I Am Supreme

Vol 2 Chapter 186: Fire loyalty! [The sixth! 】

The heart of the war song is actually a glimpse, he faintly feels, or, his idea is really true or not!

The teacher may not be obsessed, but it is still necessary to carry out the previous measures.

The second day of the morning.

The sky is still not bright, and the dawn of winter always comes late.

However, the sudden shock of the sky shouted, and the night was almost shattered.

Dong Xuan’s total attack on the Terracotta Warriors was officially launched at this moment!

In the iron-bone gate, the Yutang army, which had already been trapped in horses, was rushing to the city for the first time.

At this moment, Qiu Jianhan has already been thin and not ready.

This old man who has been old and thin, has been staying in the city for the rest of the time, and his disappearance stands in the atmosphere of thick smoke; on several occasions, he is stunned by smoke, after all, the position of the city, It is the hottest place in the flames. Even if there is a deep Xuangong body, it is still difficult to load.

But he would rather be overwhelmed and still have not left the city.

"How many enemy forces are currently involved in the total attack?!" Qiu Jianhan hoarse to the extreme. A pair of eyes are in the dark, sparkling with a shivering glow.

"More than 100,000." Wang Dingguo only listened briefly to the other side of the movement, and reported the exact number. This is the military literacy of the generals who have experienced the war. It is nothing.

"It's still too little..." Qiu Jianhan sighed: "But this should also be the bottom of the Hanshan River, and we can get the last harvest!"

Wang Dingguo stood upright: "There must be no return for them!"

"All the remaining kerosene is used in this campaign, no need to leave any reserves, all down for me!"

Qiu Jianhan violently coughed and spit out a thick **** sputum. He said sharply: "After all the fire oil is poured down, everyone will quickly withdraw from the city! According to the established plan, turn to the West Gate to fight!"


The fire oil of a bucket of barrels was dumped in an orderly manner. There was also a team of Yutang soldiers. In a loud scream, they rushed down the city and rushed into the fire with their own flesh and blood. In the sea, fight with the enemy!

With the buffer of the gentle **** of the ice layer, the Yutang soldiers are also cheap, at least at this moment, you can jump directly to the city, not to be hurt!

A total of 30,000 Yutang strong men, like a mad tiger generally rushed out, in the atmosphere of the raging fire, and the enemy to fight!

These jade and Tang dynasty mentality is different from Dong Xuan soldiers.

Dong Xuan soldiers only know that the enemy is already crazy, and it is already the last death. As long as they repelled them, they are victories, that is, Kangzhuang Avenue, and there is no obstacle.

The Yutang soldiers are more clearly aware of their hearts. When they rushed down from their own waiting for others, their lives will be counted down. Once the oil under their feet has been dumped, it will ignite a big fire!

At that time, whether it is yourself or the enemy, it will become a pile of coke!

At the moment, this battle, whether it is victory or defeat, is a must!

But they are still not afraid!

"Go on the road with Lao Tzu! Dong Xuan Xiaozizi! Hahaha..."

These 30,000-year-old jade-tang strong men, since the beginning of the city jumped down to the beginning, they formed an unprecedented army of strength, all with a big knife and a long shot, to launch the most powerful and extreme counterattack, the birth of the Dong Xuan army 100,000 army The momentum has been pressed back, and it’s hard to get in!

"Great coach, Yu Tang soldiers and horses jumped off the iron bones off battle!"

"Well? How many people have the other party come?"

"There is a rush, and my 100,000 army's brewing offensive has been contained!"

"That is, there are at least 50,000 enemy troops?"

"Well, even... there are more."

Hanshan River was silent, took two steps, and finally ordered: "80,000 troops, winning the current!"

In the Dong Xuan Army squad, the sound of the drums and drums suddenly changed, and in another way it sounded loud.

Hanshan River in the map of the torch, the face is cloudy and uncertain.

"Autumn Jianhan has always been like a soldier, if it is not at the last minute... such extreme tactical breaks will not appear. That is to say..."

The flesh and blood of the 30,000-strong man of Yutang became a new iron-bone off on the gentle **** created by the enemy and the enemy under the iron bones!

They ignore their lives and rush forward regardless of the madness of life and death!

At this moment, everything is not in the mind, parents, children, children, brothers and sisters, all the things, all the past, all just flashed through the mind, that is, after all the brains, the whole person Turned into a red tiger with a red eye!

A majestic voice suddenly sounded loudly, and some people stood up and shouted in midair!

"Yu Tang is a strong man, who dares to commit me to the mountains and rivers!"

"Who dares to commit me to the mountains!"

All the 30,000 strong men spoke in unison, and marched three steps at the same time!

"There is no regret in this life into Yu Tang!" The fierce voice was drunk.

"There is no regret in this life into Yu Tang!" Three thousand strong men drink.

"Take my iron bones!" Strong voice.

"Take me with my iron bones!" Three steps forward!

"If there is an afterlife, come and fight!"

"If there is an afterlife, come and fight!"

"The body is broken and reported to the country!"

"The body is broken and reported to the country!"

A total of 30,000 soldiers, suddenly like a wolverine, Qi Qi Yang Tianxiaoxiao, all of them rushed out of the body, and inserted into the Dong Xuan Army squad, while shouting, while fighting life and death!

"Today in the country!"

"Why don't you break this body!"

"If there is an afterlife!"

"Still Yutang people!"

The knife shines, the blood rises into the sky, and countless strong men rush into the enemy's array in the darkness before dawn, killing the enemy, falling down, and going back and forth, like endless, never end!

It is precisely because these people are dead and forgotten, countless Dongxuan soldiers have blood in their bones, and they whispered into the river on the ground.

On the back of the city, there are countless Yutang soldiers with tears on their faces, but they are determined to quickly dump the barrel of fire oil. Every jade soldier on the head of the city feels that the blood under his body is burning fiercely. They now very much imagine that the 30,000 strong men are desperately fighting, and they are brilliant and happy, but they can’t, they still dump the fire oil. The heavy responsibility, only to complete this last heavy task, can talk about other!

In the direction of Dong Xuan's drums, the sound of the drums is endless, and there are countless soldiers, just like the tides and tides.

The two sides fought at this point, and the 30,000 strong men who rushed down the city had little left, even though the survivors were one by one, but they were still fighting, and a big man was screaming in blood: "In the grandfathers Who can go further before the death!?"

"Ha ha ha..." The strong men who were trapped in the enemy's battle also laughed at the same time: "Yes, before the grandfathers die, who can go further!?"


"Old Marshal, the accumulated oil has been sprinkled!"

Wang Dingguo’s face was full of tears.

Qiu Jianhan’s face is solemn and solemn: “Let’s wait! Wait, our warriors are all killed! They should not die under the fire of our own people!”

"The old man wants them to die in the sand all in the battle, and must not die in our own family!"


Wang Dingguo and Qiu Jianhan stood together at the highest point, and they closely watched the assault and smashing below. As soon as they could see, they trembled and couldn’t make a sound.

The following strong shouts are becoming less and less, and gradually can’t be heard...

At the head of the city, Dong Xuan soldiers have begun to emerge!

Qiu Jianhan’s eyes caught fire, and suddenly he tried his best to scream: “Ignition! Send off for the brothers!”


Wang Dingguo jumped up in a crazy way, and the longbow in his hand was instantly pulled into a full moon. The rocket ignited and rushed out.


Numerous Yutang soldiers were full of tears and screaming and screaming.

At the same time, countless rockets illuminate the entire sky of the iron bones!

"Send off for the brothers!"


The flames of the sky are burning, and the heat is soaring!

On the ground, the viscous smoldering oil that was originally flowing around, at this moment, like a smoldering dragon, suddenly flashed, and then skyrocketed, burning like never before!

In the first part of Dong Xuan’s main attack, the front part has already rushed to the top of Yutang City. However, the latter part, or most of the soldiers, is still on the gentle slope. go ahead!

When the fire suddenly ignited, it was burned to the end of the gentle **** at an incredible speed that was incredible and incredible!

This also means that Dong Xuan’s more than 100,000 troops who launched the general attack have been caught in the sea of ​​fire and have not been spared!

Each one is like a fireman, in the fire, conflict, screaming, struggling.

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