I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 37: Too strong!

The two have already made up their minds, and they must grab it, but I will build a good relationship with this child in this mission, let him know who is the person who can rely on, who is suitable to do His master!


Early the next morning.

Between the golden light flashes, the waves turn directly to the sky with Yun Yang and the history of dustless and go to the sky, behind, the old **** Xiao Yushu and the iron face life and death judgment Gu Jiuqi together. There is also a wind that crosses the sea and follows closely.

In the place where Yun Yang and Shi Wuchen can't see, the speed of the wind across the sea is not inferior to Xiao Yushu and Gu Jiuyi. The repair of the end is deep and deep.

But for a moment, the six people have come to the mountains of the vast sea of ​​clouds.

The four places are full of clouds and seas, and the line of sight is unclear. The three masters still dare not neglect themselves, and they will disperse their own knowledge. Within a thousand miles, they will be extinct and will not live.

"Cloud brothers, sorry, we always want to confirm the truth of the spiritual cemetery, don't blame."

The attitude of the sky is still amiable. It’s just that the three of them looked at Yun Yang’s eyes but they were fascinated by the lingering colors.

These three people will not be a special hobby, how can you look so!

Although the son of the son Yushu is in the wind, the wind is flowing, the turbid world is a son, but the beautiful boy...

"this is necessary."

Yun Yang’s face is full of smiles, and he is not worried about it.

Just in the eyes of the public, Yun Yang sits on his knees and tries to run his own mysterious spirits, trying to mobilize his knowledge.

Green and green are already in the space, waiting for it!

This time, it is undoubtedly the need to make a green and green body to be able to make a decision. Whether it is green or green, it is extremely prudent.

This step is also a key step in Yun Yang’s entire plan. It is said that it is about success or failure, and it is not bad at all.

After all, Yun Yang did not think that now is the cemetery of the non-stop spirit, Ziji Tianjing, the person who has taken him has been remembered by the other side, can not wait to directly enter the bag, swallow the belly!


The waves are turned upside down, facing the sea of ​​clouds, calmly, at least it seems to be particularly relaxed and freehand, but it is his wholehearted spirit, but it has already been mobilized.

God knows how to smoke, but it pays attention to everyone’s every move.

Yes, he does not only monitor Yun Yang, but looks at the overall situation. With Yun Yang’s micro-end cultivation, he is destined to fail to waver, but it is both true and false. Or only two paths of life and death.

What is to be observed in the sky is that other people besides Yun Yang and himself are reliable.

Although on the surface, all this time is the most loyal person to the world business alliance, but if the cemetery of the spirit exists, then this huge interest ... may not be able to shake someone's mind.

The financial situation is already full of people's hearts, not to mention such huge benefits!

Therefore, what he has to do now, what he wants to ensure is to do everything that will happen next. Bring all the hidden dangers to the bud, kill them all!

Xiao Yushu's fascination is also quietly scattered. He has formed an empty area to form a barrier to God's knowledge. Then he has quietly lurked into the knowledge of Yun Yang.

This point, even if it is looking around the entire Xuanhuang world, there are very few people who can do it.

However, Xiao Yushu’s unique merits do not come out of the machine, change the gods, change the gods, change the gods, change them, and do nothing; you can do this, of course, this process will be very large, after all, It is only a small thing to use the knowledge of oneself to imitate the person who has changed into a goal. But now, the matter is very important, even if it is worn out, it can only be so, and the cost is not counted.

This is also the shallowness of Yun Yang's cultivation, but if the goal is changed to a history, Xiao Yushu may not dare to sneak into it, and need to do more preparations to prevent it.

And Gu Jiuyi is motionless, and his own power of consciousness does not seem to be emitted; there is no movement at all. In fact, his Yuan Ling has been silently and inexhaustibly, with a mysterious and mysterious power, from another category. Pay attention to Yun Yang's soul fluctuations.

So the three parties can see what they are doing, and it can be said that everything is omnipotent, and there is nothing to ignore. At least with the recognition of these three, there is no one in the world, and you can sneak a look at the three!


This will, Yun Yang's mysterious has been running to the extreme.

Green and green in the space of the gods are also the branches and leaves dancing, the vines slowly rise and fall; a fuzzy idea of ​​the stock, the source has been passed on.

But when the knife flashed, Yun Yang cut his finger and broke his blood. He sprinkled it into the misty mountains.

The power of green and green is activated, and the limit is output.

Xiao Yushu, who had already been in the Ministry of Knowledge, first felt in the moment. At this moment, he seemed to have come into contact with a strange god, and he did not know how far the strange gods knew. At the same time, he changed his camouflage. Yun Yang’s knowledge of the advancement of the gods, but this special knowledge of the gods touched, and separated from this.

Then there is another faint power, directing his power of consciousness directly to the boundless darkness...

This feeling, like if you are in the air, suddenly out of control, can no longer control your body in general, exactly the same!

What's more, Xiao Yushu clearly judged that if his god's knowledge is so dropped, he will definitely smash. Once this is the case, the gods will be reduced to a walking dead...

Xiao Yushu screamed, urging the power of life, trying to recover the gods that were cast out, and finally Yun Yang was repaired as shallow. He applied mimicry to the changed gods and only had a small part of himself, and finally recovered the endangered gods. Fortunately, there is no loss, but even so, the gods know all the moments of the body, the cold sweat is also like a waterfall, the big mouth gasping, pale face.

In the end, the huge gods clearly came back with an unusual dissatisfaction...


The more Xiao Yushu thinks, the more he is afraid!

Then... the most conservative estimate is that a saint-level powerhouse is angry with me... ah!

Me, what should I do...

When the waves turned around, the eyes turned sharply: "What happened?"

"My gods know... my gods have been stripped out... I threw them out directly... I was still dead, and I was still alive!" Xiao Yushu said with a straight eye, murmured.

"Is Yun Yang peeling you out?" The waves frowned.

"Absolutely not!" Xiao Yushu is very sure: "Yun Yang itself does not know my trailing sneak... This power is another unpredictable... This power gives me the feeling... looks like... looks like ......"

“What looks like?” The waves turned over and turned over.

"Looks like the Lord... It’s even stronger..." Xiao Yushu is cold and sweaty. His eyes were panicked and looked around.

That is enough to sweep the world's master... Where? Will you be looking at me?

Will it be punished for my offense, will I wave my hand and take my life? !


When I waved through the sky, I only felt that my whole person was in a cold, and I was scared by this sentence, and the whole person was not good!

More powerful than the Lord!

The waves rushed out of the cold and sweat.


And today I was criticized!

The driver gave me a strike. The reason was: the two old houses were demolished and replaced with eight suites and two sets along the street... I feel that this life is enough. I want to live a little more comfortable...

I walked home on two legs and looked at my only one suite, thinking about ten years of hard work; suddenly my mood was complicated and inexplicable; and I felt very depressed. What's special, this year, the driver is so much more comfortable than the boss, and he still has more money than the boss... I think that my boss is a deserved one, and all of China is alone...


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