I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 119 The Anchor Saved The Galaxy? (2Nd Update)

"Brother Tang, you made a profit this time and found your sweetheart for nothing!"

Xie Lin grinned widely.

Hearing his words, the onlookers nearby also burst out laughing. This is the Lychee Festival, and there are already a sea of ​​people. Everyone laughed together, and it felt like an earth-shattering feeling.

Fans in the live broadcast room were also infected by this scene, and large barrage scrolled on the screen.

"The anchor is too powerful, isn't he just getting a wife for nothing?"

"As a single person, I express my envy. Anchor, are there any such beautiful girls?"

"This time, I finally have a daughter-in-law, even if Old Tang doesn't want her, I have to have her!"

"What kind of place is this? I also want to participate in this custom, it's so awesome!"

"Upstairs, first of all you have to have the status of an anchor. Do you think anyone can just pick a wife?"

"I don't choose, just give me whatever you want!" "Nine Zero Zero"

For a moment, everyone in the barrage began to be envious.

Tang Chen was completely confused. He didn't know what to do next.

The little girl in front of her had a red face and lowered her head without daring to raise her head.

"Mr. Tang, you should tie the bell on her bracelet..." The old man on the side reminded: "As long as you tie the bell on, she will be yours, and no one can take her away!"


After hearing what the old man said, Tang Chen paused.

Playing so big?

Is this bell tied or not?

He turned to look at Xie Lin, but he didn't know that Xie Lin was turning his head and looking aside, obviously not wanting to give him any advice.

Old guy, just wait for me!

Tang Chen cursed in his heart and had no choice but to tie the bell on the girl's wrist.

"Jingle Bell.....…"

As a bell rang, the little girl's pretty face turned even redder. Although she tried hard to raise her head, she didn't dare to look at Tang Chen at all.

"Okay, I will be your wife this time..." The old man on the side laughed.


As the old man finished speaking, there was astonishing applause from the side.

For a moment, everyone was cheering for Tang Chen. This was their distinguished guest. Now, he was treated with the best hospitality.

"Congratulations, Brother Tang..."

At this time, Xie Lin came over with a smile, patted Tang Chen on the shoulder and said: "It's good to be young, you can pick up a wife wherever you go!"

"Lao Xie, how long has it been, and you're still adding fuel to the fire!" Tang Chen said with a bitter smile and helplessness.

At this point, the uncooked rice has been cooked into cooked rice, and there is no room for maneuver.

While they were chatting, they suddenly heard a familiar singing voice coming from next to them.

Several middle-aged women also wearing ethnic minority costumes came over, each holding a large bowl of wine in their hands.

They circled around Tang Chen, dancing and circling, for a long time before stopping with a large bowl of wine.

"Is this?" Tang Chen looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help being stunned: "You won't let me pick a person of interest, right?"

"Pfft, as soon as I drank the water from my mouth, I burst out laughing...

"These are all aunties, anchors, don't be ridiculous!"

"Damn it, is it suitable for all ages? Do you want the host to be so funny?"

"I was very envious of the anchor just now, and now I suddenly feel a little sympathy for him..."

"The anchor must have saved the galaxy in his last life. Otherwise, how could he have the chance to marry an aunt?"

"Don't be ridiculous upstairs, next time something happens to the galaxy, no one will dare to save it!"

As Tang Chen finished speaking, the barrage instantly became a lively discussion.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on this group of middle-aged women, wondering what they wanted to do.

Just when Tang Chen was confused, the aunt standing next to her suddenly spoke: "Mr. Tang, congratulations on choosing the Master. According to our rules here, if you choose the Master, you must drink three bowls of wine before walking over with your sweetheart in your arms." Green Cao Pass is the only one who has completely passed the test!"

"Have you finished three big bowls?" Tang Chen looked at the bowl in her hand and said helplessly: "Okay..."

In fact, when the aunt opened her mouth, he felt that this was not wine.

After all, he is here to sell lychees today, and it is impossible for everyone to get drunk just for this welcome show.

Thinking of this, Tang Chen took the bowl from the aunt's hand and drank it all in one gulp.

Sure enough, this is not high-alcohol liquor, but some rice wine with a slightly higher alcohol content. This kind of rice wine tastes sweet and has very little alcohol content.

It seemed that the aunts were very thoughtful and did not really want to make him drunk.


As soon as Tang Chen finished his first bowl of wine, the crowd next to him suddenly burst into applause.

Next, Tang Chen drank the second and third bowls in one go.

Seeing this scene, all the fans were not calm...

"This... three bowls are not enough for the post?"

"The host is too generous, isn't he? He even won the three major bowls!"

"What a drinker. The anchor really goes to great lengths for his sweetheart!"

"The anchor is awesome, he is an idol, he is definitely my idol!"

Tang Chen didn't see the fans' discussion, but picked up the shy little girl next to him, turned around and walked towards the so-called Qingcaoguan.

The little girl seemed a little shy and clung to him tightly, as if she was afraid of accidentally falling off.

Tang Chen held her and took two steps forward, and then he saw clearly the so-called gastric connection.

In fact, they are just three haystacks made of piles of grass. Stepping up from the haystacks means overcoming difficulties, and the two of them will live happily and stay youthful forever.

"Congratulations to the two newlyweds, they are ready to enter the bridal chamber!"

When Xie Lin saw this scene, he clapped his hands and laughed loudly.

Seeing that the last level was finally passed, Tang Chen looked back at everyone and then let the little girl down.

"Brother Tang, let's go, it's time for the lychee feast in the next step!" Xie Lin laughed and reminded from the side.

"Is this over?" Tang Chen looked at him doubtfully.

"Why, you really want to enter the bridal chamber?" Xie Lin laughed and said, "This is a tradition of the villagers. It is displayed to welcome you as a distinguished guest. You don't really like this little girl, do you?"

"Nonsense, this little sister is so beautiful!" Tang Chen laughed and joked.

Hearing the conversation between the two on May 4, the little girl's pretty face turned even redder.

After standing there and hesitating for a while, she suddenly took out a transparent silk scarf from her arms and quickly tied it around Tang Chen's neck when he wasn't paying attention.

Tang Chen was shocked by her actions and was about to look back at her when he suddenly saw the little girl running away with her face covered.

"what's the situation?"

Tang Chen looked at her back and looked at Xie Lin curiously.

At this moment, Xie Lin was also dumbfounded, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

After being stunned for a long time, Xie Lin smiled bitterly and said: "Oh no, Brother Tang, it seems that this little girl really likes you..."

As he spoke, he paused and said: "There is a local custom. If a girl from a certain family has a sweetheart, she can tie a silk scarf around his neck to express her feelings when he is not paying attention. You... .......It seems that I am lucky again!"

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