I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 166 A Hot Scene That Is Hard To Find! (3Rd Update)

"Damn it, Goddess Yuan Yu is talking to us. Am I not dreaming?"

"I heard it too, and the boss of Tianbao Platform, this is too enjoyable..."

"Mr. Liu, can you help us clear the car purchases?"

"Haha, brother, we cleared it last time, you still want him to clear it?"

"Wow, the anchor is so awesome. These are four young beauties, and three of them are actually together!"

"Shocking, today is the most shocking time I have ever watched a live broadcast!"

Seeing the big guys greeting themselves one after another, the fans in the live broadcast room immediately became excited, and barrages came one after another like a tide.

Yuan Yu didn't expect that she would be so popular. She smiled and waved: "Hello everyone in the live broadcast room..."

Barrage: Hello, sister Yuan Yu, we like you very much!

Seeing this barrage, Yuan Yu laughed and said: "Thank you for your support. I will often post benefits in Tang Chen's live broadcast room in the future. Please support him!"

At this time, Tian Lu also came over.

"Sister Yuan, are you interacting with fans?"

"Yes..." Yuan Yu nodded and said, "I didn't expect that all the fans actually know me..."

"Of course, you are the rich daughter of Shengshi Finance!" Yu Jing said with a smile: "Many fans jokingly call you the national goddess, saying that marrying you is equivalent to marrying the entire business empire...

"Really?" Yuan Yu couldn't believe it.

She had been focusing on the auction house before, but she didn't know that there would be such news on the Internet.

"it is true......"

Just when she looked confused, Tang Chen suddenly came over: "Look, the fans are interacting with you!"

Yuan Yu lowered her head and saw a sentence filling the screen: "Sister, I don't want to work hard anymore..."

Yuan Yu was stunned when he saw this.

"Sister, I don't want to work hard anymore..." Tang Chen joked: "I will speak out their feelings for everyone!"

Hearing Tang Chen's words, Yuan Yu smiled bitterly and said: "Then...how should I answer?"

Tang Chen glanced at her and reminded: "According to the script, you should say: It's okay, my sister will support you!"

"Oh..." After hearing this, Yuan Yu raised her head thoughtfully and smiled at Tang Chen: "Come, my sister will support you..."


Hearing Yuan Yu's words, Yu Jing on the side couldn't help laughing.

Not only did she react fiercely, but the barrage was also filled with sour comments.

"What the hell, Sister Yuan, what's going on? You're so straightforward?"

"Sister, it's obvious that we don't want to work hard anymore, why do you want to support the anchor?"

"That's right, the anchor is a wealthy person. If he can support himself, you can just give it to us...

"Haha, how sore are you guys? Your teeth are about to fall out, right?"

"Oh, he is so handsome. He is so happy. Sister Yuan obviously expressed her feelings..."

"It looks like a joke, but in fact it's very serious. This is a great trick!"

"My youth is over..."

For a moment, the screen was filled with sour barrages, and all the fans exploded.

After all, she is a national goddess, and the topic she brings is still very strong.

Hearing Yuan Yu's words, Tang Chen was also amused by her: "Mr. Yuan, you have to keep your word. You said you would support me, so you can't deny it..."

Yuan Yu laughed, nodded and said, "Of course I won't deny it. Tell me, how do you want me to support you?"

Tang Chen looked at her and smiled at her: "I heard that your auction house has a lot of good things, how about taking some out for welfare first?"

"Haha, I knew you would say this!" Yuan Yu showed a charming smile: "I have prepared it for you a long time ago. How about the red wine from the Capital of One Hundred Thousand Singles?

"Really or not?" After hearing Yuan Yu's words, Tang Chen was stunned: "Are you sure it's one hundred thousand orders?"

It’s hard to buy red wine in the capital of Pula. You can’t even buy a bottle for 2,000 yuan on the market, so it’s very out of stock.

But now, Yuan Yu suddenly brings one hundred thousand orders?

Yuan Yu saw Tang Chen's doubts and explained with a smile: "After the last auction, I saw that everyone had a special liking for this red wine, so I sent someone to France to get an order of 100,000 yuan...

After saying that, she paused and said: "Isn't it the reason why you opened your business today? It just so happens that you can give it to everyone as a benefit..."

Hearing Yuan Yu's words, Tang Chen nodded and smiled: "Okay, then I will thank Mr. Yuan on behalf of the fans!"

Although Tang Chen remained calm on the surface, he was moved by Yuan Yu in his heart.

It’s hard to find a bottle of Pula Capital on the market, but in order to help him build momentum for his opening, Yuan Yu actually got 100,000 orders directly.

Ren is the eldest lady of Shengshi Finance, and she probably spent a lot of effort to get it.

This number not only shocked Tang Chen, but also the fans in the live broadcast room were completely shocked by her.

The city of one hundred thousand single pula, what is this concept?”

"To use a simple metaphor, a chef who is hard to find a dish directly prepares a full banquet!"

"As expected of the national goddess, she is the king of attack, she is simply invincible..."

"Oh, in order to support the anchor, the goddess actually brought over 100,000 singles. How hard does this relationship have to be?"

"We don't dare to say it, and we don't dare to ask it either. Just give it a try!"

"I really envy the anchor..."

"Those upstairs, don't be envious. This city with 100,000 single Pula is a super perk. Get ready to grab it!"

For a time, fans immediately started discussing crazily.

In their eyes, everything about Tang Chen is mysterious. It is simply unreasonable for an opening ceremony to attract so many big shots to help, and for the national goddess to spend so generously.

Tang Chen glanced at the barrage, suddenly remembered a question, turned around and asked: "By the way, Mr. Yuan, the price of Zeng Zhidu..."

(Good) "Still at the old price, 50% off..." Yuan Yu said happily: "After all, today is the opening day of Tang Chen's preferred opening. We have to let the fans grab it!"

"Okay, Mr. Yuan, happy!" Tang Chen nodded and shouted to the fans in the live broadcast room: "Friends, did you hear it? In the city of 100,000 singles, all are being offered at a 50% discount today. Do you want it? "

"Miss you!"

In an instant, the barrage filled the entire screen.

However, what surprised Tang Chen was that it was not only fans in the live broadcast room who shouted "think", but also onlookers from the blockbuster scene.

"Friends, do you want it too?" Yu Jing suddenly became happy when she heard the crowd's cries.

"want to!"

After hearing Yu Jing's words, the audience immediately responded in unison.

Yu Jing showed a smile, held up the microphone and said: "Then what are you waiting for? Quickly pick up your phone and log into the live broadcast room, let's start fighting together!"

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