, it is extraordinary, extraordinary and extraordinary, extraordinary, extraordinary."

For these old people, whether Yun Yang is wearing a fox head or a human head, there is no difference, even with a fox head, but it will make them more pleasing to the eye...

After all, a few of them followed Yun Yang for the first time. Although everyone is turning into a human form to speak, but in the eyes of the mysterious beast, it is still more self-contained in its own form, and the image of the human race is different...

Um... As He Wang likes to chase the existence of so-called beautiful things, Yu Xuan is an alternative in the alternative, and it is impossible to talk about the mysterious beasts.

"There are people who have worked with their predecessors to meet each other, and Yun Yangrong is well-prepared and flattered."

Yun Yang sinned and walked into the room.

The speed of the fastest movement exposed Yun Yang’s thoughts at the moment. It’s serious to leave this ridiculous place. Laozi was made by the Yaozu, and was laughed by the Terran. Now he is in the Holy Land, and he is also a mysterious beast. What is this life!

In this way, Laozi is still alive!

Waiting for Yun Yang in the room is a white robe middle-aged man, this gentleman looks handsome, eyes and jealousy.

Yun Yang just came in here, and saw that the white robe stood up and respectfully bowed to the ceremony, saying: "Before you thanked the cloud head for help, it was rude."

Yun Yang was shocked.

This white robe is so powerful that it is a cloud-like experience, that is, only a limited number of people can match it. It must be the highest leader of the heavenly punishment, and this world will be the strongest. A big gift; hurriedly sideways to avoid, step forward and step forward: "How predecessors are so polite, heavenly punishment of the Holy Land to protect the humanity of the Yellow Emperor's countless years, the combination of the humanity's great talents, Yun Yang last time but its prosperity, slightly Do your best, why not hang your teeth, how can you be so proud of your predecessors, don’t dare to act, don’t dare to act.”

The white robe smiled: "The cloud head is really too modest, and it is completely deserved.

He stood up straight, asked Yun Yang to sit down and said, "Go on tea."

"The old man is the man who is at the helm of the heavenly punishment. The body is a golden cockroach..." The old man smiled faintly: "The world calls it old, for... 蟒 ;; aging is very fond of this name."


Yun Yang’s heart is inexplicably shaken. I can’t think of the honesty of the man who was at the helm of the day. I told my body that I’m so blunt, I really don’t treat myself as an outsider!

"Speaking of the last change, the main cause is still numb, accustomed to nature, all taken for granted, it can be said that it is too dangerous..."

蟒 喟 喟 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Yun Yang breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Predecessors are wise."

As Yu Jiu-Ji said, Yun Yang is absolutely uncomfortable with the help of Yun Yang.

The so-called Domien, the rise of Mi Qiu, such a big helper, the aided person is still the world's best and strong, whether it is Yun Yang, or the old man in front of me, there will always be awkward in my heart!

"I don't mention the past, let's just say that today, I know... the cloud head has just been intercepted shortly before!"

蟒 淡 淡 淡 淡.

At this time, the crane king of the first beautiful man of the self-styled beast was brought in by the tea. After he put it down, he immediately left.

Tea fragrant, Yun Yang's face is hidden behind the rising heat.

"The eyes of the predecessors are like a torch. It is true."

"Then you know, why is this?"

Nine-nine took a sip of tea and said indifferently: "I only tell you that your experience today is just the beginning. Starting today, there will be countless saints who will fight you for you and do everything you can. And these people Of course, of course, there are people who are ill-intentioned, those who are mad, and even those who have vests, but there are also heroes who have fought for humanity for a lifetime. You know, why?"

Yun Yang looked up and said, "Why? Please predecessors!"

Nine-nine quietly said: "The East Haoran puts you on this high level in one hand. This is certainly a good move. It is of great significance and far-reaching influence. But for your personal swearing, it is dangerous. I think you are nothing but nine. The title of Zunfu, a grassroots creationist, how can he enter the eyes of the high-ranking people of the Xuanhuang people, there is a lot of time to develop slowly, and at the right time, the blockbuster, the more out of the crowd."

"But now, you have entered the high-level view at least two years in advance, and it has become the most popular legend in the entire continent."

"This is two years ahead of time. It should have been a buffer period for you to raise your own resources. It is a rare and crucial time for you, but you are not there now. You have entered the entire continent directly. In the eyes of the people, it is rare to get out."

"What's more, because you have to bear the seal of the demon squad after the solidification of the pattern... you can only bear an incomparably bright fox image, always facing the various targets that come one after another, can't avoid, more Can not change."

"In the next long period of time, not only the Yaozu will do everything, but you have to kill you, and there are too many people to send you into the way. In other words, it seems to have gained the whole The mainland respects you, but in fact it is caught in the terrible situation that the world is enemies and the creatures want to kill!"

Jiu Ji sighed softly: "You know, why is this?"

Yun Yang lost his voice: "Yes, why is this?"


It’s a little earlier today, I hope it will be earlier tomorrow.

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