I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 139 Thousands Of Businesses Beg For Cooperation! (Update 5)

In the next few days, Tang Chen focused entirely on the opening of the mall.

Because the warehouse was previously built according to the shopping mall, the shopping mall only needed to be decorated in the shortest time.

In order to maintain efficiency, Ergou and Xie Lin hired several decoration teams.

Everyone gathered firewood and the flames were high. After this period of hard work, the initial decoration of the shopping mall was finally completed.

All that's left is some counter and product placement issues, and just hiring a few more employees can take care of them all.

"Ergou, how's the team doing?"

Tang Chen patrolled the mall that had been initially renovated and stared at Ergou who was moving things aside and asked.

Ergou put down what he was holding and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, after the hard work of me and Lao Xie during this period, our preferred team already has more than 300 people, and it is still growing by 493"! "

After saying that, he paused and said: "Don't worry, our current selection efficiency is quite high. Currently, there are thousands of merchants who come to us to seek cooperation, and we are gradually selecting them!"

Hearing Ergou's words, Tang Chen nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, Ergou, I've worked hard for you these past few days!"

"Brother Chen, look what you said, this is what it should be!" Ergou chuckled.

Since Tang Chen became popular all over the Internet, thousands of merchants approached him every day to discuss cooperation, hoping to make their products stand out.

After all, he is a big Internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans, and everyone knows about his ability to sell goods. If there is a chance to cooperate with him, even an ordinary merchant can become famous all over the world overnight. net.

Therefore, in order to seek this opportunity, thousands of merchants are squeezing costs to a minimum and desperately trying to find Tang Chen for cooperation.

As more and more businesses seek cooperation, Tang Chen's team grows bigger and bigger.

Unknowingly, Ergou and Da Chongming have mastered a preferred team of hundreds of people.

The team is full of elite pickers. No matter what the product is, as long as they take a look at it, they can immediately tell the quality.

After this period of selection, more than a hundred companies have been selected by Tang Chen and have become their preferred partners.

Their products are of high quality and low price, which is the best choice to give back to fans.

"Brother Chen, this mall is almost ready. When will we open it?" Ergou thought about the opening issue and asked quickly.

"In two days..." Tang Chen thought for a while and said to him.

Because the shopping mall has never been ready, Tang Chen's preferred platform has not yet been launched. This time, it happened to be launched together with the preferred platform while the shopping mall was opening.

In this way, not only can it build momentum for the mall, but it can also hold a large-scale party.

When the time comes, with big-name celebrities helping out, the publicity effect will be quite explosive.

Ergou also thought of this and said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Chen, then I will let our team promote it and let all those manufacturers come to help!"

After saying that, he paused and said: "After all, this is our first opening, so we have to make a big sale and make headlines all over the Internet!"

For shopping malls or platforms, the best way to promote is word of mouth and marketing.

After hearing Ergou's words, Tang Chen nodded and said, "Okay, I'll leave this matter to you!"

"Brother Chen......"

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard a voice from behind them. They saw him carrying two bags of things and running forward panting.

"Great cleverness? Why are you here?"

Tang Chen saw him and asked curiously.

Da Chongming was sent to guard the cold storage at Tiantian Fishing Port, and he rarely came here.

Da Chongming chuckled and handed the two packages of things to Tang Chen and Er Gou.

"Brother Chen, this is my newly developed cooked food. How do you like it?"

Tang Chen lowered his head and took a look, only to see that the food bag in his hand contained several packages of processed cooked food, including giant squid and octopus. The domineering outer packaging made people's appetites increase after seeing them.

"Okay, you're so smart. Just looking at the outer packaging makes you very appetizing!" Tang Chen said with a smile.

Da Mingming touched his head and said: "Brother Chen, give it a try. If possible, our cooked food can be a big hit at the opening ceremony!"

Tang Chen nodded and opened a pack of large iron plate squid.

Because the cold storage is contracted by Tang Chen, the boat boss Erkui and all the fishermen often send the biggest and best seafood to Tang Chen.

Therefore, all the smartly cooked seafood are made with the freshest ingredients, and the taste is undeniable....

As soon as he opened the package, Tang Chen was attracted by the aroma of the big squid.

He picked up the big squid and took a bite. He felt a spicy and delicious taste instantly fill his mouth. The more he chewed, the more delicious it became, making him feel like he couldn't stop eating.

The two dogs also took a bite and were smiling happily while eating next to them.

"Okay, you're smart. How do you make this big squid? It tastes so good!" Tang Chen tasted it for a while and gave a thumbs up.

Da Chongming originally made cooked seafood, but he had no skills at all. Now with Erkui's real-time seafood, he has brought his cooking skills to the extreme.

Hearing Tang Chen's praise, Da Congming laughed and was so excited that he almost couldn't find Bei.

"Thank you for the compliment, Brother Chen. It's mainly because Erkui's seafood is so good..." Da Chongming said: "In addition, our food processing workshop is professional, so the taste is getting more and more authentic!"

"Wow, it's really delicious!" Ergou also praised it: "Brother Chen, Da Smart is already very good at this craft!"

Da Mingming smiled and explained: "Brother Chen, after this batch of cooked food came out, I have carried out a small-scale tasting event. As a result, the people were very vocal and said they like the taste!"

"Not bad!" Tang Chen smiled and nodded: "Let's consider this seafood as our flagship product. When the mall opens, we will treat it as the highlight to everyone!"

After saying that, he paused and asked 1.3: "By the way, how many sets of cooked seafood can be processed on the opening day?"

Da Chongming replied: "After these few days of rush work, our processing workshop has become more and more professional. It is estimated that with sufficient raw materials, we can make at least 100,000 copies!"

"Okay, then let's do him a hundred thousand shares first!" Tang Chen patted his shoulder and said, "Okay, you are so smart, you have finally used your strengths!"

Da Mingming rubbed his head and smiled: "Hey, didn't Brother Chen give me a chance? If it weren't for you, I would still be working as a stall at the night market!"

"That's it..." Ergou on the side said: "Brother Chen, if you treat us as brothers, we must live up to your trust and definitely show our best side!"

After hearing Ergou's words, Tang Chen laughed and cursed: "Fuck you, can't I still trust you?".

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