I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 50: Natural whetstone

The remnant disciple of Qingyunmen made another horrible horror, and Shi Wuzhen took a sword and stabbed him into his forehead. Lan Ruojun broke into his foreheart with a knife and savagely followed by a sword. His stomach; and behind him, Yun Yang continued three consecutive knives, the knife is straight to the neck!


Every knife was cut in the neck, but it was like cutting it on the steel, until the third knife, only to cut the head down!

Before the man died, he screamed with almost no purpose, but it was a coincidence that he broke into the dusty right shoulder and emerged from the shoulder!

The man’s headless body swayed and suddenly fell forward.

The four people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Lan Ruojun sat down on the ground with Ren Bian, and laughed with a laugh: "Happy and happy, thank you very much!"

Then there was no extra movement, and the eyes turned white, and they fainted in the past, and the movements were unexpectedly uniform.

"Go! Go quickly! This place can't stay for a long time!"

Yun Yang has no nonsense, and he has picked up two people from the back. Shi Wu’s knife directly pulled out the knife on his shoulder and snorted and took back his space ring.

Yun Yang turned around and took all the space rings on the hands of the three Qingyunmen disciples. This was quickly retreated and did not enter the jungle.

At almost the same time, there was already a long-lost voice.

"Who is there?"

But there is no shadow here.


"How will you be here?"

"How come you come here?"

Lan Ruojun and Ren Bian quickly woke up, but when they were awake, they talked with Shi Wuzhen, and the first sentence that blurted out was the same.

"You first say!"

"You speak first!"

It is also the same voice.

It’s fun to look at the three of them, just like enjoying a long-lost memory.

At this moment, Yun Yang felt the friendship between the three of them. Although it was not as good as the love between the nine brothers, or the brotherhood of the ten temples, the brothers had the same temperament, but they also had a sigh of relief. Related.

"You have disappeared in the past three years, and there are no traces of rivers and lakes. It seems that the mixture is quite good. The rumored serious injury is hard to heal. It is already annihilated and obvious. You can be happy as you, and know where we have lived in these three years. What day is it?!"

Lan Ruojun smiled bitterly: "After four months this year, it is the custom of Tianyunqi. It is different from the past, and countless sects are eager to move, or want to upgrade their own Tianyun flag, or plan The guardian’s Tianyun flag ranks not falling. As a result, the disciples in the martial art naturally retreat, but they also vacated many true disciples. These ordinary disciples are like crazy, pouring into the rivers and lakes. , to improve your own strength..."

Shi Wuchen sighed and heard that there would be no need to listen to it. The so-called seeing the micro, he already knows the situation of the brothers.

The nine hard-edged whetstones placed here are idle for a long time; those martial art disciples are not madly rushing up? Create all opportunities, but also defeat the Ten Desires and get a true discipleship!

This is in front of me, and I don’t even have to guess what to guess.

"It seems that you have had a bad time in this period..."

"It’s not good. We are often entangled in one place. The situation is better. The stone is not good enough to be beaten three times a day. It’s like a normal meal... How can you hide and hide? The little guy is careful and easy on weekdays. I don’t have a dispute with people, but somehow, with a positive door, I’ve poisoned the other dozens of sectarian disciples... I’ve been the target of the public, and finally he’s doing something, killing the killer. I immediately went to the end of the world, and my whereabouts are unknown..."

Shi Wuyun said with amazement: "This guy whispers softly on weekdays, the killer is so hot, it is really a person who can't look at it... The whereabouts are unknown, no news is good news, there is always a hope, what about other people?"

Lan Ruojun’s sad sigh: "Everyone else is mostly... generally encountered. Or worse, it is unknown."

Yun Yang asked curiously on the side: "Why did you choose ten of you to become a whetstone? Do they have no standard of measurement? What kind of standard is it that you are a sharpening stone? This thing always Some reasons for the beginning and end?"

Lan Ruojun said sadly: "The brothers and sisters do not know. Among the ten of us, there were several people who once worshipped under the Tianyun flag, among them Wu Dream and Tie Qing Cang; in strict sense, they are still good luck. Under the flag gate...but at the beginning, just when they had just been in the teacher for less than half a year, it coincided with the sect of the Xuanhuangjie Zongmen. The martial art was unfortunately defeated and replaced by the latter, eventually degraded; both of them had already been selected as true disciples, but the martial art The elders died in this battle. The sects died in this name, but they were helpless."

"Other people, either being framed in the martial art, being crowded out, or for other reasons... were forced to leave the martial art. Then there was a rumor that we were born with a whetstone... ..."

Yun Yang stunned: "The natural whetstone qualification? Is there such a statement?"

"This kind of statement is not fake...but the so-called whetstone qualifiers are more likely to break through the bottleneck in the martial art, and it must be a high-level cultivator who has been unable to break through for more than 50 years and can no longer break through. At the right time, it is at the highest level of its own position, and it has rich experience in the rivers and lakes. The combat experience is equally rich. In the end, it has become a hopeless breakthrough, and wants to leave a Yuze, and will choose to become The martial art classmates, or the lower-level disciples, are sparring... This is the existence of a sharpening stone."

"In fact, there is no such disciple among the sects of the sects. For the disciples of the lower class, the excellent disciples provide excellent steps to the top, and the existence of sharpening stones is indispensable."

Yun Yang nodded and immediately asked: "This statement is well understood, but the so-called natural whetstones of yours are different from the sharp-edged disciples of the ordinary ancestors?"

Ren gently screamed: "Of course there are differences, almost the difference in quality, the rumored natural whetstone is ... in every class, you can quickly reach the high-order, and then stay for a while, to digest ""

"And during this time, it is called honing time... or it is more appropriate to call it a grindstone. When faced with us, the pressure that the same-level practitioner can feel is The highest in the same class."

"In this way, the so-called best sharpening stone was born."

"But how can we be the natural whetstones, those rumors were originally deliberately released by the villains who have had a couple of festivals with us!"

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