I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 514: What bird is this?

First of all, it is too ugly, ugly and earth-shattering.

The feathers on it were still very good, but everyone was paying attention to his first moment, only the bare head and bare neck, no other...

Secondly, you are not only ugly, but also proud!

In addition to Yun Yang, no matter who you look at, your eyes are slanting, and your face is disdainful.

Not only people, but other mysterious beasts are not placed in its eyes at all, that is, those few whites can slightly enter its eyes. That is because it is a playmate from childhood.

Otherwise, even the whites will not have any face.

That kind of arrogant momentum, clearly said: Just one by one, also with me to play?

who am I? What are you? Humph!

This kind of attitude, coupled with its image, how can it not be annoying? !

Not to mention that this guy relies on the speed of the body, whichever is everywhere, the consciousness of the nine homes as the back garden of his home is full.

The reason why Jiu Zunfu is the back garden is because in Yun Yang’s view, this goods directly treats the whole world as its private property. The nine noble houses are regarded as the most private part, and they also cherish some points. Will not vandalize.

At noon.

The beasts of the heavenly punishment are eating.

Compared to other places, the weight of these guys can only be described as horror.

To make the simplest analogy, a person who eats two hoes is almost full.

But the guy who eats 20 of them is just an appetizer, just a bottom.

Therefore, the food supplied to them is not only very large in weight, but also tastes extraordinarily rich.

In the identity of the Beastmasters, naturally, there is no shortage of food. However, the food provided by the nine prefectures is not only a spiritual material, but also a good material that has been carefully cooked. Naturally, it is more elated and enjoyable. I am also happy, I am not happy.


As the screaming sound of the wind blew, an ugly bird flew in and rushed into the table, seemingly pretending to step on the food and walk a few steps, a glimpse of the neck. However, a snowy chicken on the mouth of the eagle king was robbed, and it was very disgusting to smash it twice. The two parts of the eagle king bite off and directly abandoned it. Then, when the neck is stretched, all the remaining chickens will be discarded. Swallowed in.

Then, but in the blink of an eye, a mouth, a lot of chicken bones spit out, clean, no trace of pork on top.

Then I looked at the bones with a look of disdain and looked at the eagle king with an extremely contemptuous look. That means: Do you have so many bones to eat? Too bad!

Seeing this sudden scene, all the beastmasters present were without exception, and they were all stunned.

Pay attention to this uninvited bird, full of face, do not know how to move.

What's special... even if we eat fish... can't eat so fast?

What kind of bird is this?

This is the eating phase, it is already a strong man, can not be human!

"Hey! Hey!" 叽叽 Two round eyes glared at the eagle king, one claw pointed to the large bowl filled with Xueling chicken, indicating: Can you see it with a little eyesight, and then give one to Laozi Only!

Then click on the bones: by the way, I will remove the bones from Laozi!

The eagle king squinted at the goods for a long while, and suddenly there was no name for himself.

What's special, Laozi is the king of the eagle, who walks through the mysterious yellow who is disrespectful, and the seven points of fear? How can the current trade rush to a bald bird to let the old man wait for him to eat chicken?

When the king is a slave?

One big hand, already caught over, and screamed in his mouth: "Where is the stupid bird!"

I was furious and my neck was twisted. I had already squatted in the hands of the eagle king, but I heard a bang, a transparent blood hole condensed in front of me, blood flowing out.

The Eagle King is a sigh!

This change was greatly out of the expectation of all the beastmasters present, all stunned!

At the beginning, everyone was holding the plan to watch the excitement. Everyone of these beasts was not given any white. There was a guess in an instant. This uninvited bird has a great chance to be a bird of the Nine Houses. It is a schadenfreude. See how the eagle king handled it, but did not take the bird seriously.

Even if I saw that reaction, I didn’t think so. After all, before the absolute strength gap, even if the response was timely, the so-called counterattack was just a banyan tree.

However, who can really touch it, but the Eagle King has suffered a big loss!

Is this banyan tree? !

What is the level of the Eagle King?

Even if there is the possibility of being caught off guard, but to the extent of the eagle king, even if it is not fortunate to lie down, let a few of the Emperor's peaks, the first master of the sacred attack, and even the deforestation of the gods, may not necessarily What damage can be caused!

It is such a sturdy body, facing the bird and turning a head, actually smashing the hand of the eagle king!

If you don't see it, can you believe it? !

What is this bird mouth doing?

How can you be overbearing? !

The eagle king had a severe pain and anger, and the other hand was transported enough to repair it. The sound of the wind and thunder suddenly rang, and the power was horrible!

But there was no fear in the silk, a scream, a fluttering of the wings, and a turn of the head, and a slap in the hand of the eagle king, and then screamed, at the moment when the eagle king was about to catch it. The pointed mouth is free to smash, and it is already tearing the space, and it disappears without a trace, and the trail disappears.

In the air, there is only a cry that is full of ridicule: "Hey!"

The two hands of the eagle king, one hand and one blood hole! Bloody!

All Beastmasters face each other, and their hearts are shocked and horrified: this is... What kind of bird is this? This is too great, right? !

Even if the eagle king first made a big deal, it didn't use any strength. The second time it was almost full of power. So it was still stunned by one mouth? !


After a long round of tossing a large circle of familiar roads back to the Yunyang room, Zhuo Ran stood on Yun Yang's shoulders, so that he used his mouth to arrange feathers. A face is nothing.

Bald and bald neck, big eyes full of cockroaches, incomparably ugly.

"What kind of bird is this?" Psychic rhino frowned, and dismissed: "How is it so ugly?"


He screamed in anger.

Actually dare to say that I am ugly!

All of a sudden, he rushed out and rushed out in inertia. Even if you are the master's wife, give you a lesson!


Yun Yang only had time to call a scorpion, and he heard a scream of screaming, followed by the familiar red light of Yun Yang flashing, screaming, faster than rushing out. The speed of the rebound has gone out.

A slammed slammed in front of Yun Yang’s chest and slammed into a loud noise.

As soon as a beach of mud slid down from Yun Yang, the two eyes screamed: "...hey..."

Then there was no more movement.

This cargo ransacked over the morning and finally met the nemesis, and a collision was hitting the big board!

Surpassed by the giant force, Yun Yang, who is like a strong impact, only feels black in front of him, bursting with blood and swaying, swaying his life and regaining his impact. After a while, he has to focus on watching, but seeing this goods At least 80% of the bones were broken, and even the neck was broken.

I couldn't help but smile: "I don't have long eyes. Anyone can dare to provoke... Hit the South Wall... It really owes you..."

Having said that, it is an urgent rescue. Although it is definitely born out of the ordinary, the potential is profound, but it is also compared with the score, and with the spirit of the spirit of the body, it is still hard to resist the stone, to find the dead end.

Jing Ling looked at him with a shocked look: "What bird is this? So..."

She wants to say: How is it so fast? Also want to say, so strong?

Strong, of course, strong!

It is necessary to know that the body of the spirits is shocked. So far, there is no living thing except Yun Yang. Even the strongest man is incompetent. Today, this little bird is attacked at a rapid speed. Direct and most positive counterattack, but especially did not annihilate the spot, this is already a great opportunity!

What's more, I don't know if the attack speed of the bird is too fast. Although the body guards have launched the counterattack in the first time, they still feel the pain!

It should be noted that no matter who attacks you in the past, there is no feeling of protection from the body of the body!

This practice was actually broken by a bird!

Moreover, this little bird obviously did not use all his strength... This is the main reason for not having died on the spot. It is obvious that he just wants to give himself a lesson...

But... what special bird!

Yun Yang gave a healing treatment and smiled bitterly: "This guy, what you have seen... is the little bird that I received in the lower bound."

Counting the spirits suddenly realized: "It’s still an ugly bird that has been a small chick until now, is it ugly?!"


The cockroaches on the ground screamed weakly. They had just been squandered by Yun Yang, and they were ugly, and they were even more irritated. I hate others for ugly.

Where am I ugly!

I am clearly the most handsome!

"I have done it... you are just a bird. Where can you come to such a strong self-esteem? You can do it in front of others. It is still in front of my wife. It is easy to kill people, no, bird life..." Yun Yang pointed his head with his fingers, helplessly shouted.

"Hey!" 叽叽 叽叽 weak and not convinced.

However, looking at the small eyes of the rhythm, it has already flashed the color of fear.

This human is too strong...

I can't do it.

And this cognition, even for Yun Yang, is not there!

"Hehehehe, this child knows it is amazing, see you dare to swear..." Yun Yang smiled again and again.

However, the spirits and the Shangguan Lingxiu had a great interest in the bird, and they came round.

"What kind of bird is this?" The spirit of the rhythm is different: "There is obviously no growth. But even if it is a phoenix, there may not be such a kind in this young age? It is the first, so far. The front side bears the back of my body, and the eclipse of the whole life!"

Shangguan Lingxiu nodded and expressed his approval.

It’s only now that it’s long hair... This is the limit that I haven’t even spent in my childhood, but I already have this horrible ability!

If it really grows up, a saint will never be considered, even... even a starry sky series is not impossible!

After all, the source of the body of the gods is... can not be said to be unpredictable and incalculable!

The two sons were kneeling in front of the donkey, and they took a look at the next one. The left eye was right and the other one looked more and more.

"Tell you, all the people in front of you are still people you can't afford. If you want to shoot yourself again in the future, it's not that I can't spare you, but you are dead!"

Yun Yang sternly warned, and then, with a mental power, he slammed a bird.

Yun Yang found that the goods were untamed and not really good.

Fortunately, this time it was against the shock of the rhythm, and it was attacked by red light. If it was attacked by others?

Don't you be killed by this cargo on the spot?

If you don't give it some rules, you can't do it.


He was afraid of shrinking his neck.

Yun Yangzhen reprimanded for a quarter of an hour, and was trained to bow his head. He pulled his wings and lay his neck on the ground.

"Less and poor! Once again, the wings are directly interrupted, and the claws are directly discounted! Even the hair on your head is pulled out!"

Yun Yang’s healing was only half of the reprimand, and the image of Yu was extremely miserable. He was extremely pitiful, and he was soft and soft. He said: “I will take care of it and let it know the rules.”

Yun Yang thought for a moment: "Alright."

I don’t trust the delivery of this goods to other people.

Seeing that the rhinoceros stretched out his hand, he shouted in horror, no! Don't give me this woman! terrible……

Yun Yang ignored it and watched the little guy take it away.


Just before the front foot, Yun Yang’s room immediately rushed into countless people.

Dong Qitian, Shi Wuchen, the beastmasters, and even Yun Xiuxin and other disciples, even several of the lords have rushed in.

"What a nasty bird?"

Everyone is angry and speaks in unison!

Yun Yang’s eyes wide open, how is this...

When I asked, I realized that this guy actually stirred up the nine-fold house in a short period of time when he released it.

Luo Dajiang’s love knife was smashed by a bird, and Yun Xiuxin and Cheng Jiajia’s skirt were smashed from the **** by the goods. Now the two female disciples are ashamed, angry and painful, licking their ass. Angry and angry...

There is also a piece of jade that is nothing but a war.

Dong Qitian was originally practicing, only to come up with a black ice lotus is about to swallow, assisted in practicing, has been swept away and eaten by this guy, Dong Qitian is a big fire, chasing speed, but not guarding the torn space of a bird The ability to be escaped is not limited, but almost chased into the void cracks...

Shi Wuchen took out a pot of medicinal herbs to his disciples. As a result, the disciples had not had time to pick them up. A certain bird that had emerged from the emptiness of the sky had passed over...

As for the king of the beast, it is more obvious, the **** hands of the eagle king, let people know what happened after a look!

For a time, Yun Yangtou was as big as a bucket.

Is this still a bird?

This is clearly a fine.

In the face of public anger, Yun Yang is very rare, very shameful, and looked confused: "What bird? What are you talking about?"

The battle is nothing more than frowning: "Is that ugly, indescribable bird...not the cloud?"

Yun Yang is making a cry and laughs: "What is the bird in the battle hall... What bird?"

Yun Yang does not admit it. At this time, I still pretend that I don’t know anything. Let’s talk about it in the past!

In the end, everyone can only be dispersed.

Isn't that bird really not raised by him?

The Beastmasters are simple in mind, and Yun Yang said that they are not convinced. After all, Yun Yang’s position in their hearts is extraordinary. They do not believe that Yunyang will fool them.

But the war is nothing but the heart is awkward.

"As the saying goes, things look like masters, who plays what birds... The head of the bird is doing the best, shameless at home, and the Yun Zun adults are simply twins... The Lord is absolutely not convinced, the bird and the cloud Yang has nothing to do with it!"



I didn’t have any trouble today. I honestly sipped my own drink in the corner, but this gang of **** was asking me trouble. When I was angry, I picked up the bottle and turned three tables... The people who drunk them turned upside down, and I don't change my face! If it wasn't for the end of a **** to drink my bottle of wine, they wouldn't find mineral water inside... although it was smashed, but it was worth it!

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