I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 72: Mountain belly prisoner

Dong Qitian was somewhat lost.

I used to be a famous big man in this world... It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the air, no one has ever mentioned it, the world is impermanent, and the people are making people...

So I started the business, swearing, and certification.

Dong Qitian swears in a low mood, and with the thunder of the sky, the vows are recognized by Heaven.

At this point, Yun Yang was finally relieved.

This world has already admitted that it is proof that the name is not false, and this matter can be believed.

In this case, there is no worries.

Yun Yang rested for a while and adjusted his state to the best, which began to work hard.

Originally for him, if you can use the power of the soil to complete the work in the most convenient way, but now the injury is getting better,

Although the action is responsive, but whether it is Xuanqi or God or physical strength, it is still in its weakest time, so the progress of Yunyang is very slow.

Fortunately, Dong Qitian was not in a hurry, there was no urging, and he waited patiently. Even in the process of waiting for Yun Yang to dig inside, there is still a chat with Yun Yang.

"What is going on outside now?"

"It's still like that."

"What about that?"

"The mountain is still green, the water is still green, the rivers and lakes are still killing me, I am killing you, people are in the rivers and lakes, they must be involuntarily, I have not mentioned it before..." Yun Yangyan is concise.


Dong Qitian’s nose should be discouraged, and the little **** outside is simply not angry.

"This, you seem to have been here for many years, just met myself? Why didn't you let others save you? With your conditions, the motivated person should not be a minority?" Yun Yang asked.

"Others?" Dong Qitian snorted with disdain: "Do you think that anyone here can come anywhere?"

"What do you mean?"

"The meaning is... you are the only person who can come here in the past few years!" Dong Qitian was full of grievances.

He also planned this way when he first started. Only when someone came, he promised to ask for help, get out of trouble early, and escape from birth.

But after so many years, but when he feels that people are slightly closer to here, they will disappear inexplicably, or they will be inexplicable detours...

In short, before Yun Yang, there is no one who has approached this mountain!

Yun Yang can't help but feel stunned. This is just a matter of fact, it seems to be wonderful!

Dong Qitian has repeatedly confirmed that there is no ban on the surrounding of the mountain, and there is no cover for the situation. As for the strange powers, there is no more!

But why haven’t anyone been able to come over for so many years?

This thing is really puzzling!

While Dong Qitian often thinks about this problem, he also considers another question: How long has he been banned in this place?

Really only a few decades... It seems to be more than just!

Sometimes I force myself to close the investigation of the gods, quietly retreat and practice, and perhaps retreat for a decade or more. Even sometimes I have a sleep, time is not too short...

There is also the problem of concentrating on martial arts. I have tried my best to study the past, to memorize the subtleties, to eliminate the flaws... The time consumed in this is also like a sand leak.

Not to mention that you have to do more when you are doing nothing...

If you think about it... How long have you been imprisoned here for decades?

Or add ten times more... maybe not enough!

"Kid, what year is this year?" Dong Qitian finally asked hesitantly.

"I am really not very clear about this..." Yun Yang said: "But it is still a few years of Xuan Huang."

Dong Qitian almost spurted out a blood: "nonsense! This Xuanhuangjie has been a mysterious calendar since it existed between heaven and earth! It is not a mysterious calendar!"

"I really don't know more about it. Wait until you get out of trouble. Ask someone else."

Yun Yang’s words did not make Dong Qitian feel uncomfortable again, because he suddenly felt that Yun Yang... looks like the distance is very close!

Almost at the next moment, with a loud bang, the mountain belly was broken open and a real hole was connected.

As the smoke filled the air, Yun Yang stepped in and came to Dong Qitian's side.

"So fast..." Dong Qitian was quite surprised by this broken mountain process.

When he wants to come, the other side is repaired to be shallow, even if there is a weapon of the gods, it should not be so quickly.

Yun Yang smiled and said: "There is a section in the middle that is all mud, almost invisible."

He looked up and looked at the "Qi Tian Li Li", could not help but nod, do not say anything else, just this height, has no name.

Yun Yang’s son is already a tall one, and he is seven feet and a half tall. Well, about one meter eight or two.

But this Dong Qitian, it seems to be at least nine feet! Long and long legs, a good burly man.

However, this burly man, now looks a bit miserable.

As Dong Qitian said before, the mountain belly of this mountain is completely hollow, with a full space of forty or fifty feet.

In the middle of the space, there is a strange table, the texture is not gold and non-stone, but the faint light is faint.

There was a pillar on the table, only the thickness of the human thigh, and that Dong Qitian, the whole person was locked on this pillar.

An iron chain, through which the cheekbones pass through the sides, wraps around the circle, wraps around the neck, and the terminal is attached to the upper end of the column.

The other chain, passing through his left waist and out from his right waist, seemed to wrap his spine around and wrap it around the back pillar.

The two feet are separated from each other. The two chains are respectively holding the ankles of the two feet. One hand is not locked on the pillar, but is lifted flat on both sides. There is an iron chain on the wrist and the other side is on both sides. Above the stone wall.

Yun Yang took a closer look, and the stone walls on both sides of the other side must be on one side of the pillar, which can be ensured.

In general, the Dong Qitian adult, the whole person is in the "Tai" type, trapped here, in addition to the small turn around the head, side face, twisting the butt, basically can no longer move .

Yun Yang’s heart could not help but be shocked.

"I was locked in this way, but I still survived for so many years? It seems that Dong Qitian is really not a general person, I am afraid that there is a big say!"

Of course, the most unusual thing is Dong Qitian’s beard and hair, black and black beard, which has been dragged on the ground, and the hair is dragged on the ground for a few feet.

In the blink of an eye, the whole person is like falling on a pile of weeds, and the weeds are still growing densely.

Fortunately, the eyes were surrounded by beards and hair, still shining, showing the vitality that still flourished.

"It’s terrible!" Yun Yang sighed: "Hey, Dong’s predecessor, IMHO, it is estimated that a monkey is better than you now."

Dong Qitian angered: "You tried to lock the monkey for a few years?"


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