I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 160 Big-Name Celebrities Also Sell Goods! (2Nd Update)

Next, Tang Chen directly put the two lipsticks on the shopping cart: "Dan Shi'er ordered 50,000 pieces, and Lan Xin ordered 100,000 pieces. They have all been put in the shopping cart. Get ready to grab them!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Chen directly clicked the OK button on the shopping cart.

"Ding, you have a new order..."

"Ding, you have a new order..."

As soon as the lipstick was put on the shopping cart, there was an instant rush to buy it.

This should be the most intense time in history, and the order notification sounds overlapped.

Jiang Xiaoguo stared at Tang Chen with all his attention, as if he was afraid that his lipstick would not sell well. After all, with Dan Shier and Zhuyu in front, everything was unknown.

While she was struggling in her mind, she suddenly heard a notification sound coming from the shopping cart.

Both lipsticks are already sold out.

"Oh My God.....……"

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoguo was completely stunned.

You know, this is a total of 100,000 orders of cosmetics. Even if it is a Double Eleven promotion, tens of thousands of orders will have to be sold for a whole day.

"Damn it, what kind of hand speed do you have? Is it gone now?"

"There are more than seven hundred lipsticks, why are you so willing to give them up? Can't you save one for me?"

“21 is too much, and I didn’t get it!”

"Ah ah ah, I'm going to collapse. I must change the router tomorrow!"

"Anchor, can I still add an order? I really wanted to buy a Danshier, but I couldn't get it!"

"Forget about Dan Shi'er, I didn't even grab Lan Xin, what kind of hand speed are you doing?"

As the shopping cart was sold out, the barrage was full of angry voices, and fans all regretted that their hand speed was too slow.

After all, it is Dan Shier's lipstick, which is equivalent to the Mercedes-Benz Ferrari among cars. Buying a lipstick at this price is not too cheap.

There is no way, there are more wolves than meat, and there is only 50,000 lipsticks, which cannot satisfy everyone.

Seeing the comments from fans, Tang Chen shrugged and said to the fans: "Friends, I really can't place any more orders. I only have these stocks for the time being..."

After saying that, he paused and said: "If you still want it, please continue to pay attention to the subsequent live broadcasts. Maybe if there are goods in the future, we will give you another benefit!"

After hearing Tang Chen's words, the anger on the barrage calmed down.

After all, this is only the first cooperation between Dan Shier and Tang Chen. More and better products are coming, so there is no rush at this moment.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoguo on the side was completely shocked by this situation.

After a long while, he tentatively asked: "Mr. Tang, are our Lanxin's lipsticks... also sold out?"

"Yes, sold out!" Tang Chen nodded and asked her: "Do you still want to add more stock?"

"No, no, no, I don't want to..."

Hearing Tang Chen's question, Jiang Xiaoguo shook his head like a rattle: "This is already our entire inventory. If we want to stock another batch, it will take at least a week..."

Tang Chen laughed and turned to look at Amy.

Amy is standing upright in the center of the stage, her unique exotic style makes people feel a little mesmerized.

Feeling Tang Chen's gaze, she raised the microphone and said: "Mr. Tang, we have no inventory for the time being, but... we will continue to cooperate with you in the future. I hope we can have a happy cooperation!"

"Okay, happy cooperation!" Tang Chen glanced at him, smiled and nodded.

After briefly chatting with them for a few more words, Ergou asked Jiang Xiaoguo and Amy to leave the stage.

Zhao Zimi looked at the sold-out Dan Shi'er and said with a sigh: "Oh, I really envy Tang Chen's fans, they all bought Dan Shi'er!"

In the past, Danshier was an exclusive product only for celebrities and petty bourgeoisie circles. Ordinary office workers could rarely afford it. After all, it often cost a few thousand to start.

But today, Tang Chen got this privilege for fans.

From then on, Dan Shier no longer simply belongs to the celebrity circle and petty bourgeoisie circle, but also belongs to Tang Chen's fan circle.

I believe that with the cooperation between Amy and Tang Chen’s preferred platform, more and more Danshier products will appear on Tang Chen’s preferred platform in the future.

Just as everyone was immersed in joy, Lin Xiaoman slowly walked over, stood next to Tang Chen and said: "I really didn't expect that our products would sell so fast." There is always a feeling of unfinished business... ...

"Why, you haven't sold enough yet?" Tang Chen looked back at her and asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's over before we even have enough fun!" Lin Xiaoman stuck out her tongue and said, "However, there are so many big-name celebrities today, so we have to give others some opportunities to sell their goods, right?"

Many people are still in the audience and have not had time to interact with Tang Chen on stage.

Therefore, after selling these goods, Lin Xiaoman and Zhao Zimi must step aside temporarily to leave some space for other celebrities.

While Lin Xiaoman was talking, Song saw Yu Jing walking over generously next to her.

"Thank you Xiaoman and Zi Mi for their wonderful performance just now..." Yu Jing picked up the microphone, looked at the people in the audience and asked: "Friends, how was their performance just now?"


"Very good!"

There was a burst of applause from the audience, and everyone was cheering for them.

Speaking of which, they performed really well. At least they heated up the whole place just now and made everyone happy to watch.

Hearing everyone's responses, Yu Jing suddenly laughed: "The goddess is the goddess. Whether she is attending the award ceremony or experiencing the goods, she can bring different surprises to everyone!"

"Teacher Yu, thank you!"

Lin Xiaoman and Zhao Zimi looked at each other and responded with a smile.

Yu Jing smiled, held up the microphone and said: "After the two rounds of sales just now, I believe the goddesses are also tired. Let us send them off with a round of applause and let them step off the stage to take a rest!"


As Yu Jing's words fell, loud applause suddenly came from the audience.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lin Xiaoman and Zhao Zimi walked side by side to stage 710 with a smile.

Looking at their retreating figures, Yu Jing said with a smile: "Today, our opening ceremony is star-studded. Not only are there four young actresses present, but there are also movie stars in the audience. Next, let's invite Mr. Jia Jiahui!"

Amid a burst of applause, Jia Jiahui walked towards the stage with a smile.

Yu Jing handed him a microphone and smiled at him: "Welcome Teacher Jia to our stage..."

Jia Jiahui took the microphone and shouted to everyone in the audience with a smile: "Hello everyone, I am Jia Jiahui. Today is the opening day of Tang Chen Youxuan. I hope Tang Chen Youxuan will become more and more prosperous, and I also hope that friends can always support Tang Chen Youxuan." !”

"Thank you, Teacher Jia!" Tang Chen looked at him and nodded.

Jia Jiahui was his old friend. For this opening ceremony, Tang Chen specially sent him an invitation letter.

Hearing Jia Jiahui's words, Yu Jing asked with a smile: "Teacher Jia, I heard that you like to be lively. What do you think of coming to our site today?"

Jia Jiahui laughed, picked up the microphone and said: "I have some thoughts. Didn't a boss come on stage just now to sell kitchen knives? I was so scared that I almost left the show. I was afraid that he was my brother...

"Ah?" Yu Jing was amused by him.

However, she didn't seem to understand the connotation.

At this moment, Tang Chen on the side reminded: "Because Teacher Jia said, our brothers will come and chop him down!"


After hearing Tang Chen's words, loud laughter suddenly came from the audience. .

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