I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 122 Okay, It’S Sold Out Again! (Update 5)

You know, the villagers were still worrying about these 500 tons of lychees yesterday, and they almost turned their hair gray from worry.

But now, it has become a treasure that fans are clamoring for?!

Thinking of this, the villagers looked at Tang Chen with all their attention. They saw Tang Chen standing leisurely in front of the live broadcast room, seemingly not caring about the 500 tons of lychees at all.

"This is five hundred tons. Can it be sold out today?"

"I don't know, but Mr. Tang is the big anchor invited by Action to Help People, so there will definitely be no mistakes!"

"But, it's a full five hundred tons. Ordinary traders can't buy this much!"

"Hey, let's take it one step at a time. No matter how much Mr. Tang can sell, he will be our benefactor!"

The villagers were whispering on the sidelines, seeming to be worried about Tang Chen.

On the other side, Tang Chen is also worried.

What he was worried about was that there were not enough lychees to sell, because it took less than a minute for the 100,000 orders to be put up, and all of them were sold out.

This is how to do?

At present, all the fine lychees have been sold out, leaving only the one hundred tons of ordinary lychees that Lao Li said. I don't know if they are Feizixiao or other varieties.

"Friends, are you exaggerating?" Tang Chen glanced at the barrage and said helplessly: "One hundred thousand orders, in less than a minute, you all snatched them up..."

After hearing Tang Chen's words, fans immediately launched a barrage of comments.

"Anchor, are there really 13.13 million orders? Why are they gone as soon as I click on the shopping cart?"

"Yeah, my traffic is 5G, it's fast enough and I haven't even grabbed it yet!"

"What kind of hand speed are you doing? Just forget it if you can't grab the jade. I want to buy some lychees today, but I can't buy lychees. Are you going to let people live?"

"Strongly request the anchor to place additional orders. Those of us who haven't placed orders are going to be starved to death!"

"I don't care, who made the anchor so greedy for us just now? He won't give up until we add more orders!"

"Yes, add more orders, add more orders!"

For a time, the barrage was full of information about adding orders, and everyone was on the same page.

Seeing the shouts of the crowd, Tang Chen nodded and said: "Okay, friends who didn't get it, don't worry, there is still a chance!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Lao Li aside: "Uncle Li, do we still have lychees?"


Hearing Tang Chen's words, Lao Li was completely stunned.

After standing there for a long time, he tentatively asked: "Isn't it... five hundred tons?"

"Already sold it!"

"What?" Lao Li was shocked when he heard this: "Already......already sold?"

At this moment (cbdf), his face was filled with an incredible expression, and he couldn't believe it was true.

You know, it didn't even take a minute before and after. How could 500 tons of lychees be sold out in an instant?

While he was struggling, Xie Lin came over and said, "Lao Li, don't ask, it's true!"

As he spoke, he chuckled and said, "Mr. Tang is the most popular salesperson on the Internet. Without him, no matter how many lychees you have, you won't be able to sell them!"

After hearing Xie Lin's words, Lao Li and the villagers finally came to their senses.

"Thank you Mr. Tang, you are our savior!"

The villagers rushed forward and almost knelt down in front of Tang Chen. Fortunately, Tang Chen reacted quickly and helped the villager at the front.

Lao Li walked forward with an embarrassed look on his face, a look of self-blame on his face: "Mr. Tang, I'm sorry, I was still doubting your ability just now, but I never expected that you are so powerful. It's because I, Lao Ji, was blind. ah!"

As he said this, Lao Li slapped himself in the face.

Tang Chen saw this and quickly grabbed him: "Uncle Li, what are you doing?"

As he said that, he looked around and reminded: "The top priority now is to help the fans find lychees. The lychees just now were not enough to sell, and everyone is waiting!"

"What, five hundred tons of lychees are not enough to sell?"

Hearing Tang Chen's words, Tu Ji and all the villagers were dumbfounded.

It took a long time for Lao Li to react from the shock: "All the high-quality lychees are sold out, and now...only some ordinary lychees are left. These lychees were originally reserved and sold to canneries, if everyone wants them." , we can sell it to everyone for one dollar and a pound!"

It is said to be an ordinary lychee, but in fact, it is just not as big as a fine lychee, and there is no difference in taste.

After hearing this, Tang Chen turned to look at the live broadcast room and asked: "Brothers, the villagers said that there are still 100 tons of ordinary lychees. This kind of lychees is cheaper than the high-quality ones. It only costs one yuan and a half per catty. Do you want it?" ?”

"Yes, of course I do!"

"Don't talk about ordinary lychees, just rotten lychees [I want them all today!"

"Yes, the greedy ones have been lured out, so what's the problem with ordinary lychees?"

"I won't say anything else. Whether it's an ordinary lychee or a high-quality one, just go ahead and grab it, as long as you're the host, we'll lose!"

As Tang Chen finished speaking, feedback from fans immediately came to the barrage.

Everyone has the same caliber. No matter what kind of lychee it is, just pick it up and it will be done. I guarantee you will get it in seconds.

"Okay, since everyone wants it, get ready to get on the bus!"

Tang Chen nodded and opened the shopping cart backend.

"Come on, there are 20,000 orders of ordinary lychees in total. Each order costs fifteen yuan. It lasts until seconds!" Tang Chen shouted to the live broadcast room: "Start!"

"Ding, you have a new order..."


As soon as Tang Chen finished speaking, a series of order prompts sounded in the shopping cart.

However, after just a moment, the phone screen turned completely black.

Obviously, there were too many flash sale orders just now, and they were completely stuck again.

When Lao Li saw this, he thought there was something wrong with Tang Chen's mobile phone, and asked curiously: "Mr. Tang, what happened?"

Tang Chen glanced at him, shook his head and said: "It's okay, there are too many orders, and the phone card is disconnected..."

With that said, he restarted his phone.

When Tang Chen opened the shopping cart again, the inventory was already out of stock as expected.

At this time, Xie Lin from the side came over and said, "Brother Tang, are they sold out again?"

Tang Chen nodded: "It's only 20,000 orders, it's definitely not enough to grab!"

After he finished speaking, he stared at the live broadcast room and asked: "Friends, is there anything else that you haven't grabbed? If you still want it, please type the word 'want' on the public screen!"

"want to!"

In an instant, the screen was filled with these two words.

Obviously, 600 tons of lychees did not satisfy the appetite of the 20 to 30 million fans.

"Director Xie, it seems there are not enough lychees!" Tang Chen shrugged and said, "Everyone wants to continue buying..."

Hearing Tang Chen's words, the villagers watching were all stunned.

They never imagined that the unsalable lychees that had worried them for several days would now be insufficient to sell.

A full six hundred tons, what kind of number is this?

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