I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 127 The Most Popular King Of Goods Delivery! (4Th Update)

"Excuse me, is Mr. Yuan here?"

As the crowd became noisy, two men in black suits walked up to Tang Chen and Yuan Yu.

Yuan Yu looked at them for a while, frowned and asked: "I just..."

"Oh, hello Mr. Yuan!"

Hearing Yuan Yu's words, the two people hurriedly said: "We are the orchestra of the CTV Choir, and we were invited by Teacher Yu Jing to help..."

"Oh, CTV Chorus?" After hearing their words, Yuan Yu realized what he said and quickly said with a smile: "Come on, please invite the big guys in!"

After finishing speaking, she turned to look at Tang Chen and said to Tang Chen: "Just now Yu Jing said that she wanted to give me a surprise. I thought it was a surprise. After a long time, I invited the CTV Chorus.

Because today is Tang Chen's live broadcast, in order to support Tang Chen, Yu Jing specially used her connections and invited a professional band.

Seeing the mighty orchestra in front of him, Tang Chen shrugged and said, "Mr. Yuan, we are selling goods, not holding a concert. We don't need such a big formation, right?"

Yuan Yu smiled and said: "It's okay, some background music is always good. Maybe it can make the fans even more enthusiastic!"

693 "Well, okay!" Tang Chen nodded thoughtfully: "The auction does need atmosphere. If a band joins in, it might have some effect!"

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a burst of laughter coming from next to them.

A group of beautifully dressed girls ran in from outside.

When they saw Tang Chen, they were stunned and their eyes were filled with incredible light.

After standing there for a long time, someone suddenly screamed: "Wow, isn't this the most popular sales king on the Internet?"

"Ah, hello, little brother, we are your fans!"

"Wow, he is so handsome in real life, I can't stand it. He is much more handsome than in the live broadcast!"

"Brother, can you sign your name for us? We like you very much!"

In an instant, these little girls were like excited birds, chirping around Tang Chen, their eyes filled with admiration.

Yuan Yu on the side was already frightened. She usually attracted the attention of thousands of people, but today, she completely lost her luster.

There is no harm without comparison!

Tang Chen was also confused. This was the first time for him to be surrounded by so many girls.

For a moment, my breath was filled with the unique fragrance of a girl.

"Brother, can I take a photo with you?"

The girls looked at Tang Chen with longing faces and asked softly.

"Okay!" Tang Chen nodded and said, "Come on, let's all join together!"

At this time, Yuan Yu from the side came over: "Little sisters, let me take pictures for you!"

"Thank you sister"

When the girls heard Yuan Yu's words, they quickly responded with smiles.

They had no idea that the person standing in front of them as a tool at this moment was the daughter of the world's largest financial investment company.

With a smile on her face, Yuan Yu looked at Tang Chen and the group of happy girls through the camera.

She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt envious. She hadn't had the star-chasing complex of girls for a long time. Now that she was infected by them, she was instantly aroused.

"Kacha kacha..."

Yuan Yu took several pictures for them in succession before returning the camera to the girls.

The girls didn't pay attention to her at all. They were standing in front of Tang Chen with longing faces, begging him to sign their autographs.

After that Lufthansa Night, Tang Chen has become completely popular. As long as you pay attention to entertainment news, almost everyone has heard of his name.

"Brother Tang Chen, we are the dancers tonight. During the live broadcast, please help us take pictures more beautifully!"

When finally leaving, the beautiful girl who took the lead did not forget to show her little tiger teeth and smiled, and said to Tang Chen expectantly.

Tang Chen made a gesture to them and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I promise to take beautiful photos of you!"


The girls shouted loudly and walked cbeb jumping in front of the market.

Watching this group of live treasures leaving, Yuan Yu's eyes were filled with envy: "I really envy them. At their young age, they can do whatever they want!"

Tang Chen looked at Yuan Yu and chuckled: "They think the same as you and also envy you. They envy you for being rich and envying your status..."

As he spoke, Tang Chen shook his head and said, "People are never satisfied!"

Yuan Yu said with a smile: "I am different from them. What I envy is that they can gather around you to ask for autographs and take photos with you!"

"You can do it too!" Tang Chen shrugged and said, "Come [Zhengzang] and take you to take pictures..."

Yuan Yu: “..…………

This is the first time Yuan Yu has been so relaxed since taking over the auction house.

At this moment, she no longer needs to think about performance or risks in her mind.

With Tang Chen, she has everything. She doesn't need to consider whether something will sell, but whether the things here are enough to sell.

"Mr. Yuan, everything has been arranged neatly...

While the two were talking, the manager suddenly ran over and said cautiously.

Yuan Yu nodded, turned to Tang Chen and made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Tang, let's go over and have a look!"


Tang Chen nodded and walked forward with her.

Just now, he just took a look from a distance and did not see clearly the new layout here.

Therefore, in order to be more efficient, he must support Chu.

Yuan Yu took Tang Chen to the jewelry section, pointed to the newly installed counter and introduced: "Mr. Tang, these are all moved from other warehouses overnight. There are pearls, jade, and jade in there, and the quality is the best." Excellent, you can take a look..."

With that said, she opened the drawer and took out some jewelry.

Tang Chen took a closer look and found that these pearls and jadeite were indeed of the highest quality as Yuan Yu said.

The pearls are large and lustrous, and each one is of average size. Under the white light, they look colorful and extremely beautiful.

Needless to say, jadeite is not as good as the jadeite of beautiful jewelry, but the quality is also high, and many of them have reached the collection level.

Tang Chen looked at it carefully and nodded thoughtfully: "Not bad, the goods this time are a bit interesting. It seems... Mr. Yuan has put a lot of thought into this!"

"Of course. Do I dare not to do what Mr. Tang ordered?" Yuan Yu showed a charming smile: "My hopes are all on you, and I must fully cooperate with you!"

Tang Chen looked down at the time and said to Yuan Yu: "Okay, it's getting late, let's get ready to start!"

When Yuan Yu heard this, a look of joy immediately appeared on his face: "Okay, then thank you for your hard work, Mr. Tang!"

She had been waiting for this sentence for a long time. Now that she heard that the auction was about to begin, she felt a little more excited. .

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