I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 132 Fans Are Completely Excited! (3Rd Update, Please Vote For Me)

"Mr. Yuan..."

Just when Yuan Yu was deep in thought, the manager of the auction house suddenly ran over.

Yuan Yu looked back at him, frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

The manager of the auction house whispered: "Mr. Yuan, that is the best wine. Our auction house only has two bottles. Can Mr. Tang sell them? If the auction is messed up, there will be no follow-up... .."

After saying that, he paused and said: "In my opinion, it is better for Mr. Tang to start selling low-end red wine, so as not to scare away the fans!"

Yuan Yu reached out and pressed her temples. After hearing the manager's words, she immediately frowned: "Have you watched Mr. Tang's live broadcast before?"

"Um, no..."

The manager didn't understand what she meant and quickly shook his head.

"You dare to talk nonsense without seeing it?" Yuan Yu glanced at him and said sternly: "It's because of you losers with no vision that the auction house is getting worse and worse!"

In her heart, Tang Chen was already a god-like being. How could he allow the manager to look down on him so much?

Therefore, she couldn't help but get angry: "Go away and don't say anything you shouldn't!"

"Yes..." The manager didn't expect that she would get so angry, and his legs were shaking with fear: "I'm sorry, Mr. Yuan, it's me who looks down on others!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran to the side.

Yuan Yu looked at him with sharp eyes. It wasn't until he walked away that he gradually returned to normal.


Just as they were talking, Tang Chaobian had already started the auction mode.

The bidding sound was like a heavy hammer, hammering into their hearts.

For a moment, Yuan Yu and the auction house manager next to him were stunned.

Especially the manager. He had just finished doubting Tang Chen's strength, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face at the speed of light.

At this moment, he only felt that his life seemed to be black and gray.

It was obvious that Yuan Yu had become so disgusted with him after his talk just now that he might even lose his job.

"Three hundred thousand!"

"Three hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Four hundred thousand!"

"Half a million!"

Tang Chen looked at the bidding prices of fans and said to the live broadcast room.

Such a bidding price completely frightened everyone around.

The most surprising thing was undoubtedly the little dancing girls. After they finished the opening dance, they have been acting as spectators.

When they heard the astronomical numbers being broadcast continuously, they felt as if they were in a dream, and their eyes looking at Tang Chen became more and more longing.

Handsome and capable little brother, when can you (cbee) climb high?

"It's the last five seconds!" At this moment, Tang Chen pointed to the red wine next to him and said: "There are fewer and fewer global limited edition red wines on the market. Friends who want to collect them should hurry up and get them!"


Under everyone's gaze, the transaction price of red wine finally came to an end.

"Congratulations to this friend, he spent 1.2 million to buy the limited edition mellow red of Moss Manor!"


Hearing Tang Chen's words, everyone present was stunned.

No one expected that a piece of red wine could actually fetch such a price, which is a full 1.2 million. It is indeed the Rolls-Royce of the red wine world!

Especially the auction house manager just now, he was almost filled with regret and wanted to kneel down and apologize to Tang Chen right away.

He raised his head and glanced at Yuan Yu cautiously, only to see that Yuan Yu ignored him at all and was looking at Tang Chen intently.

"Congratulations, Mr. Tang, this is the ultimate mellow red. Only your live broadcast room can have such appeal!"

Yuan Yu walked to Tang Chen and said meaningfully.

She really didn't expect that it was normal to say that Tang Chen's jadeite sales in the live broadcast room were good, but that even the limited edition red wine was sold like crazy, which was really amazing.

Tang Chen glanced at her and said to her: "It's a pity that there are only two bottles of limited edition red wine, and many fans have no chance to take pictures..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the barrage next to him.

Yuan Yu lowered his head and saw that, sure enough, the barrage was full of resentful tones.

"Hey, who stole my tower? I should have been the first!"

"I also wanted to steal the tower, but I didn't succeed..."

"Anchor, are you still popular? I want to buy it and give it away!"

"The ones upstairs must be gone. After all, if the global limited edition is the same as ordinary red wine, wouldn't it be a mess?"

Seeing these barrages, Yuan Yu was helpless, and her eyes turned to admiration when she looked at Tang Chen: "It's so powerful. I didn't expect that the purchasing power of fans is so strong!"

Tang Chen laughed, turned to the fans in the live broadcast room and said: "Sorry friends, there are only two bottles of Chunhong. If you still want it, then I can only continue to take photos for you in future live broadcasts! "

After he finished speaking, he paused and said, "However, besides mellow red wine, there are other red wines. Are you interested in other red wines?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the barrage immediately filled the screen.

"I'm interested, very interested!"

“If you come to other wine bars, you can’t get the best one, so you can just drink an average one!”

"You bunch of drunkards, can't you give me a chance to steal it?"

Seeing the comments from fans, Tang Chen nodded and said: "Okay, then let's continue shooting other red wines!"

As he said that, he turned around and looked at the red wine on other counters.

In fact, for some ordinary red wines, auction houses also focus on fixed prices. After all, if they are not rare products, there is no need to use such a complicated form as auctions.

After final selection, Tang Chen selected two groups of selected red wines, with market prices of around two thousand.

However, since the auction house is offering discounted prices, Kang Yuan plans to directly give feedback to fans at a 50% discount.

"Brothers, the selected red wine in the capital of Pula, originally priced at two thousand yuan, is now discounted by 50%. How about it?"

"What the hell, the capital of Pula? This wine seems to be good!"

"Pula Capital is said to be the most cost-effective red wine. If you taste it carefully, you can taste the taste of Lafite!"

"Really or not? I don't have much education, brothers upstairs, don't lie to me!"

"He didn't lie to you. Pula Capital is indeed the most cost-effective red wine, but the annual production is not high and it is not easy to buy!"

"Aren't the anchors too doting on their fans? Although the prices in Pula City are not high, they are hard to buy. This time, you can start quitting instantly!"

"No more words to say, just seconds!"

As soon as Tang Chen finished speaking, the barrage instantly filled the screen.

The fans were well-informed and immediately saw the quality of the red wine, and they were eager to take action.

In Tang Chen's live broadcast room, they have never been disappointed, and everything they bought was great value for money.

It is precisely because of this that they rush to grab everything no matter what it is.

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