I Am Supreme

Vol 2 Chapter 500: Mei Aunt

Counting the spirit of the eye, seeing the loss of Yun Yang, a step by step without thinking, stood in front of Yun Yang, raised his hand, and smashed toward the woman in white. The wind is screaming, it is the sound of whistling!

After the breakthrough, the repair of the soul is almost the first in the world.

This is the power of the palm, Pei Li Mo Yu, I believe that even the peak of the world such as Ling Xiao drunk Du Gu Nian Nian may not dare to straighten his front, positive confrontation!

However, the woman in white was still a faint smile, and she gently lifted it up and took it.

Two filigree jade hands crossed in the air.

The spirit of the rhythm only felt a burst of vigorously rushing out, and he couldn’t resist it. There was no room for any confrontation.

However, this defeat is defeated, but the heart of the spirit is relaxed.

Hey, you are fooled!

I don't really have to deal with you with the palm of my hand, I want to use red light to fight back...

Seeing that the other party can act in an understatement, it is easy to break the Yunyang's unique magical powers. How can you not know that the other party can't break the enemy, since you know that you can't force it, then use the outside to take the red light and hurry up. I am angry!

The white woman’s face showed a playful smile, and she continued to exert her grip.

The next moment, a red light appeared as expected, and it started to rise.

Counting the spirits back two steps, some proudly looking at the white woman opposite, you grow so that I see and swear, and finally planted in my hands...

I have to say that this is probably the only time in this life that this red light is not so abhorrent.

Red light's overbearing invincibility has been deeply rooted in the heart of the soul, its irresistible and invincible characteristics have never been missed so far, even if the woman is unpredictable, it is unimaginable to cultivate deep, beyond the knowledge, no exception!

Counting the spirit of the incredible, I believe that my layout has been achieved, it depends on the level of success!

However, the next moment, she was suddenly open and full of eyes.

But seeing the white woman face is not red light, still easy to change lightly, a touch of soft smile, the fiber jade refers to a point, even directly to the red light ... caught in the hands!

Caught in your hand!

The eyeballs of the spirits suddenly bulged out!

This... What is going on?

Is this... so possible?

Say good, not domineering, irresistible, nowhere to go? !

The white woman smiled softly and said: "This thing is also a big effort for your daddy. It also takes a lot of effort... a little heart! Poor parents in the world..."

With a wave of his hand, he sent the red light back, turned to... and reintegrated into the body of the spirit.

The spirit is still in the doldrums, completely lost awareness of the current changes.

She is really scared at the moment, how can I not understand, in the past all the evils, no one can resist the red body of the swaying body... How did you suddenly drop the chain today?

This is not scientific!

The white woman smiled again and warmly, and she had already solved the prohibition of Yun Yang. "You two fuggs are so fussed, do you have a big fan of the cards? I am not malicious to you, but I want to Just take a look at both of you."

"Looking at us two by the way? Just?" Yun Yang keenly felt the hidden question in this sentence: "Do you know us? Or do you know our elders?"

The white woman smiled and said softly: "It is only a matter of time before you know what you don't know."

Yun Yang instantly realized that the woman in white was an extremely remarkable person. If it is estimated that there is no mistake, she is probably the same level of peerless power with her mysterious "aunt"!

The ultimate limit of the derivation of Fengyun, is still easily captured, all-round restrictions.

The red light of the spirits, the unbeaten red light that has never been shaken, is also easily surrendered!

This is not a world of power, the end is terrible, unimaginable...

Counting the rhythm: "Who are you?"

The woman in white said: "My surname is Mei, you can call me Aunt Mei; well, you can."

The latter sentence is said to Yun Yang.

Sure enough, it is an aunt.

Then a peerless power is afraid that it is not enough to describe the degree of women in front of white, which should be called... starry sky power? !

Yun Yang’s heart is faintly guessed, and it breeds a very strange idea. How can the starry sky be a woman, is it a yin and yang, and the sun is weak? !

The white woman, Aunt Mei, waved her hand again, and the ban on Fang Mofei and Bai Yixue was also untied. Then she said: "Come here, you two will accompany me to say the words, I will see you all. I learned something. Although the load limit of this world is above my expectations, my time to stay in this world is still limited. You should try to be as important as possible."

Some of the spirits said: "Mei... Aunt Mei... Are you... know me?"

The white woman raised her eyebrows and showed a funny smile. "Well... it should be... know it?"

Yun Yang’s thoughts on electricity, this sentence is an understanding, intriguing, thought-provoking, profound meaning!

I didn’t think more about it, but I hate my teeth and hate it: “Is that old **** called anonymity?”

"..." The woman in white stunned and stunned. Even though she was a celestial person, she was intelligent and wise, but she never thought of it. She was smashed from the mouth of a daughter, and the target was directed at the father of birth, just then, the woman in white Giggle, laughed and swayed, said: "Old bastard... um, these three words are indeed in line with your temperament! Just right, the match, hahaha..."

It’s not fun.

Counting the rhinoceros face is red, said: "You tell me about his name? Who is my mother? She... still?"

The woman in white said: "Reassured, you are alive and well with your mother; um... In fact, they are all hanging on you every day, but it is not convenient to come over to see you at one time. Among them... there is a last resort Hard work."

The spirit of the rhythm suddenly became tense: "What is the hardship? Is it... is it imprisoned?"

In an instant, Xiaoyan’s mind opened wide, and suddenly his eyes were red. He said, “Is it... Is it because I have suffered an irresistible crisis with my mother... I was attacked by a strong enemy, and I was caught and captured? Before I was arrested, I used my last repair to throw me and my brother out? So we are..."

The white woman's eyes are getting bigger and bigger, the cherry mouth is almost open, and the wrong attitude is awkward; obviously, the whims of being opened by the brains and brains are directly shocked!

But the power is great, and immediately converges on the surprised face, nodding his head, actually forcing a sigh, said: "Your guess... slightly biased... but you and your mother... now live The days are really not too good, but they are really strong.

Of course, it’s not good. It’s said that you are being besieged by several of his brothers. It’s really a strong enemy, and the crisis is heavy... Every day, you’re being stunned and swollen.

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