I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 519: Fox Emperor Trust, Xuan Huang Commercial War

Yun Yang smiled and said: "This time, I returned to Xuan Huang. It is indeed a beautiful scenery, but it is also difficult to have leisure. The big brother said that this is not a mistake."

Next to it, the East Haoran, the West Gate overturned, the North Palace glazed with a dry cough, so the calm face is no longer.

The words of Yun Yang’s words are really true, but the three masters are almost indifferent.

The Emperor’s eyes glanced and smiled: “The three brothers are bitter and bitter. I want to come because the scenery is too strong. I have been crushed by the three heavenly palaces. Well, some of their old things are here, and they are so frowning. It seems that even It’s not that they are instructing, but also that their sons and apprentices want to kill you? But in terms of your temper, the style of doing things... presumably the sons of their sons in the East, are you killed a part?”

Yun Yang was taken aback: "The big brother is like a god, although not all of them are not far away."

"There is nothing like this, the old things are not moving, and you are not dead, my **** jade does not have any reaction...that is, you are shocked, since you have nothing, then there is something natural. It’s someone else. This doesn’t even move the brain. But what you said is not far from the whole. Is it that you have more mercy and no pain? This is not like your style!”

Yun Yang smiled and changed the topic directly: "I heard that the big brother has already started to act?"

The Fox Emperor snorted and said: "What is it that I have already started to act... It’s not the old king of the nine-life cat. I have to make some movements. What can I do? Is it that he alone is alone, he can only live with him? Gentleman, hey, is to give up his life with a fool, now it can be done, completely passive, can be dragged for a while."

The voice of the fox emperor has not fallen, and the face of the "fool" nine-life cat ancestor has appeared in the picture. The face is full of embarrassment. Obviously, this product was satirized by the fox emperor during this time, and was completely pinched. Even waved: "Three brothers, hey... are you still a fox face..."

Yun Yang’s black line at the head of the brain.

You can not speak to someone else I said okay, you say these words that I wanted to hit you ......

The East Hao Ran came over: "Fox Emperor, what is the situation on your side? Can there be any place that we need to help? Despite the opening!"

The Fox Emperor smiled and looked at the East Haoran deeply, faintly said: "The East, how do we fight here, is also our own demon family's own affairs, and has nothing to do with your Terran, will not bother you It is."

Oriental Haoran: "..."

"Don't think that we are rebelling, and we are allies with you human beings. That is not a thing. And you humans want to take advantage of this thing, but also think about it, the enemy of the enemy may not be a friend!"

The fox emperor said: "Even if the demon people are playing against the sky...but if you humans dare to kill at this time, then both of us will immediately turn the sword at the first time and work together to deal with you. Will rush to the first line, who will not bother us to die!"

"So, don't worry, don't worry too much."

The Fox Emperor said that the hard state of the country, won the East Haoran and others shook their heads and sighed.

Although it has long been expected that the Fox Emperor will say so, but always hold the expectation, but at this moment, it is inevitable to be disappointed.

The hearts of the people are different, but the devil is pure with the beast, as old as ever, never moved!

Yun Yang said on the side: "Big brother, I don't care about your affairs, but if it is really at the last minute, it is your business to kill you, but also your life, but how can you send me the nephews and nephews." ”

At the same time, the Emperor and the Emperor’s eyes showed a warmth; "Good!"

The next moment, the Fox Emperor cut off the communication unilaterally.

Yun Yang looked at Yu Pei for a while, and then pondered for a while, and turned his head silently: "The time of the event is not good, but overall it is still a good thing... but we can take advantage of it."

Beigong Liuli smiled: "I said that there is no hope, they have to try."

Oriental Hao Ran said: "There is no loss in this attempt, and you can completely die, and this exchange is not without gain. At least we have already made sure that the Fox Emperor is really rebellious, not a blind eye."

He indulged a bit and said: "If we trade in the rush, we will let the Yaozu return to the state of iron plate. If they don't intervene, they can still chaos themselves for a while. If so... then let's take a look at it. ""

He turned to look at Yun Yang: "Do you have any plans? Can you plan to intervene in this position as a private person?!"

Although Yun Yang is a human race, he is still a brother of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Cat, and has a very strong relationship with the two groups. If he intervenes in his personal position, it is also true, and the Fox Emperor has more Yun Yang. Boosting, the strength is at least a 20% increase, which is bound to make the demon infighting more.

Yun Yang’s eyes flashed and said: “The people’s heart is never a single word. The Yaozu will not believe any Terran in this period of time. I have no position to intervene, recuperate and improve my strength. It is the first stage of the Nine Halls. This process, at least for three years, to fully observe the changes, is the best means at the moment."

The four masters looked at each other at the same time and said, "Okay, we will definitely win for you for three years!"

"There is one more thing." Ximen recalled and reminded: "The selection of the supreme Tiange will start in August next year. There is still a whole year from now. This time, you must go to Yunyang."

Yun Yang silenced, Shen Sheng: "Good."


The plan has been fixed.

The Eastern Haoran and others quickly left the nine halls.


After sitting down, the East Haoran and others went down the mountain and did not make any further stays. They went directly to the palace.

However, Yun Yang was once again connected to the Fox Emperor after the East Haoran waited.

The East Haoran and others should know that the rest is what they should not know.

The reason why the Oriental Haoran left immediately is that he understands this. The four masters are the continuation of mankind. When the demon family is in chaos, it is good to fall into the stone, and it is only necessary to see the needles.

They left immediately, so that Yun Yang quickly contacted the Fox Emperor to get real news and valuable clues.

As long as you are waiting for someone else, even if Yun Yang is once again in contact with the Fox Emperor, the Fox Emperor will not say it. The Emperor’s soul is so deceived.

"Big Brother, what happened to you over there? I have to listen to the truth."

"This is indeed a mistake for your cat brother; you know that we are walking outside, it is impossible to carry the soul of the body; and the roots of everyone are stored in an absolutely secret place, the moment Cultivate the foundation and store the foundation; and the hidden place, if only you know it, you can’t say it.

"You cats and brothers are only getting out of trouble, but they are also affected by the law of the ban, and the strength is greatly reduced. If the former is not the Fenghuang to stay, there may not be some vitality... Since he is determined to counterattack, it is natural to integrate as soon as possible so as not to be copied by others. After the road, the old nest. But his fusion, although accomplished, but also discovered, Fenghuang that guy, early in the cat family of the old city site, many eyeliners, the integration of the cat emperor, the breath of their own breath ......"

Fox Emperor said that it is helpless.

"And, the most important thing is that your undead has been discovered; moreover, the whole million demon has begun to have rumors rising, saying that you are dead and resurrected, and heaven is not killing. The true master of destiny... The demon emperor is particularly jealous of this, so this time the demon chaos is really only because of your cat brother's own affairs, although nominally, the spearhead points to him."

"But now the situation is still stable. The Fox family manages the blood soul mountain here for a long time. It is not a strong attack on the Yaozu mainland. It only seeks self-protection and can fully cope with it. After all, there is still a considerable distance from the endless battle. How the emperor’s anger, the other emperors did not really ruin the heart of the two, it is because of this, we can not cast to the Terran, will never be."

The fox emperor is very light and windy.

Yun Yang frowned, he led the topic to the other direction: "So what do you mean by saying... In fact, you are only in contact with me, even if the cat brother is imprisoned, in essence, it is only a avatar?"

"You can't say that; every one of us walks outside is a body with a complete will and a complete state, but... as a royal person, how can we not leave some backhand, no one is willing to die, and, stay The next step is to practice at any time and place... and double cultivation..."

"But it's not surprising that you are surprised. If you go to the saints, you will naturally know the mystery. This is a major feature of the saints." "The most headaches on my side, but it is your nephew... Now, he is the most important target of the dragon and the phoenix."

Yun Yang sighed and said: "Do you have a good grasp?"

The Fox Emperor has been silent for a long time: "He is my last bottom line. If I can't keep him, it will be a complete break with my demon. If we are all unfortunate, when you come to the Yaozu, Remember to smash the jade in your hand at the fox community, and sprinkle the blood of the emperor. When you can find the blood of my life and the soul that I left for my son... this is all I have just prepared. Even if others have the ability to do the whole thing, they will not find it, but you will be able to."

He whispered: "If there is such a day, everything after that will really be yours."

Yun Yang instantly understood what he meant.

If it can't be saved, the Fox Emperor and the Cat's ancestors will be desperate, full-scale counterattack, detonating the extreme civil war of the Yaozu, and if it is a big decisive battle, facing the entire Yaozu, the defeat of the Emperor and the Cat is only a matter of time, no lucky!

Even more... must die!

So what I said just now, more is the orphan, and all the follow-up of the fox prince is entrusted to Yun Yang!

Yun Yang took a deep breath and sighed; "Good."

"There is one more thing. I secretly built a warehouse... there is only a small cave of the size of a human head... there, I placed a hundred space rings."

The fox emperor’s voice is very low and very indifferent: “These...I prepared it for you. If it is really in case, my cat and I are dead...that’s yours. At that time, my blood is natural. Will guide you to find out."

Yun Yang was silent for a moment, whispered: "Good."

He understands very well.

Those space rings, which must be huge to the extreme, can shock the entire world of material reserves.

The fox emperor left this backhand, it is the prevention to really go to the road, these are the capital that the fox emperor left to the prince of the fox.

In this case, there will never be less.

The end of the heart is good, the love of the child is Yin!

But... At that time, after all, it is first obtained by Yun Yang; as for Yun Yang’s acquisition, will it be handed over to the fox prince, or will not go to the fox prince’s soul to let it come back to life, and even how much will be transferred... It is hard to say, it is very debatable.

After all, no one can guarantee that Yunyang will do it!

People are heart-warming, Yun Yang, it’s not a coincidence!

Even if Yun Yang is now making any guarantees, then how to be generous and open-minded, before the reality of the future, it is still inevitable that pale and powerless, if the Fox Emperor can fully believe, it is nonsense.

Everything, how to use this material in the end, is in the midst of Yun Yang’s thoughts.

Well, it should be the moment of the future!

The Fox Emperor did not explain it, and Yun Yang did not give any promise.

Because both of them know that it is useless to say anything at this time.

Even if Yun Yang’s heart is now, it’s hard to count!

So the Fox Emperor simply said that it is yours! How do you use it, it is your business, you are greedy, it is your sorrow to the big brother, not greedy. If you choose to use it for your children, it is your loyalty that has nothing to do with my entrustment today. And I have not used my brother's loyalty to force you...

"Brothers take care."

The fox emperor whispered: "If there is no accident, we will hold down for a year... there is nothing wrong with it!"

Yun Yang’s eyes flashed and said: “I understand, I am grateful to my brother.”


The figure of the fox emperor disappeared twice.

Yun Yang slowly stood up.

"One year!"

He muttered.

The Fox Emperor said very well.

"If there is no accident, one year!"

But what if there is an accident?

"What can I do for a year?!"


Jiu Zun Fu, um, now is the nine temples, and began a hot day.

The so-called deep heat, it is probably in the eyes of Xiao Wuyi, who is looking for the moon and the sky.

Because in the eyes of the old people of the Nine Houses, all kinds of things in front of them are nothing but the enthusiasm of the dragons and the enthusiasm.

During the day on the first day of the end of the Aura storm, the nine halls were all silent, and everyone was trying to mediate the aura of heaven and earth that they absorbed. It was very quiet and there was no movement at all.

But in the evening, hundreds of people have already adjusted their interest rates, and they have come out to practice, and toss themselves in general, in order to adapt to the sudden surge of strength as soon as possible.

And these hundreds of people, 100% are all the original nine people. After all, the old nine people in this state are not too fresh, the relative adaptability is stronger, and the mediation for this situation also has its own The way!

Catching up against the big battle, to the best of the hot fighting rhythm, to run into its own state, so that its own power can truly match itself, can be described as the only way, no disadvantage.

On the second day, this state gradually spread, basically the whole staff was dispatched. The nine temples were full of thousands of miles everywhere. They were sweating and leaping in the battle scene. Those disciples who were studying and practicing, did not stop all day long. Many children have already practiced prostration, lying on the ground and pumping straight, still trying to mobilize the mysterious spirit, trying to restore the state as soon as possible, and then carry out the next round of tempering.

There are people around you who are constantly drinking.


"stand up!"

"hold onto!"

"I don't want to say anything else. If you go out and sway the rivers and lakes, you will lose the face of our nine temples and understand!"

"You go out on your own, no matter where you are, it represents the face of the nine temples!"

"The face is his own, but the face is given by others. Everyone walks the world, is to earn face for the nine temples, must not lose face!"

"This face is definitely not something you can earn when you lie down!"

"stand up!"

Xiao Wuyi and the rising tops of the sky and other high-level executives saw their mouths twitching.

They asked themselves that although they cultivated, they also tried their best. However, compared with the nine disciples, these disciples came, but they were worse.

If you are tired, take a break, adjust your interest, and then adjust your interest. Then you must cultivate your mood. You have to wait until you are in a good mood to practice martial arts. The way of cultivation, pay attention to the relaxation of the road, one piece of relaxation, the speed is not up... ...

How do the disciples under the door of the nine temples, one by one, practice in the dead, is it in the seedlings, can you have a long-term? !

"If you practice this way, is there really no problem?" Xiao has no intention of holding Hu Xiaofan, the ferocious evil guard.

Hu Xiaofan smiled and said: "Xiao Shishu Rong Bing, the land of the commonplace, the heaven and earth aura can not be added, it is rare to have enough spirituality to nourish the flesh, and it is inevitable to succumb to the savage, naturally it is inevitable to lose its own content, but the speed is not up, but we are nine Temple, do you need to consider this aspect... Do you think there is a possibility of replenishment? If you don’t practice, you can live. I used to practice it. I feel that the foundation is very solid. The kid's path is better than me. The current atmosphere is even more numerous than the previous nine. What's the accident?!"

After finishing the long march, continue to supervise the work.

Xiao Wuyi felt that they were blushing.

Have you been taught by a younger generation?

But this makes sense!

Now the aura of the nine halls can be almost everywhere, and there is a mixture of spirits and breaths. Under such an atmosphere, as long as you don’t die, any injury can be quickly restored. The body is dark and hurt, the real does not exist!

Hey, this is the convenience of bullying people, there is no way to say it!

"The nine prefects can rise to the present, and it will be unreasonable..." Xiao sighed and sighed: "I feel that there is something for us. We are now part of the Nine Halls, and we should work harder. Otherwise, it will be caught up by these little things, but even a little bit of face will be left... the shame is thrown home."

The waves turned and nodded.

On the fifth day, dozens of disciples themselves have been repaired to the bottleneck, bid farewell to the mountain gate, and walked through the rivers and lakes.

In the next day, hundreds of disciples stepped out of the mountain gate, and on the tenth day... Jiu Zunfu shrugged out 12,000 disciples. On the evening of the eleventh day, the last batch of 3,000 disciples were also sent out.

"All the sprinkles are out..." Xiao has no intention of feeling for a long time: "Nine temples are cultivating disciples, and it is clear that they are raising eagle..."

One day later, I have always left the money of the nine prefects, and I have a lot of money, and I am very rare with business disciples. I am going to go down the mountain and go to integrate the nine prefectures.

Counting the spirit of the rhythm, watching the money go away, a time frowning deep, thoughtful.

Around, Gu Chaliang looked at the distant figure and whispered: "Mrs., the general manager of the money is going to go... If there is no noble person to help, ten dead and dead..."

Counting the spirits and turning his head: "Ah? How?"

Soon after the tea arrived in Xuanhuangjie, he reunited with the spirits and helped build the ninth house. It was so long that some people knew the name of "the sky", and almost even Yunyang had forgotten it. Brother's strongest means is to observe the number of people's misfortunes in the past 100 years. If there is no such means, why should he write the list of Xuanhuang?

"For the general manager of the money, the Quartet is a dead end." Gu tea sighed.

Counting the rhinoceros and frowning, said: "You count again."

Gu tea cools and counts for a moment, and stunned: "Well, there is no danger, is it a big surprise for me?" said a funny smile.

Ji Lingxi smiled and showed up, and turned into a white cloud, chasing the past in the direction of more money.

When she asked Gu Chaliang to count again, she was already thinking about it, and she had to catch up to **** a ride.

When Gu Chaliang was recalculated, it would be changed from the original ten deaths to the horror, and the sinister sorrows, only in one mind, one variable, has been different, and the life and death are reversed.

The 15,000 disciples were thrown out at once, and the remaining disciples of the Nine Houses were less than 3,000.

In the Ten Desires of Heaven, in addition to the value of the hole in the moon, the other nine people went to the rivers and lakes one step earlier.

This will, Yun Xiuxin and other disciples who left early, have long been without a trace, I am afraid that I am already tens of thousands of miles away...


With the nine disciples disciples involved in the world, the Xuanhuangjie rivers and lakes suddenly became chaotic, various challenges, various discussions, various confrontations, endless stream, endless streamless...

The most unfortunate things are those who have bad reputations and the disciples under the door, and the disciples under the door. Countless people with bad minds have also been robbed. This time, the nine prefectures are almost down the mountain. These people are of course the first to bear the brunt of the first sequence. By.

Starting from the periphery of the Nine Houses, it is almost a radial pattern that stretches all the way.

It is completely close to the situation, and it is quite unreasonable. Even after some martial arts have been flattened, there are still a few dozen disciples who have come to the front again. After coming here, this sentence is obvious. Undoubtedly, the end of the hand is fast, the hand is slow, but the slow hand does not know, the front has already had a hand fast...

In this way, even if there is still a fish that has slipped through the net, it has been caught over and over again, and it has been cleaned up.

In the process of baptism of the nine disciples, the most unfortunate one is the Qian family.

Everyone from these nine disciples knows that Qian Jia is the great enemy of the money and the big covenant of the temple. There is blood and sea enmity between the two, and it is difficult to coexist. At the beginning, the money manager was persecuted by this money family. The Master has created the Nine Houses together.

Must avenge Qian Shishu!

Must be mad for Qian Shishu!

As a result, all the nine disciples who met the disciples, the merchants of the money family, business roads, shops, shops, businesses... no one was spared, all the blood mold, and again and again, again and again, again and again Four more, repeated nuisances of five and six.

The nine halls merged with the original strength of the world trade alliance, and the forces expanded again. In every city where they passed, they set up the door number; they did everything without the extreme living space of the Qian family. They are not self-destructive, killing one thousand, but losing three thousand, and also destroying eight hundred.

Do you have a holy emperor in this city?

Ok, let's come to a holy deity, strong crush!

What, the city is relatively large, with tens of millions of people, where the Qian family has placed two holy people sitting here?

Ok, let's take a holy monarch to crush the past.

what? Do you want to talk to us?

Tell a wool.

We are doing business righteously, telling you a wool line?

Why, what are you doing?

Good, long-awaited...

In just one and a half months, the Qian family was defeated in the half continent.

The three thousand of the nine temples are not smashed, but the eight hundred of the money house is actually hurt!

As a result of the emergency documents everywhere, snow flakes generally fly to the headquarters.

Every word in the instrument is almost the same meaning: it is almost impossible to stop, can't go on!

The Qian family is overwhelmed and has nothing to do.

The principle of the nine Zun Temple follows a principle: we just seize the market, never kill first, and will not hurt the first.

However, the business model of Jiu Zun Temple is based on the fact that it does not cost the work, and forcibly intervenes in the local business; taking the price war as the vanguard, plus the nine statues, it is the people's heart, it is the cheap, the market. Where else will you...

Every shop in Qianjia is a door-to-door, and naturally it is an inevitable step in the footsteps of the world.

The price war is in the late stage, and the public opinion is fourfold: the old family of the Qian family, Jia Shijia, intends to dominate the Xuanhuang business. It is necessary to expel the nine-discipline hall from the business circle, and to suppress the business of Yunzun adults. what……

For a time, the public complaints boiled.

If other forces, with the roots of the Qian family, just need to use color, the same warfare, and supplemented by some means, can handle it, but for the nine temples ... but nothing!

The nine halls have the advantages that they did not have in the past, the public opinion, the people's foundation, and the people's heart! The second one is that the nine temples are new and more famous, and the natural people have a sense of intimacy and belonging.

For thousands of years, Qian has dominated the world in commerce and trade, and it is how to be kind, and the hands have already been dyed with blood. In this world, there are a lot of hatreds and grievances with Qian’s family. The number of merchants is even more numerous. Through this opportunity, the public grievances have also completely broken out.

The people of Xuanhuangjie and the warriors are all the same attitude to this matter: You money family has earned us tens of thousands of years of money, you have already been the first in the world, but also to be rich and inferior, to be a hero of Xuanhuang, say 啥We also don't believe it. Anyway, if you suppress the cloud lord, it is not right. Is it not for the nine temples? !

"The money family said that they suffered a loss and were suppressed by the nine halls. Do you believe?"

"Who believes who is stupid!"

"Who hasn't known what the money house is for so many years!"

"Isn't it, can the money family be bullied by people? Is it clear that we can't make our money urgent?"

"Shameless money home, too shameless!

“It’s simply mad, it’s horrible!”

"Returning 10,000 steps said that even if they were bullied by the nine halls, they ate a little bit of loss, how can they... Isn't it supposed to be? Nine halls, Yun Zun adults throwing blood in the Xuanhuang world, born and died Can you serve the mainland heroes?!"

"This is true! Compared to a certain product that does not know how to be grateful, we are more willing to let the nine temples earn our money! At the very least, Yunzun adults actually protect us..."

"When it wasn't for the money family, could I be so poor? Now the money family is being bullied? Bullying is good!"

The power of the Nine-Dwelling House is getting bigger and bigger, like a snowball, crossing the border, and the strong crushing.

The money family is big, although it will not hurt in a short time, but after a long time, it is difficult to say...

However, the Qian family always has tens of thousands of years of profound knowledge. This battle is unspeakable and no one dares to assert.

The Qian family's top management quickly made a resolution: "Tell them! Fight the price war! And see who has energy consumption! I have a family of more than ten thousand yuan at the end of the year, I don't believe it is not a fight. The emerging sect of the year!"

Compared with the money, the money family has absolute confidence! The world’s first chaebol, the gold content of these six words is something that the average world can’t dream of!

If the nine halls want to fight, then they will fight with them in the end, and see who can't support them first! The Qian family has used this trick for so many years to know how many opponents have been defeated. What are the exceptions to the nine temples?

The money family is ready to be excited, waiting to see the day when the nine temples can't support!

Ever since, within the scope of the entire Xuanhuangjie, the forces of both sides have launched a vigorous commercial war confrontation, which is in full swing.

At the same time, a lot of people have changed their lives. No matter where they go, there are always a group of killers who come to the door to assassinate, and you still can’t catch the living. All the people who shoot are dead. If you don’t see it, you can directly Suicide, there is no hesitation.

Occasionally, I found out that I have nothing to do with the Qian family. I belong to the killer organization of this one...

Moreover, the manpower that is dispatched is increasingly high-end.

Everyone understands that this must be the money of the money family, but there is no evidence to accuse.

If it is a few days, there are a lot of injuries to the guards around me.

Fortunately, at this time, Lin Xiaorou and the white nights among the top ten disciples of the Nine Houses arrived and joined the **** team, which temporarily stabilized their positions. However, the attack launched by the other party did not end with the arrival of Lin Xiaorou and the White Night, but it became more and more fierce.

Although the early calculations have always been secretly followed, but have not been shot, the current level, you do not have to shoot yourself, but look at how much the other party can make.

Of course, the sacred rhinoceros is not nothing to do, a command, in the aftermath of numerous assassinations, countless exposed killer organizations, thus becoming the clearing object of the nine disciples to travel outside the disciples.

The purpose of the Nine Halls is obvious.

You are not the one who accepted the commission to kill me?

No problem, as long as you have the ability to overcome the anti-encirclement of my nine temples!

This momentum has become more and more intense.


Inside the money home.

Qian Shengjin was so anxious that he said: "I think this thing should stop. Now it is not a problem of killing a lot of money... but the problem that the family can continue; now whether it can Killing a lot of money has nothing to do, but it will cause the nine halls to fight back!"

It was Qian Shengjin who decided to eradicate the money. But now, after coming out of the Nine Halls, I know more about the horror of the Nine Halls. This idea has already disappeared completely.

Instead, how to please the nine temples, how to make the family survive!

But the Presbyterian Church, which is composed of the ancestors of the Qian family, does not agree with this.

"Much of the money is the crux of the opposite of each other! As long as the money is more dead, all problems will be solved!"

"The reason why the nine temples died with us is because this money is much more. As long as the money is more dead, no one will be willing to pay a big price because of a dead person!"

"What we have to do is to continue to drag on, to consume, to consume the nine halls into a poor, and to send people to kill a lot of money, a two-pronged approach, this is the fundamental way to solve the problem!"

"The narrow road meets, the brave wins!"

Tens of thousands of years of self-confidence, the money family is empty-minded, they did not see the horror of the nine temples, can you admit defeat? The invincible belief of the money family will never be so easily smashed.

Qian Shengjinkong was anxious to get sick. He argued that the Presbyterian Church still decided not to change. Even though Qian Shengjin used the authority of the owner, he was still dismissed.

Even countless money executives have had a strong dissatisfaction with the owner.

How can a weak homeowner lead the family?

"The homeowner rest assured that the money family accumulated over the past 100,000 years, the crown of the realm, even if it is the wounded, regardless of the cost, regardless of the consequences of the defeat, but also at least hundreds of years of energy consumption can be clean, Xuanhuangjie No power can hold it..."

"I don't think that the Nine Houses are the new sects that have been created in the near future. I am afraid that even the four Heavenly Palaces will fight for our financial resources. It is also a million!"

"But if we take a step back, we will collapse for a thousand miles. If the defeat is like a mountain, it will be really over."

"The market is the lifeblood of the money family. We must hold it! Even if we lose both sides, we still have room for a comeback!"

Qian Shengjin’s heart is boundless.

This is a good saying. I don’t know if we have deep knowledge and can consume any power in the world.


These nine temples are very different and unfathomable!

Li Jia, Situ’s family has been outspoken and incompetent. Is our money family really contending? !


the other side.

A lot of money completely ignores that he is almost in the midst of a life-and-death crisis, pushing the price war to seize the market all the time, but on the other hand, he spends a lot of big sums of money and makes public opinion.

For this battle, the money is equally confident.

Although the money family claims to be a family of thousands of years, the world's chaebol, but also scores who compared.

It’s just Yun Yang’s return from the Yaozu to his own materials. The money has been seriously estimated. It’s confirmed that with his current mode of spending money, even if it takes another thousand years, it may not be spent, not to mention many. The backhand, the people’s heart, are all beneficial to themselves, there is no reason for failure in this campaign...

After a period of stalemate, and further consuming the financial resources of the money house, it is only necessary to put a batch of weapons that have been eliminated from the nine temples in a timely manner, and cooperate with the weapon family Lijia; It’s so bad that it’s so bad.

If you still can't make a money home, put the medicinal herbs out and give another hammer...

This battle is imperative and must win!

As long as the victory, the entire world of the business market, the nine temples can be exclusive 70%!

Even if there is any loss, it can make up for it!

"This is the battle of the general trend. In the end, there is no turning in the first battle!"

The positioning of the money is very clear.

The original intention of starting this campaign is not to avenge, it is just a normal business war, no matter who you play, it is the same!

It’s just that this battle must be played and must be won!


Commercial warfare is just a commercial war.

Commercial competition, commercial means, and other ideas.

This is the rule of the nine temples.

However, for several months, the Qian family headquarters has been doing business in a proper manner, but in the dark, they do not know how many killers they have found, which is chilling...

In the eyes of the Qian family, as long as there is no evidence, your nine temples are powerless and incompetent.

The unfortunate thing is only the killer organization.

The fact is also true, the killer organizations that countless cash registers are unlucky because of the struggle between the two.

However, it is a very common way of collecting money, but it is a **** scalp, and even follow-up.

More and more killer organizations are sorrowful and mournful.


The killer organization was found by the Qian family from the bottom up, and then swept away by the nine sacred sects; in just two months, a total of seven killer organizations in the Xuanhuang area Disappeared on the mainland.

The staff of the Nine Houses, the network of the World Business Alliance, and the manpower of Fengmingmen, constitute a huge network of great people on the entire Xuanhuang continent; but when the killer shoots, they can no longer escape.

Unless you can't grasp the mouth, you can open your mouth and ask for the name of your organization.

Once the name of the organization bursts out, it means the demise!

Even if those organizations are hidden and hidden, they can only be found out.

As long as the tail is caught, the entire organization is in danger of being defeated.

The most terrible thing is that the killer organization is a legitimate business in the Xuanhuangjie. If you have a business, you can afford to buy the perpetrators and afford the price.

However, the money family is really too rich, and the high price can not curb its willingness to buy a fierce! You are too expensive, okay, I will double you when you lift the price! I just need to see more money to die!

Then... the money is now more than a few days, it is necessary to count the current income and expenditure, to confirm how the profit and loss


Lt; wrote a day and wrote more than 10,000. I really don't want to break into chapters, I just want to finish writing together, I didn't expect it until now... The head is almost blown up. Ten thousand words in this chapter gt;

:. :

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