I Am Supreme

Vol 3 Chapter 213: Who is

For the first time, the nine prefectures chose a total of ninety-nine children. When it comes to the number of people, it seems that there are quite a few, but the nine prefectures are divided into peaks, and the average is evenly distributed to Jiufeng. Just ten people.

Not to mention the central main peak connected to the first peak of Yunzun; ninety-nine people are divided, not only not much, but limited!

Because the quality of these disciples is already excellent, the top talents are different, but there is no need to deliberately compete, all of them are brought back to the mountain by the deacons of their respective peaks, waiting for the peak to teach the training, but another problem, but then Going to the point to be solved, the end is imminent - the owner of Jiufeng has not yet decided.

Yun Yang immediately decided that the nine positions of the Nine Houses besides themselves, it is time to decide the position!

Yun Yang’s initial calculation was to determine the position of the owner of Jiufeng based on merits and personal cultivation after dealing with the human media. However, the situation has changed and the plan has not changed quickly. It is obviously too late according to the established plan.

"Tomorrow's early morning, the beginning of the Jiufeng Dabi, who will be the nine honours."

Yun Yang made a decisive decision: "Brothers are ready."

Yun Yang’s decision immediately caused a storm in the sky between the 10th and the 10th!

But seeing Shi Wuchen and other ten people, Qi brushing began to be full of ambition.

The eyes were full of unscrupulous glances at other people, while turning his neck, while Kaka’s active wrists, his mouth bursting with a burst of laughter, his attitude was extremely wretched.

Stone is not good: "Hey..."

History without dust: "Ha ha ha..."

Ren mad: "Hey..."

Lan Ruojun: "Hey..."

Wu Dream: "Hey..."

Iron Crane Cang: "Hey..."

Ping Xiaoyi: "Hey..."

Luo Dajiang: "Wow, hahaha..."

Hole falls: "Hey..."

The last Guo Yangyang did not have a unique laughter to choose from. He simply twisted and came to the sound: "Hey..."

Kong Lunyue and Guo Yangyang’s voice came out, and it was time to make someone in the place awkward.

Looking at Kong Yueyue and Guo Yangyang, it is like watching two metamorphosis.


Yun Yang and Dong Qitian looked at each other and secretly thanked them. Fortunately, the ninety-nine disciples have been sent to Jiufeng. If they are still here, they will hear that Kong Yueyue and Guo Yangyang’s party will not be guaranteed. I chose them as teachers, and even worse, even if they choose them, Yun Yang would not dare to reuse them. They can take the initiative to worship the disciples of the people who do this. The psychological quality must be abnormal, or it is good to risk. what.

Yun Yang waited for a moment, and this atmosphere was slightly overdone. This is the correct color: "Our nine prefectures, as the name suggests, have only nine leaders of the title; the name of the nine is complete and the name is justified. However, the light is There are ten people in the sky, and I believe that everyone has a certain opinion in mind. I am no longer arrogant. As for who can be one of the nine, each has its own skills. So everyone must be prepared. Once the judgment is made, it is the conclusion."

Ten people laughed: "This is of course, we are the nine prefectures, not the eleventh house, aside from the top position of the cloud boss, of course, we have the remaining eight honors, the only ones who live, the skills Not as good as people, why not?!"

"This competition is bound to be rapid. In fact, I want to say that it is exactly what the public hopes to get rid of Ping Xiaoyi and Shi Wuchen."

"Yes, we will eliminate the history of dust and peace, save time and trouble, and be quick."

Ping Xiaoyi was furious: "What is the hope of the people, the people are happy? You said that the history will be eliminated, I am naturally happy to see this, but why should I bring me? Who do I provoke?" Is there no point in justice?"

Shi Wuchen is even more angry: "How do you speak one by one? Especially if you are flat! What is the history of Wu Bujie, you are happy to see it? Are you two people talking about people?" Who is going to eliminate who is not necessarily! The position of the nine respected swordsmen is that I have no history, no one can take it away, if you don’t believe it, try it, and see the true chapter!"

Everyone sneered together: "Try it and try to see the real chapter!"

"That is, no matter who is eliminated, just arrange a job for him. Is it better than people?"

About ten people are very relaxed and excited but looking for a battle, the confidence is full, and nothing is taken seriously.

"Before the contest, I still have a sentence to say in front."

Yun Yang said one word at a time: "The competition between the brothers is only intended to compete for position. It is normal to not give up on the spot and not leave the situation. But you must remember to close your hand. Nothing can cause casualties. In the end, no one can be born out of the nine positions, can not give birth to resentment. Willing to gamble will be defeated! This section must be explained in advance, so as not to be born at that time, is not my pleasure."

Ten people laughed: "This boss is relieved, we have ten brothers, and there are still some chests. If anyone can't afford to lose, then they will leave."

"Well, I don't have much to say nonsense. I will go back and prepare. Tomorrow morning, the main peak square, reverence and order, officially begins."

"it is good!"


When Yun Yang announced that he would run for nine in tomorrow, the Xuanhuangjie suddenly picked up the Thunder because of a news, and it was a storm!

"Tianyunqi Dabi, the battle of the flag, will officially begin."

"All the sects who want to compete for the Tianyun flag must complete the registration within half a month and register for the book!"

"If there is no applicant within the time limit, you will lose the qualification for this competition!"

The symbol of the battle of the black and yellow flag is Xuan Huangling, which is obvious to the world!

Qianshan Wanyue, because this order is boiling.

This determines the moment of fate, as scheduled!

Countless martial art, immediately issued the highest order of the door, ordered all disciples who traveled outside the rivers and lakes to return immediately!

Prepare for it!

Between heaven and earth, it is caught in an unprecedented solemn atmosphere.


early morning.

The battle for the prestige of the nine prefectures officially began.

Ten people have come to the fore, and they are full of pride and power.

For a time, the vast warfare was raging and raging over the nine prefectures.

Looking at the opposite brother, everyone is in the eyes of the flames, the mood is mad.

Dong Qitian, the chief instructor, became the referee. Yun Yang and Xiao Fatzi were only responsible for watching the lively events in this campaign, waiting for the final result.

Of course, a lot of money for the little fat people is really watching the fun, and Yun Yang has to make his own judgments on these ten people according to his own observations, including what kind of duties for the ten people, and which one is responsible for the martial art. Affairs must draw conclusions from today's observations.

This is not a trivial matter, but Yun Yang has played a 12-point spirit.

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