I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 66: succeed!

"The speed of a kitten is so fast? How come?" One person screamed with amazement: "Is it already reached the point of the heavenly beast?"

"More than that, this kitten is mostly a strange monster..."

"Is this still a cub?"


While the four people discussed, there was no intention to hunt down this strange white cat. Whether it was the mysterious beast or the advanced beast, whether it was the Lord's beast or the Lordless monster, it must be grasped first. other.

At this time, other Cangmen masters have already arrived, one by one in the sky and underground.

"what happened?"

"a cat?"


"Catch it!"

The sound of the waves is one after another, and the flow is getting louder and louder!

Only the head of the Cangwu Gate and the two younger brothers fluttered in the big sleeves, and did not even manage the little kitten that was desperately trying to escape; the lightning usually rushed into the Musashi Pavilion!

For them, any rare animal can not keep up with the confirmation of their own treasures and the safety of the Tianyun flag is more important!


Yun Yang Ji Erbaibai temporarily opened the attention of the Musashi Pavilion guards, and even led them out of the Musashi Pavilion. The sentiment was not lost. There was no hesitation, and the big hand waved, and all the shelves on the first floor were all taken away. He did not stop when he succeeded. The whirlwind was generally rolled up on the second floor. It was still a wave, and the second floor of the bookshelf disappeared completely. It was still on the third floor.

Another example is that when copying the third floor and sprinting from the third floor to the fourth floor, Yun Yang suddenly felt an unusually strong force from the top position.

This power is not only the extremes of the vastness, but also the power of the imprisoned space.

"Heaven and earth cages?" Yun Yang suddenly flashed a thought in his heart, but still hard to go up, hard to go up.

At this moment, once you get back, you will never be able to climb to the top.

This force is directly crushed down!

Heaven and earth cages, especially good at all the mysterious wonders of the world, power is even more tyrannical, if the Yun Yang is a physical form at the moment, the front encounters the current power, the end is definitely dead. There is no luck at all; however, he is now an incarnation; although he is still restricted by the power of heaven and earth, and even imprisoned, he cannot directly eliminate the situation.

In other words, this tyrannical force is first directed at space, and then it is to crush the enemy and completely destroy the enemy.

However, Yun Yang’s Fengyun form is being restrained by this force while getting a breathing room!

The slamming sound of the slamming sound, the Fengyun genital body was crushed by this force, there is no room for comparison, but the space ban will not exist.

In the end, the Yunyang Fengyun body was broken, but the body still had to be preserved.

It’s not too good to bet on a gambling game. He only feels that he has been smashed from the head to the feet, even the gods and gods, and the body and mind are all smashed, and the stuns are bursting. dizzy.

The other party is actually at the top of the Musashi Pavilion, ambushing the next strongest strongman, the end of the enemy aircraft first, attacking it is not ready!

Yun Yang 勉 维 维 自己 自己 自己 自己 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 维 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 自己 云 云

Obviously this old is completely unsure about whether the blow has hit the enemy.

If the wind and cloud body hides the whereabouts, the invisible enemy is the most headache. This person is also unsure whether his attack will work and to what extent.

However, with the re-movement of Yun Yang, the other side immediately noticed that the flow of the air was different, and immediately turned around, and the backhand was a cage of heaven and earth.

Yun Yang has just rushed to the top, and was once again shackled by the other's heaven and earth cage.

But he is still not in a hurry, he still keeps the situation, but the other side is still unable to see himself.

If the cloud is not expected, the old man once again squeezed the space. Yun Yang was unable to avoid the evasion and was smashed again, but he could still quietly gather his own cloud and sneak forward.

The man’s blow was still not harvesting, and his face became more and more dignified.

The other party is obviously also a long-time enemy, and he is keenly aware that he will encounter a difficult enemy that he only sees in his life.

Such a shadowless and invisible enemy can't follow the clues and can't make effective attacks. Even if you know that the enemy is around, you can't target it because you can't lock the other side.

The two attacks just now clearly showed the feeling of attacking the enemy, but my own perception told myself that it was actually completely in the air, and there was no sense of hindrance and shock.

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable!

So how is the truth, after the two strikes, is the enemy hit? Is there an injury?

What is the situation now?

Everything about it, nothing at all!

The old man instantly judged, and turned to the palm of his hand to carry out the attack one after another. It is obviously a belief that he is a warrior. If the other party invades, it is a matter of fact, and he has just hit two before and after, whether or not it causes actual Killing is good, always to the other side to form a certain degree of influence, then the chain attack, the heaven and earth cage is the nemesis of all the secrets of the world, bit by bit to destroy the other side of the mysterious energy, will eventually play!

The old man played a good abacus, but after the seven palms, he suddenly found that all the shelves on the fourth floor suddenly disappeared in a flash...

This person is so intensively attacked by himself, even if the mystery is so wonderful, it must have been injured. At this time, it is still a thief!

"The mouse generation!"

The old man sees a change in his eyes, and he must be smashed when he is on the road. The scream of the heart of the cone is screaming: "Leave things!"

Immediately, such as crazy, hit the three palms again, the power is more than the previous nine palms, the power is even more than several times.

With the three palms connected, the bang of the loud bang, the entire Musashi attic top was violently swayed by the tyrannical force, and it was torn apart.

At this moment, Hong Changtian, the head of the Cangwu Gate, took the two younger brothers and swept away. He called out from afar: "Uncle Shi! Wushang Pavilion is okay?"

All this, it’s troublesome, but it’s all happening in an instant.

The "uncle" is now in a slap in the face, crazy and violent: "The thief has already looted the secrets of the Musashi martial arts... Come on!"

The three people were shocked, the color changed, and they rushed in.

However, only 30% of Yunyang’s wind phase was separated from the stairs. The three men passed by him and rushed to the top floor. They just passed by, and they almost brought the incarnation of Yunyang. Go up.

Yun Yang’s efforts to transport his own body, Xuan Gong, and green and green help, finally let his own avatars slowly rise up... Now he is very hurt, so-called immediate full speed, and actually did Not enough!

Finally, the Cangjiemen Mountain Gate is also located at the mountain peak. By the whistling mountain wind, Yunyang uses the wind to blew the wind, letting the wind blow, slowly rising, gradually drifting away, gradually moving away from the Cangjie Gate...

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