I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 85: This is just a test!

Early morning.

Before dawn.

Four people were pulled up, and each person was stuffed with a medicinal herb. Then Dong Qitian gave a command, closed the mind, closed Dantian, and finally closed the six knowledge directly, and ordered each person to carry three hundred pounds to start the circle. Run.

This feeling, including Yun Yang, is the first experience.

Close the six senses, and then seal the gods and Dantian; that is, you can't see, can't smell, can't hear, all the senses are lost...

This is a peculiar experience.

The four men went all the way to the gas, and Dong Qi’s genius suspended the morning activities. Yes, it was just a pause, because he tied the arms and calves of the four men with hundreds of pounds of protective gear and began to practice the boxing sword. Law tricks...

Every fist and every foot must be exhausted to ensure accuracy and completeness.

As for the time of rest, it is simple and rude: if you stun yourself, you can rest temporarily.

Yes, it’s still only temporary. Who is fainting, Dong Qitian will be very responsible for waking him up, then giving him no time to escape for a quarter of an hour, then... continue!

Yun Yang will not care about other people who will practice dizzy several times. He only knows that he has been practicing himself, has been practicing, and has been practicing... It seems to have fainted seven or eight times so far? !

After fainting twice...

Suddenly Dan Tian moved, Dong Qitian let go of the closure of his Dantian, but the six knowledge is still closed as before: "Now start to operate the body, wholeheartedly practice its own Xuanqi exercises, with the fastest running speed, running mysterious!"

"Use the highest speed to let Dantian reach the level of bulging. Then try to attack the front in a way that is full of life! Let all the sighs come out at once!"

"Be sure to let Xuanqi Dantian reach the sky after the attack."


In front of the four people can not see, it is Dong Qitian himself.

The attack of four people is all over him!

Dong Qitian did not bother to underestimate the one-on-one block, and then the heart of the four people to comment one by one, there are flaws, a shot.

But the result is still a bit strange to him.

In terms of Dong Qitian's cultivation, the degree of Yun Yang and other four people can be described as a hole in the fire, and the strength of the four people, such as Yun Yang, is almost as good as Dong Qitian's initial judgment.

Among these four people, the single theory of Xuanqi repairs, although Yun Yang has reached the holy level, but still the weakest, this point, no doubt, nothing wrong.

But the first day of super high-intensity exercise, the other three have been stunned for ten times, and when the process of restoring mysteriousness began, Yun Yang only fainted three times.

When the limit output was sinuous, the attack was completed, and the mysteriousness in Yunyang Dantian was also the cleanest and most thorough of the four.

At least in terms of cultivation intensity and cultivation achievements, Yunyang is undoubtedly the most successful, and it is far more than a generation.

"It’s really an ethereal body that has never been seen in rumors. It’s really unique and extraordinary!”

Dong Qitian’s heart silently admired: “There are three people in history, such as Wu Zhuang, whose qualifications are not universal, and they can already be included in the talents; and Yun Yang’s endowment is still at least three times more resilient than them. It only ends with the strength of pure flesh, and even with the comprehensive assessment of the mystery of the gods, the results will be even more horrible, and the end is..."

"It’s also interesting to say that this day’s tenth show is overwhelming. The power of the three people who are overflowing in the three people’s bodies is mostly mysterious. However, such power is too violent...but the power level of theoretical output, Basically, each realm is close to the standard peak level..."

"It's no wonder that other sects use them as sharpening stones, and their level of power can indeed accomplish the responsibility of sharpening stones."

"But, I can keep this constant because my cultivation is far above them, and I have an insight into the core level of their practice. This kind of thing is not difficult to distinguish, especially low. It is impossible to reach these levels at all, so how did they determine the ten whetstones?"

"There is definitely a place where I don't know what I don't know. It's interesting."

"Or in the thousands of years of my imprisonment, there are some changes that I don't know..."

"But these four people, each of them are indeed 浑金璞玉, 大堪雕琢."

Dong Qitian became more and more interested in his position as the chief instructor, from the very beginning.

He even couldn't wait to see how to use these cruel ways to drill these people... What height will they reach in the future?

In this regard, Dong Qitian is very curious!

At the same time, he is also curious about how long these people can bear in this cruel training style.

Because the current situation is that there is no comparison, everyone does not know who is around, nor do they know whether others continue to maintain.

Six senses are completely closed, and the whole person is just a walking dead that can move!

"When my master used this method to test and train me, my first time was only three days! I need to recover for a while and then continue..."

"The most regrettable thing in the past few years has been that the time that I insisted on the first time was too short... so that I could not achieve the earth-shattering achievements of the master..."

"I don't know how long these little guys can bear. If they can withstand more than three days, then the future achievements will at least be with me..."


In the expectation of Dong Qitian’s eyes full of interest, the first day passed in this endless special training; in the early hours of the second day... continue.

In the middle, there is no rest and no sleep.

Repeatedly, practice, exhaust your own physical strength, practice dizziness; then practice dizzy again, until the tenth time... restore the mysterious spirit, cultivate the fastest speed filling, and then maximize the maximum strength of the valley, and vent.

Close Dantian again!

If it is repeated...

Three days passed!

At least in Dong Qitian’s eyes, the four people who have been practicing in three days of **** are almost indefinite, but no one has given up, and the four are still continually recurring...

Then the fourth day...

The fifth day!

Dong Qitian’s expression is more and more shocking.

These four young people seem to always have a kind of enthusiasm and tenacity: for strength, I can live up to the strength of my life and die hard and persist in perseverance.

It was only after the start of the sixth day, it was probably an hour after the first time, and the first support of Kong Yueyue was unable to stop. He began to squirt the haze and the whole person fell to the ground. Even the convulsions seemed to be weak and dying...

Dong Qitian had already prepared, and immediately flew out, and recovered the hole and the six senses, and then began to heal and repair. The face was full of joy; the heart was full of shock: this is only the weakest of the four of them, but I have doubled my time more than I did that year!


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