I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 168: Kill All The Bosses To Tears! (Update 5)

As a domineering female president, this was the first time for Yuan Yu to interact with fans at close range, and she was temporarily moved by their enthusiasm.

"How's it going? Is it enjoyable?"

Tang Chen saw her happily watching the barrage and smiled at her.

Yuan Yu looked at him and nodded: "It's so enjoyable. Next time you broadcast live, how about I come and help you broadcast together? Even if I am your assistant!"

"Forget it, with your worth, I can't afford it!" - Tang Chen smiled and shook his head.

"I don't have much worth, why don't I work as a volunteer for free?" Yuan Yu laughed, showing a charming smile.

Tang Chen nodded and said: "In this case, I can consider it."

While the two were chatting, Yu Jing suddenly walked over.

She was in charge of the warm-up. Now that Pula City has been sold out, she naturally interacted with the audience.

"Friends, it's so shocking. The capital of 100,000 single Pula was sold out in a few seconds..." Yu Jing said with a shocked face: "This is the first time in my life that I have seen this. scene!”

As she said that, she stared at the audience and said, "Next, I want to interview everyone. Did any of my friends in the audience grab red wine?"


As soon as Yu Jing finished speaking, there was a burst of shouting from under the stage.

Hearing the shouts, everyone looked towards them.

After all, this is a lottery-like chance. Being able to grab an order on the spot using the mobile phone network is definitely like a European emperor.

Yu Jing didn't expect that so many people would grab it, so she asked in surprise: "So many people? Everyone has grabbed it?"

With that said, she leaned down the stage, found a lucky audience member at the front and asked, "Excuse me, how did you get it?"

The viewer replied: "I have been refreshing my shopping cart. When Pula City appeared, I placed an order as soon as possible..."

After saying that, he paused and said: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Yuan and Mr. Tang. If it weren't for them, I might never have the opportunity to taste the city of Pula in my life..."

"At the same time, thank you for your support!" Yu Jing said with a smile: "It is not easy to get an order among so many people. I give this big brother a thumbs up!"

There are many lucky viewers like this. Obviously, those who grabbed it are in high spirits, and needless to say, they feel happy in their hearts.

After hearing the live interview, the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly became lively again.

"I have to say, I'm a little sour..."

"I'm sitting next to the router, but I didn't overtake the big brother who was there!"

"Suddenly I feel a little envious of the audience. They can watch the scene and grab orders. The experience is much better than ours!"

"I really want to go there, the feeling there will definitely be different!"

"Does this need to be said? Being able to see celebrities live and interact with the anchors live is such a great feeling!"

"The anchor is my idol. I wonder if I will have the chance to see him live!"

For a time, all the fans were commenting on the comments, feeling sorry for not being able to watch it live.

When Yu Jing was interviewing, all the bosses had already retreated to the stage.

Yuan Yu's "Pula City" has finished broadcasting. After saying hello to the friends in the live broadcast room and the scene, he also followed the others and got off the stage.

"Friends, there are a lot of flash sales today, right?" Tang Chen glanced at the barrage and asked the fans in the live broadcast room: "Is there anything else you want?"

Barrage 1: "Yes!"

Barrage 2: "There are indeed a lot of benefits today, but I didn't get much. After all, there are more wolves and less meat!"

Barrage 3: "Anchor, give us a few more instant kills, it's really not fun..."

Barrage 4: "I beg the host to continue to kill instantly. I promise to support you with both hands!"

Seeing the comments from fans, Tang Chen nodded thoughtfully and said: "Okay, since no one wants to buy it anymore, let's continue the flash sale!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Chen turned around and waved to Ergou.

Ergou had been waiting in the audience for a long time. When he saw Tang Chen's gesture, he quickly ran over.

"Brother Chen, what's your order?"

Tang Chen glanced at him and asked: "How many bosses are there in the audience?"

"There are dozens of them!" Ergou said: "There are all kinds of products, and they are all carefully selected!"

"What's the price?" Tang Chen asked.

"Well..." Ergou said with a bitter smile: "They only quoted a welfare price. As for whether it is the lowest price, it depends on how you bargain on the spot!"

Asking for flowers...

Hearing Ergou's words, Tang Chen was immediately happy: "These bosses are very smart. They have learned how to quote false prices. If I just quote false prices, do I still need their quotes?"

As he said that, he waved his hand and said: "Let's come in batches next. Since they are not sincere enough, we don't need to save any face and tell them that all the merchants eliminated in the bargaining process today will never cooperate in the future. !”

"Yes, Brother Chen!" Ergou nodded and walked quickly to the audience.

Obviously, these bosses all regard Tang Chen as another anchor, thinking that if they give a false promise and then haggle the price, they can still have a lot of profit left.

Unfortunately, they guessed completely wrong. Tang Chen is not the kind of anchor who cooperates with them in acting for money. He is the real bargaining king.


Not long after Ergou went down, at least five bosses came onto the stage.

Tang Chen glanced at them and asked them to introduce themselves one by one.

There is a boss selling drinks, one selling hairy crabs, and three selling tea.

"Are they all in the food category?" Tang Chen looked them over and said to them, "That's easy, let's come together!"

After saying that, he paused and said, "Who will make the first quotation?"

"Mr. Tang, I'll go first!" The beverage seller heard this and quickly volunteered to stand up.

It is not easy to get such an opportunity, so he must seize it.

Hearing his words, Tang Chen nodded and asked, "How much does your drink cost?"

The boss selling drinks said: "Mr. Tang, our orange juice is freshly squeezed juice without any additives. The quality is absolutely guaranteed. A box of orange juice contains twelve bottles. The original price is 78 per box, but the current price is only 58!"


Tang Chen frowned and asked, "Is this the lowest price?"


The boss selling drinks was stunned and suddenly found himself in a dilemma.

This is a cruel question.

It is even more difficult than the bargaining session just now. If you give a high price, you may be eliminated, and if you give the lowest price, you don't know what price to say.

Suddenly, all the bosses on the stage fell into silence. .

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