I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 143 Fight Against The Invincible Opponent In The World! (3Rd Update)

At the end of the red carpet, the famous host Yu Jing stood aside with a microphone, greeting two people who were sought after by everyone.

The two men were wearing suits and extending their hands to greet the people nearby.

"Welcome our Mr. Liu and Mr. Wu!"

Yu Jing saw the two business tycoons in front of her and quickly raised the microphone and shouted.

Standing in front of her were Liu Hang and Wu Hao from Tianbao Mall and Jingpin Mall. They received the news of the opening of Tang Chen Mall and came here to support him.

As the CEOs of two major e-commerce companies, their popularity has already spread throughout the world, and almost everyone knows about them.

"Boss, please come this way!"

Yu Jing made an invitation gesture to them and led them towards Tang Chen.

Tang Chen was chatting with Qin Li. When he saw Liu Hang and Wu Hao, two business tycoons, he quickly stepped forward to shake hands with them: "Welcome Mr. Liu~Mr. Wu!"

"Haha, Mr. Tang, congratulations!" Liu Hang smiled and said to Tang Chen.

It’s been a while since I last emptied the fans’ shopping cart.

However, Tang Chen is not always in the world, but his legend has been circulating in the world. Liu Hang often sees Tang Chen in popular news.

"Congratulations, Mr. Tang..." Wu Hao also stepped forward and said: "After your mall goes online, our Jingpin Mall will definitely help you!"

"Thank you, Mr. Wu!" Tang Chen smiled and nodded.

After they finished chatting, Liu Hang and Wu Hao suddenly noticed Qin Li beside them and were a little surprised.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Qin?" Liu Hang glanced at Qin Li and said with a smile, "Why are you here too?"

They are both big guys in the business world and often meet at various meetings. Although they are not very familiar with each other, they are at least familiar with each other.

"Hello, Mr. Liu!" Qin Li said with a smile: "Isn't Xiaotang's shopping mall opening today? I'd like to congratulate you too!"

While they were talking, the photography team next to them had already pointed their lens here.

Fans in the live broadcast room immediately exploded when they saw this scene.

"Damn it, this is a fight between gods, two major e-commerce platforms are coming to the celebration at the same time!"

"Invincible, the anchor has defeated all the invincible opponents in the world!"

"I don't know what to say about this popularity. I'm so impressed!"

"What is the identity of the anchor? The celebrities here today are bigger than the others. It's really eye-opening!"

"It's still early. This is just the beginning. I guess there will be more awesome things to come!"

"Suddenly I feel that I have been elevated. People like the anchor are chatting with us in the live broadcast room. Does this prove that we are not ordinary?"

"Upstairs, stop sleeping, it's time to wake up..."

For a moment, all the comments on the barrage were discussing today's lineup.

First it was the eldest lady of Shengshi Finance, then Mr. Xing, and now there is a jewelry industry tycoon and two e-commerce tycoons. This lineup is completely unparalleled.

The most important thing is that there are still many big names coming to the end of the red carpet, with no intention of stopping.

Not only the fans, Ergou and Da Chongming at the reception desk were also frightened.

Today at the reception desk, they were restless. Every one who came was a heavyweight. Their hands felt weak after receiving the gifts, and they were all hard goods.

The hottest female star Yu Wei, a generation superstar Cheng Rong, a famous singer, a movie king, a national treasure-level performing artist, today's red carpet is star-studded, and a steady stream of celebrities and superstars are passing by here.

"Oh my god, what kind of connections does Brother Chen have? Why are there so many superstars here?"

Ergou looked at the endless flow of red carpet, nervously sweating.

He is just an ordinary little follower. He has seen so many superstars. He has almost met all the stars he has never seen in his life.

Da Congming was not much better than him. While receiving the congratulatory gift, his eyes were straight. It was obvious that he had not fully recovered from the shock.

"Let's not talk about the superstars, there is no room to put the gifts!" Da Congming smiled bitterly: "These are all priceless gifts, we are giving them away today!"

"Where are you?" Ergou patted him and said with a smile: "Brother Chen hasn't started selling goods yet. When he starts selling goods, it will be the time to make a fortune!"

While the two were talking, they suddenly saw a group of people walking neatly in front of them.

When the celebrities came just now, they all came one by one, but now a group suddenly came [which caught them off guard.

"What's going on?" Da Congming glanced ahead and asked curiously.

Ergou stretched his neck and took a look, and said with a smile: "It's okay, he is our partner..."

After saying that, he paused and said, "Didn't Brother Chen negotiate with more than a hundred cooperative manufacturers? They all came to congratulate me today, and I think we will have a blast tonight!"

…Please give me flowers…

On the other side, Tang Chen is receiving the ten groups of celebrities just now.

The photography team aimed the live broadcast room forward and framed all the stars in the lens.

"Damn it, the big star Yu Wei is here too?"

"I envy the anchor, even Sister Yu Wei came to support me!"

"Sister Yu Wei is so beautiful today, her temperament is outstanding in every aspect..."

"Am I the only one who saw Brother Cheng Rong and a bunch of big names? I don't know how to describe today's lineup!"

"Anyway, as long as you are awesome, that's all. The host is really awesome!"

"This is the strongest lineup I have ever seen, bar none..."

Fans were shocked when they saw the stars on the red carpet.


The shock they received today was even stronger than the last Lufthansa Night.

Lufthansa Night is a charity stage, and it is not unusual for celebrities to participate. But today is different. Today is Tang Chen's preferred opening ceremony. The celebrities can come to support it, which is enough to illustrate Tang Chen's status in their hearts.

If Tang Chen's status was not high enough, it would be impossible for this group of big names to rush over to support him.

"Thank you Brother Cheng Rong, thank you Yu Wei..."

In front of the camera, Tang Chen was shaking hands with celebrities such as Cheng Rong and Yu Wei.

He didn't expect so many people to come today.

At first, he just asked Ergou to send out a group invitation. He thought that only a few people would be invited, but he didn't expect that everyone who had interacted with him would come to support him.

However, it's no wonder.

After all, he is the most popular salesman today. Not only celebrities want to come and build relationships, but even the merchants are rushing here.

Cheng Rong hugged Tang Chen and said with admiration: "Xiao Tang, this offline shopping mall idea is great, thumbs up for you!"

As he spoke, he gave a thumbs up and said, "Do you need a spokesperson? I can speak for you for free!"

Hearing Cheng Rong's words, Jia Jiahui on the side suddenly became happy: "Brother Cheng Rong, please stop being ridiculous. How many merchants you represent are still alive?"

Cheng Rong laughed loudly and counterattacked: "Don't talk about me either. You shouted that we were brothers all day long and you came to kill me. Didn't you terminate the contract in the end?"


The celebrities nearby heard their conversation and burst into laughter. .

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