I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 147 The Anchor’S Trick Is Incredible! (1St Update)

Zhang Rui was completely helpless. After the shock just now, she completely believed every word of Tang Chen.

Including this sentence of selling the warehouse to her, if she can give a price, she can really sell it in seconds in public.

Tang Chen glanced at Zhang Rui, saw that she was frozen in place, and said to her: "Mr. Zhang, all 50,000 sets of cosmetics have been emptied. Don't forget to contact our customer service later to discuss delivery matters!"

"Oh, okay..." Zhang Rui was stunned for a moment, and then she realized: "Don't worry, Mr. Tang, I'll do it right away!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked excitedly to the audience.

In so many years of doing business, this is the first time she has sold goods so quickly.

Three seconds, what is this concept?

It's possible that the 50,000 units will be sold out before you even sneeze.

As Zhang Rui walked down, two more bosses came up.

The two bosses were all wearing black suits and holding a box of bread in their hands.

"Hello Mr. Tang, my name is Chang Shan, and I am the boss of Jinri Food Factory!"

"Hello Mr. Tang, I am also the owner of a food factory. My name is Chen Wangcai."

Tang Chen glanced at them curiously, nodded and said, "Hello, bosses!"

Ergou seemed to have noticed Tang Chen's doubts, and quickly ran to the stage quietly and said in Tang Chen's ear: "Brother Chen, these two are the bosses of the food factory and both sell sandwiches, so I will directly Let them take the stage together!”

"Oh, I got it!" Tang Chen nodded and said to the two of them: "Two bosses, please introduce your products!"

Hearing Tang Chen's words, Chang Shan and Chen Wangcai quickly picked up their own bread and introduced it. They both opened a food processing factory, but the types of bread were different.

Changshan sells cheese-filled sandwiches, while Chen Wangcai sells strawberry-filled sandwiches.

"Mr. Tang, nothing we say will work. You can try it for the fans first!"

Seeing them sitting there waiting for their introduction, Chang Shan quickly moved his box of bread in front of Tang Chen.

These breads can pass Ergou's screening, which means they are of excellent quality and there will definitely be no additives such as cyclamate.

Seeing that they were both confident, Tang Chen picked up two pieces of bread and voted for them.

The cheese-flavored bread has a strong flavor and has an aromatic taste, while the strawberry-flavored bread is sour and sweet, making you very appetizing.

"Well, both taste good!" Tang Chen glanced at them and reminded: "It's just that we have to see if the fans are interested!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Chen placed two types of bread in front of the camera.

"Damn, this is my favorite sandwich!"

"Anchor, this product must not be eliminated. I want to buy some for breakfast!"

"Yes, I also like to eat sandwiches, I must buy them!"

"Since it has passed the screening of the preferred platform, it must be very healthy and must be bought!"

Before Tang Chen could ask, fans started posting a lot of comments, vying to buy it.

Obviously, the live broadcast room is also full of foodies.

Seeing the fans' strong desire to buy, Tang Chen raised his head and looked at the two people in front of him: "Two bosses, I have tasted the bread, and it is indeed delicious [as for the price and inventory..."

Hearing Tang Chen's words, the two bosses hurriedly said: "Mr. Tang, you can rest assured, we guarantee to give you the lowest price!"

After saying that, they paused and said: "There are a total of 100,000 orders of sandwich bread, and the original price is thirty-eight. Now we will give our fans a benefit of twenty-eight, how about it?"

"One hundred thousand orders?" Tang Chen frowned: "You two add up to one hundred thousand orders?"

Chen Wangcai shook his head and said: "No, it's 100,000 per person, but our prices are the same!"

"Oh!" Tang Chen nodded thoughtfully: "Can the price be lower?"

"It can't go any lower..." Chen Wangcai said: "Mr. Tang, as you know, there is no profit in bread, and we have already discounted it!"

Hearing this, Tang Chen turned to look at Chang Shan aside: "Can't you discount it?"

"Um, I..."

Chang Shan looked back at Chen Wangcai, gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Tang, since we (cbfg) are here, we are here with sincerity. After all, today is your opening ceremony, so we will sell it as a loss. Nineteen How about nine dollars?"

"Nineteen yuan? That sounds pretty good!" Tang Chen turned to look at Chen Wangcai: "What about you?"

Chen Wangcai was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Changshan to lower the price so quickly. It was a slap in his face.

Thinking of this, he became angry and raised his head and said: "Mr. Tang, I'll pay you fifteen yuan! This is definitely the lowest price on the Internet. If you can find another price lower than this, I can compensate you ten times! "

"Okay, happy!" Tang Chen nodded and said, "Then sell your fifteen dollars and nine first!"

He didn't expect that these two guys would start fighting among themselves, so he deliberately made them more angry.

"Mr. Tang, the drama is...

As soon as Tang Chen finished speaking, Chen Shan became anxious: "I'll offer a lower price than him, and we'll sell it at fifteen!"

"I'm fifteen too!"

Chen Wangcai shouted at the side.

Seeing this scene, the fans in the live broadcast room were all happy.

"Haha, Mebo has a unique move!"

"These two brothers are so unprincipled that they started fighting among themselves!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter if they can't cause internal strife, anyway, it's us who will benefit in the end!"

"Yeah, fifteen yuan for a box of bread, it's really worth it. After all, it's sandwich bread!"

"Haha, today is an eye-opener. The host's bargaining skills are really awesome, and he directly cut two brothers into self-isolation!"

"It made me laugh. I was thinking, these two bosses are here to argue, right?"

For a time, the live broadcast room was filled with comments from fans, and everyone was annoyed by the laughter of the two bosses.

Tang Chen looked at the two people arguing with each other and comforted: "Both bosses, please calm down. The main purpose today is to sell goods. Isn't it just 200,000 orders? Today I will let you see the purchasing power of fans!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to the live broadcast room and shouted: "Brothers, a sandwich worth 15 yuan, a total of 200,000 orders, can you give them a second?"


In an instant, the words filled the entire screen.

"Okay, let's show them our strength!" Tang Chen chuckled and directly put the two kinds of sandwiches on the shopping cart: "Here, two kinds of sandwiches, fifteen yuan each, a total of two hundred thousand orders, I On the count of three, you go and grab it!"




"Let's grab it!"

As soon as Tang Chen finished speaking, the sound of crowding came from the shopping cart.

"Ding, you have a new order..."

"Ding, you have a new order..."

"Ding, you have..."

Hearing this familiar prompt, the two bosses looked at me and I looked at you, both of them were dumbfounded.

This is a total of 200,000 orders. They are very curious about how long it will take to get them all.

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