I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 149 Killed Three Female Bosses To Tears! (3Rd Update)

Tang Chen glanced at the live broadcast room, turned to them and said: "Three bosses, our live broadcast room will not accept the price you mentioned. Let's give a new discount. You can choose whether you want to sell goods or not!"


The three female bosses looked at me and me, with blank expressions on their faces.

Obviously, in order to win the final victory, they can only bid against each other. In the end, whose goods are the most high-quality and cheap will be qualified to stay.

Zheng Xiumei was the first to react. She quickly stretched out her hand and shouted: "Mr. Tang, we can give you another discount. Each box of facial mask only costs fifty-nine and nine yuan!"

"Fifty-nine yuan?" Tang Chen nodded and turned to look at the other two people: "What about you?"

"We'll give you forty-nine yuan!" Wang Qian seized the opportunity and said.

Her facial mask brand is relatively small, so the price is relatively low "527", which has a natural advantage.

"We..." Yuan Mei stood there and struggled for a while, then gritted her teeth and said, "Mr. Tang, we can also make it 49 yuan!"

She was the last one to speak. In order to ensure that she would not be eliminated, she had to force herself to lower the price.

"Okay, one is 59.9, two are 49.9, it sounds interesting!" Tang Chen smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Tang......"

As soon as Tang Chen finished speaking, Zheng Xiumei on the side spoke: "I was the first to raise the price, can you give me another chance to lower the price now?"

She doesn’t want to be eliminated. After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If her facial mask stands out, it’s easy to imagine the intensity of brand publicity it will achieve.

Tang Chen glanced at her and waved his hand, indicating her to quote the price.

"We also give you forty-nine dollars!" Zheng Xiumei's cold sweat ran down her face and cheeks. She clenched her pink fist and said: "Xiumei's facial masks have always been outstanding in quality. At the same price, we will compare with others." Merchants have an advantage!”

What she said was true, but it also made the other two bosses unable to sit still.

If you say that, isn't it a slap in our face?

Since we can't beat you in terms of quality, we will beat you in terms of price.

Thinking of this, Wang Qian hurriedly said: "Mr. Tang, not only do we have a price of forty-nine and nine yuan, but we also give you a bottle of moisturizing spray of the same brand as a random gift. The market price is at least thirty yuan!"


Zheng Xiumei didn't expect Wang Qian to be so cruel, and was stunned for a moment.

Obviously, Wang Qian has an advantage over her in the competition at the same price point.

"You three manufacturers all have the same price, is that what you mean?"

Tang Chen glanced at them and asked with a smile.

After hearing Tang Chen's words, they began to lose heart again.

The last time he asked this question, the male boss was eliminated. Now if he asks this question again, will he also be eliminated?

Thinking of this, Yuan Mei of Green Leaf Mask hurriedly said: "Mr. Tang, our Green Leaf Mask is willing to give away an eyebrow pencil on the basis of forty-nine and nine yuan, which is absolutely worth it!

Yuan Mei's words were so sonorous and powerful that Zheng Xiumei's eyes turned red.

Obviously, others have always had an advantage over her, and she has followed them in lowering the price. As a result, they came with another gift, which instantly reduced the competitiveness of their beautiful facial mask by half.

This is how to do?

For a moment, Zheng Xiumei was so anxious that she almost burst into tears: "Sisters, you are pushing me to a dead end. Our Xiumei facial mask is already at the lowest price. Do you want us to pay for it?"

Xiumei's facial mask requires a few more masks than the other two brands, so the cost is higher than them.

Hearing Zheng Xiumei's words, Wang Qian on the side felt helpless: "There is no way, Sister Xiumei, we are also trying to survive. If we don't keep the price to the lowest, how can we appear sincere?"

After saying that, she paused and said: "You also know, how many rounds of selection did we go through before we were selected by Mr. Tang? If we are eliminated at this time, all our efforts will be wasted!"

"Yes!" Yuan Mei echoed from the side.

Obviously, there are no sisters in the business world. No matter how they discuss things below, they can't change their minds as quickly as on the stage.

After all, everyone is trying to survive.

"Okay, since you don't leave any bottom line, then I don't need to stretch it anymore!" Zheng Xiumei bit her lip and said: "Mr. Tang, buy one and get one free for our beautiful facial mask, all for 49 yuan, same style and same style. Branded facial mask!”

"Okay, boss Zheng, happy!" Tang Chen laughed and shouted to the fans in the live broadcast room: "Friends, what do you think of these three facial masks? Are you interested?"

“It’s so worth it, I’ve never seen such an affordable facial mask!”

"The anchor is really a master of haggling, he completely made the female boss cry!"

"Haha, what a good show. Sure enough, the hatred among colleagues is the only one that causes fruit!"

"The anchor is a straight man, he actually let three female bosses kill each other, but I like it!"

666, strongly support the anchor, today’s benefits are so awesome!”

"It goes without saying, I will always support the anchor!"

As soon as Tang Chen finished speaking, the live broadcast room was instantly flooded with fans...

Obviously, the prices offered by these three female bosses are quite attractive, and fans of blockbusters are waiting to snap up.

At this moment, the three female bosses were standing there tremblingly, as if waiting for the verdict.

After all, there are three types of products. If you only choose one, no one can be 100% sure.

Tang Chen raised his head and glanced at them. Seeing them looking at him like an examiner, he suddenly felt helpless: "Three bosses, don't be so nervous..."

After saying that, he paused and said: "The fans are very satisfied with your products. You are all selected!"

Hearing Tang Chen's words, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Zheng Xiumei was even more nervous, and she almost fell to the ground when her emotions were released.

Although her facial mask sold at the lowest price today, after this time, her facial mask will definitely become popular all over the Internet, which is good news for her.

Seeing their expressions, Tang Chen asked with a smile: "By the way, how much are your facial masks in stock for 2.2?"

Zheng Xiumei replied: "Mr. Tang, we have a total of 100,000 in stock, but if you buy one and get one free, it can be converted to 50,000!"

"We are eighty thousand!"

"We are one hundred thousand!"

Wang Qian and Yuan Mei also responded respectively.

"Fifty thousand, eighty thousand, one hundred thousand!" Tang Chen nodded thoughtfully and put all three kinds of facial masks on the shopping cart.

"Friends, all three types of facial masks have been put on the market!" Tang Chen shouted to the live broadcast room: "All the facial masks cost 49.9 yuan, but the gifts are different. The inventory is sufficient. Everyone has identified the brand. Let’s shoot again!”

After finishing speaking, he paused and said: "The shopping cart is delayed. I'll call out the three numbers. You guys are ready to grab it!"




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